When I first got to Sucre, I was amazed at how beautiful the city is. The colonial architecture, cobblestone streets, and perfectly manicured plazas are great, but the surrounding mountains are my favorite view everyday.
I knew I wanted to get out and explore them. I have a thing for torturous bike rides, so it totally made sense to explore by bike.
Mountain biking in Sucre is awesome!
But it is also really freaking hard.
Maybe it is because my weekly bike rides in Ohio were on completely flat terrain, and mountain biking on actual mountains is not something I have ever done.
It is certainly not because I am out of shape. I’ve been running in the park everyday, pushing through the hills and altitude, not embarrassed to be moving at half the pace of the Bolivians.
Bolivians are just hardcore.
And because I completed this circuit without dying or begging a passing truck for a ride, I am too.
I did have to get off the bike and walk at some points because the incline was so ridiculous that I was actually riding slower than I could walk.
But that’s okay.
At least I didn’t lay down on the ground like I wanted to do.
It was certainly vale la pena to get these views.
Beware this evil plant.
Another pain in the ass about mountain biking in Bolivia is this plant with huge, hard-as-nails thorns. I got a flat, and the thorn had punctured through both sides of the tire!
If you really enjoy adventure activities and are up for a challenge, go mountain biking in Sucre. Awesome views and a huge sense of accomplishment. Plus, you will burn enough calories to eat everything in sight when you’re done. Just be sure to have a tire repair kit with you.
I’m so glad you went to Bolivia, so you can bring back these great photos! It really does sound like you’re in great shape, and way to go to not caring that Bolivians run faster – they’re used to this altitude!
Ayelet – All Colores recently posted..Jerusalem’s Ice Festival: It’s a Zoo Out Here
After eating my way through BA, I need to do as much physical activity as possible
I am also glad I chose to go to Bolivia. Such a beautiful country, and I’m excited to share more photos over the next few weeks.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Bolivia Scares the Sh** Out of Me
I like how you formatted the blog post, it made it more engaging than I had presumed it would. Overall, great blog post.
Lovely pictures! I’m heading to Bolivia later this year. I’m trying to weigh up whether or not I really want to cycle the death road. I can’t wait to get active with all the mountain biking, trekking, rafting, surfing and other exciting sports S America has to offer. Do you feel safe cycling on your own? I’ve read about a few bike rides that look great (e.g. Banos to Puyo in Ecuador) but I’m not sure I’d want to do it without recruiting some new friends from my hostel…
Arianwen recently posted..The African child safari
I haven’t made it to La Paz, but I heard cycling death road is worth it for the pretty views, but it’s not really that dangerous anymore.
I would not go on long bike rides through extremely rural areas on my own anywhere I was not familiar with simply because you don’t know the terrain and could get injured with nobody around. I would find people in your hostel, or guides are usually very affordable.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Bolivia Scares the Sh** Out of Me
That’s good to know. I think I need to suck it up and do death road! And I will take your advice and make sure I have people to cycle with. It’s a good idea when you’re as bad at cycling as me!
Arianwen recently posted..London south bank: a farewell to remember
Mountain biking scares me so much! You are far braver than I!
Ayngelina recently posted..My newest chef crush
It scares me too. I made sure there was a real path to ride on and not just a 2-inch strip worn into the terrain along the side of a cliff
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Bolivia Scares the Sh** Out of Me
And I was riding the brakes hard on all the downhills. Breaking a leg or getting road rash in a third world country is pretty high on the list of why Bolivia scares the shit out of me
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Bolivia Scares the Sh** Out of Me
Looks like a great time! I went biking yesterday. 2,000 meters down over 70 kilometers. I did take the easy route though and taxied back up the mountain home!
Jonathan Look, Jr. recently posted..Bicycling from San Cristobal to Chiapa de Corzo
Downhill the whole way! Cheater 😉
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Bolivia Scares the Sh** Out of Me
Do you love adventure activities this summer? If yes, this mounting biking is right for you. I love adventure activities but I don’t know how to bike. I prefer to do mountain hiking this summer.
Helena Green recently posted..What you can get from Cayenne Pepper?
I’m cringing at the sight of that thorny monster! Wow. It punctured the bike tire?
I’ve never been mountain biking…somehow, I’m intimidated, but I also have a hunch that I’d end up really enjoying it. One of these days…
Bethany ~ twoOregonians recently posted..Our Italian Job: Escaping Disneyland Venice
It’s fun and an amazing workout! I choose to do the less dangerous routes where there are wide paths that do not require you to get too close to the edge of a cliff or risk crashing into a large rock.
This thorny bush-like thing is evil! And they seem to be everywhere. It punctured through BOTH sides of the tire.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Bolivia Scares the Sh** Out of Me
Maybe it’s just me, but I think mountain biking is always hard. I mean, it’s MOUNTAIN biking!! When we were in Moab we saw tons of bikes up on the side of a steep mountain, and I couldn’t even watch. I was so terrified they were going to fall to their death.
Christy @ Technosyncratic recently posted..An Insider’s Look at Prostitution in Amsterdam’s Red Light District
Luckily, we were on an actual road… much of it gravel… but it was a least not a tiny path on the edge of the mountain.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Bolivia Scares the Sh** Out of Me
Those photographs of the country are magnificent. It must have been a beautiful ride. Did you complete al those switchbacks in the first photo? Wow!
Rob recently posted..Enjoy the Fall Foliage by Bike
Yep. Road that whole way!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Bolivia Scares the Sh** Out of Me
Beautiful bike ride Stephanie, and I agree, burning those calories only makes it all the more necessary to replenish them!
Mark Wiens recently posted..Grandma’s Best Sri Lankan Chicken Curry
Even though a good-size lunch was provided, I still devoured a huge dinner when I got back.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Bolivia Scares the Sh** Out of Me
omg I cannot believe you biked through those places o_O I would probably lay flat on the path somewhere and just pass out! (As I hate uphills)
Beautiful photos !
Annie – FootTracker recently posted..Guilty Adventure in a Storage House? @Matsumoto
It was certainly difficult to keep moving. I knew if I sat down for a break, I would never get up again
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Bolivia Scares the Sh** Out of Me
Wow- those torns look vicious! stay safe when out there biking!!
jade recently posted..Exploring Bryce Canyon National Park
You’re a better woman than I am! I don’t think I would have rode up that mountain. Walk, yes. Ride, no! Those are some thorns too. Yikes they are scary!
There was a point when I was walking the bike up a very steep section of the mountain (and the other rider and guide were way ahead of me) when I wondered if I actually might not make it. But the problem was there were multiple inclines to turn around and go back. Only one option… keep going!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Bolivia Scares the Sh** Out of Me
Love the pics! Mountain biking totally freaks me out though haha…
Give me a helmet and a wide path, and I can convince myself I can do it
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Bolivia Scares the Sh** Out of Me
That is a serious looking thorn tree! Wouldn’t want to run into one of those with a car, let alone a bike!
Laurence recently posted..The art of procrastination, and an introduction
There is another hike I will write about soon, and I seriously was concerned I might lose an eye to one of those thorns.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Sucre: Holiday!
Bolivia is fun! Thanks for sharing the story, Stephanie! Pics a re great too! My favoritea:
#1 Road, Car, Dust
#2 Mad Thorn Plant
#3 Hot Chica in a Helmet 😉
memographer recently posted..Berlin: Ladies & Bicycles or Girls on Bikes 2
I think I rock a helmet pretty well
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Photo Essay: Eclectic Cemetery of Sucre
That is pretty full on mountain biking! You have to take the “mountain” in “mountain biking” seriously in this case. Gorgeous views, and like you say, definitely vale la pena!
Christina (Jandal Road) recently posted..New Zealand: 5 museums you should visit
In this case, the pena is literal and physical but yes… worth it.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Photo Essay: Eclectic Cemetery of Sucre
Amazing! How could you not keep riding when the views are that fantastic. Great photos!
Turtle recently posted..A challenge of a duel
It’s more like I keep riding because I want to make it home to eat a pizza and a cake and then lay on the floor.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … The Top of a Mountain: Condors Playing
We went mountain biking outside of Quito. Thank heavens we were going down as I wouldn’t have fared well without being acclimatized to altitude.
Leigh recently posted..The Not-To-Be-Missed Maligne Canyon Icewalk in Jasper
I went on a tour to Cotopaxi when I was living in Quito, and we only had to hike up about 150 yards, and it nearly killed me. That was my first experience at such extreme altitude. We did bike while we were there, but it was all downhill
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..A unique outdoor art project
Wow, that looks amazing there.
I can’t imagine how hard it would have been. I think I would have keeled over, or at least felt like it.
I always have a problem with flats. I think if I were to go there I would get one way too easily from that plant lol.
Hopefully it wasn’t too bad.
Iain recently posted..How to choose a mountain bike computer