You know that I’m a gym rat, and it is important to me to stay fit while traveling, especially because I have a lot of trekking in my upcoming travels. When I found out I could ride a bike out to the sea lion reserve at Punta Loma, I was excited.
I was warned by a fellow traveler I met on my Punta Tombo tour that the road is a dirt road, and it is quite challenging with lots of hills. Therefore it would be important to rent a mountain bike in excellent condition with working gears. (She had not been so lucky and had to turn back.)
I rented a bike from Aquatours and hit the road early.
The helpful staff told me the trip should take 1.5 hours if I was accustomed to riding, 2 hours if not.
I was aiming for 1.5 because I like to think I’m a rock star when it comes to physical challenges.
The Road to Punta Loma
The first few kilometers were pretty easy on pavement or easy gravel.
Then the road changed. It turned into sand and rocks.
That’s right.
Not dirt. Not gravel.
Sand. Rocks.
It was a challenge to find the most solid path to ride so as to not sink my bike in the sand.
But I kept going, pushed forward by the views.
No wonder there is so much freaking sand in the road.
Luckily, I was prepared with a handkerchief to put over my nose and mouth.
The wind was quite strong and kicked up a lot of sand. Plus, there were quite a few cars and tour buses driving by.
I arrived at Punta Loma in an hour, which must be a world record.
I hope they send me my medal soon.
Seal Lion Colony
The ride was worth it.
Some were playing in the water.
Some appeared to be relaxing and sunning themselves.
Some were showing a little love.
Puerto Madryn has been an amazing experience.
I get the feeling that this part of Patagonia is often overlooked by many travelers.
I am glad I came here.
Check out more photos from my ride and Punta Loma.
Travel Tips:
If you attempt this ride, apply lots of sunscreen. The sun is quite “fuerte”. Bring something to cover your nose and mouth to protect against the sand. Most importantly, rent a good bike. I recommend Aquatours.
In addition, Aquatours offers other tourism services, including snorkeling and scuba diving with sea lions. How freaking awesome would that be?!!
Check out their website for services and contact info.
Oh my, two of my most favourite things – cycling and sea lions. I would have been in HEAVEN here. (Except I am incredibly unfit right now so it would have been a two hour ride for me.)
You are, indeed, an athletic rock star. I am in awe!!!!
Barbara – The Dropout Diaries recently posted..Mr Wasp, You Shouldn’t Have
I definitely like cycling, but this was not my favorite path
I think I made it so quickly because I just wanted it to be over!
The Travel Chica recently posted..What Exactly Is An Elephant Seal?
I am seriously a disaster on bikes. I don´t know why I can work out so hard in some ways but I suck so bad at others, but bikes are kind of a nemesis for me. You know I work out hard a lot but I would not assume I could do this in less than 2 hours.
Rease recently posted..Hilarious Happenings of Hollywood, FL
Now I want to see you try to ride a bike
The Travel Chica recently posted..What Exactly Is An Elephant Seal?
I think your hardwork and the going through the sandy area is well worth it!! Your close up sea lion shots are beautiful!!!
The water over there looks really clean and clear =D I would have probably jumped off the cliff into the water to celebrate that long ride XDDD (if there is a way to get back up.)
Annie recently posted..Taiwan (4) Satisfaction Under $1 @Zhang Hua ~ Lukang
Well, you know I wouldn’t have made it in 2 hrs : ) But next year will be different. I’ve been given the go-ahead after my surgery to finally increase my exercise – I’m allowed to life 15 lbs now – and I think since the hospital made so many mistakes the Dr wrote an order for 6 weeks of physical therapy 1x a week! Yeah!!! What a beautiful place. Your pictures just make me want to get with the sea lions & lounge around a while. They are so-o-o cute. I also love your humorous sarcasm when you write : ) Love Mom
That’s awesome, Steph! What a cool thing to do…you also remind me that I HAVEN’T worked out in five months and, thus, need to start running again tomorrow if I’m going to make it 26 miles in April, ha.
Camels & Chocolate recently posted..In 2011…
Happy to give you a little motivation. I have had a cold, so I need to pick up running again tomorrow.
The Travel Chica recently posted..What Exactly Is An Elephant Seal?
By the way, I could never run a marathon. I can do a lot of physically challenging things, but a marathon will never happen for me. One day maybe a half.
The Travel Chica recently posted..What Exactly Is An Elephant Seal?
You are a rock star! Beautiful shots of the sea lions.
Philip recently posted..The Great American Road Trip–Part IV
The sea lions look amazing! The cycling… not so much…
I think if I get around to doing this it will take me at least 4 hours on the bike because I’ll need to keep stopping for ‘a drink’.
Turtle recently posted..Travel ideas from bloggers for 2012
You’ll have to bring it with you because there is NOTHING around on this path. By the way, you can take a tourist bus there, so no worries
The Travel Chica recently posted..What Exactly Is An Elephant Seal?
I’m questioning whether or not I could drive that road in an hour, never mind bike it. I’d probably keep going off the road watching the beautiful views, or I’d be scared by tough looking Chicas on bikes with bandanas over their face, looking like their ready to rob me of all my worldly goods.
I think it’s best if I just stay here and go through your photo album again.
Steve recently posted..Best of 2011 – Best Vacation
I did look pretty funny. But I passed a few others on bikes who did NOT have bandanas, and I bet they were envious
The Travel Chica recently posted..What Exactly Is An Elephant Seal?
Interesting post. When will you be in El Calafate and El Chalten? I know someone who will be there in mid-January to do some trekking.
Ellen recently posted..Five Meadows Circuit (George Washington National Forest, Conicville, VA)
That sounds like one hell of a ride. More than I could handle but then again I’m no where near as fit as you are. But like a lot of things in life the struggle paid off for you big time in that you got to snap some really special photos. I love how the sea lions are so playful. It would be much better to see them in the wild in their own habitat than it would be to see them in a zoo or some other form of captivity.
Speaking of bikes rides, there is this famous bike ride that on the outskirts of Melbourne that I think you’d love. It’s the Lilydale to Warburton Rail Trail and it’s built over a former steam train route. I’ve included a link for it here: . Heaps of people ride this bike route and it’s one of the best in Australia. There is at least one cafe on the route and numerous wineries and accomodation providers along the route as well as wineries.
One of my friends did it to Warburton and back in a day and was knackered (probably because he did 80 kms in a day, 40 kms each way) but if you really wanted to you could base yourself out there for a few days and check out some wineries that aren’t far from the route on the cheap.
In case you don’t post another article this year let me wish you now a happy, safe, peaceful New Years and 2012. May all your travels be joyful and may all you encounters be memorable
That looks wonderful, especially being able to visit the surrounding wineries.
A happy New Years to you as well!
I had península Valdés on my list since I learned about it in geography, now I’m sure it remains on it. I love that you are sharing your experiences! Keep up the good work!
Thanks, Eugenie. I’m happy to share; it’s part of the fun
I’m glad you pulled through because you got some great photos of the sea lions! I was cracking up while reading this story because it reminds me of mine and Scott’s bike adventure in Laos. We were on beach cruisers and peddling through sand, dirt, rocks, you name it. I wanted to turn back so many times, but when it comes down to it, I have a hard time quitting. It sounds like you do too.
Christy @ Ordinary Traveler recently posted..Paris in Black and White
Yep, I’m the same way! And it’s worse when I am alone because there is no one I can talk to about why it makes sense to turn around and go back.
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
Oh wow – that was totally worth it!! They’re adorable
Andrea recently posted..Top 5 Stories From 2011
And it was nice because I got there early and had the place completely to myself to just sit and watch and listen.
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
Strenuous, but surely worth it. The view, the sea lions… wow!
Sophie recently posted..On the wagon in a Costa Rica coffee plantation
For others that don’t like to punish themselves, I suggest taking a tour bus
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
What an awesome adventure. By the photos, it was well worth the physical struggle. But the bike challenge would have been one of the best parts for me too!
Curt recently posted..Smoked Fruit & Pistachio Stuffed Chicken
Absolutely! Sounds like we have that in common.
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
You deserve a medal! Although maybe those stunning photos of the snuggliest creatures were payment enough?!
Abby recently posted..What a difference a year makes
I still hope the medal arrives in the mail, but for now, I will settle for the photos and memories
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
You’re a rock star finishing the ride so quickly!
Great photos … I have a weakness for sea lions. They’re cute little devils. This def makes for another “cute overload” post.
cheryl recently posted..Weird And Offbeat Museums: The Katten Kabinet in Amsterdam.
The wildlife around Puerto Madryn makes for lots of “cute overload” posts. It is so great that you can see this many cool animals in one area.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Lago Puelo – Silhouettes
That’s impressive that you did it in 1 hr, well done! Those seals look so cute sunbathing on the rocks 😀
Audrey recently posted..A Year In Retrospect
I think I was able to push myself harder knowing it would end the misery sooner
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Lago Puelo – Silhouettes
Haha! Dang, it looks like you’re about to do a drive by on the Sand Dunes.
Love that shot of the Dunes btw.
Cal recently posted..Happy New Year! OH, Where are my Cameras?
I have come to dislike sand after having to bike in it and walk it in for extended distances.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Lago Puelo – Silhouettes
Oh wow that view was totally worth the ride! Still so completely jealous of your travels through this region!
Laura recently posted..Travel for Love’s Year in Review 2011
The bike ride doesn’t sound like a heap of fun, but those sea lions!!! So. Cute.
dtravelsround recently posted..Ch-ch-ch-changes
I guess I wouldn’t use the word “fun.” Lets go with “adventure.”
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Perito Moreno Glacier in Black and White
I am the worlds worst cyclist. I would have probably died if I tried this. lol
Jade – recently posted..24 Hours In Cape Town – The Only Guide You’ll Need
There were points where I wondered if one of the tourist buses would stop for me if I flagged it down.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Lago Puelo – Silhouettes
Sounds like a beast of a ride, but at least it was worth it!
JoAnna recently posted..Images: Virginia City Cemetery | Nevada
Don’t know if I’d be willing to do it again, but it was worth it the first time
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Lago Puelo – Silhouettes
I’m so glad you made it the whole way, and pretty jealous too! I tried making that ride when I was in Madryn in March 2011. In addition to my bike, I was given an innertube and a pump in case I got a flat. Well the flat came about 8km into the ride. After riding on another kilometer or so, I got another flat and had to turn around and walk my bike back. Thanks for sharing your experience – I get to live vicariously through you!
John recently posted..Losing Myself in the Sites of Stanley Park – Vancouver, British Columbia
That would have been terrible! I am very happy I got a bike from a good company. And so happy another traveler warned me about the terrain and the condition of many of the rental bikes.
The company gave me a repair kit in case of a flat, but I am quite certain I would not have figured out how to fix one
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Perito Moreno Glacier in Black and White
I’m starting to be scared of the thought of how much time we will be in Patagonia.
Erica recently posted..Experiencing Cuzco, Peru with @Roomorama
I did about 6 weeks in just the Argentina side of Patagonia and could have done much more (didn’t even go to the furthest point of Ushuaia. There are lots of other smaller towns that I skipped over too.
Plan as much time as you can!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Mercado Fluvial in Valdivia