It is Winter in Buenos Aires.
It does not snow, but it is quite cold. In order to survive, I had to go shopping. But this chica is on a budget and living out of a backpack. I wanted cheap and functional.
I soon found out that this is not possible in Buenos Aires.
The cheap clothes are in the Once neighborhood, but they are of such poor quality that they are not worth the money. And they really aren’t that cheap compared to other countries I’ve traveled.
So I made my decision. I will spend the money on a nice pair of fabulous leather boots!
And as an added bonus, I would feel like a somewhat fashionable woman again and even look like a Porteña.
After a full day of scouring stores for the best deal, I circled back to the very first store I went to and bought these.
This is the first nice thing I have bought myself, since I have started traveling.
My one splurge. My one souvenir. A birthday present to myself.
I think that’s the perfect way to splurge. I can relate to being on a budget and thinking that you simply can’t afford to buy yourself something nice. But as you have already seen, it can create such a change in attitude. I love the boots, they would have been my choice, too! Enjoy Argentina!
Meghan recently posted..American Sisters
I really do wear them everyday. It was definitely a smart purchase because they are really warm.
The Travel Chica recently posted..On My Birthday: Remembering Younger Travels
happy birthday to you stef
still loving site
i miss argentina again!
Thank you! I’m glad you’re still following my journey. Argentina is so incredible… and I haven’t even seen that much of it yet!
The Travel Chica recently posted..On My Birthday: Remembering Younger Travels
Yay!! I always splurge on good shoes. They are so important for the health of your feet, especially when travelling! Love your boots, they are very stylish!
Oneika the Traveller recently posted..How I’m livin’: My new digs
Style AND comfort!
The Travel Chica recently posted..On My Birthday: Remembering Younger Travels
Ooh very nice! I definitely want to bring home a pair of leather boots from BsAs, and a leather handbag…how much did the boots set you back, if you don’t mind me asking?
Megan recently posted..Making masala chai
I will warn you that if you’re not into spending money on designer clothing and shoes, Buenos Aires sucks for shopping. The cheap stuff is so poorly made and ill-fitting that you don’t want to spend money on it.
So my choice was a pair of fake crappy boots for US$40-$50 or real boots for $100-200. These were $100, and I spent two days shopping around. Send me an email when you are coming here, and I will give you some suggestions on where to shop. There are some really nice leather bags and boots here if you’re willing to spend some money.
The Travel Chica recently posted..On My Birthday: Remembering Younger Travels
Happy birthday and your boots look great. Good choice !
Love the colour of the boots, brown is so totally the new black
Great birthday splurge!
– Lily
Lily (Explore for a Year) recently posted..Romania to Budapest on a 1st Class Train
That is exactly why I picked brown 😉
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Little Wine Experiment: Can You Tell the Difference?
I definitely splurged on leather shoes when I was in Bs As (and a leather wallet, and a leather jacket… so much leather, I’m not like this back home!). Great purchase, those boots look great! 😀
Audrey recently posted..London Is Flirting With Me
When I was here in 2009 I bought a green leather jacket. It’s the best! But it was lonely and need another accessory from Argentina 😉
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Little Wine Experiment: Can You Tell the Difference?
Hi, Steph! Happy (belated) Birthday!!! I had a feeling you would not be in the USA for your 30th. The boots are simply divine! I wish I was there to help you pick them out.
I remember our shopping spree in Paris. So much fun! You would love shopping in Buenos Aires.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Little Wine Experiment: Can You Tell the Difference?
Happy birthday
Yes, I’ve definitely splurged like that, but sometime it’s worth it for a true quality – those boots will last for years!!
Naomi recently posted..the strangest place i’ve ever been
I figured I’d rather spend $100 for really good quality versus $50 for something that was obviously poorly made and would probably not keep me as warm or last very long.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Little Wine Experiment: Can You Tell the Difference?
yep…love the boots:)
I knew you would
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Little Wine Experiment: Can You Tell the Difference?
But they are not as fun as the boots you bought in Greece!
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Little Wine Experiment: Can You Tell the Difference?
I wouldn’t say I splurge. I may indulge in something expensive, but I save for it ahead of time. Every once in a while I’ll splurge on something at home though. Cute clothes always win.
adventureswithben recently posted..Caption This Photo: What’s this Koala Thinking?
I am not sure if you are being sarcastic in your last sentence or not… either way, I like it!
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Little Wine Experiment: Can You Tell the Difference?
happy birthday!!!
Those are awesome!! And you totally look like a local… I look awful in boots — I could never fit in. Sigh, I hate spending money on clothes. I need to. I spend all my money on nighttime dresses and dress in rags at work. Baller on a budget!
Abby recently posted..Maui for Two: Saying “I do”
All the women here wear boots! Unfortunately, my North Face fleece probably gives me away as a foreigner but I am refusing to spend money on a coat
The Travel Chica recently posted..On My Birthday: Remembering Younger Travels
Happy birthday a few days late (it still counts :))
Awesome boots. I’ve definitely splurged when on a budget. It’s always worth it. Money is just money in the end really. Enjoy the boots x
Steph recently posted..Fruits in Colombia: Mangoes de Azucar
It always counts!
Today I nearly froze to death (wore my tennis shoes out), so both the joy of wearing non-backpacker shoes and the additional warmth have already been worth it.
The Travel Chica recently posted..On My Birthday: Remembering Younger Travels
My splurging usually hinges around booze for some reason. Wish there were more tangible items instead….
Raymond recently posted..Hiking Oahu — Mañana Trail to Waimano Pool
Ha! I’ve had some tiny splurges on wine. I bought a really nice bottle for my birthday, but at least here a wine splurge is cheap by US standards.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Saying Goodbye
They’re hot! Money well spent =)
Andrea recently posted..Colombian Beer and Me
I knew another female who had been traveling through SA for a while could relate.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Saying Goodbye
Gorgeous! I love them!!
Juno recently posted..Calling all Americans!
I knew the girls would appreciate them!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Saying Goodbye
Those are some fabulous, dare I say, sexy boots!
InsideJourneys recently posted..Soulful Sundays: Adele
It’s so cute that you are sufficiently excited about footwear that they get their own blog post!
You remind me of my other half – this is definitely a girl thing 😉
robin recently posted..You Might Have Mentioned The Camels
I have to admit I love my shoes. Being a backpacker and limited myself to only the practical was a little bit of a challenge when I finally got to a city where I was living a ‘normal’ life instead of climbing volcanoes and riding chicken buses.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Saying Goodbye
Serriously stunning! Good choice!
Great boots! I wish you could bring me a pair home! I splurged by going to Panama to meet you on your travels in February : )
Love Mom
I splurged on the planet ticket back to Panama City so you wouldn’t have to travel alone
The Travel Chica recently posted..Saying Goodbye
Happy birthday! And I think splurging on shoes that are both comfortable, stylish and good quality is never a bad idea! Your boots look fantastic.
Christina recently posted..Great kiwi driving routes: Surf Highway 45
I think shoes are the most important then when traveling. Gotta be comfortable and good quality. If you can get style with that, bonus!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Saying Goodbye
Great choice, they’ll last and they’re fashionable. You’ll enjoy wearing them and be warm.
Lisa recently posted..Three Funny Travel Experiences