The two most beautiful places on my itinerary for Chile have experienced environmental disasters just before my arrival.
First, there was the fire in Torres del Paine.
And now the driest place on the planet is flooding.
Everything is closed.
- The Salar de Atacama.
- The Tatio Geysers.
- Valle de la Luna.
- The star-gazing tours.
All closed.
To get an idea of the beauty I am missing out on, check out photos from Ayngelina’s tour to Valle de la Luna and more great landscapes from the Atacama Desert.
I just spent US$100 on a bus ticket to get here, dealt with the discomfort of an overnight bus ride, and left a city I loved and wanted to explore more. And I am not going to be able to take pictures of this landscape photographer’s dream destination.
But just like in Torres del Paine, I am not the center of the universe.
Miguel’s house is flooding.
Even though it flooded the night before I arrived, he was still wonderful enough to receive me as a CouchSurfing guest. Despite his best efforts to cover the adobe roof with plastic, the house has continued to leak every time it rains. We are using buckets to collect the water dripping from the ceiling.
People are being evacuated.
The military is handing out mattresses and blankets on the square.
The rains are forecasted to continue my entire time here.
The only thing for me to do is book a bus ticket out of here.
A difficult task when none of the bus companies are keeping regular hours (and these are major bus companies: Pullman, Andesmar, Turbus). Not sure if it is the flooding or the fact that it is just a small town and nobody cares.
I finally resorted to booking a ticket through Andesmar online.
I will continue to practice my Spanish and learn more about this part of Chile from my CouchSurfing host.
I will walk the short distance through town looking for photo subjects to entertain myself.
Like these girls playing in the entrance to the church that has become a mud bath.
And this cat just chilling in the window during a break between rains.
And the almost-artistic design of the adobe running down the walls of this home.
Situations like this really emphasize how much we need to take better care of our planet. You shot some great photos while entertaining yourself.
Ayelet – All Colores recently posted..Video of the Week: A Drive through Heaven on Earth – Glacier National Park, Argentina
Thank you! Not much else to do, so I figured I’d make the best of it.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Learning to Cook in Chile: Ceviche, Pisco Sours y Mas!
Oh wow! Yeah it looks completely different than when I was there. I’m sad you didn’t get to see it.
Ayngelina recently posted..Food Friday: A Chef’s Cozumel
Me too, but I have a feeling I will go back
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Learning to Cook in Chile: Ceviche, Pisco Sours y Mas!
Yikes, that’s a lot of water coming down. I hope you can make it out to northern Argentina soon!
Audrey recently posted..The Best Seat Is Atop A Bus
I do agree with Ayelet! It’s a clear sample of the earth is changing (or I’d better to say it’ se getting worse) and that we have to take care of it day by day! Anyway…your pics are wonderful!!
Francy R recently posted..Top Destination’s in Africa
So true! I think that this travel sabbatical has made me much more aware of the changes in our climate and the importance of being aware of the impacts we have on the environment.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Learning to Cook in Chile: Ceviche, Pisco Sours y Mas!
Oh my gosh I feel terrible for you. So sorry you’ve had such awful luck! I do hope you’ll be able to make it back someday.
John recently posted..Travel Rinse Repeat’s Seven Super Shots
John, don’t feel bad for me. Feel bad for Miguel! 😉
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Learning to Cook in Chile: Ceviche, Pisco Sours y Mas!
What town are these pictures from? San Pedro de Atacama?
Yep, it’s San Pedro de Atacama.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Learning to Cook in Chile: Ceviche, Pisco Sours y Mas!
Good thing you were still able to look for interesting subjects for your pictures.
I guess that cat on the windowsill is awfully bored; his romping grounds are wet than he would prefer.
Lynn recently posted..learn and master guitar review
I know….. poor guy!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Best Wine Tour in Chile: Matetic in Casablanca Valley
Holy heck, that’s a crazy time to be visiting in a time this this. I hope everyone is safe!
Elise Walsh recently posted..Four Unique Vacation Ideas
I did not hear of any deaths, but people unfortunately lost their homes. Sad situation.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Best Wine Tour in Chile: Matetic in Casablanca Valley
This is tragic. Poor people. Poor cat.
Laura recently posted..The Stunning Lello Bookshop From Porto
Such a pity that you keep ending up in the middle of these awful natural disasters.
The one positive is that you get to see the community in a situation that’s outside the ordinary – which probably gives you a real insight into their lives.
Very true. And the fact that I was CouchSurfing with a local gave me even more insight because I knew more about the situation.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Best Wine Tour in Chile: Matetic in Casablanca Valley
This is unusual! i have never known that some desserts in the world experience flooding too…
DivinneGrace recently posted..digial aerials colchester
Apparently, there is a “rainy season” in February, but it’s usually just a few drops. Nothing like this in recent history.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Best Wine Tour in Chile: Matetic in Casablanca Valley
That’s so awful! I hope the people there come through this ok. Sucks you weren’t able to see what you came for, but seeing real life is just as much a part of traveling.
Ali recently posted..Melbourne in 10 Days – How Much I Spent
Ali, you make a very good point
I will have to remember that one.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Best Wine Tour in Chile: Matetic in Casablanca Valley
O sorry. But You have seen some phenomenon.
Victor Tribunsky recently posted..Bad Hofgastein – Ski and Alpentherme Paradise
This is so unfortunate. What’s harder is that since it never floods they don’t have a strong enough contingency plan to be prepared for disasters like these. I hope there isn’t too much damage.
Exactly! It did seem that the Chilean government reacted quickly and sent in military/ fire brigades from the big cities.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Best Wine Tour in Chile: Matetic in Casablanca Valley
Bad luck for you but more bad luck for the locals.
Laura recently posted..The Stunning Lello Bookshop From Porto
Wow – tough times for Chile at the moment…
Australia is having severe flooding as well and has been for awhile now. And it’s supposed to be very dry there – I wonder if the weather systems are related.
Andrea recently posted..Discovering Hamburg: The City on the Water
I would not be surprised if it is related. So many parts of the natural systems are.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Best Wine Tour in Chile: Matetic in Casablanca Valley
Aw man, what bad luck!! That’s just crazy. I guess you’ll just have to go back!
Amanda recently posted..Iceland’s Golden Circle
The Travel Chica recently posted..Best Wine Tour in Chile: Matetic in Casablanca Valley
I hope you will have a chance to return. It’s great that your couch surfing host was still able to host you.
Lisa recently posted..Berlin in a Day
He was so great.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Best Wine Tour in Chile: Matetic in Casablanca Valley
Aw that’s too bad about the flooding! I was in Bangkok a few years ago and it rained a ton. Made me wonder how it could get worse, until I saw how bad it was this passed year and I felt a little guilty. If nothing else, it gives you a good story! Hope all else is well.
Margyle recently posted..The Next Best Thing to Living in an Ikea Store
My goodness! Please do not come to Seattle anytime soon.
Caanan @ No Vacation Required recently posted..The Naked Truth
I’ll be sure to stay away until my “natural disaster magnet” wears off.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Best Wine Tour in Chile: Matetic in Casablanca Valley
What’s up with you and natural disasters? I’m sorry! But, I do love the shots you took!
dtravelsround recently posted..Daily Wanderlust: Kotor, Montenegro
I think I have had too much good luck in the rest of my travels with things going smoothly.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Best Wine Tour in Chile: Matetic in Casablanca Valley
Well you do know how to turn lemons into lemonade
eileen ludwig recently posted..Norway Fjords Mountains Adorable Villages Stalheim
Part of what traveling has taught me
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … The Middle of the Andes: Lines
Wow, you do pick the places! Hope your trip skirts future natural disasters
Laurence recently posted..Two weeks in the UK–my perfect itinerary
I hope so too. I don’t think I will be as understanding if I do not get to see the Salar de Uyuni or Machu Picchu
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … The Middle of the Andes: Lines
Well there’s a silver lining to everything and you certainly got an interesting story out of the experience (not to mention a good reason to go back)!
Wanderplex recently posted..How far will my money take me?
Very true.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..My Luxury Vacation at Viñas de Cafayate Wine Resort
Ugh I know how you feel. I just had to cut my Pacific Island trip short after being trapped in the Fiji cyclone. We had no power or drinking water for a week, and near the end we started to run out of food. Thank god I got out of there though.
Jade – recently posted..I Want To ‘Go With Oh’ To Prague
Wow! That is scary! And much worse than my experience.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..My Luxury Vacation at Viñas de Cafayate Wine Resort
What a terrible shame for you and the wonderful people of San Pedro. We were there for four nights last year and it was one of the highlights of our trip. But so was the bus ride to Salta and the country between Salta and Tucuman is nothing less than spectacular.
Leigh recently posted..An Outstanding Outing to Okefenokee Swamp
I agree that the bus ride to Salta would be beautiful… unfortunately, by the time we got through customs in San Pedro (line was outrageous because of everyone fleeing), it ended up being dark for the best part of the bus ride. But I did take a tour to go back that way and see it in the daytime.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Cafayate: Serenity
Even the cat in that picture looks annoyed!
Sorry about the bad luck…
Roy Marvelous recently posted..Introducing Stickmen & Unicorns (Enter To Win Original Shitty Art)
This must have been why the church and all the buildings had brown stains on them last week. How unlucky! You’ll have to come back 😉
Steven Taylor recently posted..San Pedro de Atacama
I am so tempted to go back when I do the Salar de Uyuni tour in Bolivia because several take you to Atacama.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Seeing Nothing and Experiencing More
Yikes, sorry to hear about your misadventure. Miguel seemed very kind to let you stay with him while he was dealing with all of the flooding issues.
Mary @ Green Global Travel recently posted..How We Quadrupled Our Blog Traffic In 6 Months
Awwww that’s too bad. My heart goes out to the people of this place …
cheryl recently posted..My Travel Inspirations And How I Became A Travel Junkie.
Chile is an awesome place, i travelled through the whole country, and it was an incredible trip!
if you want to visit Chile, you may rent a camper or motorhome in AndesCampers, a very friendly company, i did it, and they have a lot of different routes and tips about Chile in their website, it was very useful information for my trip!