I learned of a new holiday last week. July 20th is Día del Amigo. After a quick online search, I learned that this holiday is celebrated in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. The holiday was promoted by Argentine doctor and professor Enrique Ernesto Febbraro, who was inspired by the feeling of global communion that swept the world as millions of people tuned in to watch or hear about the moon landing on July 20, 1969. On this day, the whole world was friends of the astronauts.
With all of the somewhat ridiculous “Hallmark holidays” we have in the US (e.g. Sweetest Day), this is a holiday I can appreciate.
So how do they celebrate Friend’s Day in Buenos Aires?
Typically, plans are made in the evening with a good friend that you have not seen in a while. Sometimes this is a friend you went to school with and maybe even see only this one day a year. Plans can also be made with new friends, as well, especially for those who are new to town. Spouses usually make separate plans because this day truly is about friends.
I assume there is a lot of red wine consumed. I assume there is a lot of red meat consumed. I also assume this turns into a late night, and not much work gets done tomorrow morning.
To all of my friends….
Friends are very much like family to me. Friends know you better than most family members. Friends don’t embarrass you nearly as much as family. Well, a few do, but at least you can say you are not related to them.
I know that I would not be the person I am today nor where I am today (that would be Buenos Aires) without my friends.
This is what my friends have done and currently do for me:
- They never once doubted my decision and ability to follow through on my Latin American travel sabbatical.
- They let me sleep in their spare bedroom when I moved out of my home two weeks before my flight to Quito.
- They offered their support when I was lonely or struggling during my travels.
- They read my mail and sort through the junk and email me about the important stuff.
- They make sure the few possessions I have in my storage unit do not mildew.
- They send me updates on what is going on in their lives, so I still feel like I am a part of them despite the separation.
- They comment on my writing and photographs (publicly or privately), so I know they still care what is going on in my life.
- They help me find the best bakery, the best wine, and the best place to take photos during my travels.
- They make me feel at home in a new city.
So to all of my friends many miles away, to those that I do not get to speak to often enough, and to my new friends I have met on my travels and here in Buenos Aires…
And to you to! Back now, let’s catch up before you leave town…
Definitely! Glad the ash cloud did not prevent you from re-entering the country
How sweet!!! It’s always good to have friends!
I have really learned how important they are over the last few years.
That’s awesome! I’m bummed we don’t have a day like this in the States.
Just tell Hallmark. They will be sure to start a new holiday if it means selling more greeting cards.
This is such a sweet post.
I think what you’re doing is so cool. I would love to take a full year to travel the world. Unfortunately, I’m on the quite the budget, but someday I’d love to do what you’re doing.
What countries have been your favorites so far?
Oh, and another question, re: your Latin America trip, do you know how to speak Spanish? I do, and I haven’t had a chance to use it– disappointing. Regardless, I hope you are having a wonderful sabbatical.
All the best!
Thanks, Libby.
It is hard to pick favorites, but out of my Latin America adventures, Argentina and Nicaragua have been my favorites so far. I am really looking forward to seeing Bolivia and Peru as well.
I know some Spanish but am not fluent yet. Still working on it.
Thanks for the response and the recommendations! I’ll have to check out those two. Good luck on the Spanish!
Happy friend day to you too!
The one thing travel makes me miss are the people I care most about. How nice that there is a day to celebrate them =)
I think I’ll adopt this holiday as one of my own to celebrate even after I leave.
What a great holiday! I really like the idea of a friends day.
What a nice post! I’m sure your friends appreciate this.
Friends are definitely crucial in our lives and I cannot imagine life without them. Cheers to everyone out there as everyone is a friend to someone!
I really cannot thank my friends enough, especially the ones I rely on to handle stuff while I am away and to provide so much support for what I am doing.
What a great reminder to count our blessings. Sometimes we can take the things we have for granted and what a good way to celebrate with friends what they mean to us. I am sure LOTS of red wine was shared!
Funny thing is the tequila came out at my house for Friends Day. And I was told it was good tequila too! (I did not partake due to my aversion to doing shots).
Lovely post, I understand what it means having difficult time defining friendship when you constantly travel, I’ve been an expat for six years and I’m getting kind of confused
I used to think it took a long time to form really good friendship. But I learned that is not always the case. Good people are good people, and they will be there for you even if they haven’t known you for years.
Wow, I didn’t know about this day until the day after it happened. Luckily for me I was able to hang out with one of my friends last night. I celebrated Feliz Dia del Amigo and didn’t even know it. Great article!
Thanks for this. I didn’t know about Día del Amigo before. I love the whole concept and the story of how it was started. Very special!
Great post. Friends Day is such a great idea. That needs to catch on in the U.S.
I really am surprised Hallmark hasn’t created it yet.
What a fantastic holiday! There is “Sweetest Day” on October 20th that Bob and I celebrate… it’s just like valentines day, except not that many people know about it. I love sweetest day so much more!
Funny you mention that because I consider that a “Hallmark” holiday. But if you like it, you should celebrate it
Just don’t buy any cards from Hallmark to celebrate.
What a lovely tribute to friends.
This should definitely be something celebrated worldwide.