Long-term travelers get accustomed to the hostel life.
You learn to share your bedroom with up to 9 strangers that have completely different lifestyles and schedules. You learn to cook your meals in a shared kitchen with cookware that looks like it belongs in a museum. You try to figure out the perfect time to take a shower, so you do not have to wait in line but still have hot water.
However, there comes a point when it is time to leave the hostel. You need to move to a different hostel, try Couch Surfing, or maybe rent an apartment. If you are experiencing 3 or more of these signs, it is time to leave your hostel.
1. You are constantly asking yourself, “Who are these people that think they can just come into my office (aka common area) and have a guitar jam session while I’m working.”
I spend a lot of time on my computer working on my website and photography, so I always find a good spot to work in my hostel. It has to be close to a power outlet, have good light, and be comfortable. Once after being in the same hostel for two weeks, I grabbed my laptop and headed to my usual spot. I was horrified to find someone else already sitting there, enjoying their bowl of cereal and using my power outlet. I didn’t know what to do. I stood and stared for a few seconds and then grumpily went back to my room and vowed to wake up earlier the next morning to stake my claim.
2. People you met two weeks ago come back to the hostel and say, “Oh, you’re still here?”
There are some cities that are the central travel hub of the country. Buenos Aires is one of these cities. People take buses from Buenos Aires to other areas of the country and then return for a night or two before they catch their next bus. It is a bit unnerving when you start seeing repeat guests. They will inevitably ask you what you have been doing since they last saw you. No matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to think of anything that sounds cool.
3. You know all of the staff members, which ones are dating each other, and who hates who.
It is always good to make friends with the staff members because a lot of them are locals or have lived in the city for a while. They can give you great insider tips on the best cheap eats, the local music scene, and the dive bars where the locals go. However, when you start to know every detail of their personal lives, you may have spent too much time at the hostel.
4. You have created a fort around your bed with your backpack, towels, and clothing.
When you are in a place long enough, you inevitably end up taking everything out of your backpack. There are never closets or enough shelving, so your things end up piled around your bed. Then you start hanging towels, blankets, and items of clothing from the bunk above you to create a private space. As others check out of the hostel, you gradually start expanding your circle of space.
5. You can no longer shrug it off when someone steals your clearly labeled food from the fridge, does not wash the only pan in the hostel kitchen after making dinner, or tracks water through the entire bathroom.
These are all common annoyances we deal with as a part of the hostel life. When you become furious over every one of these infractions, you have been dealing with the annoyances for too long. You need an attitude adjustment that can only happen with a change of scenery and putting yourself in a new environment.
Funny post! Sounds like it’s time to find a flat if you’re staying on in BsAs (such a fab city, btw). I once met an Australian in a hostel in Johannesburg. He had been there for 3 years!
Sophie recently posted..Oman at last – the Musandam Peninsula
Wow! 3 years in a hostel is just insane. Usually, it’s cheaper to rent an apartment if you know you’re staying for a few months.
The Travel Chica recently posted..5 Signs It Is Time to Check Out of Your Hostel
Oh yeah it is so time. I find it is time when absolutely every single person annoys you and you have no real reason why – it is just their physical presence.
ayngelina recently posted..Where everyone is dying to get in
Honestly it’s an unthinkable way of travel for me. Never set foot in a hostel, never will, but I loved the way you are describing hostel fatigue.
inka recently posted..London’s most haunted house
My first hostel was December 2009. It was also my first solo travel experience. It was a little test to see if I could do a year backpacking alone.
The Travel Chica recently posted..5 Signs It Is Time to Check Out of Your Hostel
I’m like Inka above – have never stayed in a hostel and never will. I might have done this when I was young and really enjoyed it but now I want a nice hotel with room service!! I do think this is a great way for young people to travel though and save money to do even more travel!
Jan Ross recently posted..WordPress for Dummies
I wish I had discovered hostels when I was younger because I would have saved so much money, traveled to more places, and met so many more like-minded travelers. It probably would have taken less time for me to get annoyed as well
The Travel Chica recently posted..5 Signs It Is Time to Check Out of Your Hostel
yes get yourself an apartment you won’t know yourself!
robin recently posted..Flamenco
I’ve only stayed at a hostel once, but I can imagine how unsettling it would be to experience either of those things. We are all creatures of habit and I would be teed off if someone was sitting in my spot using my electrical outlet too! It might be wrong, but I would still feel that way. lol
Renee recently posted..How we can make the world better for having been in it
LOL @ #4
apparently this is common, and I get to see them a lot. Next time i should write down this link and give it to them. Nice post!
I am disappointed I didn’t take any pictures of some of the ones I’ve seen…. or made myself
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
Stephanie, I am so proud of you & happy that you have gotten to have this experience. I definitely agree — I wish I had known about hostels, etc when I was much younger. I definitely know I would have done much more traveling meeting interesting people, having wonderful adventures & exploring new places around the world.
I have to admit as a mother I was definitely worried (concerned) about your safety. Then it escalated because you got robbed. But then I learned to trust in God & my prayers & feel much better about it. I’m just hoping you keep that keenness for being aware what is going on around you even while you set in a little longer in BA.
Staying in Bocas del Toro with you was something very different that I’m sure I could have done even though I know that was a step above where you usually stay. I definitely would have travelled with a lot less : )
Karen (Mom)
Thanks, Mom
Yeah, I didn’t feel right making you stay in a hostel with me for your birthday vacation. But the hostels in Bocas del Toro aren’t that nice. I have been in many other places in Central America where we could have shared a private room in a hostel, and you would have really liked it.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
Our longest hostel stay was three days and that was plenty for me! I hated coming back to our shared room and the other people were so dirty- left stuff everywhere and just plain ole smelled!
jade recently posted..Sunsets Over the Grand Canyon
I have actually been very lucky and found really nice hostels with nice (and clean) people…. until I got to Buenos Aires. I changed hostels three times the first week here. Central America has the best hostels!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
O my god , i recognize every sign, especially the first one. Its a well written article. I stayed in a hostel in Cordoba for one month. I couldnt leave because of the friendly staff and the great asado.
Greetz Neil
Neil Skywalker recently posted..Conquering the language barrier
Thank you!
A month?! Normally I would say you are crazy. However, now that I have spent more than a month in the same hostel in Buenos Aires, I can completely relate. After a few bad hostels, you’re so thankful to find a good one!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
Hey, did you contact Jon in BA?
I just sent him a message. Our previous plan to meet up didn’t work out.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
I might add, you ask for all your change to be returned in coins so you can do laundry.
Well, I am exhibiting all five signs right now plus having crappy or no internet for weeks. Only been in Banos for one day and California is looking pretty nice right now. OK, maybe it’s the letdown after 2 weeks in the Galapagos, but i would kill for a nice private room for a few days with high spped internet.
Philip recently posted..Galapagos Islands Part I-The Arrival
That’s rough. I don’t think I could do no internet for that long. A few days sure, but 2 weeks is ridiculous. Treat yourself!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
Wow, I’ve been in your shoes before, I stayed over a month in China but Beijing was my home base I had my bed with all my “tools” setup for everyday “work” and as I go and come afther traveling inside China back to my “home” your history really reminds me of me.
You really need an place you can call “home” and I hope you enjoy it!!
Need a place to call “home” is why I decided to stay in Buenos Aires for a few months. Traveling is hard!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
A funny post! I think it’s always a good idea to mix it up when you’re travelling for a longer period of time. Do some camping, some hostelling, woofing, couch surfing and perhaps even a short-term rental. That way you get to enjoy the benefits of all these and experience the country you’re visiting from different angles.
Christina recently posted..Weekly photo- Sky jump from Sky Tower- Auckland
It took me 6 months to realize this
I am going to try couch surfing and woofing when I start moving around again.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
I am back in a hostel and I don’t know how much longer I can do it after having an apartment…
I think it’s much easier to stay longer and get the apartment. It will be interesting to see how you find hostel life after the apartment.
ayngelina recently posted..Food Photo Friday: Moules and Frites
I’m worried!! I just extended my stay in my current apartment by another 4 days.
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Foreigner’s Perspective on Argentina Elections
I haven’t stayed in a hostel for years and have zero desire to do so.
Thankfully Asia offers plenty of private rooms for about the same price of a hostel in most other parts of the world.
Raymond @ Man On The Lam recently posted..Pan Am and a Dose of Reality
Good to know for when I make it to that part of the world. But I’ll probably still be too cheap to pay for a private room if I know I can get a hostel cheaper
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Foreigner’s Perspective on Argentina Elections
Haha!!! I LOVE this!! I totally have spent too much time in hostels based on this list.
dtravelsround recently posted..Feeding elephants
I have the fort thing going around our bed right now. /sigh
Tomorrow is moving day!
Erica recently posted..Road Warriors: Traveling Through Central America
I hate moving day! Good luck re-packing and getting to your next destination.
The Travel Chica recently posted..A Foreigner’s Perspective on Argentina Elections
I like you huffing away when someone else had taken your power outlet and chair! This goes on at nice hotels as well!
Margo recently posted..Daughter, Dog and a Hint of Fall in Asheville, NC
That’s a good point about it happening in nice hotels too. I haven’t stayed in one for so long, I forgot
The Travel Chica recently posted..Buenos Aires Odd Jobs: The Tour Guide Part 3 – Private Custom Tours
Hahahahaha!!! Love it. I’m totally #2… all the time. When I like somewhere I stay there for a while.
In Juayua, El Salvador, the owner of the hostel gave me a ride into the capital to catch my bus to Honduras. On the trip he told me I stayed in his hostel dorm longer than anyone. I felt proud
The Travel Chica recently posted..Buenos Aires Odd Jobs: The Tour Guide Part 3 – Private Custom Tours
The first reason is hilarious!!
Abby recently posted..Let your “spirit” be your guide: hypnotherapy
I have a feeling that #1 will happen much sooner this next long round of hostel-traveling
The Travel Chica recently posted..Buenos Aires Odd Jobs: The Recycling Program