Sometimes you just need to unplug for a few days.
Dale Hollow Lake on the Kentucky/ Tennessee border is that place for me. I don’t get cell phone service. There is no wifi. I wake up early without an alarm. I bring a few things to pass the time: my Kindle and my French press with good coffee.
It helps if this is the view to the left…
… and the view to the right.
Who needs an alarm to wake up when you find amongst such beauty!! And who bothers about trifle things such as cell phone signals!! Enjoy your time Steph
Arti recently posted..Featured in ‘The Asian Age’, New Delhi
Never having to set an alarm is my life goal
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..72 Hours Unplugged
Haha! You can say that it is my life goal too!!
Arti recently posted..The Perfect Road Trip… And, A Lost Treasure
Never. And I’m not proud of it. If I found myself in a place like this I just might though.
I think John needs to take you somewhere for detox
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..For the music-loving minimalist traveler
Hogga recently posted..Honging the Kong
I just finished a two-week trip in the Southwest, where I had very, very sporadic cell and wi-fi access, and I quite enjoyed it. I wouldn’t want to do it all the time, but it’s nice to be able to get away once in a while and not have everything else follow you.
I find that if you are expecting to disconnect, it is easy to do. If you aren’t expecting to disconnect, it can drive you mad.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Charleston, I am in love
The last time I unplugged for a few days was two years ago. Mixing shorter unplugged periods in my everyday these days.
Ayelet – All Colores recently posted..Jerusalem’s 2013 Ice City – Under the Sea
It is always good to bring something important into the everyday rather than waiting months to allow yourself the time.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Charleston, I am in love
The alarm clock was a horrible invention, at least it seems that way when it’s going off and all you want to do is stay asleep. Instead, it’s soothing to be awoken to birds.
It’s easy to forget that there’s so much beautiful nature in the US.
Mike | Earthdrifter recently posted..Captured for the Camera: Saudi Sunsets
Being woken up by natural light filling the room is best for me.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..For the music-loving minimalist traveler
I can’t voluntarily unplug. But during our last road trip we didn’t get any cellphone signal or wifi and even though the first 20 hrs were miserable, I enjoyed being unplugged from all of our gadgets. I found out that I did end up enjoying the scenery so much more without the distraction.
jill recently posted..Carter Ridge – Why This is Our Favorite Day Hike in the Canadian Rockies
What a nice view? Sometimes we need to unplugged to see prettier things around us. It seems like our nature is telling us to stop what we’re doing and enjoy the scenery it offers. Such a beautiful place.
Ariana recently posted..OLD FAITHFUL
It drives me crazy when I’m in a beautiful place, and I hear people talking on their phones – or worse, complaining that they don’t have good reception.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..For the music-loving minimalist traveler
Unplugging is hard for me! I find it hard to not tweet or instagram pictures and my eye is always roaming. But I recently wrote about hotels that offer a digital detox option and I might check one of those out…well done!
Charu recently posted..Stargazing on The Highline in New York
Sounds like you need to check yourself in right away 😉
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..For the music-loving minimalist traveler
My boss just went on his own unplugged vacation to the remote islands on the eastern part of Indonesia for 12 days. However there were days when he was reachable and called the office to discuss about work with my coworkers. I guess it’s rather half unplugged.
Bama recently posted..Lombok Beaches Part 1: Changing Faces
When I’m on vacation, I’m on vacation. Even the mention of work brings me out of being in the moment.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..For the music-loving minimalist traveler