I have been to several wine tastings in Buenos Aires.
After attending a tasting specifically for cheap wines, I got the idea to host a “blind” wine tasting. Basically, you don’t know which wine you are drinking or how much it costs. The goal of my little experiment was to see if people really can taste the difference between cheap, moderately priced, and expensive wines. Plus, this was my chance to be a hostess and bring together friends, which I love doing.
Panel of Experts
Ayngelina didn’t really have an option, since she is my roommate.
Chance is an expat from the US who has been living here for four years. He is an expert on all things Buenos Aires, and he is also the one who introduced me to wine tastings at 0800 Vino.
Rease is an expat from the US who has been living her for a year. She is the hostess with the most-est, and I love attending her potlucks. This was my chance to host her.
Jorge is an expat from Colombia. Remember he is the one that made the most gluttonous night of my life possible. I will always be indebted to him for this.

All four were willing participants in my little experiment.
Food and wine are quite tempting.
The spread: cheese, crackers, bread, guacamole, hummus, carrots, apples. (And yes, all of my friends in Buenos Aires have websites/ blogs. Is that weird?)
The Wines
I purchased five wines with price points ranging from 13 pesos (US$3.25) to 65 pesos (US$16.25). Yes, $16.25 is considered a somewhat expensive wine here. I had everyone take notes as they tried each one, so we could compare which ones they liked after the unveiling of the wines.
I was shocked by the outcome.
The most popular two wines among the group were also the two cheapest wines. Everyone hated the most expensive wine. Here are the wines listed in order from cheapest to most expensive.
Finca Beltran Duo Malbec 2010 – 13 pesos
This captured the #1 spot for Jorge, Chance, and Ayngelina.

Estancia Mendoza Merlot Malbec 2010 – 13.50 pesos
This captured the #2 spot for Ayngelina and Jorge. Chance said it tasted like “alcohol.” Maybe that’s why Ayngelina liked it so much 😉
Callia Alta Shiraz Cabernet 2009 – 20 pesos
Ayngelina said this one “tastes like dry priciness.” She’s about as good at describing wine as I am.
Chance said this was his 2nd favorite wine, and he even guessed it was a Cabernet from the year 2009. And he guessed the price at 19 pesos. I think he might have sneaked a peak.
Sur de Los Andes Malbec 2008 – 36 pesos
Nobody was a big fan of this one.
St. Felicien Cabernet 2007 – 58.50 pesos
Rease said this one “tastes like shit” and “must be the cheapest.” It was really hard to stifle my laugh when she made this comment about THE MOST EXPENSIVE wine.
Ayngelina said she would be “embarrassed to serve it.”
Chance and Jorge both said, “no likey.”
Wow! Harsh!
So which wines did I like?
I think maybe I am a wine snob after hearing what everyone else preferred. I really enjoyed the most expensive wine St. Felicien, as well as the medium priced Callia Alta. I definitely felt there was a huge quality difference with the two cheapest wines.
But now I wonder….
If I was on the other side of this blind wine tasting and didn’t know the prices, would I still have felt the same? Or is my opinion swayed by the fact that I knew the prices?
I’d say that I drink everything as long as it tastes good and I don’t get a big hangover the next day… It’s interesting that the more expensive wine ranked high with you and very low with your friends… maybe you are right and it’s because you were biased by knowing the prices.
I didn’t knew that you have a new place. thought you are still crashing on the couch of a friend!
Sebastian recently posted..Dear Airlines…
Yeah, Ayngelina and I splurged for a month and got an apartment. After my bad experience with Cruella, I needed it!
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
What a fun experiment and such interesting results. I will have to try this with German wines. It sounds like such a fun night as well.
Laurel recently posted..Why I’m Stressing About My Yoga Vacation
I think the group really enjoyed it. I will definitely do it again… maybe with Chilean wines
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
oh so you cheated!? 😉 yes, i do wonder what would have happened had it been blind for you as well. hmmm…
Wendy recently posted..Budget May Day
I need someone else to host the next blind wine tasting, so I can just be a participant. Then I’ll really know if I just like better wines or an influenced by the price.
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
OMG!!! Where was my invite!! lol
This sounds amazing and so much fun! I think whenever you make your way back to OH we should do this again!
I miss you:)
Yes, we definitely need to do this in Ohio. It will be a little more expensive (for all the food and wine it was around $12 per person), but it is so much fun!
Miss you too
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
I have to admit, I’m terrible at telling the difference between good wine and plonk! My Dad is forever amazed at how I’ll quite happily get through bottles of cheap wine and not be able to manage a class of expensive wine!
Harriet recently posted..Mobile Phone Exchange
The funny thing is my friends could tell the difference… they just didn’t like the expensive wine!
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
So true about good wine vs bad wine! It’s really a matter of preference to different individuals! I for one, love our locally produced Chateau St. Michelle Riesling which I can get for ~$5!
Idelish (Jeremy & Shirlene) recently posted..India Paradise on Earth- Taj Mahal
I love my Gato Negro, but other cheap wines taste like dirty water to me. Guess it is all about the individual.
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
Hola! I loved reading this post: it brought back memories of my time in Buenos Aires and the many nights spent at 0800 Vino… and memories of a few blind tastings we hosted as well! Isn’t it funny how we sometimes gravitate towards the less expensive wines??? I actually blogged about a blind tasting I hosted; we had a slightly different experience because we had a champagne tasting and there was one EXCEPTIONAL wine that blew the socks off of everyone and was clearly the best (and most expensive). But, for the record, I don’t recommend EVER having a champagne tasting: you are asking for a hangover!!
Enjoy your travels! http://sedimentality.com/?p=2839
I love that so many others have done the same thing with friends. It really is such a fun time.
Good tip on the champagne
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
Haha this is a great idea! I’ve sometimes found I prefer cheaper wines…maybe it’s because my palate is used to them though and I’m not used to experiencing the finer things in life 😀
Megan recently posted..A rickshaw ride through Amritsar
I am starting to wonder if I have just tried so many different wines during my time in Buenos Aires that I am developing super-human wine taste buds.
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
The cheapest was my #1 too! Also, the “tastes like shit” was what I said, but my paper actually said “boooooo” :(” haha.
I am honored that you consider me the hostess with the mostest. I thoroughly enjoyed this wine tasting, especially getting seconds of the cheap wine.
Rease recently posted..Dear Fat Girl from the Suburbs- It Gets Better
Thank you for participating, chica! I almost brought Estancia Mendoza to your house last night because I knew it was your favorite. But then I didn’t want to drink it
You can have seconds of the cheap wine while I have seconds of the expensive wine anytime.
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
I love this idea! I usually prefer cheaper wines, mainly because they make me want cheese and crackers, which to me spells out a winning combination! I also find that I tend to be more carefree with cheaper wines–I’ll add some into the pasta sauce so the flavors compliment each other, I don’t feel compelled to appreciate every sip–just because they are at a price that I am more comfortable with. This psychological quirk makes cheaper wines overall the best choice for me.
Danalynn recently posted..A Girl Nomads Packing List
Cooking with cheap wines is a great idea. A little for me… a little for the sauce
I crave cheese and crackers when I drink any wine. We went through A LOT of cheese and crackers at this wine tasting.
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
Hey!! Glad you are away from the psycho landlord, did the agency get u any $ back? Re: wine, I am a red wine drinker (quite regularly!!). There are great wines in all price ranges, some great cheap I enjoy as well as pricy-I think it’s just a personal preference. Next time u should cover them all and mix them up so u are part of the blind test too! ( u snob ;))
An update to come on the Cruella situation soon.
I know I’m a beer snob, so I might as well be a wine snob too
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Day Cruella Put Me Out on the Street
This so much fun to do and can really be done at any time! We did this as port of a New Years party. So much fun and basically got the same results as you did! This was very funny because most of the people involved consider themselves wine connoisseurs
Debbie Beardsley @ European Travelista recently posted..Happy Cows in Switzerland
That’s great! It is funny because I had quite the opposite. Most of my friends consider themselves cheap wine experts
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
I have tasted more expensive wines and do think they taste better sometimes. I travel for business quite often and get the chance to experiment – I’d never pay that much for wine on my own!
Very lucky for you. I think all wine tastes better when someone else is paying for it
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
i’m pretty easy to please in spite of having some solid wine training behind me! the one thing i’ll say here, is that not all wines pair well with the same food, and that the taste can be changed pretty dramatically (and sometimes unfavorably) by a bad food match, so it’s hard to get a side by side taste test like this to deliver a perfect result. BUT having said that, i’m definitely not a food snob, and think if the cheap stuff works (and it often does for me!) then good on ya! sounds like such a fun gang in BA
Lorna – the roamantics recently posted..The Vancouver Riot- Thoughts and Photos
I am bad about worrying about the food match. I will only drink red wine, so it’s funny when at a restaurant, and the server tries to tell me to order a white. Nope…. don’t care
And yes, I cannot complain about my new friends here in BA. I may have to buy their affection with cheap wine, but I am okay with that.
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
What a fun experiment! I have done it before — both with various wine groups I used to belong to back in the States and for several wineries I used to work with. Living in Northern California wine country helped me develop a pretty decent and sometimes expensive palate — although I readily admit to trying several high-end, 90+ point wines that I hated…I think “Two Buck Chuck” would’ve been preferable. One thing I learned is you really can’t go by price point — the cheapest wine may actually be more expensive but the retailer got a bulk deal or they produce more so they can discount more, while the more expensive may be a smaller production — doesn’t necessarily make it better.
BTW, you have no idea would I would give for wine that cheap in Taiwan. Our “daily drinkers” are usually in the $30 range as import fees are high here for wine retailers…a reason I have learned the art of maximizing luggage allowance limits on each of my flights back from the US. Might as well bring my good stuff over here!
Erin recently posted..Travels to TBEX- Taipei to Vancouver via Woodinville- Washington
Wow! I had no idea wine was so expensive in Taiwan. I will fully appreciate Argentina while I have the chance.
And “Two Buck Chuck” is one of my all-time faves. I always had a few bottles of it in the house just to have a glass or 2 with dinner.
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
I recently watched a TV program about branding. The presenter heated up some baked beans, by the leading UK brand and put it all in two thermos flasks. On one he put the label from the leading brand and on the other he put the label of Britain’s biggest supermarket own brand of beans. The results were something like out of eleven people, nine said the “leading brand” tasted better, one said they preferred the “supermarket own brand”. Only one person said “they both taste the same”.
I used to go wine tasting every week at one time in my life and as a result of the blind tastings or tastings without prices learn’t that price has no real impact on the quality of the wine. Anyway since taste is subjective why worry?
The only problem I have is giving wine as a gift. I could give them a bottle of what I consider to be an excellent cheap wine, but they would probably be offended even if it tasted better than most more expensive wines. In the end, I take a middle course, with a relatively unknown, organic mid price wine that I know is appreciated by most drinkers.
John recently posted..Daily Photo- My favourite office- Chamonix Médiathèque
I am so impressed how much my readers know about wine! I feel like I’m just getting in the game
I agree on giving wine as a gift. I never do unless it’s a really good friend, and I happen to know exactly what he or she likes.
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
Fantastic idea but hey, those guys must REALLY trust you.
I think they were just happy they didn’t have to do anything or think about anything. And as you see from the results, they aren’t that picky about their wine
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
Interesting experiment. I’ll keep that in mind for the next home-party-with-friends

Regarding the cheap vs. expensive wine question, I agree to what Erin and John said before: the price and the label can often be misleading – the best wine is always the one you like the most. I always go for a dry red
Adrian B. recently posted..Palacio Real de Aranjuez- Photo Essay
I find that fun labels help too… at least when trying to narrow it down to which wines you are even going to bother trying. It’s a very scientific process
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
I love this idea! I’m going to repeat it in Vegas!
I have to say that I’ve noticed that my palate tends to prefer the cheaper wines… I love nothing more than getting a $3 bottle from Trader Joe’s or a $5 bottle of Barefoot. I’m always happy, and I don’t run the risk of hating something I spend $50 on!
Emily Sims recently posted..Future fat girl likes to eat!
The thing I love about Argentina is I can try a REALLY nice wine here for only $20!!
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
I’m not surprised, I always knew I was a cheap drunk!
ayngelina recently posted..Twitter tweeps rescue a traveler
You’d be a cheaper drunk if it took you only two drinks to get drunk 😉
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
I have done this before, both at a real winery and parties I have thrown, and the results are great. When you don’t know the price, you have such a more free subconscious to choose what you really like. Very cool little project.
Michael Hodson recently posted..TBEX 2011 Review Part II- The Content
And here I thought I was original, but I think half of the people that have commented have already done the same experiment
But that’s okay. So much fun, I’m sure I’ll do it again.
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
Did you get your hair cut yet? it looks short-ish in the pic, but was pretty short before you left
Are you avoiding the topic of the wine because you can’t actually drink any yet?
I got my first haircut when I first arrived in BA (5 months into my travels). I just got a second haircut from the same stylist Guillermo a few weeks ago (he has earned my trust, and it only costs US$15).
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
Lol, we’ve done something similar with different types of beer before. Curious to do something similar with wine though. Our favorite wine is actually the cheapest one available at our grocery store (2 buck Chucks from Trader Joes)…
jill- Jack and Jill Travel The World recently posted..Easily Amused in Galapagos
2 Buck Chuck (really 3 bucks now) is just the best value you can get in the US. I miss beer… good beer. I tried an IPA out at a pub the other night, and it was so bad I couldn’t even finish it
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
Wow, interesting how your opinion differed so much from the others. I don’t know much about wine but interesting how psychology may have a played a role in your tastes. Or maybe you just like stuff completely different than everyone else!
Jeremy B recently posted..5 ways sports and travel unite passion and culture around the world
I really need someone else to host ME, so I can find out if I’m a wine snob or just like good wine better. Any takers??
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
Four words: wish I was there
Abby recently posted..Jesus Year Turning 33
I wish you were here too! If you come back, I’ll host another one 😉
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Little Wine Experiment- Can You Tell the Difference
Five people, five bottles of wine. That is my kind of wine tasting.
robin recently posted..You Might Have Mentioned The Camels
I think there was 1/4 of one bottle left at the end of the night. And a few people even went out dancing after this!
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
I love doing this- and I usually like the cheaper ones too!
jade recently posted..1 Must Have Summer Travel Tool
I have to admit, I don’t like the taste of wine or alcohol period. I’ve tried to enjoy and learn about wine many times (including wine tastings and other events) but they all taste the same to me no matter the brand/country/price.
So to answer your question about wine preferences… I don’t prefer cheap nor expensive wine. Can I have a coffee instead?
– Lily
Yes, you may
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
sounds like a fun experiment…
i might steal your idea and do one on asian beers!
I think that is an excellent idea!
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
Honestly, I can’t tell the difference in wine either, except for this one time where I had the opportunity to try a $300 bottle of reserve cab and it was the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted. By the way, love the Sriracha bottle in every shot =)
Hilarious that you noticed that! Ayngelina found it in one of the supermarkets in Barrio Chino, and she was so excited. She didn’t care that it only came in a ginormous bottle. She had to have it.
They were putting it on the guacamole and the cheese…. everything except in the wine glass!
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
Great experiment! I agree with crackers and cheese, they are good combination for wine.
Evan Griffin recently posted..How to Pick the Best Diet Program for You
And baguettes and chocolate
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Most Gluttonous Night of My Life… So Far
Years ago, my grandfather got fed up with my uncle’s pedantic comments about the cheap wine my grandad was fond of serving and how he liked expensive wine. So Grandad bought a bottle of expensive juice and his usual wine and did the following: emptied both bottles and refilled them with the switched wines.
Later that day, he poured my uncle the “expensive” wine, which my uncle praised no end. Once my uncle was done extolling the virtues of the expensive wine, my grandad told him (in front of the whole family) what he’d done and that he -uncle- knew shit about wines, except he said it in a nice way.
Last year, that ‘cheap plonk” made it to The Daily Telegraph’s 10 best organic wines from Latin America. The name of the winery is Tilimuqui and is from La Rioja. If you can find it, try their torrontes.
Ana recently posted..Summer solstice over St Ouen’s Bay
That is a hilarious story!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Happy Birthday To Me!
I read an article about this in the NYTimes once, I think it was in the Freakonomics column. I’ve always been tempted to do this myself.
Chile is THE land of cheap, good wine. My go-to favorite costs around $1700 pesos, something a little more than $3.00. Are you heading here next?
Yes, I am! I have heard the same about Chile. Definitely send wine suggestions my way.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Happy Birthday To Me!
I’ve had expensive ones that didn’t appeal to me and cheap wines can be really good. It’s all about what YOU like anyway. Sounds like a fun idea for a party =)
Andrea recently posted..Holiday in Colombia Part One- Two Cities
This seems to be the case often, that cheap wines actually taste better than the expensive ones. Nathan tried one of the most expensive wines there is and hated it – interesting..
Great idea for a party btw!
Sofia – As We Travel recently posted..Daily Travel Photo – Secret Organization In The Mess
We were out last night and the server gave us a glass of wine that is $300/bottle. Nasty!
Our friends host a blind champagne tasting every Christmas. It’s fun because each couple brings a bottle, and you have to disguise the bottle so no one can see the brand. Then we vote, and the cheaper bubblies always win!
Ha! And here I thought you had such refined tastes
The Travel Chica recently posted..Happy Birthday To Me!
Honestly, I haven’t drank wine in my whole life…My friends are telling me to do so because they said it is delicious just like other juices…Do you think i will try this time?
Kathy Grin recently posted..Kids Camouflage Bedding
It is a good idea to mix different wines and create a new taste…Isn’t it that there are other wines which if combined doesn’t create a good taste?
Trish Jones recently posted..How to Control Excessive Sweating
Some said that the name of the brands of the wine will tell if its cheap or expensive. For me, I don’t really know how to tell if the wine is expensive or not because I really don’t drink wine often. I guess this post is very helpful.
Ron recently posted..Gynecomastia Symptoms
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