Approximately 2,500 people participated in TOSRV this year.
I am not sure how many actually ride 105 miles back to Columbus the next day.
I was exhausted when I arrived in Portsmouth.
Many people hung out at Tracy Park where there was live music, food, and beer to celebrate.
The first thing I did was sit in a nearly-scalding bath for thirty minutes.
The second thing I did was eat.
My dad took me to the All Saints Church all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner, an annual TOSRV tradition.
Everyone I met asked me if I was riding back tomorrow.
I honestly didn’t know.
A friend from Columbus was in a nearby city visiting family, and she was my lifeline in case I needed a ride back.
Although it felt good to warm up, eat a delicious hot meal, and re-hydrate, I knew the next day would be worse.
I remembered how sore I was the morning after my 75-mile training ride and couldn’t imagine getting on a bike and riding 105 miles.
I awoke at 5am.
Although I could feel every muscle in my body, the pain wasn’t so bad.
Or maybe my body had just adapted to the pain.
I guess I had to TRY to ride back.
After all, I had already made up my mind that this is something I will NEVER do again. Therefore this would be my only chance to complete the full TOSRV.
I made coffee and oatmeal and pounded water while I watched the riders starting out on the street below.
I knew from the weather forecast that it would be 10-15 degrees colder than the day before.
I put on every layer I had and started off.
I was told to get in as many miles as possible early.
This was good advice because everything seemed to get worse each mile I put behind me.
I was freezing.
If felt colder every hour.
I started shivering within minutes of getting off my bike.
My food and water stops had to be cut very short. My body was tired, but resting longer was not an option.
The last half of the ride was miserable.
Remember that time I thought I was going to die in the wilderness? This experience is right up there.
I was on the 2nd to lowest gear of my bike, barely moving the last fifty miles from Chillicothe to Columbus. The wind was strong and driving against me, adding to the challenge of the uphill gradient.
I thought about quitting multiple times.
Five things kept me going.
1. Most of the people that do this ride are men in their 50s and 60s?
Grey-haired men were blowing past me as I struggled against the wind.
(Perhaps it was their $3,000 carbon fiber bikes.)
I am 31-years-old and in good shape. Was I really going to let these older men show me up?
2. I might freeze to death if I stopped moving.
I would have to wait at least an hour before someone could pick me up. It seemed the misery I felt when I was stopped would be unbearable compared with a few more hours of pushing my body to keep moving.
3. I’m stubborn and crazy.
So there’s that.
4. The encouragement of my fellow riders.
The cycling community is incredibly supportive and very good-natured. Multiple riders told me I was doing a great job and keeping up a good pace (as they passed me of course).
It was as if they could hear the battle going on in my head.
5 – Remember K?
At the first food stop on Day 2, I saw K, the girl I started the ride with the previous morning. I was so happy to see her and know that she had made it despite the fact that I was a terrible riding partner.
I asked her what happened.
She had broken down psychologically when she started to feel the muscle fatigue. She got off the bike and sat on the side of the road crying, only 30 miles into the 105-mile ride.
After a few minutes, another rider stopped and spoke with her. He shared that he was a TOSRV veteran and always rode with his wife, who he had lost the previous year. He really wanted someone to ride with, and he took K under his wing and rode with her the whole way to Portsmouth.
good for you!
You’re braver than I am!
Becky Padmore recently posted..In BIG pictures: Ghent, Belgium
And probably crazier
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..My first cupping
Good for you for not quitting!
Ayngelina recently posted..A Galapagos Adventure
That story about the biker stopping to ride with K brought tears to my eyes. Athletics brings out the best in humans. Aside from pushing us to our limits physically, it really does open your heart.
Congrats to you, this is an amazing feat!
I never thought about athletics that way, but I think you’re right. It’s not all about competing against others.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..A lesson in Italian espresso drinks
I’m teary after reading this wonderful post. You are so inspiring and I love the amazing people you met along your route. There really are some dear, dear people in this world. Well done!!
Krista recently posted..A’Camping We Will Go
Thanks, Krista. Despite the misery of the ride, I am happy to have met these people and hear their stories.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..A lesson in Italian espresso drinks
My guess the reason is mostly number three!
Jonathan Look, Jr. recently posted..World’s Biggest Water Fight
I think you’re right
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Butter tasting, anyone?
Seriously you are so awesome. I never, ever could do this (and would never want to) but I really and truly admire both your physically and emotional strength to make it through!
Rease recently posted..Burma Superstar: The Powerful Taste of Burma in San Francisco
Aw, thank you, Rease!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Butter tasting, anyone?
> I might freeze to death if I stopped moving.
The fear of freezing to death sounds very motivating.
Congratulations! That feeling of completing something really challenging is very satisfying.
Caanan @ No Vacation Required recently posted..Our 80/20 Rule for Travel, Life and Work
It was satisfying… after I warmed up and laid on my couch for a while
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Loving Lowcountry and Southern Cuisine
Way to go!!! Glad you persisted =)
Well done, Stephanie
Sophie recently posted..Valley of the Kings
Weird and random but I went to an All Saints pre school lol!
Congrats on finishing lady. I’m proud of you!
Thanks so much!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..The Pearl