I’m ready to go and will be on a plane very soon. It took a lot of work to get here (with help from many), and I’ve actually let myself relax (finally) today. So what did I do my last few days at home?
- Errands – Lots of them. This was the stressful, not fun part that I’m happy is over.
- Goodbyes – Although difficult, it was great to spend the time with family and close friends. Even stopped by a few of my favorite places – didn’t want Cup o’ Joe to think I started going to a different coffee shop.
- Eating and drinking – The goodbyes led to lots of good meals (Café Bella, Basi, Barcelona, Bosco’s mushroom lasagna), good wine (bottles I brought back from Paris and Mendoza), and good beer (Bells, Nosferatu, White Rascal).
- Walked around my neighborhood to enjoy the leaves changing and the amazing weather.
- Self-defense class – A great experience at the Hilliard Martial Arts Center. Special thanks to Dan and Josh and Steve for letting me hit them as hard as I could.
It’s funny because there was a whole list of things I thought I would ‘enjoy’ the last couple of weeks before I left. As I quickly ran out of time to enjoy those things, I had to prioritize. Spending time with friends and family, the self-defense class, and finishing my errands were the top three priorities. I realized I could do some of the other things while I’m gone (photography, reading) and would just wait to enjoy other things when I get back (Jeni’s ice cream, breakfast at German Village Coffee Haus).
Goodbye (for now). Will post again from Quito, Ecuador.
Have a fabulous time:) Going to miss you…good think December 11th isn’t too far away!! See you in Mexico!
by now you should of landed in Quito , hope you have a great time at Spanish school…………
Good luck
I know you are still on the plane. It was so nice to have a long talk with you while I was on my lunch break today. I think I’ve talked to you more in the past week than I have the whole past year! : ) At least we have cell fons & internet access so you don’t seem so far away. But I think you will see a huge difference because you won’t have internet acess everywhere on your travels & you will not be using your fon.
Love you very much.
Steph, I think you need to put some pics of you on the site. Good Luck, you have all of us anxiously waiting for updates
Dear Granddaughter, It is Sat. I love Sat and Sun. because i can relax, do whatever I want. No pressures of Business or other everyday sometime annoyances. Since you have a Kitchen, do you cook. How are the “Grocery Stores” if any?? Or are they Stands where you buy what you need to eat. Yes we would like to have pictures. Anxious for updates also. When will school start, Monday?? It is a Sunshiny day and in the high 50’s Great day. Love and prayers, Grandma
School starts Monday. There is a large supermarket here with pretty much everything you need, including US brands. But it’s cheaper and more fun to buy fruits and veggies in the smaller “tiendas.” I will blog more about this topic because food is one of my favorite things when traveling.
Dear Granddaughter, It is now Sunday. Received your email. Thanks. I responded back. Thanks for the above info on the food part as I love to sample food from different Countries. Today is Sunshine again and in the 60’s. Very beautiful “fall” day. What is the time difference? Two hrs., where you are now?? We fall back next Sun. Morn. I have a Spanish Book, I need to get it out and send you something in Spanish. (ha) .Maybe. Learn quickly. Have a Blessed rest of your journey. Be safe. Love & prayers, Grandma
Its always important to finish all the things that you have to do before leaving. It leaves us with no worries when we are traveling.
Julie Hayes recently posted..SMS
It’s funny all of the things you think you should do before you leave for somewhere new. When I was leaving Las Vegas, I made a list of things I wanted to do. When I was leaving America, same thing.
dtravelsround recently posted..I am thankful for …
At least I think I have started getting more realistic when I make lists like this. But I still never finish everything
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Buenos Aires
I love the excitement of a new trip, its full of so many opportunities.
ayngelina recently posted..Food Photo Friday: Beef bacon
It is one of the best feelings in the world!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Buenos Aires
EEEK! Still very exciting. Good luck!
Hogga recently posted..Stereotyping Canadians vs. Americans
Even though I’ve been going for over a year, it really is still just as exciting… and less stressful!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Buenos Aires
I’m itching to go on a new trip myself. This post really reinforces that in my mind
Nomadic Samuel recently posted..Teach English in Taiwan | Bamboo Butterfly
agree it’s interesting how priorities and to do list items change as a big trip gets closer!
Margo recently posted..Dining on Bali: Fire and Spice
I hope that I can remember what are the real priorities after this experience as well.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Buenos Aires