It is hard to describe our first two days of long treks.
Seeing the Perito Moreno Glacier was an overwhelming and exciting experience. The trekking in El Chalten has been completely different.
Yes, at times.
I have enjoyed the physical challenge of it. During our first two long treks, we covered about 44 kilometers. But I am exhausted at the end of the day.
One of the bonuses of doing these treks as part of an organized tour is that I do not have to worry about preparing breakfast and packing a lunch. I roll out of bed, stuff myself at the breakfast buffet, meet our guide in the hotel lobby, and he hands me a box lunch to pack. Then we’re off.
You know I love photography.
If the weather cooperates, this whole area is a landscape photographer’s dream.
We got lucky. The weather has cooperated.
I’ll let the photos do the talking.
I normally do a Foto of the Week at the end of the week. Well, this time you’re getting a photo essay. I can’t help it. There are just too many photos to choose from.
Here it is. My favorite photos from two big treks to Laguna de Los Tres and Laguna Torre.
Laguna de Los Tres Hike
Yep, that’s another glacier. Fitz Roy is peaking above the mountain. And you can barely see Cerro Torre peaking above on the far left.
You can see both Fitz Roy (right) and Cerro Torre (middle).
There is a really difficult, steep and rocky climb at the end of this trek (an hour if you move quickly). This is a flat area just before you make the final 10-minute push.
I finally took a photo with me in it! That’s the laguna we worked so hard to get to with the glacier of the same name above it. Fitz Roy is hiding behind a cloud.
Laguna Sucia is to the left. Laguna de Los Tres is to the right. No, this is not one of those weird angles I like to shoot. Laguna Sucia is much lower than the other.
Laguna Torre Hike
This is Cerro Solo.
This is Laguna Torre. Cerro Torre is in the distance obscured by a wind-storm cloud.
Rio Fitz Roy flows from Laguna Torre.
Check out more photos from the Laguna de Los Tres Hike here.
Check out more photos from the Laguna Torre Hike here.
What part of the world do you think has the most beautiful views?
This post is part of a series about my experience on the Patagonian Trails Tour with Adventure Center. I was very impressed by their range of tour options from light to extreme adventure all over Latin America and the rest of the world. There really is something for everyone. Adventure Center handles all bookings with Peregrine for North American clients.
Fascinating landscape. Some of those mountain ridges look very much like the Dolomites in Italy.
Italian Notes recently posted..Insalata di cavolo rosso con fichi e arancie
Then I definitely need to see that part of Italy too!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..One for the Bucket List: Trekking on a Glacier
Did you taste any of this glacier/laguna water?
Yes! That’s the best part. You don’t have to carry water with you on the trek. You can re-fill at the many streams, rivers, and even the lagunas.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..One for the Bucket List: Trekking on a Glacier
Awesome pix. What is that in the water in the pix of Laguna Torre with Cerro Torre blocked by wind-storm cloud? An ice chunk that’s fallen in? Looks like a frozen diver emerging out of the lake : ) Love Mom
The landscape is so unique – I love these shots! I’m from Colorado and I would have assumed the mountains would look the same, but it’s completely different and awesome.
John recently posted..Fisherman’s Wharf in Victoria, British Columbia
Different from any mountains I had seen before too, John. I couldn’t stop taking photos
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..One for the Bucket List: Trekking on a Glacier
Wow, these views are stunning! These photos don’t even look real. What an amazing hike and so much color! This is the perfect example of why I like mountains!
Jeremy Branham recently posted..Price of airfares now include taxes and fees, airfares on the rise
I love the mountains too! This is the most beautiful place I have ever been.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..One for the Bucket List: Trekking on a Glacier
What a stunning hike!! So Chalten is now on the list for my second time around…
Katherina recently posted..Photo Essay: The Glacier and The Lagoon (Chile)
It is an absolute must-see!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..One for the Bucket List: Trekking on a Glacier
What beautiful terrain and your photos are stunning. I wil have to check out the other photo links too. I really like the black and white one. Reminds me of some travel shows I watched on TV as a child.
Philip recently posted..The Great American Road Trip–Part VII
Thanks, Philip! This has been my favorite place to photograph so far, and it will take a lot to beat it
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..How To Survive a 28-Hour Bus Ride
Wow! These photos are just STUNNING! I love hiking, so I am definitely going to be adding this to my travel wish list
Jade – recently posted..How To Survive A Winnipeg Winter
Thanks, Jade!
There is a sign in El Chalten that says it is the trekking capital of Argentina. I think it could be called the trekking capital of South America (although I guess I have a few more places to see before I can really say that). If you like hiking, you would absolutely love this place.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..How To Survive a 28-Hour Bus Ride
You have an awesome life Stephanie! At least this part of it.
I’ve always wanted to do a 2 week hiking tour of the Grand Canyon. This is really a great way to spend time.
Thanks, Curt! I do feel very lucky to have had this experience. Patagonia is an area I have wanted to visit for a long time. And if I had not made the difficult decision to quit my job and take off to Latin America for a year living out of a backpack, I may never have gotten here.
So in summary…. start planning your trip to the Grand Canyon!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..How To Survive a 28-Hour Bus Ride
I’ll do that. Realistically though, it will probably be in the planning stage for quite some time!
Curt recently posted..Cinnamon Apple Sweet Bread
Awesome photos. I can’t wait till our Journey gets down to Argentina and we begin to explore Patigonia. This looks like Torres de Paine Nat’l Park and I thought that’s where Fitz Roy was. Is El Chalten the same or a different place?
Eric @ Trans-Americas Journey recently posted..Stelae! – Dos Pilas & El Ciebal Archaeological Sites, Guatemala
Stunning images!!! beautiful place!!
Jess, you must go while you are in Argentina!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..How To Survive a 28-Hour Bus Ride
These photos are breathtaking! Might even give parts of New Zealand a run for their money….
Amanda recently posted..There’s More to Ottawa in Winter Than Just Frigid Weather
I have seen many of your photos from New Zealand, and I think that you’re right. Of course, I have to see for myself first
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..How To Survive a 28-Hour Bus Ride
Really stunning photos Stephanie! This is just our speed.
Kent and I have had this on our list for a long time, and have actually planned a trip that didn’t end up working out. We will DEFINITELY be making it happen.
Caanan @ No Vacation Required recently posted..Off the Beaten Path Is a Mindset
Thanks, guys! I was so excited editing these photos and putting together these articles. One of the best experiences of my life. Get there soon!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..How To Survive a 28-Hour Bus Ride
We absolutely loved these hikes when we did them – your photos are gorgeous!
You may have been one of the people that told me how incredible El Chalten is. If so, thank you!! I specifically cut other places short to have as much time here as possible, and it was definitely the right decision.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..How To Survive a 28-Hour Bus Ride
First off — congrats on those treks. They don’t sound easy. Second — WOW. What nature! I cannot get over how beautiful the scenery is, how jagged the rocks are, the colors. Gorgeous!
dtravelsround recently posted..Heartbreak and healing at Elephant Nature Park
Most beautiful place I’ve ever seen! I felt pretty awesome completing these hikes. I even did a couple of them again on my own after the tour ended.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..How To Survive a 28-Hour Bus Ride
Wow, that is just spectacular scenery! I love hiking and mountains, so this just looks like the perfect place to go. I think I’m just going to have to say wow again. WOW!
Laurence recently posted..In photos: Kalbarri coastline and national park
That’s okay. I kept saying “Wow!” while were were hiking
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..How To Survive a 28-Hour Bus Ride
Wow, gorgeous place and pictures!
Angela recently posted..Emirates Palace, when poverty is not an issue
Wow, great photos! I bet it was a hell of an experience:).
I’m looking forward for more posts.
Miruna recently posted..10 Travel Websites Worth Following
Thank you! I’ve got plenty more to share about this wonderful place and my tour
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Perito Moreno Glacier in Black and White
What amazing views, reminds me of the Scottish Highlands a little.
ryan recently posted..Scottish Desserts You Will Love –
Then it sounds like I need to get myself to the Scottish Highlands!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..How To Survive a 28-Hour Bus Ride
These pictures are absolutely stunning Stephanie
I must go to Patagonia someday. It was already in the back of my mind as a place to go eventually but I may have to bring it forward and do it during my grand trip to South America whenever I get enough money saved and can squeeze it in between academic years whilst studying my Bachelor of Psychology that I’m starting this year.
Although Australia doesn’t have any glaciers, the terrain that you’ve taken pictures of reminds me of the Victorian High Country a few hours drive from Melbourne where it snows a lot in winter. There are tonnes of mountains to climb and bush to go wandering in. You can even climb one of the alpine mountains peaks like Mount Hotham or Mount Buller in a day hike and then sleep in a cabin up the top overnight.
But I must admit and these pictures prove it, Australia has nothing on Patagonia.
Thank you! I am quite proud of these photos
I definitely would include Patagonia in any South America itinerary. It is a really special place.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Eating Like a Queen in El Chalten
beautiful landscape, would love to visit there sometime, after I get my exercise level back up from winter hibernation. From the photos with everyone wearing short sleeves, looks like it is not that cold O_O
Any wild animals there? (curious ~)
Annie recently posted..Oops May Be Next Time ~ Japan Edition
A few of our trekking days were quite hot. I was surprised. But there have been a few windy and cold days too.
There are supposedly pumas in the area, but we haven’t spotted any. There is also a type of deer called a huemul. Also endangered, and we haven’t spotted any. I have seen some rabbits though
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..The Source of the Ashes in Photos
These are spectacular! Wish I’d gone with you! Looking forward to more.
You’ll have to visit this part of Argentina on your next trip!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..The Source of the Ashes in Photos
STUNNING photos Stephanie and I’m inspired by your trekking!
Natasha @ Wandering Kiwi recently posted..New York City: The 9th Avenue Food Festival
Wow, stunning photos (like everyone else has said). I’m pinning this on Pinterest to my “places I HAVE to travel” board! 😛
Christy @ Technosyncratic recently posted..Prague versus Budapest: An Eastern European Smackdown
That is a great idea for a Pinterest board. I feel honored to make your list
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..The Source of the Ashes in Photos
Love the second photo! Actually all of them to be honest. What a gorgeous place. Looks cold but you are just in a singlet?!
Cole @ Four Jandals recently posted..Guide to Arthurs Seat Walks: Exploring Edinburgh
It was very hot these days. I was told that we were experiencing hotter weather than they usually get in the summer. We had some cold days too though.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..The Source of the Ashes in Photos
So far, I think Patagonia has got to be the most beautiful part of the world. El Chalten’s surrounding looks even more stunning than I imagined. Wow
Ayelet – All Colores recently posted..198 Boston Photos: Boston Common, Beacon Hill’s Urband Landscape, the Public Garden
Definitely exceeded my expectations
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..The Source of the Ashes in Photos
Gorgeous scenery. Must be an awesome experience to hike in these places.
Cathy Sweeney recently posted..Hot in Milwaukee
Best hiking experience of my life, Cathy!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Perito Moreno Glacier in Black and White
Beautiful. I love that you included the hikers in some of the photos.
Christy recently posted..La Jolla Cove Wildlife Photos – San Diego
I think it makes the photos look even more surreal… small people in such grand landscapes
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Perito Moreno Glacier in Black and White
Those are really awesome places! I hope i can visit it soon…
Melissa034 recently posted..Celebrity fitness: Eva Mendes’s body
Such a beautiful place, and one I really want to get to explore. Great photos!
Dean recently posted..Bathing With Elephants in Chitwan National Park, Nepal
Great photos. I am enjoying all your Patagonian adventures very much.
Ruth recently posted..Eating in Valladolid, My First Taste of Yucatecan Cuisine
Thanks, Ruth. Patagonia has been the highlight of my travels so far. A really incredible place!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..You Can Has Vacation (Cheaper) with TravelScout
Absolutely stunning. I’m an avid hiker and would love to hike here. For now I’ll have to “settle” for the Alps which aren’t too shabby either.
Laurel recently posted..A New Blog Title: Hello Monkeys, Mountains and Maultaschen
I’ll have to make it to the Alps one day. Not too bad for “settling” 😉
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..You Can Has Vacation (Cheaper) with TravelScout
A challenging hike but well worth it from the looks of it … absolutely beautiful photos.
cheryl recently posted..Street Art And Graffiti In Krakow.
Wow, stunning photos! I really want to do this trek!
Laura recently posted..Friday Travel Photo – Dolphins and Catalina
Now THAT is a beautiful destination. I’ve dreamed of hiking in many exotic location and I think this is now on my bucket list. I love the glaciers in the background…just absolutely astounding!
Ron | Active Planet Travels recently posted..Three Siblings | Photo
Definitely add it to your bucket list. This has been the highlight of my travels!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Back in Latin America Again
Awww, memories! I was there this February! It was just not that green but still breath-taking views.
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