Do you like dough in a funny shape?
Do you like that dough deep-fried until it is glistening with grease?
Do you like dulce de leche?
Then you will LOVE churros in Argentina.
I took one bite, and I have to admit it was delicious.
The slightly crispy dough oozing with grease met the sweet and creamy dulce de leche, and it was magic in my mouth.
But I could not eat much more. These are soooo rich, and I imagine not exactly good for your health. As long as you are not on the verge of having a heart attack, you MUST try one if you come to Buenos Aires.
These were freshly made.
I watched the process (see photos below). This small shop is called El Topo, and it is near the corner of Serrano and Niceto Vega in Palermo Soho (not far from Plaza Serrano).
Never tried churros filled w/ dulce de leche–that DOES sound too rich. But plain, unfilled and piping hot churros are one of life’s great treats!
Sounds like you’re having fun.
NLM recently posted..You Should See the Other Guy…
But the 1 or 2 bites I can handle are delicious!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Goodbye Columbus: A Photo Essay
Now I have to go to Argentina because those sound way better than the ones I get at Costco
Annette | Bucket List Journey recently posted..11 Things Italian Restaurants Do Differently
I am just imagining a ginormous box of 100 churros.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Goodbye Columbus: A Photo Essay
I can feel my arteries clogging already…yumm
Philip recently posted..The Great American Road Trip–Part III
I have to think that everyone in this city has clogged arteries.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Goodbye Columbus: A Photo Essay
So good! I love that Dad is there. I have zero sweet tooth, especially with alcohol is involved. But I used to love churros late-night in college!
Abby recently posted..Michael Jackson Cirque premiere in Montreal
I’ve had a week to try and introduce him to all the good (aka bad) foods here
I told him he has to eat a lot of vegetables when he gets back home.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Goodbye Columbus: A Photo Essay
Remember when you were 10 and could eat anything and everything to no effect? This would be a good place to be 10 again:)
Tyler @ recently posted..First Muay Thai Fight this Week!
Unfortunately, I think my metabolism has never been that good, even as a kid. But yes, I admire the people that just eat and eat and eat here without effects.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Goodbye Columbus: A Photo Essay
Those look so good. I may have to make a churro run now.
Christy @ Ordinary Traveler recently posted..Travel Shot: No Hallucinogens Needed
Can you actually find them with dulce de leche there?
The Travel Chica recently posted..Goodbye Columbus: A Photo Essay
So sinfully good, sweet and fat, yumm.
Italian Notes recently posted..Celebrating the blues
Yum – they’re a bit heavy for me but so tasty!
Andrea recently posted..5 Reasons to Love Switzerland Even Though it’s so Damn Expensive!
That’s why it’s good to travel as a couple. You can split all of the good things that are bad for you and too rich.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Goodbye Columbus: A Photo Essay
I’m actually sitting here eating a plain churro…it seems so insufficient now. Thanks for ruining my snack.
Steve recently posted..Selena Gomez in Vancouver
You mean it is not filled with anything?!! That’s no fun. Go eat a cup of sugar to make up for it.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Goodbye Columbus: A Photo Essay
I have only had I think 1 churro since being here and it was on the street, this isn’t far from my place, I need to hit it up.
Rease recently posted..If you want to know who you really are, get naked.
You definitely need to try this place.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Feeling Small in Buenos Aires
Never tried churros. Is it a breakfast-thing?
Sophie recently posted..Murder and Mayhem in London through the Ages – Part 1: The Bridges
I’d say it’s more dessert, but I’ve definitely had it with a nice cafe con leche for breakfast.
I gotta say, churros are great with quince jam in them too.
Best churros I’ve found in Buenos Aires are at La Argentina, covered in chocolate.
It just occurred to me that I need to try a churro with peanut butter at some point. I’ll probably have to stuff it myself though. May even have to buy one of those machines for stuffing.
Jared Romey recently posted..Boca Abajo: Upside-Down and Face-Down
Wow! Peanut butter in a churro! You just took it to a new level. And I am sure you’ll have to do that yourself
The Travel Chica recently posted..Feeling Small in Buenos Aires
When going to Argentina this is a must…. Having a churro with a “cortadito” (coffee)
I will agree that they are a must if you are visiting. You either become addicted or know it’s too rich and stop after the first one
The Travel Chica recently posted..Buenos Aires Odd Jobs: The Dog Walker
Although I don’t like dulce de leche (called manjar here in Chile) I love churros with chocolate in the middle…but they are hard to find because everyone except me loves manjar. Although I suppose it is better for my health that way
Abby recently posted..I feel the earth move
I think I would prefer chocolate as well. I didn’t realize dulce de leche was so popular in Chile too. Damn!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Buenos Aires Odd Jobs: The Dog Walker
I llooovveeeeee churros!!!
Michael recently posted..Scan Your Website For Malware (Or False Detections)
Oh my gosh, Steph, I think you read my mind. Churros are the one thing I’m sooooo looking forward to tasting in Latin America – though it looks like I’ll have to wait until I get to Argentina because I don’t think I’d find them in Mexico.
Ceri recently posted..8 Days to Go!
I think churros are actually really popular in Mexico. I wasn’t there long enough to know, but I think you will find them…. just not filled with dulce de leche
The Travel Chica recently posted..Buenos Aires Odd Jobs: The Tour Guide Part 3 – Private Custom Tours
They look so yummy!! I havent tried one, and with my sweet tooth, maybe that is a good thing! They sure look good, but as you say too rich to keep on eating them – wonder if I can find any where we live in Australia?
I have a sweet tooth too, but they are too much for me. One or two bites, and I’m satisfied. A good thing probably!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Halloween Photo Fun with Foto-Ruta
They look soooo good!! I think I’d prefer chocolate sauce over dulce de leche though
Do they have those? Yummy!
Sabrina recently posted..Pumpkins Everywhere: Pumpkin Village in the Dallas Arboretum
I prefer chocolate over dulce de leche as well. You can actually get the ones filled with dulce de leche AND dipped in chocolate here.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Halloween Photo Fun with Foto-Ruta
The best of both worlds
Sabrina recently posted..Only in Texas: Kolaches
I’ve found Churros in 6 countries and Argentina is the BEST. So far. My favorite: dulce de leche filled and completely coated on the outside with chocolate. The chocolate dries, so you can handle it, and it seals in the moisture of the churro. And of course, the dulce de leche ensures that the churro is not dry when you bite into it! AHHHHHH!
Today, I begin my daily quest to find the best churro place in buenos aires. It may take weeks. . .
You definitely sound like a churro expert. Happy hunting!
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