I previously wrote about how Buenos Aires is the type of city that sucks you in. It sucked me in for 4 months.
I was ready for a place to call home before I actually arrived in Buenos Aires. I wanted to settle down somewhere. I had been to this city before and knew I would be back one day. I had never lived in a huge city like this, and I wanted to try it.
I did it. I lived in one of the biggest cities in the world for 4 months.
And I loved it!
But it is time to move on.
The weather is a bit of a problem for my planned itinerary. It is too cold to travel south to Patagonia. Sure, I could change the plan, but there is a bigger consideration than just the weather.
I need to travel A LOT longer than a year if I want to see South America. I have barely scratched the surface with only Quito, Bogota, and Buenos Aires under my belt.
And if I am going to travel for more than a year, I want to come home and visit with friends and family.
I am excited about my decision to come home.
And as an added bonus, I am getting out of the cold Winter in Buenos Aires and stepping into a hot and humid Ohio. Every time I complain about how hot it is, you are all allowed to remind me that I was freezing my ass off in Buenos Aires not too long ago.
I am giving myself enough time so that I will not be stressed to make the rounds. I will also have time to enjoy the things I love about Columbus.
- Walks through my neighborhood.
- Leisurely mornings at my favorite coffee shop.
- Long bike rides on the Olentangy Trail.
- Girls nights at my favorite restaurants.
More Adventures Ahead
I am also excited because this trip home will kick off the resumption of my nomadic, backpacking lifestyle. When I return to South America, I have countryside, glaciers, and wildlife to see. I have mountains to climb and deserts to explore.
After traveling the rest of Argentina, I will make my way through Chile, Bolivia, and Peru.
I think it’s cool that you’re going home. It’s an excellent chance to recharge and then get back on the road. Sounds great–fun and exciting! Look forward to seeing how it all goes…
Lisa @chickybus recently posted..Curse of the Eclipse or Survivor, San Blas? Conclusion
That’s exactly what I’m hoping
The Travel Chica recently posted..Buenos Aires Sucks You In
I usually recharge for about a month before I start dreaming about the next trip. Fortunately, I have some trips coming up. Glad the Buenos Aires sucked you in, I have something to look forward to in Argentina. Enjoy Ohio!
Devin the Travel Writer recently posted..Failed Writer? Novel Writing with a Bucket
Going back to the USA, eh, Stephanie!
Well, have a great time. Enjoy friends, everyone speaking English, and ll the other good stuff.
Glas to hear you are not giving up on being the nomad – sights to see are but one of the many rewards of travel.
Be safe in your journeys.
John D. Wilson
John Wilson recently posted..In Panama saving a 3 toed sloth from death!
Thanks, John. Definitely not giving it up. I got my re-charge by stopping in Buenos Aires. This will be a little vacation and then back on the move
The Travel Chica recently posted..Buenos Aires Sucks You In
It’s good to go home! And what a great time to be doing it – it’s college football season!
Jeremy Branham recently posted..Where in the world am I? And the winner is…
I know. Looking forward to an OSU tailgate while I’m home… but I’ll miss Tressel
The Travel Chica recently posted..Buenos Aires Sucks You In
Good timing for a college football. Go buckeyes !
I can totally relate Stephanie. It was to cold for me to go to Patagonia 45 days ago and the strike in Bolivia had closed a lot of Titicaca. I have enjoyed my time in California lately and have been planning my next round of rtw travel. Travel safely and I am rather sure I will hear from you on the road again before too long.
Philip recently posted..Galapagos Islands; Part VI
You’ll hear from me about my “travels” in Ohio for a few weeks 😉
The Travel Chica recently posted..Buenos Aires Sucks You In
In late 2001 I traveled from Melbourne in Australia to another city Sydney and lived there for five months before returning home again. I loved every moment up there but I did prefer the more relaxed lifestyle of Melbourne to the big constant rush of Sydney.
I totally understand and respect your decision. Going back home will help you recharge your batteries and give you a whole new perspective on things that you didn’t have before you left for South America.
So will you be taking a break from updating your website or will you be still giving us regular new stories about your travels thus far? I’ve really grown to love your website as I have a dream of my own to travel to South America one day and I’m benefiting greatly from your tips and experiences.
I wish you well for your break back in the States. I trust you will use wisdom in planning when and where to travel next. Promise me one thing; that you will not procrastinate and allow months to become years. Life is too short and this moment is all we have when you really think about it.
Wow! Seems to make sense to visit Ohio for a little bit. The weather at least this past week has been incredible. Hope to catch up with you while you are in town!
I’m glad I missed the heat wave. Everybody told me how awful it was.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Buenos Aires Sucks You In
I´m also looking forward of going home, just 4 more months. To bad you´re headed to Peru, Boliva and Chile. i already visited quite a lot of it. I´m headed for Paraguay,Uraguay,Brazil and 7 others.
neil skywalker recently posted..Business card of http://www.aroundtheworldin80girls.com
You moved really fast! Are you hitting another continent before heading home?
The Travel Chica recently posted..Buenos Aires Sucks You In
Good luck, I have two months left, and after a year I will also be ready to go home, at times its good to go back, recharge the batteries and plan future exciting adventures!!
Sometimes you need to just head back to familiar surrounds to recharge before adventuring again! I’ve been jonesing for the comforts of home as well (even though we don’t have one). Enjoy your beautiful summer!
Andrea recently posted..Exploring Hundertwasser’s World in Vienna
The timing is perfect, so I had to take the opportunity.
By the way, I think it’s awesome that you guys don’t have one specific home.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Buenos Aires Sucks You In
It was really good seeing you.
any idea about how long you are going home for? just a quick stop, or a bit longer? i bet you will miss b.a!!
jamie – cloud people adventures recently posted..Street Dogs + Camping = Good Times
A year ago, I would not have considered 6 weeks a quick stop, but it is for me now
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Best Ice Cream in the World Is in Buenos Aires
I can totally understand why you would want to leave the cold winter weather! I don’t think I would enjoy Argentina very much in the winter. Enjoy some sunshine and I look forward to reading about your continued SA adventures when you return to the south. We may even be there by that time. We will be starting with Peru!
Christy @ Ordinary Traveler recently posted..What Type of Traveler Are You?
I am starting to understand this whole snow birds thing 😉
I hope our paths cross in SA!
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Best Ice Cream in the World Is in Buenos Aires
enjoy your time back home!! it’ll be over before you know it! can’t wait to see more posts on Columbus!
jenjenk recently posted..Paris: Notre Dame
I love Columbus, so there will be lots to share!
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Argentine Crush
Looking forward to going home is EXCELLENT. It’s when you don’t want to go home but have to that’s the bugger.
I hope you have a wonderful time thawing out and catching up with family and friends.
Barbara – The Dropout Diaries recently posted..Today Was A Good Day To Quit
That is a really good point. When people ask me when I’m going to go home (for real, not just a visit), I tell them when I run out of money or when I want to, and I hope it’s the second one.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Argentine Crush
I wish you success and hapiness wherever you are girl!!!
Ruth recently posted..Essential Flying Tips for Travelers: Planning
I’ll be interested to read about Ohio
I just got back from Cedar Point but haven’t spent much time in Columbus.
Scott – Quirky Travel Guy recently posted..Begging burros and bison in Custer State Park
Columbus is the best city in the world… I mean… in Ohio
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Argentine Crush
Have fun – its been quite the adventure so far! 😉
Cam @ Traveling Canucks recently posted..7 Things You Should Do in Victoria, British Columbia
Great decision. That’s what I do too. Go ‘home’ for a short while, recharge, rethink, repack and replan and back on the road with fresh energy and expectations. Being stationary for too long is lethal. I admire that you stuck it out in Buenos Aires for 4 months. I never go where it is cold though, the old bones creak too much.
inka recently posted..Istanbul for beginners
I didn’t do my research and really had no clue how cold it was going to get. The people that have a perpetual summer in their travels are the smart ones
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Argentine Crush
It’s awesome to head home after months on the road and I am sure you’re looking forward to this. Saying that, you’ll probably want to head out again on the road
David @ MalaysiaAsia recently posted..Peranakan Mansion Museum in Penang
That’s why I bought a round-trip ticket
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Argentine Crush
robin recently posted..Calor
Or are you taking your gym instructor home to meet the family!!!???
John in France recently posted..Neighbors at War: the joys of Paris apartment living
Ha! Everyone thinks I’m going to meet some Latin American man and never come home
No, he won’t be coming back with me, but maybe I’ll have to take a few more weeks of classes when I get back.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Argentine Crush
Awww I’m so happy for you! Going home is so centering and energizing, especially when you can stay there for more than a rushed trip. I feel like now I never get to go home for more than a few days. I can’t wait to continue to follow your adventures!
Abby recently posted..An All-American … Castle?
I’m glad I didn’t try to do just a couple weeks. That would have been stressful and not very enjoyable, and I want this to be all about happiness and relaxation
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Argentine Crush
Going home will be great and I think you are doing the perfect amount of time- you won’t be there too long or too little. Enjoy family- enjoy home! Can’t wait to read how home is different and for you to return to your travels.
jade recently posted..Pimp My Treehouse: Houses of Pohnpei
Thanks, Jade!
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Argentine Crush
I have always found that coming home makes me appreciate both home and the road a bit more. I hope you have a fabulous break and nice visit! Soak all in, whether you’re at home or on the road!
Jillian recently posted..GBU: Border Crossings
That makes sense, and I hope I feel that too.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Argentine Crush
Enjoy your time at home! It can be tough going for so long without seeing your family and close friends, and the comforts of home. And being home for a while will remind you how much you miss traveling, so you’ll hit the road with renewed vigor!
Reena recently posted..What I miss most when traveling
I also needed something to get me moving again. As much as I love Buenos Aires, I do still have a lot ahead of me. So I am hoping this will renew my energy and get me motivated for the next part of my trip.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Argentine Crush
The old saying “There’s no place like home” really is home. I just went home for a 5 week visit after living in Germany for a year and was excited to do so. I think a year is about the longest I can do without going home, even if it’s just for a visit. Have a wonderful summer in Columbus and I look forward to hearing about your next adventures.
Laurel recently posted..Miette Hotsprings – Home to some infamous residents
Not quite a year yet for me, but I knew I wouldn’t want to go 18 months or more without a visit. Glad you enjoyed your trip home as well.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Argentine Crush
Yay, I can’t wait until you come to Chile! I’ll help you plan your trip (if you want it) and as long as we’re here when you get here we can totally show you around!
Kyle recently posted..Beautiful Baby Ava Boo
Yes, please! I actually already planned to contact you
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Argentine Crush
How are you going to get all the ice cream home with you? Or are you still counting on the delivery?
Have a good rest. I’m looking forward to some Ohio adventures too.
Steve recently posted..Jabbawockeez
Ha! I need to lay off the ice cream for a while. My waistline will thank me.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Argentine Crush
Sorry you’re leaving, but sometimes it’s just good to be home. Looking forward to reading about Ohio and your other adventures. Travel safely!
InsideJourneys recently posted..Harlem’s Cotton Club
Sounds like you are heading home for all the right reasons! We are looking forward to heading off on our journey. Funny how the heart knows what it needs
And if you do listen to what you need, then the next adventure will be huge 
Lisa Wood recently posted..Child Safety Tips
I am so happy that my first trip home is because I want to go home.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Argentine Crush
Welcome back to the Midwest! As I was reading, I was surprised to not see an OSU game on that list of “fall activities in Colombus”, lol. Anyway, have fun recharging your batteries!
Scott recently posted..Meant To Go To Mexico
Oh, it’s happening. Tailgate festivities are already planned. I am in charge of the menu
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Argentine Crush
No matter who you are, there is indeed no place like home. Have a fun, hot and humid summer!
Raymond @ Man On The Lam recently posted..How to Get Stone-Faced Looks
I am happy I missed the heat wave.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Argentine Crush
Hope you found a good, cheap flight! SA will be waiting for you upon your return!
Tyler @ roundtheworldtravelchallenge.com recently posted..Worse Comes Before Better
Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a cheap flight between the US and Buenos Aires.
The Travel Chica recently posted..First Week in Ohio
Ahh I keep missing travel bloggers! I don’t get to BsAs until mid October, it would have been great to meet up
I’m starting to look forward to going back to Sydney later this year, too. It’s definitely not the end of my travels but it will be nice to rediscover it and lead a ‘normal’ life for a few months.
And um, wear nice, new, clean clothes… 😀
Megan recently posted..Cycling Isla de Ometepe
Are you going to travel around Argentina or just BsAs? I’ll still be in Argentina late October and maybe into early November.
The Travel Chica recently posted..First Week in Ohio
Am heading across the border from Bolivia in about two weeks, I think! I fly out from BsAs on the 10th of Oct. Let me know if that in any way matches up with you!
Megan recently posted..An update from Bolivia
Looking forward to more of your adventures. At least you don’t have to deal with Cruella back at home!
No kidding! Instead I have awesome friends and family who are putting me up in their comfy homes.
The Travel Chica recently posted..First Week in Ohio
What will be the thing/event or treat you will save for the end?
That’s such a difficult question to answer!
Maybe a chocolate malt or Jeni’s ice cream will be my treat. I will also probably spend my last morning at Cup o Joe.
The Travel Chica recently posted..5 Must Do Things in Columbus, Ohio
I’m so happy for you that you get to go and see your friends and family, hunni.
I have no doubt that you’ll go back to explore the places you want to but I’m thrilled that you’ll get to see all those people and places you’ve been missing too.
Ceri recently posted..The So-Called ‘Gap Year’
Thank you! It’s so great to get this little break and know I’ll be going back to South America to continue the adventures.
The Travel Chica recently posted..5 Must Do Things in Columbus, Ohio