A few weeks ago, I learned a stereotype in Buenos Aires that women cannot drive when I got in my first taxi accident. (I think this may be a stereotype around the world.)
This reminded me of something funny I read several months ago.
When I first arrived in Buenos Aires, I grabbed some of the tourist pamphlets at my hostel. I wasn’t expecting to find much of interest, since I have already been here before and knew of the main tourist attractions.
Then I flipped to a page titled “100% Porteña. How is the Argentinean Woman Like.”
Note the funny English translation.
This could be interesting.
I was surprised to read a list of stereotypes of women from Buenos Aires. And NOT good stereotypes. But this booklet is FROM Buenos Aires.
Does this mean the stereotypes are true?
My Favorite Offensive/ Amusing Stereotypes of Porteñas
She is always thinking about her external image. She is always on a diet.
She can spend the whole day obsessing over a man.
She is jealous of all her friends and family.
She doesn’t like to cook. But since she knows men like to eat, she seduces a man with food. Once she achieves her goal, she orders delivery and suggests eating out.
Just to prove I am not making this up…
Was this written by an Argentine?
This stereotype seems to be very well-known in Buenos Aires. If you ask any man living here (expat or native) about it, he will probably laugh and nod.
There is some truth to most stereotypes.
I have met Porteñas who do no seem to fit this stereotype, at least not to this extreme. However, I have also heard men talk about girls they have dated that fit this stereotype perfectly.
I think it could be written by men – and be about women – all over the world. Those steereotypes seem pretty universal to me.
Italian Notes recently posted..Me and Amalfi
Ha! I think men do try to stereotype women like this in the US too (although maybe not to this extreme).
The Travel Chica recently posted..Russian Cocaine in Buenos Aires?
Argentineans says argentinean women are “histerical”, which sometimes can be an explanation of any obsessive behavior or an excuse for any over reaction, especially anger. I’m struggling this stereotypes, but everyone in Buenos Aires seems committed to reinforcing it.
Flavio recently posted..Sainetes consulares
I have been told that there is a big difference between Portenas and other Argentine women. It is interesting to be an outsider in the city and just observe and listen.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Russian Cocaine in Buenos Aires?
The one about the woman not wanting to cook but wants a man so she cooks is funny yet I know a lot of people who fit that description. I think people in general just stereotype other.
I do not pretend to be a good cook. I don’t want a man to have unrealistic expectations
The Travel Chica recently posted..Russian Cocaine in Buenos Aires?
Oh God. I’d love to say that this leaflet was most definitely written by a man, and a chauvinist pig at that. However, it pains me to say that I have met women (some even close friends) who meet some of the criteria.
I re read your post and realised that I’m always on a diet too (or try to) so that part is true
Or maybe the translator didn’t do a very good job?
Ana recently posted..The English pub
I did read the Spanish version, and it was translated pretty closely.
And I agree that this was probably written by a man… a man who has made some bad dating decisions
The Travel Chica recently posted..Russian Cocaine in Buenos Aires?
I, for one, quite like it when they suggest eating out.
Jorge recently posted..Five Albums to (Accidentally) Assault Old Ladies in the Street
Man, I just… I just kinda creeped myself out.
Jorge recently posted..Five Albums to (Accidentally) Assault Old Ladies in the Street
I have no words
The Travel Chica recently posted..Russian Cocaine in Buenos Aires?
I suggest you strike back and write a pamphlet (or blog post) about men’s stereotypes in B.A. That would be funny.
I think I might have to do just that
There are some pretty bad ones.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Russian Cocaine in Buenos Aires?
Only a man could have written such a stereotypically sexist article. A woman on the other hand would stress all the strengths that women have rather than their perceived weaknesses.
I found it amazing that such a stereotypically sexist article was actually in a booklet made for tourists.
Although the majority of the article was negative, there was one good thing. It said the portena has very close friendships with her girlfriends… despite being jealous and competitive I guess.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Russian Cocaine in Buenos Aires?
I think it is funny a man will not ask directions but, give them a Tom Tom and they will follow it down a dead end road even if they know how to get there.
I wonder who you are talking about
The Travel Chica recently posted..Russian Cocaine in Buenos Aires?
@Flavio I didn’t know the loud, obsessive, over reacting woman was a Porteña stereotype! Maybe it was a strong combination of two: “She can spend all day obsessing over a man”, and “She is jealous of all friends and family [and boyfriend]”. Lucky you!!
@Stephanie In TX they say women from Dallas have plastic surgery done everywhere, bleached and teased hair, tons of make up and jewelry. Women from Ft. Worth, are supposed to be country girls, dressed in cowboy boots and hats every day. As most stereotypes, there is certain truth to them, but it is not the general rule.
I am glad most travelers are open minded and do not get hung up on stereotypes. Pretty funny, yet dangerous article.
I think the article is so over-the-top that most people reading it will think it’s a joke. At least your brother has been warned
I was wondering why you were not wearing your cowboy boots and hat when I met you.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Russian Cocaine in Buenos Aires?
I think that every place has its own stereotypes! Even when my husband and I volunteer, when there are multiple jobs to do then I am usually given the more stereotypically feminine jobs (cleaning, cooking, gardening) while he is usually given the more stereotypically masculine jobs (painting, carpentry, installing drywall). However, we usually don’t mind too much because those are the jobs that we each usually prefer doing, if given the choice! And thus the stereotypes continue, haha.
Danalynn recently posted..Siestas on the Camino de Santiago
After they saw me try to garden and clean, they’d hand me a shovel or a paintbrush pretty quickly
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Delicious Splurge in Buenos Aires
They forgot “She is a fiery beast, and no man can tame her!”
Raymond @ Man On The Lam recently posted..A Question of Travel
That one is kind of true… about all Latinas
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Delicious Splurge in Buenos Aires
“She can spend the whole day obsessing over a man.” definitely written by a man who is dreaming! LOL Stereotypes are pretty funny but it is amazing how people come up with them.
Debbie Beardsley @ European Travelista recently posted..Night Train to Paris
I was pretty amazed by the wording of that one too. A dead giveaway that a man wrote it. You could certainly say that another way to get the point across.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Delicious Splurge in Buenos Aires
I don’t know about Argentina, but I once heard an English 10 year old boy scold his mother for what she was wearing – “go straight back upstairs and get changed out of that hideous dress, you look a fright!!” Maybe he wrote that article!!!
John in France recently posted..Lisbon – Arrival in Portugal
Wow! The ladies better steer clear of him when he gets older.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Delicious Splurge in Buenos Aires
Of course everyone knows women drive far better than men 😉
Sophie recently posted..Pyramiden – an Arctic ghost town
I definitely do
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Delicious Splurge in Buenos Aires
What on earth was this doing in a tourist magazine is my only question!?
Andrea recently posted..Four Things We Loved About Ireland
I know! That is the funniest and strangest part about it.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Delicious Splurge in Buenos Aires
Are they trying to discourage or encourage tourist men to fall for “these” women?
jade recently posted..…The Kids Aren’t Permanently Damaged
I had not thought about that perspective. They are probably trying to warn the male tourists.
I have talked to so many male tourists that cannot get over how beautiful the women are. Maybe this is meant to counteract how affected they are.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Are the Stereotypes about Porteñas True?
That picture is classic.
If I didn’t take a photo, I thought people might just think I’m an a-hole and not believe I really did see this in a tourism booklet.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Are the Stereotypes about Porteñas True?
I thought the last one was funny. She seduces a man with food… ha!
adventureswithben recently posted..3 Reasons Why You Need to Get Help
Women can do that anywhere in the world. You know it works
The Travel Chica recently posted..Are the Stereotypes about Porteñas True?
What a story to find in a tourist magazine. What are they trying to tell visitors? Perhaps next week’s edition will feature the male stereotype. What would it say about him?
Christina recently posted..Ben & Jerry’s factory tour in Waterbury, Vermont
I have heard lots about the men. I probably should share to warn the ladies.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Are the Stereotypes about Porteñas True?
Hi there! I’m one of the hosts of the Buenos Aires Podcast and we quoted this entry of your blog in our latest episode. If you want to check it out, this is the link:
Fernando recently posted..S2, Ep 7: The BA Slutwalk and Friendly-Unfriendly Piropos
Thanks, Fernando. I’ll check it out. I’m interested to learn about La Marcha de Las Putas too
The Travel Chica recently posted..Gallery Nights in Buenos Aires
I definitely think there are all kinds of stereotypes around the world and we could probably say a lot about women in general that we would be horrified to hear but, deep down, we know it’s true. Like, us women are constantly reminded that we’re part of a sisterhood and should join together to unite but we all know that every single one of us is capable of that cattiness and bitchiness that some of us find easier to hide than others.
That sounds like a funny article and, while it’s clearly an exaggeration of some form of truth, hopefully Argentine women take it with a grain of salt and know that it’s not them 100% but maybe there’s a pinch of them in one or two of those facts. (I’m only guessing as I haven’t been to Argentina before.)
Ceri recently posted..The So-Called ‘Gap Year’
Very true. Definitely grain of truth in the stereotypes, but this is obviously an extreme exaggeration.
The Travel Chica recently posted..First Week in Ohio
Hey! I’ve just read yor artcle, I’m from Argentina and I’m really surprised to read that! I didnt know there were pamphlets with this kind of infomation! LOL