I went to my first “Argentine party.”
It was a party for an Argentine who graduated from law school. This post is not about the random guitar/ singing that broke out for hours in the overly-crowded living room (including some Guns ‘n Roses). This post is not about the massive consumption of Fernet and Coke (tastes like Listerine mixed with Coke). This post is not about the 12 people that were crammed in the tiny kitchen watching a soccer game.
This post is about Cocaina Rusa (aka Russian Cocaine).
We were trying to leave the party.
This is a very difficult task in Buenos Aires because every door requires a key to both enter and exit.
Exiting a home typically requires the following steps:
- Unlock the apartment door from the inside.
- Go down an old-style elevator.
- Unlocking the building entrance door.
- Home dweller has to re-lock the building entrance door.
- Go back up the old-style elevator.
- Unlock the apartment door.
- Re-lock the apartment door from the inside.
One of my biggest fears in this city has been losing my apartment key because most likely there isn’t a spare, and you will have to sleep on the streets for the rest of your life.
Back to the party.
We were trying to leave, but the host was slightly intoxicated (well-deserved after receiving her law degree) and in a social mood. We were standing in the kitchen waiting for her to let us out.
Then we saw the plate full of spoons with strange powder-like substances on them.
Then we saw the shot glasses full of vodka.
The hostess came back to the kitchen and asked if we wanted some Cocaina Rusa.
My Spanish isn’t great, so I thought I misheard.
Nope. I heard correctly.
What the hell is Russian Cocaine?
It was late in the night, and people were looking for a little something to give them more energy to keep the guitar-sing-along going.
Meet the Argentine version of a Vodka Red Bull.
- Take a giant spoon and put sugar on one half and instant coffee on the other half.
- Then poor a shot of vodka.
This drink was so strange that the expats, who had no idea what was going on, had to ask which you were supposed to do first.
Spoon of nastiness first.
Then chase it with a shot of vodka.
Thanks to Chance from BA Local for both the invite and the memorable photos.
In case you are wondering, I chickened out (or rather made my best decision of the night) and opted to just be the photographer for this round.
Never heard of it! Wonder what the guy was thinking when he mixed the three ingredients the first time
I think he was trying to play a joke on a friend.
OMG! Sounds horrible. I’ll stick with wine. I wonder what their remedies for hangovers are.
It’s probably sleeping until 4pm and then drinking a Quilmes
Sounds like something Mr. Bean might try, if he were drunk.
and i thought this was just going to be a posting about regular old cocaine. interesante. i think it would be more delectable if the instant cafe and azucar were mixed in with the vodka. why couldn’t you make instant cafe with vodka?
You are making me want to vomit now.
Never heard of it, but sounds like its aptly named. I would hate to think of the crash afterwards.
Definitely a good name that will scare off most people (as it should).
Aww, boo! I wanted to ask you if it gave you wings! =)
I’m an “observer”
wow… that definitely beats the weak sauce mate rounds that I’d be part of with my Porteno friends… Where are you in Buenos Aires? I had an apartment in Recoleta in 2005 that was stylish but very badly lit – so I ended up spending most of my time elsewhere…
On a totally different note, what’s your favorite pizza place in town… I was trying to find a place with less cheese on their pizzas – it was getting a little too intense..
I’m staying in Palermo, and I have a pretty good place with fun roommates. I am torn between Almacen de Pizzas and Michi. They are NOT Argentine style super-thick crust with massive amounts of cheese
As much as I can appreciate a ginormous slice of fugazzetta oozing with cheese, it’s not my favorite.
I don’t like coffee at all so I would have passed as well! The sugar I could have done but what a concoction!
I like coffee but not instant coffee un-brewed!
I have to ask, did any of those guys manage to keep it down or was there a mess in the kitchen. I feel sick just thinking about it.
I am quite certain everyone kept it down, at least as long as I was there. Impressive!
Umm, is it gross if I admit I wanna try this? Lol it doesn’t sound so bad to me…
Btw Stephanie, thanks to your comment, I decided to write the full story of my mugging after all! Thanks for pushing me to do it. I actually had a ton of fun writing it and realized I hadn’t completely lost my love for storytelling. You rock!
It’s a pretty easy recipe. Go for it, and tell us what you think!
That’s really great that you enjoyed writing the story.
My, the things we do for a buzz!
Wish I didn’t hate coffee, I’d certainly try this. Will definitely suggest it the next time I have friends over. We’re so over Red Bull and vodka.
I know what you mean about those keys. Keep ’em close!
Maybe I am getting old, but I think that if I’m too tired to stay awake, maybe I should just got to bed
It doesn’t sound too bad to me either. Although I’m an absolute sucker for Irish coffee too. I’m sure you could make … Russian coffee with vodka. And people are wearing jackets in the photos, so it seems like it would be warm enough for a hot coffee with a splash of Russian courage!
Real brewed coffee with vodka sounds much better to me.
Omg.. that is disgusting. There is no way I would be able to choke that down. I can think of better ways to get some energy.
Hmmmm, I think I’ll stick with straight shots!
I can’t do either!
Sounds like something I’d like to try once. I’m still hung up on the fact that you need a key to exit buildings. How insanely inconvenient!
And very bad if there is a fire.
Highly entertaining. tI never ceases to amaze me what strange concoctions people come up to get a rush. No ‘real’ coke then? Maybe the hostess being a new law gradutae has something to do with that????
That didnt seem to bad of a drink! Actually the process of trying to get in and out of the apartment was actually the most horrifying part to me!
The key situation is crazy. Another expat I met that was living in Buenos Aires was told by her landlord that there was no extra key, so she better not lose it. Too much stress!
That is hilarious. How did I know Chance would be front and center.
Hahahahaha. Oh my god, that is the best thing ever. How did the other expats react after they’d done it?
Ceri recently posted..The New Job
It did not look like it tasted very good, but nobody got sick.
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