I decided to do a series on odd jobs in Buenos Aires because ,well, I find some of the jobs I’ve seen people doing here quite interesting.
If you travel to Buenos Aires on one of those cheap holiday offers, you will definitely notice the first odd job featured in this post.
The first odd job is….
Dog Walker
I know what you are thinking. Why is that odd? People do that in the US.
Well, in Buenos Aires, this job is much more noticeable because EVERYONE has a dog. And they are not small dogs. They are mostly ginormous dogs. And since everyone in Buenos Aires lives in a tiny apartment, these large dogs have to be walked for a long time to release some energy and… well… do their business.
And the dog walkers here are damn smart. They do not just walk 3, 4, or 5 dogs. They walk 15-20 dogs!
That’s right. 20 dogs at one time!
Meet Daniel
I saw Daniel with all of his dogs when I was walking from Palermo to the Chacarita Cemetery. I asked him if I could take a photo, and he was happy to pose with his posse.
I made an attempt at a conversation in Spanish because I really wanted to know more about this dog walking profession. He told me that he walks 20 dogs every weekday, and he takes them out for 5 hours.
Those dogs are loving it!
Note that Daniel seems to be one of the “good” dog walkers. I have heard several stories about dog walkers that just tie the dogs to a fence and then proceed to text with friends for 3 hours.
I asked how he got this job, and he said it started with just a few people he knew. Then they told their friends. Soon enough he had his hands full.
I have a theory.
My theory is that the dog walkers of Buenos Aires are the secret millionaires of society.
Think about it. Dog owners pay about 10 pesos (US$2.50) per dog per day. This is practically nothing to pay for this type of service by US standards. But Daniel walks 20 dogs 5 days a week. He is probably making at least 100 pesos a day, which is 4000 pesos a month (US$1000). This is pretty good for Buenos Aires and only working part-time.
Okay, so maybe David is not a millionaire. But he’s doing pretty well.
Enjoy more photos of dogs and their walkers.
This guy looks lonely. He must be the first pick-up of the day.
waiting patiently for the next dog to join the group
Headed towards the bosques de palermo
One of the best photos of dog walkers I have seen was taken by Chance from BAlocal.
There are 5 dog walkers and 27 dogs… all in one photo! Click here to check it out.
Yes he’s really earning a good living with dogs.=) but its a little bit scary, what if the dogs started to fight each other. With their sizes and number I think Daniel will be in trouble.
Julie Hayes recently posted..SMS
I never thought about that!
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
I remember noticing heaps of dog walkers in Buenos Aires. Must be quite a nice job if you love dogs – and you get a bit of exercise as well. As for the owners, I would think part of the pleasure of having a dog is walking it…
Sophie recently posted..Murder and Mayhem in London through the Ages – Part 1: The Bridges
Yes, that’s a good point. But I guess if you have to be at the office 8+ hours a day, the dog might need more than just a morning and evening walk.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
I’ve always thought that city dogs have to be so well behaved and trained, especially if they go with a dog walker. Leash pulling would be a big no no when you’re walking 20 dogs at a time!
Technosyncratic recently posted..Occupy Berlin: We Are the 99%
There are of course exceptions, but it does seem that the dogs are really well-behaved in Buenos Aires. I have seen a dog walker that unleashes the dogs in a park area, and they don’t run off or fight with each other.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
There are always ways to make a buck, if you just take action and look.
Interesting way to make a living!
John D. Wilson
John D. Wilson recently posted..Want to stick it to the man? Drop out and take a permanent holiday!
I have never been creative in that way, so it’s been great for me to see what people are doing to make it in Buenos Aires.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
Nice post Steph! I was wondering how dog walkers avoid love relationships between dogs hahahahahahahahahaha, I just thought about a pedigree dogs owner I met a while who will definitely have this concern if living in Buenos Aires.
Hilarious! I never thought about that! I’ve never seen any humping going on…. but now I wonder why not
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
Cesar Millan’s show from NG must have a lot of fans in Buenos Aires because I’m sure it’s not an easy job to keep 15-20 dogs from fighting each other for 5 hours a day, every day!
Adrian B. recently posted..Old Cobbled Street in Rovinj
I should ask if that is on television here. If not, it would be super popular and make loads of cash!
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
I hope he takes care of trashing the dogs’ ‘businesses’ as well.
I wouldn’t take any bets on that
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
I could definitely do this! Interesting post. I can see how many people get a dog and then they are just too busy to take care of it. I bet he could charge even more than what he is doing now. The only hassle would be cleaning up after the dogs, but after my experience in BA, it seems nobody cleans up anyway.
Jose Luis recently posted..Don’t Ride the Train!
There is so much competition…. I bet that is why the rates are low. And you are right that nobody seems to follow the new law about cleaning up after dogs. A few do, but I have to say I’ve never seen a professional dog walker carrying around plastic bags.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
I was obsessed with those dog walkers when I was there. I can’t walk both of my boys together, let alone TWENTY. It really is a sight to see. Great subject for a post!
Abby recently posted..First taste of winter in Canada
I have missed so many great photos of dog walkers with tons of dogs because I didn’t have my camera. People have to see it for themselves to realize how prevalent it is.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
Nice post and i really like your pictures! It must be a tough job to walk with 20 dogs…
Sebastian recently posted..The highway scammer
I think I’d have to start with 2 or 3 and see how many I could work my way up to
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
Amazing! I don’t think I could do this job! I’m more of a cat person though, and in a weird way, dogs know that
Laura recently posted..10 Most Magical Castles In Europe
The other funny thing in BsAs is the cats laying in the windows…. like, outside the window. It can freak you out when you’re walking down the sidewalk.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
Another job I’m NOT going to do! BTW–just wanted to let you know that I linked to you today.
NLM recently posted..Meet. Plan. Go.
Don’t like dogs? Or don’t want to pick up the poo? 😉
Thanks…. and that’s a good reminder that i need to update my links page too.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
I have enough trouble walking two dogs at once! This is quite impressive.
Abby recently posted..I feel the earth move
Love this series! I always wonder how the dogs get along so well – so many different breeds! Sad that they keep such big dogs in such tiny spaces, though
Andrea recently posted..5 Reasons to Love Switzerland Even Though it’s so Damn Expensive!
It is amazing to see how many different breeds one dog walker will have. Then sometimes you see one dog walker with all poodles, or some other less common breed.
I guess it is good that they pay the dog walkers to take them out for hours at a time, since the apartments are so small.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
Where do you take 20 dogs for 5 hours?? I think the longest I’ve lasted walking a dog is about an hour and my arms were killing me. Daniel must have arms of steel.
Great pictures of the puppies!
Steve recently posted..The Plaza Hotel in New York – How Not to Check-In
Well, I think they end up in a park for a couple hours. But yes, this would be very tiring. I will have to check out the biceps on the next good-looking dog walker I see 😉
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
The dog walkers here really are mind blowing. I do see WAY to many just tie the dogs up though. I want to find out who pays them and report them!
Rease recently posted..A Guy as Interesting as Cardboard
I was just at the Tribunales Subte stop today, and there were soooo many dogs tied up to the park gates. It must be where about 5 different dog walkers go. They (the dogs) didn’t look happy like Daniel’s dogs
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
What an awesome job. Thought about doing this to be honest when we first arrived in Edinburgh. Luckily, or maybe unluckily, I found something else.
Cole @ FourJandals recently posted..Ice Climbing in the UK
It’s a great idea if you can build up a client base by word-of-mouth quickly.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
This is a great post! I have no clue how this guy functions on the street with 20 dogs…for 5 hours!!! This is incredible. These have to be some very well behaved dogs!!! Can’t wait to read about the next job in your series!
Karl recently posted..South Moat Mountain With My Favorite Hiking Partner!
I think the dogs just know that the traffic is so crazy in this city that they will be hit by a car if they try to run off or jerk the leash.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
I thought you only had professional dog walkers on film. Amazing. And how do they make so many dogs get along?
Italian Notes recently posted..Spaghetti al limone
No clue. The dogs in Buenos Aires are different than any dogs I have ever seen before.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
The dog walking whisperer! Great shot! 20 dogs at a time, nuts!
Mike recently posted..Gypsy Jessie’s: Top 5 “Best of Time” Travel Moments
There is no way I would want to be around that many dogs at once. I find it kinda sad that so many people have huge dogs in an apartment that I’m guessing has no yard.
Christy @ Ordinary Traveler recently posted..Should You Rent Camping/Backpacking Gear for a Trip?
No yards here. I agree with you. I simply wouldn’t have a dog because I only like big dogs but wouldn’t want to put in all the effort to take them out the park frequently enough.
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Foreigner’s Perspective on Argentina Elections
Can you imagine the attention a dog walker with 10 dogs would get in North America? It would be a great way to meet women or men…if you could manage the dogs and conversation at the same time. “Those dog walkers must get all the babes”, haha.
Why do you think they insist of having such massive dogs considering the small living area?
Tyler @ roundtheworldtravelchallenge.com recently posted..First Muay Thai Fight
I have stopped trying to figure out what Argentines are thinking
I have heard you see this in NYC too… but probably not to this level.
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Foreigner’s Perspective on Argentina Elections
those are many dogs at a go
Zablon recently posted..Volunteer in Africa
holy crap- that is a lot of dogs!! I just started volunteer walking dogs in our neighborhood in LA and love it- although I only walk two dogs at a time!! I can’t even imagine how I would control those dogs!
jade recently posted..6 Tips to Avoid Sea Sickness
I know I couldn’t. It would drive me crazy!
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Foreigner’s Perspective on Argentina Elections
I was AMAZED the last time we were in Buenos Aires and saw all the bajillions of dog walkers with their bajillions of dogs all over the place. I don’t know how they can keep from getting all tangled up in that many leashes!
Kyle recently posted..Good Reads
I have seen a few of the more industrious dog walkers with this crazy leash harness thing across their body. Smart, but I would still be afraid of getting dragged out in the street in front of a speeding car.
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Foreigner’s Perspective on Argentina Elections
Good post! I was amazed by the number of dogs and left behind “dog business” when I visited as well. Do they have the concept like in the US of a “doggy daycare”? Many dogs left in a large, managed space where they also employ dog walkers to make sure they all get their exercise?
You would think they must have “doggy daycare” for when people go out of town, but I’ve never noticed a store front or advertisements. Or maybe they all just travel with their dogs when they leave town. I met an Argentine family in Bogota, Columbia who had brought their dogs with them on a city walking tour. Kind of bizarre, but now it makes sense.
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Foreigner’s Perspective on Argentina Elections
We saw exactly the same thing in Salta – and the dogs were all perfectly well behaved. Don’t think you could do this in Canada – I bet there would be a law that set some maximum number of dogs per walker.
Leigh recently posted..Travel Photos: Barrier Lake & The Prairie View Trail
I was really intrigued when I first learned about the dog walkers of Buenos Aires. I used to have a website about dog-friendly travel and we did a story on it. So interesting — love your photos!
Cathy Sweeney recently posted..The Heat Was Hot
I will be in recoletta for 3 month’s and would really love to have a dog. Walking etc. Arr.dec.26 till march 12.
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lawyer Degree recently posted..lawyer Degree
Those photos are so nice and the way you have captioned the lonely dog as he waits for other dogs got me smiling. Yes dog walking is actually a nice side thing to do and your friend Daniel seems to be having a great time walking those dogs. Very creative I must say
This is really interesting thing and it never came into my mind. I think it must be very interesting to do this job!