I am ashamed to admit that in a moment of desperation, I made the worst decision of my entire trip.
I had been living in hostels for five months. I needed my own room. I needed a decent kitchen. I needed to NOT be surrounded by 22-year-old backpackers.
I used multiple websites that match up people who have a furnished room to rent short-term with people like me. I was dead-set on living in Palermo, one of the most expensive areas of Buenos Aires, which gave me a limited selection within my budget. (Before you judge me, my two main reasons for living in the fancy neighborhood were safety and proximity to a park that I would run at every day.)
I settled.
After looking at multiple devastatingly disappointing rentals that were at the very top of my budget, I looked at an apartment in the perfect location. The apartment was okay. The bedroom had more than 4 square feet of walking space and a window, so it was better than all of the other rooms I had seen.
The owner, who I will refer to as Cruella, is a little old Argentine chef. She told me that she prepares dinners some nights for friends and goes to the theater often, and I would be invited to join. I was not in love with the overly-cluttered apartment, and I had a bad feeling about this seemingly nice old lady.
But I ignored my gut instinct. It was the perfect location. And at least I would be living with someone with whom I could practice Spanish and learn about the culture and people of Buenos Aires.
It is a little difficult to practice Spanish and ask questions about the culture when you are no longer on speaking terms with someone.
As soon as I moved in, I discovered that Cruella is the most anal-retentive, unreasonable, and unsympathetic person I have ever known. Every time I walked in the house, I was being reprimanded for something I did wrong, always a new rule I had not yet been told.
My Breaking Point
I put up with it for five days, and then I remembered that I am 29-years-old and do not deserve to be treated like a disobedient child, especially when I was paying this woman an exorbitant amount of money. After being reprimanded for using the toaster, I hit my breaking point and told her how I felt.
The conversation was in Spanish and went something like this:
Me: “I do not understand. Why can’t I use the toaster?”
Cruella: “Because you cannot touch any of the electrical machines in the kitchen.”
Me: “Why not? And why am I only allowed to use one tiny pan for cooking when you have 15 other larger pans? “
Cruella: “Because people from the United States do not take care of things.”
At this point, there was a period of silence as I processed this highly offensive statement.
Me: “I do not feel comfortable living in your house. You have so many rules about everything. Every day there are more rules. Living here is like living in a prison.”
Cruella: “You already paid. That is your problem.”
I do not think I will be invited to dinner or a night out at the theater anytime soon.
Meet Cruella
This is a giant professional photo of Cruella and her evil dog displayed proudly in the living room.

Don’t eat the membrillo.
Cruella makes a living selling dulce de membrillo, a traditional Argentine sweet. Because this is a multi-day process and she has the tiniest kitchen in the world, the stuff is laid out drying all over the house. Note that some of it is only about 6 inches off the ground. Remember how Cruella has a dog?
do you think Cruella’s misbehaved dog doesn’t sniff all over the membrillo?

I don’t know where Cruella sells this stuff, but I know I will not be eating membrillo anywhere in Buenos Aires.
At least I only paid for one month…
Read part 2 of the Cruella saga: My Daily Toilet Paper Allowance & Other Bazaar Rules
It gets event better with part 3 of the Cruella saga: The Day Cruella Put Me Out on the Street
I am sorry to hear about your experience. But cohabitation is really hard!
Funny story though, great taking it with such good sense of humour
can’t wait to keep reading your stories.
adriana recently posted..Insolacion mistica
Blogging about this nasty old woman is the best revenge.
My blog is often my favorite form of therapy
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
Wow, what a bad story! I understand your frustration but once she made that comment about people in the US, I would have gone OFF! You showed a lot of restraint there!
Jeremy B recently posted..Travel confessions Part II
The funny thing is I have told other Argentines about this woman, and they are so shocked and upset that someone from their own country would treat a foreigner this way.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
OMG this made me seriously laugh out loud! “This is a giant professional photo of Cruella and her evil dog displayed proudly in the living room.”
Sorry that it didn’t work out, but you got a great story from it at least!
That’s what I keep telling myself
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
Not only does the dog smell the candy, it probably licks it and sheds on it! Lovely! Can’t wait to try some!
Jan Ross recently posted..WordPress for Dummies
I never tried any and now I never will because I will be afraid it came from Cruella’s kitchen.
This is the same dog that jumps up and puts his paws on the kitchen table when I’m sitting down to eat. I have to push him away to avoid him eating the food right off my plate.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
What a sweetheart!! Shoot, she had me at “people from the United States do not take care of things”…..and you say that only evil animals can stomach her (as evidenced by the huge Olan Mills glamour shot)? I’m glad that you only paid for a month of captivity….she’s a piece of work…..just remember….anyone that mean hates herself more than you ever could. Good luck and let us know when Independence day rolls around…..
Renee recently posted..The Inspired Traveler 13 – Laurel Robbins
At least you have a good story
Sophie recently posted..Kuwait Towers
You always have to look at the bright side of things and this great story may be your only bright side! Sorry you have to put up with her for a whole month but we got a chance to read your funny story
Debbie Beardsley @ European Travelista recently posted..Rocamadour A Miraculous Village
Like I said, I hoped people would get a laugh out of it. And thank their lucky stars they either live alone or have normal roommates.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
Sorry you have to put up with this whack-job for a few more weeks. Hopefully she doesn’t take away a different appliance/utility each day. I do think, the picture of her and her dog should be the new standard, generic picture that comes with every frame.
I am not allowed to use any appliances, so there is nothing more to take away… unless maybe she stops letting me use the refrigerator or the stove. That could be a problem.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
Classic case of old unhappy lady who wants more money, hence renting a room in her apartment, but does not want anyone else living there or touching her things!! The agent should take her off the books as she must be like this with everyone. You do not and should not have to tolerate this kind of behavior from someone who you are paying, is making a profit and is probably not paying taxes on her rental income or her sweetie production line!!!
She said she’s been renting her room students from the US for 7 years! So much misery she has inflicted on others!
I immediately complained to the rental company I went through, and this is the first time they had ever rented her place. They told me they had no idea she was like this and would never rent it again. Unfortunately, there are about 100 other websites she can use to rent her place.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
Oh my gawd I laughed out loud when I saw you protected the identity of the dog as well, too funny.
But seriously, how does someone screw up a toaster?
ayngelina recently posted..Where everyone is dying to get in
The dog makes me sad because he looks just like the dog I had as a child. I was so excited when I first saw him. Then I realized he’s an a-hole just like his owner.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
On no she didn’t. That’s why you follow your instinct and don’t mess with people who are cray cray.
Lesson learned!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
Lol, just do what you want to do, use her toaster. What she’s going to do? Kick you out? Then she had to give you your money back. It’s not like you signed a contract saying that you’re not to touch electrodomistics…
I’d say, two can play this game, and if she says something, pretend you don’t speek spanish (or that you can’t understand her bad English ;)) (but lock up your stuff lol)
You could also complain to food health, if only to screw with her
Her dog looks like he’s trying to get away from her too…
Raymond recently posted..Is Happiness a Place
I don’t think dogs like it when you lay on their back and make them pose for a picture.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
I’m not sure if I’m more upset for you, who can leave in a month or the dog, who is stuck there forever! What an awful woman.
Maybe try to kill her with kindness? At least then you’d be free. haha
Jillian recently posted..Photo- Buildings of Lamu
oh, goodness- this is really funny and really awful- I’m so sorry for you! my favorite comment is from Raymond about her dog wanting to get away from her too! Good luck with Cruella!
jade recently posted..Don’t Panic- 8 tips for a Stand-Up Paddleboard Newbie like me
The annoying thing is that she is super loving and nice to the dog. She treats her like it’s her daughter. The woman even cuts up and feeds him apples.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
One month isn’t so bad. I would not be able to take this, though. I would totally rebel. I’d use the pans and the toaster whether she liked it or not. And I’d be tempted to do a lot more than that. I’m sure that would just reinforce her beliefs, but she already sounds like she’s too far gone.
Scott – Quirky Travel Guy recently posted..My favorite LA neighborhoods
It has been very difficult to take the high road on this one. Many rebellious thoughts have gone through my head
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
Ouch! Chalk it up to experience and get the hell out of there as soon as you can!
robin recently posted..Flamenco
Crazy landlady. Just tough it out and try to have fun with it – (e.g. move around the furniture at night, swap her conditioner/shampoo, etc)
jill- Jack and Jill Travel The World recently posted..Barichara – Where Is Everybody
Those are excellent ideas! I like how you think 😉
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
Imagine if this were a foreigners first impression of Argentina, how terrible. At least you got out of there and away from Cruella and the slobbered membrillo.
A Kiwi in Chile recently posted..Local Customer Service
Whay a a story… but is more common that you would think ,I had the worst experiences in housing in Latin America when in Buenos Aires , besides paying way more than fair for being a “gringo” ,landladies there tend to be a little crazy!
Paul recently posted..Bernie and Linda in the Coffee Triangle- Colombia
I was warned repeatedly by both Argentines and expats about renting in BsAs. Times have been tough economically, and I have been told it is not uncommon for them to unjustly keep your deposit.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
Yikes. Sounds evil and looks evil. Or psycho… or both?
Steph recently posted..Expats in Colombia- Pete Martin
I am gonna go with BOTH!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
Yikes! At least with a crappy hostel you can leave the next day. Maybe you can get her to dislike you so much she wil kick you out and refund some rent money….doubtful, but it might be fun therapy to try.
Philip recently posted..Galapagos Islands Part I-The Arrival
OMG – sad to hear that you had to do deal with is but also love it!! Too funny. First warning bells should have gone off when you heard her name . Cruella!!!???
For 91 Days Travel Blog recently posted..The Unfairly Maligned Coca Leaf
This made me laugh, but I feel so bad for you. Someone who has a giant picture of them and their dog in their living room? Too funny, but disgusting about the dog and the membrillo – yuck! Perhaps you could notify the health dept just as a way of saying “thank you.”
Good idea!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
It sounds horrible but it did make for a great story. I especially loved the photo where you covered up the dogs eyes with the black strip as well! Best of luck.
Dominique recently posted..Fat Girls Dont Backpack
This is a great opportunity for practicing “the psychology of getting along with nasty people”. Think of how good this will look on your resume after you and Cruella become close friends.
Bring her some flowers, invite her out for dinner, buy her some chocolate, lie like hell!
Good luck
I can appreciate the positive spin, but I think we’re beyond that. I can be pleasant but going out of my way ended when she made her comment about Gringos.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
Ouch! It truly sucks when things like this happen to travellers. The part that I find most frustrating is that there is very little that you can do about it. I think, it’s great that you chose to blog. Too often people are too self contuse to tell others about their bad experiences.
P.S. You are too nice to this women, I would have posted her full name and her home address!
What a bummer of an experience, but a good reminder about how we should trust our instincts more. She certainly does sound pretty evil, but not sure that she looks very “old” — but maybe I’m just being a little age sensitive.
Cathy Sweeney recently posted..Feel Lucky
You’re right. She’s not old in the photo. This “glamour shot” was taken when she was much younger
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Daily Toilet Paper Allowance and More Bazaar Rules
This is pretty funny, although I am sure it was not at the time. At least it makes for a good story that we can all laugh at! I love that you blacked the dogs eyes out too…….he can’t help he has an evil mistress owner though.
Claire recently posted..A Travelers Regret
It is true. I feel bad about the dog. Dogs misbehave because of their owners don’t train them well.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Daily Toilet Paper Allowance and More Bazaar Rules
I rented a room from an old russian grandma ( 140 +) in Kazachstan. She only spoke russian and my russian was very limited. For one week, the only things we said were goodmorning an nice weather, she was friendly though. Too bad her evil grandson stole my money just before i left.
Neil Skywalker recently posted..Russia- Irkutsk – Lake Baikal and Ulan Ude
That’s terrible!
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Daily Toilet Paper Allowance and More Bazaar Rules
“People from the United States do not take care of things”!?!? Um, sorry, but has she had a look around? I saw plenty of trash on the streets and dog crap everywhere in Argentina. What a bitch.
Andrea recently posted..6 Things That Surprised Us About Argentina
The other Argentines I have told this story were surprised as well. They told me that many of their friends prefer to rent to foreigners because they take better care of things.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Daily Toilet Paper Allowance and More Bazaar Rules
LOL. The picture is priceless. Who poses with their dog like that? Okay, granted some people do, but that pose just strikes me as weird. I agree! The best revenge is outing her shitty actions. I mean, seriously? Yeah, them Americans don’t know how to use toasters right. Uh huh.
Nomadic Chick recently posted..India- You Own Me
This “woman” is a psychopath. Seriously.
I know exactly how it feels like to be treated like that.
I came to study here and the staff of my university is just the most xenophobic, stubborn, stuck-up people I’ve ever met in my entire life.
I am very sorry for you.
I hope things get better
Guilherme Packer recently posted..GuiPacker- Paris Hilton OPENS UP about sex tape nice choice of words
Luckily I’ve met a lot of other wonderful people here. Strange that you experienced that in a university setting. Things are definitely better.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Learning to Cook in Buenos Aires
Ugh she sounds so horrid and dreadful!! I think she is more of a obsessive compulsive sociopath!
Definitely OCD and Sociopath!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Learning to Cook in Buenos Aires
Omg! I laughed so hard, great writing…. But sorry you had to deal with that, what a nightmare!! Hope you found a new place! Going to read your other entries.
Luckily I have had better experiences with my next two living situations in Buenos Aires.
Oh, dear, this is one of the funniest stories i’ve read in a long time. Something similar happened to me recently in the middle of my final at university – the person I’d just moved in with wouldn’t allow me to have any guests, but instead of telling me himself, he told the real estate agent, who viciously abused me over the phone, moments before my exam… How passive aggressive is that?
Luckily I was able to get out of there quickly, but he doesn’t sound half as bad as Cruella! It looks like you’ve landed on your feet though, to be living with another popular blogger would be nice
University roommates are always interesting as well. I of course met some of my best friends there, but I also lived with some passive aggressive people as well. But at least they didn’t steal my money and kick me out
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