I recently attended the Feria Internacional del Libro in Buenos Aires.
I know what you are thinking. In a city like Buenos Aires where there are 100 things to do on any given night, why would I attend a book fair? When I am traveling, I like to check out what the locals are doing. The book fair had a lot of publicity, and it was being held in the massive venue called La Rural in Palermo. Then I realized it was scheduled to last for 20 days.
Yes, you read that correctly – 20 days!
How could a book fair attract enough people for 20 days? Well, I still do not know the answer to that question. I just know that Buenos Aires can do it. People waited in massive lines to buy tickets for this event. At 2pm every day for 20 days, you could see a line of people stretching down Santa Fe from Thames all the way to Santa Maria de Oro.
That is about 350 meters…. for a Book Fair! this had to be good.
The final selling point… It was free for everyone the first Saturday of the event. So I had my $1 empanada at Kentucky Pizza and then walked across the street to La Rural.

Buenos Aires: World Book Capital 2011
This title is bestowed by UNESCO to a city in recognition of the quality of its programs to promote books and reading. Buenos Aires is the chosen city for 2011. This is no surprise to me. You cannot walk a block without encountering a libreria (aka book store) here. Porteños love to read. If you ask any Porteño what book they are currently reading, you will rarely meet someone that doesn’t have an answer. When I walk through parks, take public transport, or go to a cafe, the majority of the people I see are reading. Publishing companies even buy billboard space to advertise the latest releases similar to how we promote movies in the US.
My First International Book Fair
I was immediately impressed with the scale of this event. I assumed there would be a few booths set up selling books. There were actually hundreds of large booths set up throughout the entire venue.

In addition to just selling books, there were scheduled events and activities. These events included large lectures from renowned authors, book signings, traditional dancing, children’s activities, readings, open mic poetry, panel discussions, and career education.

Both times I went to the event, I simply walked around for a couple of hours browsing the booths and people watching. I was not exactly in the market to buy a book, but it didn’t matter. I had a great time just being present at this event.

even lady gaga was there
something for the comic fans

the Gringos were represented

This is my favorite book cover

what Buenos Aires event could be complete without some delicious snacks
This reminds me of the book vending machines I’ve seen in Sweden and Korea. Good to know that books in print aren’t going out of style :>
Naomi recently posted..spring is finally here
Vending machines is taking it to a whole new level. I think I will always prefer books in print.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Being a Nerd in Buenos Aires
For me this is one of the things that impressed me from Argentina and love it: their passion to books.
i’m impressed by the cheese
The cheese was really the whole point of the article. Glad you figured that out
The Travel Chica recently posted..Being a Nerd in Buenos Aires
For 20 years, I had Book Fairs at the school where I was a librarian and was always amazed at the turnout. I think lots of people still like books – thank goodness!!
Jan Ross recently posted..This is the Opposite of Writer’s Block
Very cool! I’m a book nerd as well. I can’t believe it lasts 20 days and is so popular. I also didn’t realize that the citizens of Buenos Aires were such avid readers. Who knew?
Laurel recently posted..Capture the Essence of a City in Germany- In One Photo
The motto is “Buenos Aires, Buenos Libros”
The Travel Chica recently posted..Being a Nerd in Buenos Aires
I love finding myself in the middle of something so wonderfully unexpected. Tres cool!
Renee recently posted..Discovering Smith-Gilbert Gardens in Kennesaw- Georgia
I’m still kicking myself for not going to the dog show they had going on the first month I was here. For a city that loves dogs so much, I am sure that would have been another unexpected gem.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Being a Nerd in Buenos Aires
I haven’t really heard of book fairs but it makes sense they would have them. Interesting idea as I love books. Your suggestion to attend events the locals do is a great one.
Debbie Beardsley @ European Travelista recently posted..Fabulous Friday- Discovering a Unique Festival in Germany
Looks pretty fun for a book fair! We saw the huge tower of books in a square near Retiro so thought something was going on. I’d totally go to something like this if it was going on when I was around.
Andrea recently posted..How to Attend a Black Tie Event While Backpacking
Somebody told me that was being built, and I totally forgot about it. Did you guys get any photos?
The Travel Chica recently posted..Being a Nerd in Buenos Aires
I love books and cheese. Why did you not invite me to go with you?
Rease recently posted..Argentine Medical Exams- Unexplained Coins- Angry Clam Chairs and Shin Viewings
I didn’t realize you were a nerd too! The next event with books and cheese, you will be the first person I call.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Being a Nerd in Buenos Aires
Good idea climaxing with the cheese. They don’t mess around do they? A big slab of cheese on a stick…
robin recently posted..Cielo
Portenos do not mess around when it comes to food. Twice now at the end of my running class, we had cake and coffee to celebrate birthdays. So much for those calories we just burned. I secretly hope it’s somebody’s birthday every class
The Travel Chica recently posted..Being a Nerd in Buenos Aires
I love book stores and things like this! This would have been fun to visit. However, not sure I could have done 20 days for the whole festival! 1 or 2 would have been plenty!
Jeremy B recently posted..Budget travel deals of the week May 17 – summer- Memorial Day vacations
Oooh, books….. they are my guilty pleasure! Though cheese on a stick is pretty high up there as well. 😉
Christy @ Technosyncratic recently posted..The Pros and Cons of Living in an RV
Ooh, love books. And love BsAs.
Are you familiar with the International Organisation of Book Towns, btw? Little towns and villages (usually gorgeous little villages) in different countries with a large concentration of antiquarian and second-hand books. Hay-on-Wye in Wales is one: books and book shelves everywhere, even lining the walls of the medieval castle. Just take a book and put the money in a tin. It’s wonderful!
No, I have never heard of this. I am Googling it right now. Thanks for the tip!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Being a Nerd in Buenos Aires
What an impressive event. It might be a little nerdy, but a touch of nerdiness is a good thing.
Scott – Quirky Travel Guy recently posted..I see dead people in Los Angeles
Cheese on a stick? That is brilliant!
ayngelina recently posted..San Telmo Steakhouse Smackdown
Love the large book replicas too- what a fascinating event
We share the same favorite book haha
Neil Skywalker recently posted..Conquering the language barrier
Why doesn’t that surprise me 😉
The Travel Chica recently posted..Meet the Cruella de Vil of Palermo
Looks like a lot of fun! Definitely the kind of thing a local Porteño would do. Anna Longmore recently put together her guide to the true lifestyle of a Buenos Aires native in an article for our blog… you might like to check it out: http://www.therealargentina.com/argentinian-wine-blog/teach-yourself-porteno-the-buenos-aires-lifestyle/
Argento Wine recently posted..What to Do When it Rains in Buenos Aires- Our Top 20 Tips