Surviving Cruella.
One night I decided to stay at a friend’s apartment to avoid the awkwardness of waking up and sharing coffee sitting across from Cruella at her tiny kitchen table. I was only two weeks into my one-month lease with Cruella, and avoidance was the only mechanism to survive the full month.
I had packed my clothes and some toiletries. The next day I busied myself around the city. I checked my email late afternoon, a few hours before I planned to return to the apartment.
I received the following urgent message from my rental company.
I received a message from Cruella today. I don’t know what happened. She packed up your things and left them at the administration office and changed the apartment lock. I think she’s crazy!
My immediate thoughts:
Thought #1: Yep, she really is crazy.
Thought #2: What if she stole some of my things?
Thought #3: Crap! Crazy biotch is going to keep my deposit – a full month’s rent!
Thought #4: Crazy biotch broke the contract and owes me two weeks rent!
Thought #5: Must find place to sleep tonight.
I stayed with my friend again that night.
But for all Cruella knew, I did not have anywhere to stay nor enough money with me to buy a night at a hostel. The cruelty of this woman truly surprises me. As much as I disliked her, I never imagined she was capable of doing something so malicious. The thought of being cheated out of several hundred dollars is infuriating.
I am glad I went through a rental company versus answering a random ad on Craigslist. I feel like I am not in this alone. The woman from the rental company was very concerned and upset that this happened and even offered to let me sleep on her couch if I had nowhere else to go. I have hope that they will help me get the money owed to me. I have a feeling the legal system would not be worth the time or effort for this amount of money.
However, I am not one to be wronged and do nothing about it. And I have nothing but time… and supportive new friends in this city who are full of creative ideas to get my money back or at least get back at Cruella.
This is a crazy bitch… At least you have some new friends who are helping you.
Was the “you slept outside home at a friends place without discussing with me” the reason for kicking you out?
Sebastian recently posted..Working- Studying & Traveling with an iPad
Actually, I was very polite and left her a note because she was not home when I left. I didn’t want her to worry (like that would actually happen) or think something happened to me.
I think when she saw the note, she knew she had enough time to kick me out and jumped on the opportunity.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Recoleta vs Chacarita – The Winner Is…
The simplest explanation is that she is a thief. Her actions always were intended to drive you away and break your lease agreement resulting in a windfall for her without her having to share her living quarters. It is surprising that you lasted as long as you did. It was especially surprising to her (even after she insulted you for being an American) that you stayed. The ever increasing “crazy” restrictions were just an escalation in her efforts to get you to leave but to keep your money. Your overnight stay at a friend’s place was just an opportunity for her to get you out. You already had a lot of your stuff with you – less stuff for her to tote to the rental office. I would have been surprised if she intentionally stole anything belonging to you. The type of theft she is perpetrating depends upon this looking like a typical tenant/landlord dispute to avoid any significant interest from the authorities.
Because you went through a rental company it is likely that she violated the agreement that she had with them as well as with you. The rental company is likely to have more resources and leverage to make things right.
The simple explanation is often the true one. I can see it now.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Recoleta vs Chacarita – The Winner Is…
Wow, she really is a crazy biotch! You’re better off, hun.
I’ve never had a bad landlord/lady but my last housemate was a complete nutcase. She was five years older than me (she being 29) yet her daddy paid her rent and everything for her. I lost a job while I was living there and had told the landlord my rent would be a couple of weeks late. He was fine with that and told me to let him know when I paid it. My crazy housemate overheard me tell my boyfriend this and, rather than actually talk to me about it, told her mother who, in turn, contacted my boyfriend’s parents to see if they had *my* parents’ phone number.
Luckily they didn’t have my parents’ number and I ended up just confronting my housemate when her mother was visiting. I’d like to say I handled it like a mature adult but I pretty much just lost my shit with them and demanded to know what the hell my parents had to do with MY (yes, me, an ADULT) rent because, unlike some spoiled little rich kids, I started dealing with my own finances when I was 18. Or maybe they wanted to speak to my grandparents about my parents’ mortgage?
Yeah, so the moral of the story? Don’t move in with highly-strung, high-maintenance princesses. :-S
Ceri recently posted..Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot- and Never Brought to Mind
Wow, that’s pretty bad. I guess when you’re that dependent on your parents, you think it’s totally normal to “tattle” on someone else to their parents.
I think if she called my parents, they would have said, “So what. She’s an adult. She can pay her own rent and deal with the consequences if she can’t.”
Of course, they’d help me if I came to them, but those of us who are adults like to try to live like we are adults 😉
The Travel Chica recently posted..Recoleta vs Chacarita – The Winner Is…
I really think you are better off out of there, despite the hardships. Hopefully, the rental company can get your money back. Even if they can’t it is better than the enormous stress of living there another two weeks.
It was very stressful, especially because I was really sick the entire two weeks and couldn’t leave the house many days.
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Day Cruella Put Me Out on the Street
OMG! I can’t believe this.
You should publish her name, address, email and phone, and hopefuly poeple will see this before renting her place.
If you do that I will call her or email her until she gives you your money back, eventhough I’m sure the rental company will get it for you.
I hope you have a place. If you need an emergency couch let me know. You can stay at my place.
I do have a place now, but I appreciate the offer. So many people have offered to help me in this situation. I know I won’t leave Buenos Aires thinking bad things about the people because I’ve met so many other wonderful people that offset the behavior of this crazy woman.
I may take you up on the offer to bombard Cruella with emails and phone calls. I’ll let you know 😉
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Day Cruella Put Me Out on the Street
I enjoyed very much your blog, stories (specially Cruella´s) and photography.
I´m from BA (a porteño) and I live in Santiago, Chile now for 6 years, but I can tell you that if she threw you out changing the key and leaving your staff that means that she broke the contract between you both, she has to pay you back.
Have you seen the BAExpats forum? You should consider posting there – have a look at this thread:
I agree with Steve, this is her way to make extra money and get a new tennant right away. Double money for her. She’s evil for sure.
Good luck with finding a better and more comfortable place.
Neil Skywalker recently posted..Russia- Irkutsk – Lake Baikal and Ulan Ude
She already had a student from the US lined up to move in at the end of May. I’m sure she’s here and moved in now. I feel so bad for her!
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Day Cruella Put Me Out on the Street
Lucky you got you all of your luggage, I think the rental company needs to help you get your deposit back, did they find this place for you . Hope you get it back and I am sure her conscious will take her you know where….
Cheers and happy travels
I have been working with the rental company. We will see what happens.
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Day Cruella Put Me Out on the Street
In my mind, I am using “the C-word” for Cruella. I think it is justified. She always intended to drive you out and keep your deposit. Two months of rent money for providing less than one month of board? What a deal! She’s probably a professional insurance scammer, too.
If she actually relies on rental income, the best revenge would be to blacklist her as much as possible (on the Internet) to other travelers. That…or leaving a flaming bag of feces on her porch.
OMG, I cannot believe after all her insane rules she did that. I hope you get your money back. What a wench! Hopefully your discussions with the rental agency will keep others from renting from her.
Lisa recently posted..Beautiful Barbados
The rental agency I used already said they would never rent her place again after I told them about her rules. So now that she broke the contract, they definitely won’t. The problem is there are so many other agencies and websites for rentals that it won’t stop her from doing this to someone else.
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Day Cruella Put Me Out on the Street
Better off out of it obviously. Although if I read a post from you soon detailing how you squeezed your money back out of her it will make my week!
robin recently posted..Boda
Working on it
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Day Cruella Put Me Out on the Street
Oh no this is really over the top, especially after how SHE has behaved. Glad you had a place to stay, and how nice of the lady from the rental company that she also offered you a place to stay. I hope that you can at least some of your unused rent back. Looking forward to hearing your next steps.
Laurel recently posted..Surfing in Munich
Glad you found a new spot and got away from the nutjob! I don’t have any bad landlord stories to share, luckily.
Scott – Quirky Travel Guy recently posted..Hang with wax celebs at Madame Tussauds Hollywood
And I hope you never do!
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Day Cruella Put Me Out on the Street
What a horrible experience, but you’ve handled it well, and told the story very well. Look at the bright side: whenever you decide to do a book or magazine article about your travels, you will have a great story!
glen recently posted..Wein-O-Rama — Rhode Island’s favorite weenie joint!
I just keep telling myself that. Bad experience…. good story
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Day Cruella Put Me Out on the Street
maybe she’s related to suprina
You make me laugh
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Day Cruella Put Me Out on the Street
I am not one for revenge but in this case I say for it! At least the rental company realizes she is crazy too! Please keep us posted on how you get back at her!
Jeremy B recently posted..38th Annual Sacramento Jazz Festival and Jubilee- a video introduction- overview- and history
What horrible news, but perhaps it’s for the better. Just get some of your money back!
I’m trying!
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Day Cruella Put Me Out on the Street
yep, im another one on the she is trying to make money out of you – bandwagon. looking forward to seeing any of these “creative” ideas come to fruition. sounds like a good story!
and like joe, i can think of another c – word that perhaps more aptly fits her name!
jamie – cloud people adventures recently posted..Australian Rules Football No Not Rugby!
I like how you think 😉
The Travel Chica recently posted..Horses- Cowboys- and Grilled Meat – Oh My!
Another plus is that you got a good chunk of blog fodder from the experience and a great story to share with your grandchildren 😉
So true!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Horses- Cowboys- and Grilled Meat – Oh My!
Hi… I just read your story.
I’m a brazilian guy, 23, I live in Buenos Aires… So I know how people here can be… crazy…
If you need any help or a place to sleep a couple of days, let me know!
I’m shocked how some people can be cruel!!
Thank you! Luckily, I already found a place with a friend. At least I know there are many generous and kind people like you in this city that are not trying to rip me off.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Horses- Cowboys- and Grilled Meat – Oh My!
Crazy story, but better this way u don’t have anything to do with her any more 😉
crazy sexy fun traveler recently posted..ME AT TULUM BEACH
Not hearing her high-pitched voice nagging me is definitely better for my stress level.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Horses- Cowboys- and Grilled Meat – Oh My!
Hey Steph,
Did you already find something new ?
Neil Skywalker recently posted..How to talk her into your bed
Yes, I found an apartment with a friend (Ayngelina from Bacon is Magic).
The Travel Chica recently posted..Horses- Cowboys- and Grilled Meat – Oh My!
What a psycho!! So good that the rental company lady had your back, though, had you not had anywhere else to go!
Megan recently posted..Things I liked in May and you might- too
I know. That was really nice of her to open up her home to me.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Horses- Cowboys- and Grilled Meat – Oh My!
This is awful- I can’t even imagine what I would have done if I received that email!! What a psycho- luckily you are happier now and safer as I’m not sure what she would have done if things progressed!!
Who knows what she is capable of. At first I just thought she was mean, but she really is crazy.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Horses- Cowboys- and Grilled Meat – Oh My!
God, what a nightmare. Cruella sounds like the most apt name possible for this landlady. Hopefully you get your deposit back!!
Christy @ Technosyncratic recently posted..Photo Essay- The Oregon Coast
OMG… how awful! But look at it this way… you’re no longer with Cruella and now you’re in a better apartment, with friends! It’s payback time! 😛
Norbert recently posted..A Motorcycle Adventure from Buenos Aires to Cordoba
Yep, definitely a bright side to this!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Horses- Cowboys- and Grilled Meat – Oh My!
Dear Stephanie, been reading all the comments on the situation you went through. The best advice is put it behind you. Focus on why you went to Bueinos aires, to Photograph the people and the countries and the events going on there., and the other places you have been. Don’t let “her” take your joy from you. There are other “good, decent, honest” people that you will have the opportunity to meet and get on with what you set your goals on when you planned this time to be out of the USA. “Our Sis,” group is keeping you in prayer. And “JESUS’ is watching over you to perform great works. We have faith in you. NEVER try and get back at anyone, let GOD take care of the situation. Remember , life is to short to let anyone “steal” your joy. Love Grandma
Some people are only out to do terrible things to people. She is SO one of them. I believe in the law of karma, what goes around, comes around and often does so astoundingly.
You had to endure her insanity (come on TP? Nobody fucks with my TP ration), but she has to stay being a bitch, living in her own skin. Ick! You’re lucky to be you! And savvy enough to know what to do next time.
I’ve always had good luck with roommates, it was my Chinese slumlord who was awful. I had a problem with my sink leaking. One day I came home from errands and he was in m apartment unannounced, standing there! Said he was there to *fix* it. You can’t do that in Vancouver, you have to give a tenant 24 hours notice before entering their suite.
He never, ever fixed anything, was cheap, yet drove around in a gold Mercedes. Next time we had a run in, the pipes in the basement burst, and I had to endure 2 weeks with no hot water. He kept saying he’d fix them, then wouldn’t. One day I reamed out his daughter who he used as his mouthpiece, saying I effing pay rent here and deserve what’s owed – HOT WATER. She moved fast on that hot water then.
I was elated the day I moved out. FREE! And yes, I can say the Chinese part, because I am part Chinese, so there’s no racial layer here.
And sorry for swearing in front of your grandma. Hi grandma!
Nomadic Chick recently posted..Chinese Puzzles Not So Puzzling After All
A slumlord like that would be much worse. I don’t think I could handle two weeks without hot water. And a gold Mercedes? Really? He should have just put a sign on the car that said, “I’m a jerkoff.”
The Travel Chica recently posted..Take Off Your Shirt and Don’t Mind the Suction Cups
“Revenge is a dish best served cold.”
I have some ideas if you’re interested… 😀
Matthew Karsten recently posted..Exploring a Market in the Heart of Managua
Sorry to use a nickname and a false email address, but I do this just not to be exposed. I’ve just read the post and won’t even read the comments cuzz of one thing: Argentines are CRAZY. No matter how many good friends you think you have to help you through these sort of situations, I BET each one of them did something alike Cruella. I know what I am talking about. I had a great life in Argentina but I had all sorts of deceptions when it came to Argentine “friends” and landlords/mates etc. I wasn’t thrown out – it was worse than that. At least I managed not to be stolen THOUSANDS of dollars from my deposit. Yes, thousands. I think the bEST situation is to live with foreigners, even though, as we all know, PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE and anything can happen (I had my share of crazy Germans and other Europeans). But I hope I NEVER EVER have to live with argies again. TIP: when renting a flat from an argie landlord make sure he/she is FILTHY rich. That’s at least the only situation that did not bring me problems, perhaps cuzz the guy never cared for pennies. And I am not talking middle class. I am talking that REcoleta’s 1% of Argentine society (or wherever you may find them, mostly the one all other argentines call “hijos de puta – gorillas de derecha – dictadores – milicos”). Argentinás middle class is just a bunch of empoverished self entitled “cultured”people that wanna have habits that are not their own and show a behaviour that is not natural of their extract.
Please just do not call me deluded nor anything like that. I just post this here cuzz these stories turn my stomach and I hope I can have a word to help. I agree with you and I wish you the best. Remember: argies outside, foreigners inside. That was the attitude that ade me go thru my last time in Argentina. I lived 1- alone 2- Argentine crazy “friend”(but I did not know the extent of it and even after all my experience, that was a person I knew and, well, never thought she would be really sick… she did not do anything against me, however. I just fel tooooo bad there) 3- with foreigners from a very cold country that seldomly spoke to me (GREAT situation, we got to talk little by little and ended up in a very respectful situation at home, we still communicate and I LOVE them, even if they do not know it). I prefer silence to someone giving me strange rules and / or telling me things that would be useless. =) I will visit them in a year in their country, I hope. It was REALLY great, cuzz when i opened the door, I was in Argentina… When I came back home, I knew I was i ANOTHER COUNTRY, not one of my own (I am from a different country than theirs), but one in which I was respected.
I wish you ALL the best.
You do not need to publish this if you don’t want to, I just wanted to send you a message, I know you will get this!
Good luck. Bye.
As an expat in another country you usually don’t have any idea of the existence of control offices and you might think you’re living in a chaotic place with no rules, that’s far from the truth at least in Argentina because there are lot’s of controls and consumer defense here, you just have to know the right people to explain you how to find them. You should have press charges in the local district police department explain what happen and they will conduct the investigation, do not add more things because she could press a counterclaim. As soon as possible you have to press charges in one of these offices:
Consumer advocacy:
(they won’t charge you for the lawyer fees, it’s free for you)
After this she’ll be calling you to apologize and offer you to resolve the issue by giving your money back.
P.S.: Gee, the comment from LadyLady, i can’t believe someone put a whole society at the same level just because of one person; open your mind and try not to be so self centered you’ll be a happier person.
Difficult story…I once left a house I had shared with a “friend” who later turned out to be a weirdo who saw ghosts everywhere. It was an interesting experience though!
Federico recently posted..Swimming With Wild Dolphins in Oahu, Hawaii
As much as I want to trust people and not be suspicious, the fact is: some people are CRAZY!!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Buenos Aires Odd Jobs: The Tour Guide Part 1
Oh, wow. I’ve never had an experience quite like that, and hope I never do! I have only ever rented from a company. I couldn’t imagine what I would have done if I was in your situation!
dtravelsround recently posted..Escape of the Week: Fall on Fire
I am renting directly from an owner now, and so far so good. The truth is you can get screwed over by anyone. You do what you can to protect yourself and hope for the best.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Buenos Aires Odd Jobs: The Tour Guide Part 1
Insane… INSANE.
Like, seriously! I would have left a long time ago. You have much more patience than I do.
Erica recently posted..Photo Friday: Instagram – On the Road, Costa Rica
Staying was my form of revenge. It was really the only power I had over the bitch, so I decided I’d stick it out just to piss her off.
In the end, I guess she won. But at least I am not a miserable person whose only friend is an evil dog
The Travel Chica recently posted..Buenos Aires Odd Jobs: The Tour Guide Part 1