My decision to come home is sort of like taking a vacation from traveling.
Well, I needed to take a vacation from the vacation. I was ready to relax for a few days and have some summer fun.
My mom and I went to Kentucky to visit our cousins. They are the “boaters” in the family. This trip is usually my one and only chance to water ski each year.
I am always nervous that I won’t be able to get up on one ski. I may have forgotten how.
But I’ve still got it!
As I write this, I am paying for the three times I skied.
Every muscle in my back and shoulders hurts, but it was worth it.
The Experts
My cousins may have learned to ski before they learned to walk.
Here are the experts in action. They all got up on the first try.
They asked if I wanted to join the stunt and make it four. Too much pressure for me
Because I’ve had such a stressful time enjoying meals and drinks with friends and looking at butterflies, I was ready for some relaxation. When we weren’t skiing, we were laying out in the sun on the dock or cruising around the lake enjoying a beer or two.
With a little courage, you are able to do it. That’s nice. I haven’t tried going for a ski, but I have a good feeling that it is exciting and fun.
Candice Michelle recently posted..used trucks
It is fun… as long as you don’t end up drinking a lot of water trying to get up
The Travel Chica recently posted..How Travel Has Taught Me to See Beauty
What a great time!…I haven’t water skied in so long, I really doubt I could..especially on one ski no less!
Summer to me is visiting our favorite beach resort here in Florida, and sitting on the balcony reading a book as the waves crash in the distance…
The World of Deej recently posted..7 Reasons I Love the Epcot Food & Wine Festival
That’s a good summer vacation activity I also enjoy
The Travel Chica recently posted..How Travel Has Taught Me to See Beauty
My favorite summer activities include drinking Beer on the front porch on a hot summer’s day, listening to chillout music and watching the Cricket on TV. Cricket here in Australia is basically a summer sport that is our obsession. Twenty/Twenty Cricket is my favorite. The game is played by over one billion people from India, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and Caribbean just to name a few. Go onto Youtube sometime and do a search sometime and take a look at some footage. I’d be interested in your thoughts about our national summer sport as an American.
A billion people?!! I had no idea it was that popular. I’m definitely down for drinking a cold beer on the porch.
The Travel Chica recently posted..How Travel Has Taught Me to See Beauty
The Billion people is mostly the population of India. They are absolutely crazy for Cricket up there. They have a six week competition called the Indian Premier League where the best players in the world play together kinda like the English Premier League of Cricket. The franchises costs hundred of millions of dollars in a country where there are still hundreds of millions of people in absolute poverty.
Much prefer winter skiing… I’m a bit wimpy in water
Sophie recently posted..Where in the World?
I find that winter skiing (snowboarding in my case) leaves me with more bruises.
The Travel Chica recently posted..How Travel Has Taught Me to See Beauty
Stephanie, The lakes in Kentucky really are wonderful. We got a lake house last summer at Lake Barkley and had a ball. But the beach is my favorite – especially any beach in the Caribbean!!
Jan Ross recently posted..Presidential Suite at the Henderson Park Inn
Dale Hollow is my favorite, but I haven’t been to many lakes there.
The Travel Chica recently posted..How Travel Has Taught Me to See Beauty
I totally get it! Have a great time.
Philip recently posted..Is La Terminal, Guatemala City, the Largest Central Market on Earth?
You brave woman…I give you credit….I would have probably folded….so yes, you’ve still got it….now work it! lol
Renee recently posted..Pictures of New Orleans
Ha! I tried
The Travel Chica recently posted..How Travel Has Taught Me to See Beauty
Such fun — you and your cousins look like pros out there! I was on water skis only once at Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. I wasn’t very good at it! Snow skiing is probably more my thing. Great action photos!
Cathy Sweeney recently posted..A Walk on the Moon
There was good video too, but I just didn’t have time to edit it and upload it.
The Travel Chica recently posted..How Travel Has Taught Me to See Beauty
I have to admit that I can’t ski at all – winter or summer. I’ve tried both and was a complete failure. My problem is that I have enough coordination problems with my own two feet- there is no need to extend them and make them bigger.
Jeremy Branham recently posted..Where in the world am I?
Too funny
The Travel Chica recently posted..How Travel Has Taught Me to See Beauty
I have never done it before, and I have heard from my friends that the hardest part is getting up on it. But you made everything look so relaxing and enjoyable.
(and wow, your family is pretty athletic)
Annie – FootTracker recently posted..Japan (15) Meal Time! Eating In Japanese Colleges
That is definitely the hardest part.
They are very impressive. I guess it helps if you start when you’re a kid.
The Travel Chica recently posted..How Travel Has Taught Me to See Beauty
It does look a lot of fun! Good on you to decide to go home for a while before starting your next longterm trip, I sort of made the same decision, just now, after a month I’m already planning my trip, but it’ll be for only two weeks (maybe :P)
Angela recently posted..Sardinia, land of mystery. Part 2: Atlantis’ lost civilization?
Well, you cannot plan too much
The Travel Chica recently posted..How Travel Has Taught Me to See Beauty
Ok, I’ll show my amateur status. Why does everybody only have one ski? Isn’t there supposed to be two?
Also, once you qualify as “expert”, is that when you get rainbows in your pictures?
Steve recently posted..Disney Cruise Line – The Pricing
Ha! Well, you can ski on two or one ski. Two is easier. But one gives you more mobility and that really great spray of water that looks impressive.
Yes, I think the rainbows appear when you reach a certain level of awesomeness. I’m hoping for mine next year.
The Travel Chica recently posted..How Travel Has Taught Me to See Beauty
Wow, you look great on those skis! Boring as it sounds, I love going for long walks in the summer.
Oneika the Traveller recently posted..Ruins in Copan, Honduras
I substitute long bike rides for long walks. Lots of time to think.
The Travel Chica recently posted..How Travel Has Taught Me to See Beauty
Wow! Thanks Stephanie. That really looks great! Glad you were here for our moment!! I like the expert rainbow comment from Steve! You look pretty good too!!!
i’ve always wanted to do this! I’m just afraid of falling on my face…and the pain…oh, the pain! 😉
jenjenk recently posted..Photo Friday: Lights
Well, you won’t fall on your face. That would probably be difficult to do. But you might drink a lot of water trying to get up or roll across the water if you have a spectacular wipe out.
The Travel Chica recently posted..How Travel Has Taught Me to See Beauty
I’m impressed, I’ve only been water skiing twice and was surprised at how hard it was to get up. I’ll stick with hiking and diving.
Laurel recently posted..Those Efficient Germans? An Expat Looks at German Efficiency
If you had my cousins driving the boat, you might think differently
The Travel Chica recently posted..How Travel Has Taught Me to See Beauty
You look SO badass!!!!
I’ve only been waterskiing a couple times of my life, but I totally want to go again now!
kyle recently posted..You’ve Got Mail
I had a good photographer
As I jumped in the water, I said, “Make me look good!”
The Travel Chica recently posted..Finding the Best Without Leaving Home
Oh man… I don’t think I have the balance to try and consider to do that. Looks amazing!
Erica recently posted..Photo Friday: HDR – Playas del Coco, Costa Rica
I’d say it’s more back, shoulder, arm strength and the ability to hold your breath long enough for your ass to get out of the water
The Travel Chica recently posted..Finding the Best Without Leaving Home
Nice one! Looks like some solid summer fun!
Cam recently posted..Calm Before the Storm on Galiano Island, British Columbia
I feel like you have to get out on the water at least once to experience summer.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Finding the Best Without Leaving Home
Wow – you look like you totally had the hang of that…
robin recently posted..La Granja
It’s the photographer. You don’t see me sucking down water trying to get up the first time
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
Looks like you’re having a grand time! My favourite summer activities are camping, hiking, and surfing (but that doesn’t happen every weekend in London…). Would love to try waterskiing one day.
Christina recently posted..Exploring Aoraki Mount Cook
I imaging the surfing part would be a bit difficult there
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
I did this a couple of times in Miami – so much fun! Would be too nervous to try it with three people, though
Andrea recently posted..Four Great Hungarian Restaurants In Budapest
Too awesome. You look like such a natural. 😀 I’d definitely give that a go if I wasn’t so afraid of water.
Ceri recently posted..My Kind-Of, Sort-Of, Maybe Itinerary
Looks like fun! I’ve never water skiied, but I have a feeling that I would be crap at it.
you look great
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