I love food markets.
I love to take photos at them. And I love to buy fresh, delicious, cheap food to make my own meals.
The Mercado Fluvial
The Mercado Fluvial (aka river market) in Valdivia happens every day of the year. It is not just for tourists. It is for the people that live here. It is usually set up by 8am and lasts until about 330pm.
This is where I will be every morning, buying my food for the day.
The cherries, raspberries, and blueberries are so good in Chile.
And they are insanely cheap.
But the market is really about the seafood.
I had some delicious seafood in Chiloe, but I do not really know how to cook fish and seafood. I still enjoyed looking at all the fresh product in the market and knowing that is where my fish comes from when I buy it in a restaurant here.
My travel buddy Tim mentioned one day that the fish market doesn’t really smell that fishy. Guess that’s the way it’s supposed to be when everything is super-fresh.
I was surprised to find seals just hanging out by the river too. A few workers were happy to feed some fish heads to this ginormous seal for some photo opportunities. Of course, he did ask for a “donation” after the fact.
The Market is a part of live in Valdivia.
This market is always bustling with people. The whole area by the river is gorgeous.
I think I’m going to like Valdivia.
Interesting! How did the seals remember that the market was that day and that they were going to get fed?
They have a nice little scam going… they get fed, the workers make a few bucks, the tourists get photos. Everyone’s happy
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Journey to the End of the World (aka That Time I Thought I Might Die in the Wilderness)
Steph–saw you liked the ceviche…it is SO easy, and hostel-kitchen friendly, too. If you have a knife and a fish market, you can do it, promise. Here’s one recipe: http://www.50plusandontherun.com/2011/10/ok-i-like-ramen-as-much-as-next-girl.html
50+ and on the Run recently posted..Fiddle-dee-dee, it’s Leap Day
Excellent! Thanks!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Journey to the End of the World (aka That Time I Thought I Might Die in the Wilderness)
So envious!! So much of the fruit in our stores during the winter are Chilean and who can resist Chilean Bass? I’d rather gather is right from an open market like this!!
Leslyn Kantner recently posted..My Virtual Pin Map – You make it Social!
It is so much cheaper and tastes even better in Chile!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Journey to the End of the World (aka That Time I Thought I Might Die in the Wilderness)
Those are actually sea lions (lobos marinos in Spanish), that’s why they are so big
I love Valdivia, and especially when it’s not raining, it’s such a great place.
Abby recently posted..Where am I?
Oops… I knew that. Maybe I had too much Chilean wine when I wrote this post
I was surprised to hear that it has quite a rainy winter, but I would love to spend several weeks here in the summer.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Journey to the End of the World (aka That Time I Thought I Might Die in the Wilderness)
I like Valdivia. It’s not big, there’s not so much to do but just a nice place to hang out for a while. It was actually the first city of our honeymoon trip.
One of those sea lions almost bit the President’s face a couple of years ago. Not sure if it was during the presidential campaign or after though you could probably see how close it was on YouTube.
Did you manage to visit the old Spanish forts at nearby Corral and Niebla?
South America ME recently posted..10 years and big news
I have found that not many travelers know about Valdivia. It might just be my favorite city in Chile so far.
I did make it to Niebla, but I was focused on the food festival
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Journey to the End of the World (aka That Time I Thought I Might Die in the Wilderness)
¡Qué bueno que estés disfrutando tanto el viaje!
Y qué rico lo que nos mostrás en esas hermosas fotos! Pescados, mariscos y frutas en Chile: de lo mejor!
El mejor en todos mis viajes!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Journey to the End of the World (aka That Time I Thought I Might Die in the Wilderness)
Wow the picture of the sea lion with the fish head in his mouth is just spectacular. I saw some of those sea lions in Punta Del Este and they were monsters! Way bigger than anything we have in California.
John recently posted..Southern Hospitality at The Oak Alley Plantation in Louisiana – Mercy, I Do Declare!
In addition to hanging out by the market looking for food handouts, they lounge on the docks by the bridge in Valdivia. I think all the easy food is fattening them up.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Journey to the End of the World (aka That Time I Thought I Might Die in the Wilderness)
I love markets! In the States we were huge fans of Farmer’s Markets for fresh produce, and now that we’ve started traveling we visit markets a lot. The ones in Thailand are awesome – so many interesting things to see, and small food items to sample!
Christy @ Technosyncratic recently posted..The Time We Almost Got Eaten by Tigers in Chiang Mai
It’s my best travel tip for eating well and on the cheap. I have come across ridiculously large fruits (papayas as long as my arm) in Latin America but nothing too strange… and not really much sampling either. Definitely have to make it to Southeast Asia.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Journey to the End of the World (aka That Time I Thought I Might Die in the Wilderness)
I want to go to this place and try their food…Thanks a lot for this awesome post here…
Ayieh recently posted..How To Control Anxiety
It’s beautiful! Your food pics are amazing. I wanna grab those cherries! And you can see seals there? What more could you ask for?!
I have eaten so many cherries in Chile. They are so cheap and such a great snack food when you’re out for the day. They also go nicely with Chilean wine
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Journey to the End of the World (aka That Time I Thought I Might Die in the Wilderness)
I never thought about pairing wine and cherries. Thanks for that tip!
I had some great smoked salmon at the mercado fluvial – no cooking required! And the sea lions were fun but a little scary. They can be aggressive and surprisingly fast, so I took my pictures from a distance.
Emily in Chile recently posted..Hiking in the Andes mountains
I had no idea they were aggressive and fast until I read Rob’s comment above and now yours. Glad there was a tall fence between us.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Journey to the End of the World (aka That Time I Thought I Might Die in the Wilderness)
It looks great! Despite your excellent recommendation I didn’t make it to Valdivia. Wish I’d given myself more time in Chile now. It was such a great country!!
Turtle recently posted..The panoramic kaleidoscope
I completely agree…. wish there was more time. I could have spent another whole week in Valdivia alone!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Journey to the End of the World (aka That Time I Thought I Might Die in the Wilderness)
Be sure to eat lots of chocolate and head out to the breweries and the market in Nuebla (or was it Niebla – hope I spelled that right). We loved watching the sea lions catch the fish thrown by the vendors at the market – so entertaining!
It’s Niebla. And I think you might be able to see the future of my upcoming posts
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Journey to the End of the World (aka That Time I Thought I Might Die in the Wilderness)
Cherries, raspberries, and blueberries are super delicious here, too. Similar climate, I expect. sadly, they aren’t insanely cheap – unless they grow in your back yard.
Sophie recently posted..Sophie’s World chosen as one of the top 10 travel blogs in 2011
I have a feeling you are the type to grow them in your backyard
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Celebrating Summer in Valdivia
Valdivia sounds like a place I would like very much, too. Love markets that are bustling with locals and filled with such wonderful fresh food. The blueberries look like I could reach in and pick one.
Cathy Sweeney recently posted..Dressed to Impress
I think you would love it too. In fact, I cannot imagine anyone that would not love Valdivia. I feel like it’s the best-kept secret in Chile.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Celebrating Summer in Valdivia
Living the dream, mi amiga! So happy you’re having an awesome time in Chile, as it’s one place I’ve always wanted to go. It seems like you’re going to stay for a while?
Abby recently posted..No, I don’t live on the (Vegas) Strip!
Unfortunately, I will not be in Chile as long as I would like…. Another big (well, more like long) country and so much to see. I think it’s a place I will have to come back to again.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Celebrating Summer in Valdivia
Okay that seal kinda scares me, it’s too eager!
Ayngelina recently posted..Maui on my mind
He was definitely hungry, and I was standing a safe distance away while the fish guy fed him. From reading other people’s comments, I guess sea lions are really aggressive.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Celebrating Summer in Valdivia
I’ve never heard of Valdivia before, but the river looks beautiful and I love seals!
Laurel recently posted..How Making Friends is Like Dating
If you ever make it to Chile, Valdivia is a must-visit city. Such a special place with so much to offer travelers.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Celebrating Summer in Valdivia
Food areas are great places for cameras! Love the photos.
Ayelet – All Colores recently posted..Up Close & Personal With a Penguin – A Video
I have been to the market every single day! I love buying my food fresh.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Celebrating Summer in Valdivia
This is great, your plans as well as the images!
Siddhartha Joshi recently posted..(not) frozen balls…
Great photo essay – I can almost smell the market! And those sea lions… amazing!
Wanderplex recently posted..Feeling clever? Head to this puzzling bar in Shanghai
All the food look so fresh! Those berries are to die for! Markets like these always sell the best. Thank you for sharing.
I’m eating as many berries as I can while I’m here!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Celebrating Summer in Valdivia
I love fresh food markets … I’d be shopping there every day if I were you.
cheryl recently posted..So I Moved To Berlin. The Back Story And Why.
Victory! New update! You’ve undoubtly been working on your writing skills. Bravo
Thank you so much for the genius of well – you!
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