Our final day of trekking was a tough one.
Not because of the terrain or the distance or even that it was all ascending.
I got a taste of that infamous Patagonian wind.
And it kicked my ass.
The day started out much cooler and a bit windier than the first two days of trekking. I even brought my hat and gloves.
We had that not-so-pleasant hiking situation where it is cold enough to wear a fleece, yet you’re sweating underneath because you’re climbing at a good pace.
It was all good. There were cool things to see like this ginormous granite boulder precariously resting on top of a hill.
Then we left the coverage of the forest.
Our tour guide David pointed to a hill in the distance where I could see a thin line of a trail and said, “That’s where we are going.”
Ha! That’s funny.
That’s really far and really high.
Although David has a good sense of humor, I started to worry that he was not joking.
He wasn’t.
As soon as we left the forest, we were completely exposed to the wind. It was brutal.
We were climbing on rocks. The wind was cutting right through my layers of clothing.
We kept pushing forward.
We got to the top of the main hill. We hid behind some large boulders for protection against the wind.
Great views.
This is a view of Laguna Torre with a massive wind-storm cloud sitting on top of Cerro Torre.
I managed to snap those photos before my fingers went numb.
And then I was miserable.
There was yet another hill to climb, and I knew I could not go any further.
(Yes, this is where I stopped.)
I was happy I got as far as I did and saw the beautiful lake. But it was time to throw in the towel.
The guys pushed on. (I swear men have some extra layer of insulation.)
Robbie and I headed back.
I took a hot shower. I bought a bottle of wine.
I used the word defeated in the title, but really I feel that I have accomplished a lot over the last few days. And it was fun!
Have you ever decided to throw in the towel on a tough climb?
This post is part of a series about my experience on the Patagonian Trails Tour with Adventure Center. I was very impressed by their range of tour options from light to extreme adventure all over Latin America and the rest of the world. There really is something for everyone. Adventure Center handles all bookings with Peregrine for North American clients.
“Have you ever decided to throw in the towel on a tough climb?”
I threw in the towel about a third up the way up Uluru / Ayers Rock.
The people going up to the top of that thing are insane.
I turned around and climbed down like a scared crab.
Cal recently posted..January’s Top 5 Travel Articles
I heard from a French girl I met in Patagonia that Uluru is a really tough climb.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Photo Essay: Defeated by the Winds of Patagonia at Pliegue Tumbado
Yes that’s true. If you are looking for a challenge, Uluru can give it to you. Sure it is a tough climb, but it feels great when you get to the top. Try it some time.
Candice Michelle recently posted..singapore home loans
another good reason to not clim Uluru is that doing so is incredibly offensive to the Aboriginal tribes that have lived in that area for tens of thousands of years and worship it.
Michael Hodson recently posted..Amazing Travel-ish Videos — the Space Episode
Hodson, I recently heard that from a French traveler I met in Patagonia. Good to know. They said the number of people climbing it has decreased dramatically, but there are still quite a few that do.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Planking: An Aussie Photo Tradition
I think you were not defeated, rather you did something well worth the pain and the cold. Amazing photos of the area! Must felt refreshing after the hot shower & wine !!
Annie recently posted..Taiwan (13) Funnest Airport @Taoyuan
Thanks, Annie
I was satisfied with how far I got. I did not need to be more miserable just to say I made it to the very top 
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Photo Essay: Defeated by the Winds of Patagonia at Pliegue Tumbado
I had to throw in the towel on a climb of Longs Peak in Colorado. The climb has to be started early in order to summit before thunderstorms hit the peak in the afternoon, but I got a late start. Turning around was pretty much the only logical choice.
John recently posted..How to Unlock the Elite Levels of Hotel Loyalty Programs for Minimal Dough
When safety is in question, turning back is always the best choice.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Photo Essay: Trekking Near El Chalten
Amazing Photography! I appreciate your strength in going to these mountains and getting the clicks for us and special thanks for sharing them here. I loved all the images but the view of Laguna Torre left me stunned. I wonder how my excitement would I have been if I was there.
Bayard Coulombe recently posted..Home trainer occasion
I was really happy our guide took us on this optional tour our last day. We weren’t close to the main sights, but we had this incredible 360 view of everything in the area. Gorgeous!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Photo Essay: Trekking Near El Chalten
The hot shower and the wine sound like a fair achievement! It’s more than I do some days!
Seriously, though, it sounds like a great trek and it looks like you saw the best of the views anyway!!
Turtle recently posted..The village where life begins again
I knew the view wasn’t going to get that much better at the very top. I did the math and decided to eat an empanada and then get out of the wind as quick as possible
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Photo Essay: Trekking Near El Chalten
I *should* have turned back on the 3rd day of the Nahuel Huapi traverse in Bariloche, where you basically go on an unmarked (or badly marked, if you’re lucky) route, that involves boulder scrambling up to a height of 150 meters from where you start… I realized it when I was with my huge mochila on my back, holding on to a rock, a 90 meter fall beneath me, and I couldn’t reach the next hand hold to keep going up. And to top it all, my shoe was falling apart and I felt like I couldn’t rely on it. I was never as scared in my entire fucking life – I was sure I was going to die. Eventually I just lunged to get the hand hold and I guess got lucky.. I felt scared as all hell of ledges and depths, even things that would not scare most people, for that entire day. And then we got lost for several hours, had to go down two patches of snow, a freaking waterfall (where I slipped) and finally a swamp. And we didn’t reach the next camp on time.
But in the end – it was GLORIOUS.
They have a saying in Hebrew: “experiences” are “suffering” in past tense.
Hope you got up to Lago del los Tres. It’s one of the most beautiful things in Patagonia, in my humble opinion.. you’re so lucky to be there. I miss it
Boulder scrambling does not sound like fun to me either. What a scary experience! I will take note and NOT do that when I visit Bariloche again.
Yes, I did get to Laguna de los Tres. That was EASY compared to this hike
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Planking: An Aussie Photo Tradition
Gorgeous!!! These hikes were a highlight of our time in Patagonia – but we had warmish, non-windy weather
Andrea recently posted..Losing Weight After a Year of Travel
I figured after 3 beautiful days without wind, we were due for this weather
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Planking: An Aussie Photo Tradition
I agree, you were not defeated. You had a great, challenging trek with unbelievable views and then you made a choice to support yourself, which is powerful. Gorgeous photos!!
Ayelet – All Colores recently posted..128 Boston Photos: Beacon Hill and the Public Garden – Part 2
If I am miserable and don’t feel safe, it’s not worth it for me
I was happy with where I ended up to get these photos.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Planking: An Aussie Photo Tradition
These pictures are mindblowingly gorgeous!!!!!!! I’m glad you listened to your gut.
Andi of My Beautiful Adventures recently posted..Chicago: Day 2 (Part 2)
A slightly different view was not worth being blown off the mountain
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Planking: An Aussie Photo Tradition
I don’t think there is any shame in your turning back a little early. If the wind was as bad as you made it sound, I’m impressed you took photos at all. I’m glad you did though, they look great.
Rease recently posted..Argentina: I Love You But I’m Not In Love With You
I was just happy my fingers still worked enough to work the camera.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Planking: An Aussie Photo Tradition
I give you props, girl – that looks both tough and really cold. I probably would have thrown in the towel, too. No shame in that, though – no use making yourself miserable for a few more photos. Plus, the ones you got are great!
Amanda recently posted..Rotorua: Smelly, But Awesome
Thank you! It was one of those hikes that is deceptively easy for the first couple of hours, and then Bam! Steep rocks and ridiculous wind without any sort of cover.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Planking: An Aussie Photo Tradition
I definitely wouldn’t say you were defeated. You made it a long way and had some great views!
Scott – Quirky Travel Guy recently posted..Woohoo! One year of Quirky Travel Guy
I agree, not defeated at all. That was a huge accomplishment. Such awesome scenery!
Curt recently posted..Cumin & Lime Corn Pasta with Beans
Such a beautiful place Patagonia!
Sophie recently posted..High Tea at the Old Cataract in Aswan
I have probably taken thousands of photos down here.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Planking: An Aussie Photo Tradition
Fabulous photos again
I’m not sure you were defeated either – you found your happy point to stop and made the right decision for your situation. And any day that ends with a bottle of wine is always a victory in my book…
Laurence recently posted..Face off: five European cities duel to the death
Thanks! I thought that bottle of wine was well-deserved too
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Planking: An Aussie Photo Tradition
That first photo looks sooo windy and cold! Your pictures are so beautiful. You deserved that bottle of wine!
Abby recently posted..Low-calorie tricks from Miraval
Definitely windy and a little chilly. David is wearing shorts in the photo, but he had to layer on pants when we got to the tough climb where the wind got insane.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Planking: An Aussie Photo Tradition
I am cold just looking at this. I’ve never been defeated on a hike, but that’s largely because I’ve never gone on a hike that exposed me to elements like that! I would have turned around, too. It’s hard enough to get me to go on a strenuous hike, let alone a cold, miserable AND strenuous one!
It really is amazing how the weather can be different just a few hours hike away… and also change in a moment in this part of the world.
I’m not big on cold and miserable either. That’s why I picked the hottest time of year to do Patagonia
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Planking: An Aussie Photo Tradition
These photos are amazing! I’ve been defeated once on a hike here in Santiago (Cerro Pochoco). The up was hurting my back, and the down I could already tell was going to be scary since it was so steep. Yeah, I felt a little lame waiting half-way up for Rodolfo to come back as all sorts of people passed me with no problems, but I would have felt lamer living the rest of my life on top of a hill because I was too scared to climb down!
Emily in Chile recently posted..Housekeeping
Steep hikes always scare me on the way back down. I don’t mind the work to get up there, but it kills my knees and my nerves to get back down.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Planking: An Aussie Photo Tradition
I think you should be proud for getting as far as you did. Hiking in that kind of weather is tough. Sounds like you totally earned the shower and the wine at the end. Great pics. I love this part of the world!
Cherina |Quiet Wanderings recently posted..There’s Something About Melbourne
Thanks! I love this part of the world too and know I’ll be back.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..You Can Has Vacation (Cheaper) with TravelScout
Yep, a few years ago I was climbing Mt. Dana, 2nd highest peak in Yosemite and over 14,000 ft. After the last 90 minutes scrambling up scree (2 steps up and 1 step slide down), cold and exhausted and with the top in view, my friend and I turned back. It was disappointing in the moment, but what I really remember was the views. You done good girl; and your photos are mouth-wateringly good.
Philip recently posted..My 2011 Travel Review from A to Z
Thanks, Philip. I think your hiking story sounds tougher than mine!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..You Can Has Vacation (Cheaper) with TravelScout
Those clouds are so cool – they really make the photos pop! I’ve thrown in the towel plenty of times, but then again I sort of hate hiking. 😛
Christy @ Technosyncratic recently posted..16 Things You Didn’t Know About Thailand
So you and Ayngelina are both agree about hiking
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Tragedy in Torres del Paine: Stories from the Park
I like hiking… as long as it’s not cold or difficult terrain (like sand or gravel). I’m a picky hiker
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..You Can Has Vacation (Cheaper) with TravelScout
I really love the collection of your images here. Thanks for sharing these with us.
Martha recently posted..Weird Sports
Thanks, Martha. Despite the cold and wind, I really enjoyed this trek. Such beautiful views.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..When a Hostel Defines Your Travel Experience
Love the photo of the boulder perched on the hill! You did a lot to climb that far, congrats. I quite like the way you rewarded yourself as well. 😉
cheryl recently posted..Plac Nowy Jewish Market in Krakow.
That boulder is huge too. There are a few of them like that around, and they all look like they’re going to topple over.
I am learning to reward myself more often. Sometimes I reward myself for finishing a blog post
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..When a Hostel Defines Your Travel Experience
I totally agree with you.. You had achieved a very amazing photo.. You had a great try! The hard way of climbing is worth it! a lot of thanks for sharing this great photos!
Maysel recently posted..movers Alexandria
Never threw in the towel, but that’s mainly because I don’t go on climbs like these 😉 I don’t think you were defeated, well done! And thanks for sharing this beautiful experience with us!