After the first amazing experience seeing penguins and elephant seals with Categoría Patagonia tours, I went on a second full-day tour of Peninsula Valdez. We saw a lot of great stuff, but I’m going to go straight to the highlight of the tour.
Southern Right Whales
The Southern Right Whales are here June through December. I kept asking how likely it really is to see whales.
I mean, they are “in the wild.”
Can there really be a guarantee?
Usually, tour companies will not guarantee seeing any specific wildlife. But Martin promised me.
The Boat Ride
Our whale watching boat ride across Golfo Nuevo was organized through Southern Spirit Cruises.
As we boarded the boat, I just kept wondering if this would be the only boat that doesn’t get to see the whales. Apparently, I am still thinking negatively despite my best efforts to improve upon that.
We drove for about 20 minutes.
And then our boat captain spotted them.
The Show Begins
Not only did I get a glimpse of a whale, they hung out near our boat for a LONG time.
Everyone got excited. The whale tempted us with glimpses of its tale.
The woman next to me kept saying, “Mira! Mira! La cola!”
I felt like I was watching a paid, rehearsed performance.
We were out there for over an hour, yet it only felt like 10 minutes.
The boat turned to head back.
And then off in the distance, I saw the grand finale.
Check out more photos from Peninsula Valdes, including elegant guanacos, a curious armadillo, MORE adorable penguins, MORE elephant seals, and MORE whales.
These photos are so incredibly beautiful and serene.
Ana O’Reilly recently posted..Merry Christmas and a bountiful New Year
Even though surrounded by lots of people on the boat, it still feels serene when you see the whales.
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
Wow what incredible photos. Awesome that you caught that last one!
The World of Deej recently posted..Magical Blogorail Teal – The Disney Bucket List
I was so happy when I got the photos on my laptop and saw that the last photo actually turned out well. I never expected to see anything like that. So incredible!
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
Great photos, so glad you didn´t end up being disappointed.
Rease recently posted..Becoming a Travel Writer: Get Paid to Travel
Apparently, the whales are so prevalent here at that time, they really can guarantee you’ll see them.
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
That is so awesome! I wish we would have seen whales, when we were there.
Love the pics.
Did you guys actually go to Puerto Madryn?
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
No, we skipped it on our way back up from Ushuaia and just flew straight to Buenos Aires.
What a cool experience! I’ve caught a glimpse of whales, but have never seen that much and from those angles. Wow!
Lisa @chickybus recently posted..Edelma—the Only Female Taxi Driver on Isla Ometepe
I guess I got spoiled with my first experience
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
Wow! This is really a fantastic show… I love the pictures. How I wish I will get the chance to see this in person. Thank you for sharing the pictures…
Diana Grant recently posted..Jardin Smith International
What an amazing experience to see those great animals up close.
Italian Notes recently posted..Buccellato
It really is hard to describe. Such strange and beautiful creatures.
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
Whales are awesome and so are your photos. Prince William Sound is another incredible place to see whales. When I kayaked out of Valdez summer ’09, I saw orcas, humpbacks and even a beluga.
Philip recently posted..The Great American Road Trip–Part IV
Very cool! Kayaking would definitely be the say to see them… as long as you’re not TOO close.
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
Your “extra pictures” page is quickly becoming one of my favorite spots Stephanie. Great job capturing those beautiful creatures in photos. So happy for you that you got this chance.
Steve recently posted..Best of 2011 – Best Concert
I’m glad I can entice you to look at the rest of my photos! Thank you so much!
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
I’m officially jealous of you now
Those pictures are brilliant and show just how close the whales actually came to you.
You can never get this close to the whales here in Australia. They have this law which says that it’s illegal to get closer than 100 metres to a whale. They the lawmakers and the people who lobbied to make the law happen claim that you’re harassing the whales.
But when whales naturally come close to you like I think happened here it’s just their natural curiosity.
By the way we have Southern Right Whales off the coast of Australia too. They mainly off the east coast but nowhere near Melbourne because Melbourne sits on a bay which is very shallow; only 16 metres deep at it’s deepest and the bay’s mouth is very narrow so it would be exceedingly difficult and dangerous for whales to enter.
We just drove out into the gulf and sat there. Then we saw the whales. They definitely know where to go to find them.
One of the times it is good there are not many laws in Latin America
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
Wow! Great photos! They look awesome!!
Turtle recently posted..Travel stories with personality from 2011
I would echo the “extra” photo page. I look at all of them. These were amazing. Probably an experience that you won’t forget! Thanks for sharing.
Jennie, I can always count on you to look at my photos… even when I take too many
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Lago Puelo – Silhouettes
The picture and framing of the tail fin is absolutely stunning! Not to mention the breaching pic is amazing too!
Thanks, Jared. I definitely got lucky to have my camera ready to go at the right time.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Lago Puelo – Silhouettes
Magnificent! I love the Whale Tale shot. Incredible.
Cal recently posted..Exporting the Best Adobe Premiere CS5 Render Settings for YouTube Videos
It took a long time for this guy to actually lift his tail all the way. But once he did, the show was on!
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
Awesome pictures. What a cool experience when you had taken a caught in Camera.
WOOOW! So the whales wont be there in February when I go there?
crazy sexy fun traveler recently posted..MY 24 FAVORITE BEACHES OF 2011
No, they’ll be gone
But I believe the penguins will still be there until April.
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
So I still should go there then, can’t wait to see the animals over there!
crazy sexy fun traveler recently posted..MY 24 FAVORITE BEACHES OF 2011
It is incredible! I missed the shot of the whale breaching – it was too far away and my camera does not have a great zoom. Your picture is awesome!
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveller: I don’t know if the Southern Right Whales will be there but February is the prime time to see orcas beaching themselves on Punta Norte in search of baby seals!!! You should definitely look for that
Runaway Brit recently posted..Open Wide! – Visiting the Dentist in Colombia
Fortunately, my zoom lens was working that day. It has since stopped working
Good tip on the orcas!
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
Holy cow, what awesome shots!! Whales are such amazing animals, aren’t they? I got to see a bunch by accident when I was in Hawaii this spring. We were out looking for sharks, and saw a show put on by some humpback whales instead! It was awesome.
Amanda recently posted..My First Adventure of 2012 – I’m Going to Canada!
Wow! That would be a nice surprise! I prefer whales over sharks anyways
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
Only one word for that. WOW!
Curt recently posted..Wine & Ginger Breaded Chicken
Your recent animal posts have been awesome! Hope you’ve been having fun.
cheryl recently posted..Christmas Markets: Schönbrunn Castle In Vienna.
Thank you! I really have been enjoying Patagonia. Such an incredible place!
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
How cool!!
DTravelsRound recently posted..The A-Z of D’s Travels ‘Round
Wow, amazing! Must have been really impressive.
I can’t believe your amazing photos. Whale-watching is something that I swear changed my life. It was the most awe-inspiring thing I have ever seen. I had a few photos, but they were lost in my robbery. If only I’d had a blog then!
Abby recently posted..Colors of Costa Rica
Oh no! Losing photos is the worst!
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
Oh wow!! I can’t believe these photos. They were so close! They said we could see these Southern Right Whales when I was in Brazil but we never did make it on a tour. I’ve only seen whales from a further distance off of California and that was just incredible… Now I am even more jealous of your trip to Puerto Madryn.
Laura recently posted..Travel for Love’s Best of 2011
Wow, this would be so awesome to experience! Love that photo of the bird on the whale’s back.
Christy @ Technosyncratic recently posted..Best Travel Photos from 2011
I learned how bad seagulls are on these two days of tours. Apparently, when they pick at the skin of the baby whales, it actually hurts them
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
You are so lucky, what a wonderful experience, how are you going to top that ?.
Bodlagz recently posted..Nang Kwak – Thailand’s Beckoning Lady
With some breath-taking scenery. I hear the mountains, lakes, and glaciers of southern Patagonia are quite impressive.
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
That jumping one is magnificent! We saw whales in New Zealand earlier this year and it was a heart-stopping hour for us as well =)
Andrea recently posted..Best of Our 2011 Travel
Heart-stopping is a good way to describe the experience. There are not many words that can do it justice.
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
I love this post!!Thanks for giving me an idea here…
Stephy recently posted..Gill Turning or Curling In Arowanas Can Be Cured
I’m slightly obsessed with wales and other marine mammals so I love love love this post
Bohemian Trails recently posted..4 Countries. 3 Continents. 2 Bags. 1 Girl
The experience was above and beyond what I was expecting. I might be slightly obsessed now too!
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
Incredible…. you are lucky to witness such event….beautiful shots…. bookmarking it….
Rahul recently posted..Agra Diaries: Taj Mahal in Moon light
Wow, these are some of the best whale-watching photos I’ve ever seen! You were SO CLOSE. We saw about a dozen gray whales when we went whale-watching off the coast of San Francisco last spring, and while they were pretty near, they were nothing like this.
Camels & Chocolate recently posted..In 2011…
Thank you! I had heard they get quite close, but I never expected the whales to hang out 15-20 meters from the boat.
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
Wow! These photos are stunning! How far away from the whales were you guys? Were you scared they might accidentally or purposely hit your boat?
– Lily
Lily Leung recently posted..The 5 World Wonders I Saw in 2011
They were 15-20 meters away most of the time. At one point, they got even closer. If we were in a smaller boat, I might have worried a bit.
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
What a cool experience! I’ve caught a glimpse of whales, but have never seen that much and from those angles. Wow!
Wow. I can’t believe the tour company promised you would see whales. I’ve always wanted to go on a whale watching tour.
Christy & Scott recently posted..Paris in Black and White
I guess I got there at the perfect time of year, and every boat was getting a great experience. Lucky me!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … El Bolson – Patagonian Lamb
WOW!!! I was there on a really windy day, and my guide kept hoping the whales would want to play with the waves and jump for us – but nope, lol. They showed us a bit of skin and I did see a tale, though I was with my less good camera – I was afraid to take the good one out to see – but it was amazing nonetheless! A day later, I saw tons of toninas (smallest or almost smallest dolphins in the world) and they were jumping all around us and following the boat – that was AMAZING!

All Colores recently posted..End of the World Photos for the End of the Year
I’ve never heard of toninas. That would be cool to see.
By the way, I was a bit worried about the camera. I wore the big ponchos they offer, so I could keep it protected while the boat was moving and the spray was hitting us.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Lago Puelo – Silhouettes
Stop making me so jealous with your awesome travels!!! Ps. Yesterday I saw a wild kangaroo. So there.
Jade – recently posted..24 Hours In Cape Town – The Only Guide You’ll Need
That would be pretty cool! I am jealous now
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Lago Puelo – Silhouettes
Fantastic photos and what a finale!! I’m bummed that we missed out on Puerto Madryn, but another time….
Pete recently posted..It All Ends In Amalfi
I have learned during this travel sabbatical that there will be another time. You cannot fit it all in, and there is just so much to see.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … El Calafate – Lake Sunset
oh wow!!! what an amazing experience… ive swam with whale sharks here in the philippines… im envious… hopefully i could see more wildlife in the natural habitat in the near future
flipnomad recently posted..Flipnomad’s A to Z of Travel
Wow! Swimming with sharks is pretty rare experience too. Not sure I’d be up for that one though.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … El Calafate – Lake Sunset