Yep! I’m going back!
This will be my fourth time visiting Buenos Aires. Long before I had a blog (or ever read a blog), and long before the plan to quit my job and travel was created, I came to Buenos Aires for a 2-week vacation with friends.
I not only loved the city, I felt like I could live there.
And so when I got to Buenos Aires last year during my travel sabbatical, I decided to call the city home for a few months. Stealing a term from Hecktic Travels…
I was a pseudo-expat.
And I loved it!
I made a life in BA. I had a routine. I had an apartment. I made good friends.
In order to avoid the miserable winter here, I went back to visit friends and family in Ohio for a few weeks.
What was supposed to be only a couple more weeks back in Buenos Aires turned into another 2 months because I started doing remote work and needed to be stationary for a while.
Buenos Aires: Take 4
There are quite a few reasons to go back.
Although some friends have left Buenos Aires (read Rease’s amusing post about breaking up with the city), I still have friends I would like to visit. And I get to do some of those things that were “on the list” that I never got to before such as the San Telmo Art Walk, a steak dinner at La Brigada, and a visit to the Costanera Sur.
My next stop after Argentina is Bolivia, so I want to soak up as much city life, good food, and fun wine events as possible before I start roughing it in a country known for terrible long-distance bus rides, not-so-great food, and the worst internet connectivity in South America.
I do not mean to paint a bad picture of Bolivia.
I am excited to go and see some amazing landscapes, discover a new culture, and meet great people. It is just going to be different from what I have experienced the last several months.
The Big News: I Am Writing a Buenos Aires City Guidebook
The BIG reason to come back to Buenos Aires is that I am the author of Indie Travel Media’s Buenos Aires City Guidebook.
Their new city guidebook series is being released in the third quarter this year with Auckland, New Zealand; Las Vegas, USA; and Buenos Aires, Argentina. The book will be released worldwide in paperback as well as several digital formats including iPhone, iPad, Amazing, Kindle, Nook, PDF, and more.
If you are planning a trip to Buenos Aires later this year or next year, you know where to get your travel guide.
I am really excited for this opportunity to share my knowledge about a city I love and help other travelers have a great experience in Buenos Aires. This guide will be written for all types of travelers and for every travel budget.
What I find special about these guidebooks (and the reason I signed up as an author) is that they improve upon the traditional guidebook format AND they are being published within months of the research.
Readers will get timely, accurate information and be able to quickly find the information they need.
Welcome back to the city! I arrived here last week and I love being back. Maybe I’ll get to meet you this time. But for now, I’ll give you a suggestion for your guidebook
One of the greatest hidden treasures in Buenos Aires is the barrio of Boedo. Boedo is somewhat like San Telmo but less touristy and more authentic. Most tourist overlook Boedo but that is a bad mistake.
It is a beautiful barrio with a little museum, rich tango history, and historic cafes. I know this because I lived 10 months of my life there and it was a very special part of my life. Definitely visit Boedo, read about it, and then write about it in your guide book.
Angelina Khoo recently posted..Déjà vu
I actually went to Boedo to meet up with another travel blogger who was staying there with her brother. It was only an afternoon, but she had done her research, and explained a lot about the neighborhood to me. I’ll have to spend some more time there when I come back.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Valdivia Knows How to Make Good Beer
You’ll be surprised on the “greatness” of Bolivian people. I found them to an unfriendly bunch but he landscapes are amazing.
Congrats on your assignment for the travel guide. maybe you can mention the “great” hostel where we met in Palermo.
Ps, i just wrote about you this morning in my upcoming book. Don’t worry , nothing bad and i changed your name to Elizabeth, let me know if you come up with a better name for yourself. Please do haha !
Neil Skywalker recently posted..Cambodia – Phnom Penh second visit.
I lived in that hostel for probably 6-7 weeks during my time in BA. It is obviously worthy of the guidebook if I could stay there that long
Hmm…. a book? What are you up to? I’m good with Elizabeth
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Valdivia Knows How to Make Good Beer
Up to no good as usual
So fancy that you’re going to be a guidebook author! I’m sure you have lots of great tips to share considering how much you love the city.
Emily in Chile recently posted..Saturday in Santiago: Lai Thai
I like to think so
The last few months traveling through southern Argentina and Chile, I have given people so many suggestions for Buenos Aires. I should have been recording my conversations!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Valdivia Knows How to Make Good Beer
Following Angelina’s great suggestion, I’dl add Parque Chas, where the streets are circular and it (allegedly) inspired Borges to write El Laberinto. Villa Devoto is another favourite of mine. You must have a picada at Cafe de Garcia. Sanabria 3302, T. 4501-5912
Ana O’Reilly recently posted..So what is a telo anyway?
BTW, congratulations on your assignment!
Ana O’Reilly recently posted..So what is a telo anyway?
Wonderful! I am not familiar with either, so I will definitely be checking them out.
And I just see that you wrote about telos. Ha! I’m going to read that post right now!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Valdivia Knows How to Make Good Beer
Awesome! That sounds like plenty of good reasons to head back to BA. More steak photos too. I can’t wait!
Christy recently posted..Tips for Taking a Surf Trip
I have a list of steak restaurants I want to go to
I’m going to have to be sure to keep up with my running routine!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Valdivia Knows How to Make Good Beer
Congratulations Stephanie!!! I loved the Teatro Colon, Museo de Arte y Decoracion, and Palacio Barolo. All of them relate to the great architecture that can be found in Bs As. Can’t wait to see the book on store shelves!! Felicidades!
The architecture is so interesting here. One thing I definitely want to do this time around is the tour of Palacio Barolo.
Not sure if I told you but I did fit in a tour of Teatro Colon last time, and it was absolutely worth it. Maybe this time I will be able to actually see a performance there.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Valdivia Knows How to Make Good Beer
Awesome. Congrats on the book!
Wendy and I just loved Bolivia too. The salt flats trip blew our minds, so beautiful. When you need some big city, La Paz had good Internet connectivity and was a lot of fun. Be sure to bike Death Highway and check out the Cholita Wrestling.
Can wait to hear about your upcoming travels!
Dusty Doris recently posted..Road Trip to Sunny Skies
I have also been told about a good brewery in La Paz. The Cholita wrestling has been on my Bolivia to-do list ever since I read your post about it
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Valdivia Knows How to Make Good Beer
Great news! Good luck on the guidebook
Show us all the wonders of Buenos Aires! Would love to know more about this city
Roy | The Riding Dutchman recently posted..My ABC’s of Travel
Thanks! Now I will have a bigger outlet than this website to share everything I know about this city.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Valdivia Knows How to Make Good Beer
This is so exciting because Im planning a trip to BsAs in november,. I would love to read the guidebook. Cant wait.
Diana recently posted..De los quesos pichos
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Valdivia Knows How to Make Good Beer
Also, that’s a great time to visit because you get here before it gets too hot and humid and it fills with tourists.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Valdivia Knows How to Make Good Beer
That sounds like a fun assignment! Congrats! What a great reason to visit friends and see more of a city one likes. Still haven’t made it that far south in South America, but if I ever will, your guide book is on my list
Thank you! Hopefully, all of my posts about beautiful landscapes, great wine, and yummy steak will get you to this part of the world sooner
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Valdivia Knows How to Make Good Beer
congrats on the news!!!
That’s awesome news and sounds fascinating.
How long will you be spending in BA?
South America ME recently posted..10 years and big news
Probably 3 weeks. There is a lot of research to do, and I have the flexibility to stay longer if I need to. I just have to try not to get sucked in again, or I’ll never see Bolivia or Peru
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Valdivia Knows How to Make Good Beer
Wow that’s amazing Stephanie! Congratulations on the book and best of luck.
John recently posted..Exceeding Travel Expectations at the Santa Barbara County Courthouse
Thanks, John! I’m excited about the opportunity AND the excuse to go back
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Valdivia Knows How to Make Good Beer
Wow! I love to go to Argentina and taste their great food and enjoy their culture. Perhaps, I’ll be needing your guidebook as my preparation.
Chique Weiz recently posted..Famous Golfers of All Time
Buenos Aires is a wonderful city, and Argentina is such an amazing country. You should definitely plan a visit… and use my BA City Guide of course
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Valdivia Knows How to Make Good Beer
Bienvenida de vuelta a casa!!!! Éxito en tu nuevo emprendimiento!!! Y muchas felicidades!!!
Mil gracias, Malena!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Valdivia Knows How to Make Good Beer
Awesome! Congrats on the guidebook! If only you’d already written it when I visited! Oh well, a good reason to head back sometime!
Turtle recently posted..The funeral crasher
Well, I did try to brain dump everything I knew about the city for you when we met for drinks
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Valdivia Knows How to Make Good Beer
Can’t wait to read your guidebook. I know it will be nothing less than Brilliant! Congrats. Can’t wait to see you again…
Thanks, Gilbert. The invitation is always open to you and the family to visit…. how does Bolivia sound? 😉
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Valdivia Knows How to Make Good Beer
Congratulations! What a wonderful opportunity and great excuse to spend more time in Argentina! Have fun doing your research
Ayelet – All Colores recently posted..Welcome to Argentina
I think I have spent at least half of my travel sabbatical in Argentina. Now I can say it was for work
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Valdivia Knows How to Make Good Beer
What a fun job – and a great excuse to live in Buenos Aires for a while
Sophie recently posted..Jamaica Inn
My travel sabbatical rule… only fun work and fun places
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Valdivia Knows How to Make Good Beer
Hey Travel Chica! So glad to hear you’re coming back. Please come a do another Foto Ruta with us – we loved having you for the halloween special all those months away!
That was so much fun! I’ll get in touch with you. I would love to go on a “normal” day and experience a different neighborhood.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Valdivia Knows How to Make Good Beer
Congrats, Stephanie – that’s so exciting! We really enjoyed Bolivia though we were only there for a week. There is good food around you just have to look for it. The altitude will probably be the biggest adjustment. Enjoy =)
Andrea recently posted..Visa Runs – The Mandatory Vacation
Thanks, Andrea!
I will definitely do my research to find the good food in Bolivia.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Santiago – The City from Above
Sweet! Congrats on the Guidebook. I’m planning Buenos Aires so I’d love to hear your tips and I’ll be marking your steak suggestion as I’m compiling favourites for my trip on my blog. There’s two posts up there already.
Natalie T. recently posted..#FriFotos: Green
Thanks, Natalie! And very exciting that you are going to Buenos Aires. I will of course be posting more about Buenos Aires this next trip back before the guidebook is published. I have lots more to share!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Back in Latin America Again
WOW super de duper congrats!!!!!!!!!! I’m so excited for you. We will be back for probably 2 weeks in July. Will you be there then? Would love to spend more time with you. That 1st shot is AMAZING.
Andi of My Beautiful Adventures recently posted..My Wedding & Honeymoon: Day 17
Thanks, Andi! Unfortunately, I will not be staying in BA for that long. Hopefully, our paths will cross again sometime in the near future.
That first photo is from an apartment in Palermo Soho. An expat friend I met at a wine tasting let me take advantage of his kick-ass view when he found out that I am a photographer. So nice!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Back in Latin America Again
That is some exciting news! Congrats on the writing job. 😀
I’m really looking forward to reading about your future travels in Bolivia. I was there last year and loved it. Visiting and spending time in the rural villages was the highlight of my trip.
Audrey recently posted..I Think I’m Falling for Seoul
I will have to dig through your blog to get some tips!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Back in Latin America Again
Congrats on the Indie Travel Guide gig! What a great opportunity!
Raymond @ Man On The Lam recently posted..Travel Photo of the Week — Souped-up Golf Carts
That’s SO awesome!!! Congrats my dear!!
dtravelsround recently posted..Yoga for airplane travel
Ooh congratulations, Steph!
Camels & Chocolate recently posted..Photo Friday: Chattanooga, Tennessee
Oh, congratulations on the guidebook writing! What a fantastic opportunity!!
Wanderplex recently posted..Lost your camera? Here are some steps you can take to get it back