I do not normally post this many times in a week, but I had to share these fun photos from my Patagonian Trails tour with Adventure Center.
One of the benefits of a guided tour is getting to know the people in your group.
I have discovered in my travels that Aussies are a lot of fun, and this group of Aussies certainly made this an even more enjoyable and memorable trip for me.
One thing I will always remember is getting to the top of the hill where we had a gorgeous view of the laguna, the glacier, and the mountains and hearing:
This is a great planking photo!
What is Planking?
Planking is an Aussie thing. I read an article online that it started as a “weird thing to do in a public place,” and it seems to have evolved into a travel photo tradition.
David Planking
Me Planking
So it’s kind of like O-H-I-O
I made the group indulge me for an O-H-I-O photo. That’s what we alumni from THE Ohio State University do when we travel.
They had no clue what I was making them do but were happy to humor me.
What photo traditions do you have?
This post is part of a series about my experience on the Patagonian Trails Tour with Adventure Center. I was very impressed by their range of tour options from light to extreme adventure all over Latin America and the rest of the world. There really is something for everyone. Adventure Center handles all bookings with Peregrine for North American clients.
That is awesome…On our recent trip to Vegas and Disneyland I went around “Tebowing” everywhere and taking pics. It was a lot of fun. Yes…I’m a Gator, hope that doesn’t get me banned from your blog:)
The World of Deej recently posted..Deej’s Picture of the Week
I will have to think about it 😉
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Photo Essay: Trekking Near El Chalten
Planking was quite popular in the US as well…but to expand on Deej’s comment, it has been surpassed in popularity by Tebowing, even by non-Gator/non-Bronco fans. Check it out: http://tebowing.com/
John recently posted..Five Can’t Miss Restaurants in Atlanta, Georgia
Um…. at the risk of alienating some readers, I will withhold my comments on this “tebowing” thing.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Photo Essay: Trekking Near El Chalten
Planking got so famous in Asia that some areas actually prohibits it because people went overboard and tried doing that in dangerous zones XD (like on train tracks, edge of the roof….etc)
Though I don’t have a photo tradition, my cousins like to do “jump” photos where ever they go.
Annie recently posted..Updates on FootTracker
Jump photos are fun, but since I’m traveling alone, I never try it. You need a good photographer to capture a photo like that.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Photo Essay: Trekking Near El Chalten
I met a backpacker once who took photos of her feet all the time. She reckoned the photos proved that she’d been to a place. I thought it was completely whacky at the time but now and then I find myself taking photos of my own feet. My photos are “art” though… you know.
Barbara recently posted..Vietnam Week: An Ear-y Life
I like that. I have taken a few photos of my feet, but it is definitely not a tradition. They do look kind of artsy now that I think about it 😉
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Photo Essay: Trekking Near El Chalten
At least it’s better than “Tebow-ing” Ugh.
I usually try to get a pic of me doing a yoga pose somewhere interesting. Maybe one day I’ll have enough for a series
That is creative. Especially because you can switch-up which pose you do and make it fit into your background. I smell a photo essay blog post coming on
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Photo Essay: Trekking Near El Chalten
Love that you have so much fun and have met so many interesting people. Learning their quirks and introducing them to yours
Eileen Ludwig recently posted..Reading Travel Bloggers – a few at a time
I love me some beautiful landscapes, but the people I have met really do make the experience.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Photo Essay: Trekking Near El Chalten
This is such a fun post! Where I come from, it’s very popular to get your picture taken up in the air during a jump
Ayelet – All Colores recently posted..128 Boston Photos: Beacon Hill and the Public Garden – Part 2
I really need to get some jump photos. All the cool kids are doing it!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Photo Essay: Trekking Near El Chalten
Nice on the o-h-i-o photo! You should submit it to OSU here: http://www.osu.edu/O-H-I-O/
Arlo, Oksana, Wendy and I made one in Bolivia, which is archived here!
And for your jumping fun.
Dusty Doris recently posted..Bali Bikes
I have submitted a few photos to OSU from previous travels. I’ll have to do that with this one too.
Love your photo from the Salar de Uyuni. I’m definitely copying that one
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Tragedy in Torres del Paine: Stories from the Park
So much more inventive than the V-finger horns.
Italian Notes recently posted..San Marino: Old republic in the heart of Italy
I like to think so too
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Tragedy in Torres del Paine: Stories from the Park
Haha this is great!! We usually do jumping photos!!! I remember a group of chinese asking me at a beach in Australia to jump several times cause they were amazed about how high I jump
Sebastian recently posted..Photo Of The Week: Geirangerfjord, Norway
I always thought I would suck at jumping photos because I do not jump very high. I will have to give it a shot sometime though.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Tragedy in Torres del Paine: Stories from the Park
I don’t know what to say about the whole planking thing. Being an Aussie, I kind of cringed when I read the word planking in your email. It was a craze that hit the headlines last year here because people were doing all these stupid and crazy things when like planking on the balcony of a high rise building so that they could post their pics on the internet and get a whole bunch of followers.
Honestly, I had thought the whole thing had died down got replaced by something else but it appears it’s still alive and well.
I read about that too when I googled it. I think this was done in a different spirit. There was no risk involved. Just taking a funny photo somewhere really cool.
Hopefully, that’s the way it is done now.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Tragedy in Torres del Paine: Stories from the Park
Hi Stephanie, first time commenter, long time reader 😉
They are some of the nicest locations for planking photos I have ever seen. Incredibly beautiful scenery!
I should know about planking locations, I’m Australian 😉
Nate @yomadic recently posted..7 Super Photo Shots from Yomadic – Photo Challenge!