One month ago, I never thought this white girl would be dancing salsa and doing it well. All of the footwork, the spins, feeling the rhythm, following a lead… it’s just not in my blood like it is for Latin American women. But now, one month after my first impromptu lesson, I am a salsa dancer. I have the video to prove it. And if I can do it, anyone can do it. You just need a talented and patient teacher. Juan taught me the basic step one night at a salsa club, and I’ve danced with a few other very patient men and took two classes in Quito. Now Juan and I are giving lessons at our hostel in San Juan del Sur.
My advice for everyone, especially men, is to learn to dance salsa. You will be able to seduce any woman you want. Women stare at Juan when we’re dancing, and they light up when he offers to teach them. They smile even more when they realize they just completed their first spin. Salsa is one of the most enjoyable things I’ve ever done. There is nothing like dancing salsa for hours, covered in sweat and feeling like your legs are about to collapse, but you’re asked to dance “uno más,” and you do because you don’t want this amazing night to end.
Think about what you do for fun when you’re with a group of people. Do you sit around and drink beer, perhaps play drinking games? Do you go to a sports bar and yell at the over-sized flat-screen television? Or would you rather have an impromptu salsa party for hours on the front porch of your hostel with a laptop, two speakers, and your new best friends from Germany, Colombia, and Switzerland?
When I first started to learn, I felt like I was Baby in the movie Dirty Dancing. I was told “look me in the eyes” after each spin, “keep your back straight,” “feel the music.” As cheesy as it sounds, that is exactly how I was taught. I was told repeatedly by all of my salsa teachers, “mueves tus caderas,”and “relejas las manos.” I thought, “My hips ARE moving and how do I relax my hands more than this?” One teacher joked with me that this was not a fight. I honestly cannot tell you what I did over the last month, but I’ve figured it out. I think the key is to just relax and enjoy the music, rather than trying to concentrate on the steps or how you are moving your body. The thing about salsa is the man makes the decisions, and this is one of the few areas of my life where I’m okay with that. It’s kind of nice to just enjoy the ride and not know what the next move will be.
I had an impromptu salsa party last night….at Chipotle.
You need a new salsa teacher….Alejandro =)
Glad your liking the dancing! Jess would LOVE to learn…but I would just look silly trying to dance like that!
que lindo culito como bailas !!!
Nobody puts Stephanie in a corner!
That’s exactly what I said!!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Day Tripping: San Isidro
Go Stephanie Go!
Wohooo stephanie! Check this out:
I think my video is better although maybe not as funny
Hmmm, well as much as I think it’s great what you are doing, I do enjoy yelling at my TV while watching an intense football game with a delicious beer in hand. Don’t forget where you come from lady ;)! On a serious note, I’m glad you are having a good time and that you have met some great people!
Oh wait until you hit Cali Colombia, they are world famous for salsa dancers and the city really lives and breathes the music.
I’m a terrible dancer but I was there in September for the World Salsa Festival, if you can make it there I highly recommend it.
That sounds amazing. I’ll actually be in Colombia in March, but maybe I’ll have to make a special trip back for the World Salsa Festival. Thanks for the tip!
Good luck Stephanie with all of your travels and look forward to seeing you in Panama City (Punta Pacifica) in February. Be there on the 9th; that’s our plan for now. I just got your website from Karen which I just finished talking too. Be careful. Love ya!! Linda & Stan
Taking a peek at your travels and new experiences was sweet…we admire your
adventuresome nature and wish you the best and the safest travels. Be careful,
Love ya!! (in our prayers).
Hey now – while rhythm does come a little more naturally for us than others, I am by no means a good salsa dancer. Mediocre? That is pushing it for me.. lessons are a must do once we get to Colombia! (Along with fixing Shaun’s two left feet)
Erica recently posted..Playa del Carmen vs. Over Yonderlust
Take as many salsa classes as you can in Colombia. I wish I had taken more in Ecuador and Central America. Now that I’m in Buenos Aires, I cannot afford it!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Day Tripping: San Isidro
FUn. And I was so glad this post wasn’t about Salsa, the food.
I never thought about people thinking it might be about food
I am amused it took you going all the way to Ecuado to learn how to salsa ;ob
I just never considered it before I got there, and someone forced me to try it.
I looove salsa dancing!!!