If you’ve read my previous posts, you know that much of my time here has revolved around drinking wine and eating food.
So guess what I did my first week back in Buenos Aires.
My first weekend here, there were two events that I HAD TO ATTEND!!
It is as if the La Rural exposition center scheduled them specifically for my return.
At this event, I also learned that there are usually special, higher-end wines not on display.
And I happened to discover two successful strategies for tasting the special, higher end wines.
Vinos y Bodegas
This wine expo was a little less fancy than the Cuisine y Vins Wine Expo I went to at Palacio Paz, but it was less packed with people, so you didn’t feel like you were in a competition with hundreds of Argentines to get a tiny sample of wine. Here are a few photos.
Yes, I would like another!

If the wine is in a carafe, it must be good!

A little bread and olive oil to soak up the alcohol.

Strategies for Success
1. Get their attention.
Sling a fancy camera around your neck and take lots of photos. At these events, people are trying to sell their wines. They want the name out there. Having a camera and actually using it signals that you may be writing about the event. You will at least get their attention.
2. Keep them talking.
Be friendly, outgoing, engaging. This is work for them. Make it more enjoyable.
Once I caught this man’s attention by taking lots of photos of him pouring wine and the wine bottles on display, we asked A LOT of questions about the vineyard. It was a label we had never seen, and the wines were much older than most wines you see at an expo like this. I learned a lot.
And then….
After walking us through tastings of each of his wines, each one improving on the previous, he said…
“Now you have to try THIS one.”
Then he pulled a special bottle from behind the counter, discreetly poured us a healthy sample, and hid the bottle again.
This was not expected at all. But our genuine interest in the wine and his knowledge afforded us the privilege of sampling the best he had to offer.
3. Ask for it.
I have learned that there always seems to be a “special bar” where the really good wines are served. We discovered this one because a man happened to overhear me talking about a wine I really enjoyed.
He said, “If you like that, you’ll really like _______.” (No, I do not remember the name of the wine. I really need to start writing these things down.)
I said, “I did not see that bottle being sampled at that bodega.”
“No, you have to ask for it.”
Of course.
So I went back and asked about the wine. The woman hesitated but then gave two pieces of paper.
This was our ticket! We were in!
If you come to Buenos Aires on one of those bargain holidays, I highly recommend checking the La Rural website for fun events like this.
That’s just great. I would like to know if those special, higher-end wines are available to order though they are not displayed there.
Candice Michelle recently posted..gun holsters
I am sure they are happy to sell you anything they can
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
Wow, this looks like a lot of fun. As a lover of wine, I’d definitely go to this expo. Good tips!!
Cheryl recently posted..See The Roads Of Havana … By Motorcycle Taxi.
Really great photos! I love wine tastings…this looks like it was a good one!
Although less fancy than the other one I attended, it was still a lot of fun.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
I’m not really a wine person but when it comes to the best wines in the world I would love to taste them.
Julie Hayes recently posted..used trucks
Nice. I’ll have to try your tips because I am a good fan of wine. 😉
I am hoping these strategies work again at the next expo I attend.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
Hurrah to the eye candy (& the wine)! This looks like a fun tasting.
Annette | Bucket List Journey recently posted..Haggling at La Bufadora | Ensenada, Mexico
I hoped someone would appreciate the eye candy 😉
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
i never do well at these things…my taste buds are dead after the 3rd tasting!! then I’m just dancing on the countertops.
[but yet i still love to go to these things]
jenjenk recently posted..Oklahoma State Fair
I’m not saying I tasted much the second half of the night
I need to remember to start packing my own bread or something because there was just not enough bread and olive oil to sample.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
Sounds like a fun experience!
Michael Figueiredo recently posted..Spotlight On: Raymond Walsh of “Man on the Lam”
I had no idea there might be a special area that you have to ask to get in! Well, I guess it makes sense to have a VIP area or something, but not a place that’s accessible just by being in the know. That’s good information to have.
Technosyncratic recently posted..A Day in the Life of a Housesitter
After hearing about other “VIP” things in Buenos Aires, I now assume that every event or fancy bar has one. Just have to figure out how to find it and get in!
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
Rough life. 😉
Abby recently posted..Ojai or Why I Don’t Go To L.A.
This is one of the reasons I cannot seem to leave Buenos Aires.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
Fascinating you are back in Argentina – sounds like you had a great night
Eileen Ludwig recently posted..Kennedy Space Center Star Trek Exhibit, Star Trek Live, Star Trek Halloween Costume Contest
It was the perfect welcome back!
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
Thank you for writing this guide!! I will follow this guide when I go to a wine expo. Sounds like being proactive will get you far in a situation like this =D
Btw, the “Eye Candy” behind the bar is indeed cute (blush) ~
Annie recently posted..SF (12) Zen Mode Away From Study @ Ocean Beach
Since I have been traveling, I am less afraid to be direct and ask about things.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
Sounds like BA is treating you well so far! I will be there in December, and can’t wait. Looking forward to your posts till then.
Stay happy!,
NLM recently posted..All I Want for Christmas is a Dumpster
I was here in December of 2009. It is going to be hot, hot, hot!! But it’s always fun
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Possessions: What I Chose to Keep
So having a camera will get me more wine?? Awesome. Love the photos in this post.
Christy @ Ordinary Traveler recently posted..The Night I Thought We Might Drown in a Flash Flood
Yes! It also lets me be obnoxious and ask to go in the kitchen of pizza shops and take photos
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Delicious Welcome Back to Buenos Aires
Talking with them really does help. My husband got access to the special wine in Napa because he was talking to the winemaker a lot and asking him questions. Then he reached down and pulled out the good stuff! And it was.
Debbie Beardsley @ European Travelista recently posted..An Evening in Edinburgh
That is exactly what happened to us!
Note to self: be more outgoing and friendly. Guess that’s probably good advice in general.
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Delicious Welcome Back to Buenos Aires
Where’s the eye candy for the guys?
I think I would enjoy a wine festival more than beer but people would get waster quickly!
Jeremy Branham recently posted..Celebrate Oktoberfest with the family in Huntington Beach
Maybe next time.
And yes, you are right… at least in my case
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Delicious Welcome Back to Buenos Aires
Plus, the wines in Argentina are higher percentage than most wines. Usually 13.5% and up.
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Delicious Welcome Back to Buenos Aires
Now i have a new strategy for getting the goodies at wine shows – go with the Travel Chica!
robin recently posted..Migration
I will certainly not turn down an invite.
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Delicious Welcome Back to Buenos Aires
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