I always like to find a good spot for an aerial view of a city. Tarija has a couple of miradors, and this was the most photogenic spot.
One thing I have learned from traveling is that miradors can sometimes be sketchy spots where opportunists look for tourists with nice cameras to steal. So I always ask before I go.
I was told, “You should be fine during the day. Just take normal precautions.”
Okay. So grabbed my pepper spray and started walking.
Other than the beautiful view, this is what I found.
And it wasn’t just this couple. The top of this mirador is make-out central!
Check out more photos from Tarija!
I am sure whoever that is on the horse is rolling in his grave about being turned into a love shack!
I think he’s just happy to have some visitors
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..My New Addiction in Bolivia… and My Favorite Dealer
That’s a great tip about miradors, it’s indeed always good to ask the locals.
Unfortunately there are some places I have been where you are told to not walk to the mirador or if you do not to take a camera because the path there is so dangerous.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..My New Addiction in Bolivia… and My Favorite Dealer
Nice! Looks like a good place for it. Too bad they don’t look old enough for a bottle of wine.
Jonathan Look, Jr. recently posted..Swimming with Whale Sharks
I am quite certain they could buy a bottle of wine in Bolivia
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..My New Addiction in Bolivia… and My Favorite Dealer
Funny how you often see things like that at tourist spots!
Scott – Quirky Travel Guy recently posted..Lost luggage and frozen tents: lessons in perseverance from Alaska
Gorgeous photos, loving it – especially the couple making out haha! I never seem to be able to snap shots – there was one super cute couple in Poland but every time I went to take my camera up, they’d stop and look around. In all fairness the staring British guy with the camera in his hand probably creeped them out.
I’d never heard of Tarija before reading your post – thanks for sharing. Love the rest of the photos, too
Waegook Tom recently posted..The 10 Best Food Markets in the World
I am usually not good at sneaky shots, but they were so focused on each other, I probably could have walked right up to them to take the photo.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..My New Addiction in Bolivia… and My Favorite Dealer
Aw, like a lovers lane. I would find it a bit strange to make-out with a bunch of other couples around me doing the same but I guess if you have nowhere else to go…
Andrea recently posted..Travel Memories: Paris
This was a pretty spacious area, so the couples actually did have some privacy…. except for me lurking about
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … The Top of a Mountain: Condors Playing
I most certainly will be adding Bolivia to my list then!
Will Peach recently posted..Club TSL Interviews: Sex Revolutionary J J Roberts, Author of Sex 3.0
The place is so amazing. There are many things to explore in Bolivia. The photos are nice.
Jenny Kier recently posted..How to Battle Hair Loss with Hair Growth Treatments
I didn’t realize lookout points were targets for camera snatchers in South America. Good to know. Now I also know where to go to make out.
Christy recently posted..A Taste of Summer – Celebrating a Movement Beyond Farm to Fork
Miradors are a great make-out spot… just don’t bring any valuables with you 😉
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … The Top of a Mountain: Condors Playing
I love the first photo not the second one. You invade their privacy. Joke…LOL..
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