Lago Puelo is an easy 30-minute bus ride from El Bolson.
The day I went there were cenizas (aka ashes), but I still enjoyed relaxing on the beach for a while.
I could not see the beautiful view everyone raves about. But I did like the silhouettes of the kids playing in the lake with the mountains in the background.
Click on the photo to purchase prints or postcards.
Great photos. I love the dramatic backdrop out there. It looks pretty serene.
Amer @TendToTravel recently posted..Back in the Day – Why I love culture shock and wanted it all over again
I wish I had more time to hang out there on the beach.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Have You Seen the Whales Show?
Is that a fog right there? If it is, then it would certainly be difficult for you to see how beautiful it is. I wish you took more pictures of it.
Candice Michelle recently cards
Unfortunately, it is ashes from the Chilean volcano. But I thought it still made a beautiful photo… just a different beauty than on a clear day
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Million Penguins… And I Took a Photo of Each One!
You might not have come there to see ash, and it’s still a unique experience most don’t get to have – and it still looks beautiful!
All Colores recently posted..Nature Dances and Flourishes in Tel-Aviv, Israel: What a Way to Start 2012!
I am slowly learning to accept that things do not always work out when we travel
The Travel Chica recently posted..Have You Seen the Whales Show?
I want to see more photos! Black and white photo seems to work well there at that location =)
Annie – FootTracker recently posted..Taiwan (6) Photo Tour of Morning Market @TaiChung
Thanks, Annie
I need to do more photos in black and white. I always enjoy that style of photography but often struggle to see when my own photos would be best in black and white.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Have You Seen the Whales Show?
The silhouettes are really gorgeous! It makes for a really dramatic photo, and the ash cloud just makes it a more unique experience.
Emily S. recently posted..The Definitive Guide to Making Money with Your Travel Blog
Thanks, Emily. I’m starting to embrace the ash cloud
The Travel Chica recently posted..Have You Seen the Whales Show?
It looks marvelous – like a virgin, not spoiled by tourist place! And the photos are great!
Anna recently posted..cosmetic dentistry london
I think I was a little ahead of the tourism season, and it was nice to visit a quiet, relaxing place like this.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Will Hike for Beer
Lovely photo, probably the cloud makes it softer.
Angela recently posted..A trip, a photo – Stunned at the show of UAE aerobatic team Al Fursan
Great photo!! All elements work really well together. And those pesky volcanos…better than blowing up when we’re climbing them, ja ja.
Philip recently posted..Three and a Half Days in Lima
Good point!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Will Hike for Beer
Nice one! Can’t believe all the ash clouds lately…
Andrea recently posted..Signs of the Times
This is just a couple of hours south of Bariloche, so they always get the ashes when Bariloche gets them. The difference is that in Bariloche, the ashes don’t stay up in the sky. They actually fall to the ground and are in the air you breathe.
At least in El Bolson and Lago Puelo, they stay up higher in the atmosphere.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Will Hike for Beer
Awesome shot!!
Dan Collins | Adventures With Dan recently posted..My 2011 in Photos
It almost looks misty in the background. Is that the haze from the sun? Great photo!
Christy & Scott recently posted..8 Adventure Travel Destinations for 2012
It’s the ash cloud from that damn Chilean volcano!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … El Calafate – Lake Sunset
Great shot – the haziness gives it a mysterious, other-wordly vibe.
Christy @ Technosyncratic recently posted..Fisherman’s Bastion: the Saving Grace of Budapest’s Castle Hill
Wow, this is an incredible photo… when I get to Patagonia someday this is on my list! Great job.
Dayna recently posted..The Fortified Peasant Church of Prejmer
It’s a beautiful place, and I think a lot of people do not bother to take the day trip to Lago Puelo. It also seemed to be a place you could stay for a while to enjoy the hiking around the lake. I passed many hostels, camping, and cabanas on my way there.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … El Calafate – Lake Sunset
It looks so serene … makes me want to head there right now and go for a dip!
cheryl recently posted..A Little Budapest in Berlin At Szimpla Kaffeehaus.
It was a bit chilly, but it didn’t seem to stop the kids from enjoying. I think I’m just a wuss about cold water
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … El Calafate – Lake Sunset
I am a big fan of silhouettes. Nice shot.
Rease recently posted..Argentina: I Love You But I’m Not In Love With You
This is one of my favorite Fotos of the Week, especially since I had to look for the right shot.
The Travel Chica recently posted..2011 Travel Year in Review from A to Z
The black and white makes it very atmospheric!
Jade – recently posted..Best of/Worst of Travel in 2011
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Perito Moreno Glacier in Black and White
Excellent use of lighting.
Kurt W recently posted..The Coastline of Sri Lanka
Thank you
I’ve been working on finding more interesting shots. Light can do so many thing but can often be tricky. I need to do even more experimenting.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Eating Like a Queen in El Chalten