If you read any travel blogs other than mine, you are probably familiar with the My 7 Links Project. As soon as I heard about this project organized by Trip Base, I thought it was a great idea (for multiple mutually-beneficial reasons).
I am very honored to be nominated by Sabrina from Country Skipper, Giulia from Travel Reportage, Mark from Migrationology, Rease from Travelated, Jeff from Lengthy Travel, Sebastian from Off-The-Path, and Graham from Global Grasshopper.
How awesome is it to be nominated by 7 different people?!!
I will pretend it has nothing to do with the fact that nearly every other blogger in the blog-o-sphere has already written their My 7 Links, and I have procrastinated so long to finish my post that it seems I am just collecting nominations.
I have only been blogging for 8 months.
I am very happy with how my website, including the content and quality of the writing, and my photography have evolved. It was a really great exercise for me to take a look back at my work, and I am happy to have the opportunity to share some of my earlier posts with you.
So here we go…
My Most Beautiful Post
I will choose my most beautiful post based on one of my most beautiful adventures. A top priority for this travel sabbatical is to use my time to improve my photography skills, as well as take advantage of the inspiration such beautiful destinations can provide.
When I was in Antigua, Guatemala, I did an overnight volcano hike. This was physically and psychologically a big challenge for me. In El Volcan Fuego Beckons, I describe overcoming the challenges and the reward of such amazing landscapes. I am really proud of the photos I took on this trip, even though it was early on, and I still had a lot to learn (and still do).
My Most Popular Post
The post that has gotten the most page views is My First Border Run. I honestly do not know why this post is so popular. There are no photos, no travel tips, no reflective descriptions of a travel destination.
This is a recent post, so I assume the popularity is simply because my readership has been growing over time. A few people actually read my blog now. Sweet!
My Most Controversial Post
I have not written many controversial posts. Since I have been settled in Buenos Aires for a while, I have been exposed to a lot more of the culture and politics. The things I heard about soccer culture in Argentina had surprised me, and I started to see elements of truth in it. When River Plate lost and got relegated to the B League, I wrote Why I Will Not Go To a Soccer Game in Argentina. This got some debate in the comments. Feel free to weigh in, whether you agree with me or not.
It is usually more fun if you don’t agree with me
I have a few more posts coming up that may generate some controversy. Now that I have lived in Buenos Aires for 4 months, I feel like I have the right to toss around a few opinions.
My Most Helpful Post
I do not typically write a lot of tips in my posts. I have Travel Tips pages on my website where I put those items.
So I think my most helpful post is 12 Things I Learned About Traveling. I was six months into my trip, and I wrote a series of posts about what I had learned about traveling, about living simpler, and about myself.
Success Surprised Me
I told you how my most successful post surprised me, but I guess I need to find something else for this category.
I know that people like posts about wine and food, but I was surprised how many people commented on My Little Wine Experiment – Can You Tell the Difference? I was also surprised by how many people had actually done something similar. And here I thought I was being original
I really enjoyed doing this blind wine tasting event and sharing it with everyone, so I am happy it was successful.
Did Not Get the Attention It Deserved
A post that did not get the attention it deserved is Chicken Bus Controversy in Panama. I think it highlights some of the challenges that countries face as they try to modernize and improve both safety and service to their people.
I Am Most Proud
I picked a post that I do not necessarily think is my best post, but rather it is a post about something I really love. Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires not only shows some of the amazing artwork you can see in the streets, but also tells some of the stories behind the artists and their work.
I really enjoyed learning about graffiti art in Buenos Aires, and I was really happy to share it with many others who appreciate street art.
My Nominations – Tag! You’re it!
I am actually nominating people I have met. I feel lucky to have met several travel writers during my travels and my stay in Buenos Aires, and I still enjoy following their adventures.
- Cass from While Out Riding – I met Cass in Nicaragua. I was amazed that he was bicycling through Central and South America. He is a wonderful photographer, and he is seeing so many off-the-beaten-path places that most travelers will never see.
- Arlo & Oksana from Postcard Valet – I met them in Buenos Aires a few months ago at a wine tasting. I love hearing about their current travels through Africa. They also do Podcasts for those of you addicted to your iPods.
- Dusty and Wendy from Roam The Planet – I met Dusty and Wendy at the same event where I met Arlo and Oksana. I was so excited to meet two people from Ohio that had left for Latin America the same month I did. They are back in Cinci now, and I still enjoy their humorous posts.
- Niamh from Eat Like a Girl – We met at the Cuisine Y Vins wine event several weeks ago.
- Natalia from Natalia & Jose Luis Travel Blog – I met Natalia in Buenos Aires, and will be practicing my Spanish with her during her remaining weeks in the city.
Great list Stephanie, the graffiti post is nice. I love the pictures. I haven’t read it before!
Glad you enjoyed. One of the best tours I ever did.
Loads of great posts here, Stephanie.
Great list! I especially like all your posts about wine
Well, with as many posts as I have written about wine, one of them was bound to end up in My 7 Links
How about that extremely hansom guy
you met in Buenos Aires with this blog :
Greetz Neil
I did meet a handsome guy with an amusing blog in Buenos Aires
Love your site and your stories transform me into a place I would not travel but find curious
Thank you so much! I also enjoy reading travel sites that talk about places I would never go too.
Great links- loved the wine post!
I enjoy all of my wine posts, specifically the research process
WOW Stephanie I thought you had been blogging for years, great job. I’ll be sure to check out your travel buddies.
Aw, thanks! The funny thing was I noticed how bad my early posts were when I was going through them to write this one.
Great list, I really liked the Graffiti post; I’m glad you chose that one.
Thank you! I’m planning to do another one soon because there is just so much great graffiti art in Buenos Aires.