In Leon I stumbled upon this squashed Iguana while walking down the street. It was 14 inches long! It’s strange to think I actually ate one of these in El Salvador.
hi, I like your blogs, wish you would write more posts : ) … curious if you are still learning spanish and if so how is it going with it? Are you going to see Macchu Picchu? – I know I’ve spelt it wrong – and go figure I’ve been there too : ) .. keep up the posts … you may not know it but you are inspiring someone through what you write
Thanks so much for the feedback. I have been a little less motivated at writing lately, so you’ve inspired me to get back into it.
I have not taken Spanish classes since Quito, but I am learning everyday by practice. Also, you can learn quite a bit by watching television shows and movies with sub-titles.
I do plan to see Machu Picchu, probably in May. It’s one of the things I’m really looking forward to on this trip.
I don’t know who the above Charlotte is, but it isn’t me. I am enjoying your pictures and writing. I have eaten Alligator meat and rattlesnake meat in Fla. It was good. But that is as venturesome as I have been . I did eat (cat) meat in 1984 when we visited Martinique Island. Thought it was a hamburger. Ralph ordered something else. I took about 4 bites and said “this tastes strange”, and didn’t eat anymore. About 20 Mins. later I was deathly sick. it lasted about two days. Our tour guide had warned us not to eat Beef Products there because it might not be Beef. The rest of the trip was great though. Blessings to you, Grandma
hi, I like your blogs, wish you would write more posts : ) … curious if you are still learning spanish and if so how is it going with it? Are you going to see Macchu Picchu? – I know I’ve spelt it wrong – and go figure I’ve been there too : ) .. keep up the posts … you may not know it but you are inspiring someone through what you write
Thanks so much for the feedback. I have been a little less motivated at writing lately, so you’ve inspired me to get back into it.
I have not taken Spanish classes since Quito, but I am learning everyday by practice. Also, you can learn quite a bit by watching television shows and movies with sub-titles.
I do plan to see Machu Picchu, probably in May. It’s one of the things I’m really looking forward to on this trip.
I don’t know who the above Charlotte is, but it isn’t me. I am enjoying your pictures and writing. I have eaten Alligator meat and rattlesnake meat in Fla. It was good. But that is as venturesome as I have been . I did eat (cat) meat in 1984 when we visited Martinique Island. Thought it was a hamburger. Ralph ordered something else. I took about 4 bites and said “this tastes strange”, and didn’t eat anymore. About 20 Mins. later I was deathly sick. it lasted about two days. Our tour guide had warned us not to eat Beef Products there because it might not be Beef. The rest of the trip was great though. Blessings to you, Grandma
I remember your story about accidentally eating cat meat. Luckily, that is not something I’ve had to worry about in Latin America
Absolutely a different kind of road kill. We can see a deer to be the typical road kill.
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