I was thrilled when BA Food Tours invited me to take part in one of their barrio-specific food tours of Buenos Aires.
I first discovered how much I love cooking classes as part of my travel experience last year. So the idea of a food tour to learn about a travel destination is quite appealing to me as well.
Of course, I already know a lot about the food here.
To be honest, there is a lot of bad food in Buenos Aires.
I do not mean that the types of dishes are bad.
It’s just that there are so many restaurants and food stands, and you have a 50-50 chance of picking the right spot.
That is when a local tour guide comes in handy.
They know where to go to get the good stuff. And they can tell you what you are actually eating.
Here are some of my favorite photos from the day.
The “spread” at our first restaurant.
A good start to the tour!
Buñuelos de Espinaca
Sure, it’s a fried ball of dough, but it also has spinach and seasoning in it. One of the rare opportunities to get your veggies in Buenos Aires
What I like about these is that they are not as doughy as the ones you will find in other parts of Latin America.
I love that the empanadas in Argentina are usually baked instead of fried. You can always tell when they are fresh because the shell soft and slightly crispy.
Milanesa is practically its own food group in Buenos Aires. I don’t eat it much because the breading and grease can be overwhelming. This one was done perfectly.
Cute Historical Restaurant
I loved the look and feel of this historical restaurant. The exposed brick walls are the art… get it?
Raviolis with Calabaza (Squash)
When I first got to Buenos Aires last year, I tried pasta twice and gave up for several months until I found a great locals place in Villa Crespo.
Buenos Aires is supposed to have good pasta because of the Italian immigrants. But once again, you have to know where to find it. Now I know where to find it in San Telmo!
Favorite Wine
We had 2 different Argentine wines. This one was my favorite. I had never even heard of Wayna before, so I was thrilled to discover a new red wine to add to my list of favorites..
Book a Tour!
This doesn’t even represent half of the food we had on the tour. I certainly had my fill by the end of the afternoon.
BA Food Tours offers multiple tours in different barrios of the city, including San Telmo, Recoleta, and La Boca. The great thing about how they organize the tours is that you experience different foods, depending on the barrios. Just read the descriptions on the BA Food Tours website, and pick which is most interesting to you.
I appreciated having an Argentine as my guide, and he gave me lots of great tips for eating in BA.
I love your food photos – they are some of my favorites. The empanadas look delicious.
John recently posted..The Kentucky Derby Infield Experience
Thanks, John. I was not big on empanadas until I got to Argentina, and now I love the homemade, baked ones.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Cafayate: Wine, Wine, Wine! (part 2)
Hi – just wondering which barrio you did your tour in? The pictures look great!
This was in San Telmo.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Cafayate: Wine, Wine, Wine! (part 2)
Our favorite food was definitely empanadas, they were good in BA but GREAT in Cafayate and Salta.
Rob recently posted..6 Secrets of Multi-millionaires
Ah, yes. It’s hard for me to pick a favorite because they are so good in the north too.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Cafayate: Wine, Wine, Wine! (part 2)
If you have money enough there are a lot of wonderful places in BA.
A very good point. If only the inflation would stop (or at least slow down).
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Cafayate: Wine, Wine, Wine! (part 2)
Everything looks so good! I’ve been craving some of these Argentine specialties. I think I’ve hit my limit with rice and noodles here in Asia…haha 😀
Audrey recently posted..The EngRish Edition: Cracker Sand
At least they use spices in Asia 😉
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Cafayate: Wine, Wine, Wine! (part 2)
Sounds like a fun tour! Those raviolis look divine
Andrea recently posted..The Party Before the Exams: Norway’s Russ
Some of the best I have in BA.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Mixing Business and Pleasure (Art and Steak) in BA
No way! We went on the same tour while in BA – San Telmo correct? We had a blast… So much food!
Meg from LandingStanding recently posted..What Should I Pack? – 7 Unexpected Essentials
Yep! Guess word is getting out about this tour company. That and I think people are seeking out good ways to learn about and try traditional food when they travel.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Mixing Business and Pleasure (Art and Steak) in BA
Wow, those empanadas look good! Plus points for being baked.
Trent recently posted..christmas sheet music for piano
Even though I know they are not exactly the healthiest thing to eat, I just feel better knowing they are baked (plus they taste better).
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Eating My Way Through BA Part 4: My Favorite Brunch
That historical restaurant looks so inviting. Simple but stunning. I would LOVE to try those Milanesas
Christina (Jandal Road) recently posted..Things to do in Vancouver
I must have walked by this restaurant 20 times. I am a sucker for exposed brick and good pasta
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Eating My Way Through BA Part 4: My Favorite Brunch
Yum, baked empanadas sound delicious. And I’d never heard of Milanesa before, but they look yummy! I’m also a fan of squash ravioli, so basically it sounds like I need to go on this tour asap. 😛
Christy @ Technosyncratic recently posted..Things That Cost Less Than a Dollar in Thailand
You don’t know milanesa?!! It’s an entire food group in Argentina!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Seeing Nothing and Experiencing More
Hi Steph.. This kind of restaurant is actually what we are all wanting for.. To have a variety of food is really good for us especially for travelers..
Dhyan recently posted..WAVs
Looks like Buenos Aires is packed with delicious restaurants, I love South America, I can’t wait to go back!
Angela recently posted..In Mleeta, a day with Hezbollah
BA definitely has some excellent specialty restaurants if you have the cash to spend. And you can find some good traditional food for a reasonable price if you get good tips from the locals… which I now have
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Eating My Way Through BA Part 4: My Favorite Brunch
It’s very good to see your food photos. Some of my favorite foods are hear. I think all food is very delicious.
human deformities recently posted..Weird, Cruel,Strange and Funny Mothers
I am too,,,, I like those very much,,,,
vacation packages recently posted..Salta – “La linda”
Haha,,, Friends I can’t wait any more to see the photos of my favorite delicious food here. Ahhh,,, I am coming coming,,,
I love to live in Buenos Aries and love to eat many delicious food and many others cake.
vacation packages recently posted..Salta – “La linda”
My stomach is making strange noises. It’s a sign that I am super hungry and I would eat a thousand plate. thanks for your yummy pictures!
Shyr recently posted..Kitchen islands
Oh wow this looks amazing! This company is definitely going on the list for my South American 2013 tour!
Jade Johnston recently posted..ATV Adventures In Coral Bay
Maybe you can do the tour in all 3 barrios!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Seeing Nothing and Experiencing More
Everything looks so damn good! I got my eyes on the Buñuelos de Espinaca though. I’m glad you found good food despite the not so good ones around the city.