When I arrived in Sucre, I quickly figured out that the thing to do on Sunday is go to the Tarabuco market.
I heard that the fruits and veggies are cheap, and you can buy tejidos (weavings) and those ugly sweaters all the backpackers in Bolivia are wearing.
Although it is easy to take a local bus, I went on a tour and learned that Tarabuco is much more than a cheap Sunday market.
El Camino
On the way to Tarabuco, we stopped to get some photos of the gorgeous mountains.
This area is very important because it is the site where the Tarabuqueños won an important battle against the Spanish in 1816 in the long fight for independence. The Sunday Market in Tarabuco is to honor those who fought in that battle.
Food Market
I thought about buying this. It was less than US$5, but I didn’t think it would travel well.
Tarabuqueño Traditions
Our guide Erica walked us through the seemingly-endless maze of streets at this sprawling market, explaining important aspects of the culture and their traditions. This is one of the most original cultures in Bolivia, and it has not changed over time.
Blending Religions
The majority of Bolivians, including the indigenous people, are Catholic (which came from Spanish colonial times), but what is most interesting is that the indigenous still believe in other gods, specifically Pachamama or Tierra Madre (Mother Earth).
The photo below shows an offering to Pachamama. These offerings include objects made of sugar (e.g. a house), and they are burned in hopes that the person will receive whatever is symbolized in the offering.
Tarabuqueños Love Hats
And they are known for having their own specific style. My favorite is the flashy hat a single woman wears when she is “on the market.”
The style of tejidos, or weavings, are also specific to Tarabuco. Different colors and animals are used for each style. I was surprised at how expensive these are, but they take weeks to make.
Animal Auction
On the other side of town, there is an animal auction. I never would have known about it without a guide.
I think this bull is “confused.”
Traditional Dancing
After checking out the market, I had lunch at Samay Wasi where they perform traditional dancing. Yes, this is totally put on for the tourists, but it was enjoyable and something I had not yet seen.
Isn’t she beautiful?
And this little boy did such a great job. I would have had such stage fright at his age (or even now).
Take a Tour!
You can go on your own to Tarabuco, but if you want to learn more about the culture and get some good photo opportunities, check out a tour with Joy Ride. Their office is located on the main plaza.
This sounds like such an interesting place to visit. I love all the colors, and then to have this beautiful view on top of it…
Ayelet – All Colores recently posted..On the Way to Jerusalem’s Ice Festival: A Slight Error in Direction
This is one of those things that sounds really touristy because EVERY tourist does this on Sunday in Sucre. But it’s totally worth it. And I found out that the locals go too to shop for their food for the week, so it’s really not touristy when you get there.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Eating My Way Through BA Part 10: A New Experience with Carnes Autóctonas
Aw that boy is cute and that woman dancing is gorgeous. I also enjoy the face of the woman holding the chicken. I love latin american markets!
Rease recently posted..Hiking in 5 Dollar Flip Flops
I love the markets in Latin America too, and this one stood out to me as a special experience. The woman holding the chicken was our tour guide. She was great, and I loved that she seemed to know good photo opportunities.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Eating My Way Through BA Part 10: A New Experience with Carnes Autóctonas
I’m really jealous you got to travel more through Bolivia, went I went to the Salar de Uyuni it made me fascinated with the country! I’d love to go back…
Kyle recently posted..Peruvian Hospitality
More stories to come of course, but let’s just say, I have been pleasantly surprised by this country.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Eating My Way Through BA Part 10: A New Experience with Carnes Autóctonas
I loved the Otavalo animal market that starts at dawn, I can’t buy anything there as I don’t need livestock but it was still fantastic.
Ayngelina recently posted..One step closer to scuba
I have few regrets about my travels because it’s simply not worth it, but not going to the Otavalo market when I lived in Quito is one of them.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Eating My Way Through BA Part 10: A New Experience with Carnes Autóctonas
Looks like a great market! I always find that local markets seem to offer more insight to an area in a morning that you could get in park and pubs in weeks. (Not that I don’t love parks and pubs)
Jonathan Look, Jr. recently posted..Climbing Tonina
I totally agree. I think most of my favorite places are the ones where I really enjoyed the local market.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Eating My Way Through BA Part 10: A New Experience with Carnes Autóctonas
I’m hoping to check out Otavalo in Ecuador, like Ayngelina mentioned. It looks so interesting and colourful. Tarabuco looks great too. I really want to get me one of those hats!
Arianwen recently posted..Why my decision to travel is not a bail out
I just responded to Ayngelina that one of my travel regrets is NOT going to the Otavalo market, so definitely GO!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Eating My Way Through BA Part 10: A New Experience with Carnes Autóctonas
Ok! I’m going to try to plan my stay in Quito so I’ll be able to visit Otavalo on a Saturday – shouldn’t be too hard as there’s so much to do using Quito as a base
Arianwen recently posted..My South America route
Sounds like a cool place to visit. I love the “love hats”!
Amanda recently posted..The Prettiest Place You’ve Never Heard Of
If only matters of love could be simplified like this in the US ::-)
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Eating My Way Through BA Part 10: A New Experience with Carnes Autóctonas
This tour sounds pretty eye-opening, and the market itself seems like something I’d love! It’s always so nice to come away from a tour feeling like you really did get insidef insight.
Emily in Chile recently posted..Saturday in Santiago: ExpoCAV wine tasting
I have definitely changed my style of travel when it comes to taking tours. They can be so insightful.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Eating My Way Through BA Part 10: A New Experience with Carnes Autóctonas
GORGEOUS pics!!!!! I loved loved loved the markets in Bolivia! Might be my favorite in the world actually…
Andi of My Beautiful Adventures recently posted..Macau: Day 4 (Part 1)
I have bought zero souvenirs for myself during 1+ years of travel…. until I got to the Tarabuco Market. I now have a cute little hand-woven purse!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Mountain Biking… For Real!