Remember Cruella?
Finally, the saga comes to an end… sort of.
A few months ago, I wrote about my evil landlady Cruella. I then shared her bizarre rules and how she was monitoring my toilet paper usage.
The last thing I wrote about Cruella was how she kicked me out and changed the lock only 2 weeks into my 1-month contract.
Now I am concluding the story.
Read on to find out what happened when I went to pick up my stuff, about the rental company’s reaction, and how I got my revenge.
The Next Day
I had to wait until 10am the morning after Cruella kicked me out to find out if she stole anything from me. I went to the building administration office, still feeling confused and a little in shock. It was strange to be back in the building, and I had to fight the urge to go up to Cruella’s apartment and let out all of the frustration from the past two weeks.
I quickly looked through the bags and breathed a sigh of relief that everything appeared to be there.
Next it was a matter of the deposit. Cruella had told my rental company she was leaving my deposit minus 200 pesos (US$50) at administration too, and I was hoping so much that was true. A full month rent is a big deposit for a 1-month lease.
Cruella told the rental company that she kept the 200 pesos because I broke something in the closet. This was a lie, but apparently this woman wanted to squeeze every bit of money out of me that she could get.
I explained to the woman in Spanish that Cruella kicked me out for no reason. She was not told a reason either. The woman gave me an envelope with the deposit and asked me to sign something indicating I received the money.
I was not signing anything.
I explained to her that Cruella still owed me half of the rent, since she broke the contract. She offered to call her for me.
My Phone Call with Cruella
She got Cruella on her cell phone and handed the phone to me.
Cruella is fluent in English, but she immediately went into rapid Spanish. I told her several times that I could not understand Spanish well over the phone and to either speak slower or speak in English.
Apparently, Cruella had forgotten how to speak English.
How convenient.
Click. She hung up on me.
I told the woman that I could not understand anything Cruella said and how she refused to speak English to me. She looked at me with sympathy, maybe realizing that I was the one being wronged in this situation, and said, “She speaks English. She used to live in London.” I knew this of course, but I was happy this woman was also seeing this evil side of Cruella.
Que perra! is what I was thinking, but I was being polite.
The woman called her back for me and spoke to her on my behalf. When she hung up the phone she said that Cruella’s lawyer would be in touch. I laughed for the first time since being kicked out.
Really, crazy lady?
You think that the lawyer threat is going to scare me when I have done nothing wrong, and you have broken the contract?
I am not stupid. I am pretty sure we invented the lawyer threat in the US.
The Rental Company
The owner of the rental company also was given the brush off and told to speak with Cruella’s lawyer. Of course, days passed without being able to reach this lawyer.
I have had mixed feelings about what to write about the rental company Spare Rooms BA. I thought that they should take responsibility and pay me the money Cruella stole because they arranged this transaction. They could then continue to pursue Cruella for breach of contract.
But I have to own up to something.
I signed the contract, making an assumption that Spare Rooms BA would be responsible and never asked what would happen in a situation like this. Of course, I could not have predicted this scenario, but I should have asked more questions.
I found out later that Spare Rooms BA had never actually rented Cruella’s apartment before, so she must have been using different rental services for the past 7 years. This is a simple question I could have asked that might have made me listen to that initial gut feeling.
I also found out that Spare Rooms BA just facilitates the transaction between the tenant and landlord, and they do not take responsibility for something the tenant or landlord does in breach of the contract. This was not written into the contract I signed, but I later found a statement 2/3 of the way down the Legal Notice page. The Legal Notice page is not easy to find, since it is a link in the footer of their website.
What has Spare Rooms BA done to right this wrong?
The day I was kicked out, Spare Rooms immediately refunded the administration fee that I paid for using their service. After several days of back and forth trying to reach Cruella’s lawyer, they also refunded US$60 of the rent, which I assume is their commission from the rental transaction.
I truly appreciate that Spare Rooms BA gave me this money back. I definitely deserved it, but it would have been easy for them to not give me anything back and wipe their hands of the situation.
From living in the US, I have this expectation that businesses will sometimes take a loss to maintain a happy customer. I have to remember I am in Argentina now, and customer service standards are different (and sometimes non-existent) in Latin America.
My Sweet Revenge
For those of you who know me, you know that I do not like to be taken advantage of, especially when the action is so blatantly wrong (and breaks the law). You may have been wondering how I would get my revenge.
Well, I like to think I am a good person, and I was not going to do anything I might be ashamed of one day or could get me thrown in jail like kidnap her dog and hold it for ransom.
Yes, this really was a suggestion.
As I told more and more people who live in Buenos Aires about the situation, I got lots of support.
Argentines and expats were angry that someone would take advantage of a foreigner like this (Buenos Aires already has this bad reputation). So they were more than happy to offer a little of their “local knowledge” about how to get back at this woman.
Argentines are afraid of their tax agency just as much as Americans are afraid of the IRS.
The last thing anyone wants is to go through an investigation. Many Porteños do not pay their taxes because they run home-based businesses or have a little something on the side. But they are also afraid because being investigated by AFIP (Federal Administration of Public Revenue) is no picnic.
So I went to the AFIP office and filed a complaint against the woman for breach of contract and stealing my money. Then I let them know that she has two home-based businesses, renting a room in her apartment and selling dulce de membrillo, and that I hoped she was diligently paying the appropriate taxes to the government.
The economy in Argentina is struggling, and I would not want the people who rely on government-funded programs to suffer because this woman isn’t paying her taxes.
Note that filing these two documents required trips to three different AFIP offices. Luckily, I do not have a “grown-up job” and have all the time in the world. Plus, government offices will not make photocopies for you, so there were additional trips to run down the street to the nearest copy shop.
The different departments within AFIP do not seem to know much about what each department does or their processes. But I have to say that all of the employees I talked to were incredibly helpful. Maybe my Spanish isn’t so bad if I was able to file official documents within the Argentine bureaucracy.
I went through a similar situation, but in Germany. After a year in the apartment, I was expecting my 2 months of deposit (1200 euro). The landlord told me that they pay atthe end of the year, so I waited. After six months, I didn’thear back from them, andtried getting in touch. They never answered to my phone calls, emails or messages. It went like this for another year.
At some point I hired a lawyer and waned to sue her. I did. She reappeared with documents stating that she’s notgiving me back any money because the xtra costs for cleaning were higher than my deposit… And she even dared to ask for another xtra 600 euro (after 2 years!).
We won the case, of course, and she had to pay back the full deposit, and pay forthe lawyer. It was so much worth it!
Katherina recently posted..Photo Essay: The Secrets of Dalt Vila, Eivissa (Ibiza)
That is awesome that you won!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
Fantastic! I am glad you finally figured out how to get revenge on this “c-word.” You have time and a laser-sharp focus on your side, while she clearly has much more to lose. I hope the AFIP investigation includes a body cavity search.
On an unrelated note, I hope to see you back here during your visit! I’ll answer your email shortly.
You say all the things I think
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
Good on you for getting after her. The Mexican in me would have done the same (and a lot more), but you did the right thing by playing it cool. If it were me, I’d have a new dog that would probably be happy to have been rescued from “Cruella.” I might have even taken that lovely painting of her with the dog and used it as a dartboard. As much as I like “membrillo”, I’m not sure I would have taken any of that! hehe!
Jose Luis & Natalia (Viajecin) recently posted..Ms. Madeere Pehrsone Alspace Dies in Buenos Aires **
I do feel good about not totally letting her get away with it. If she had not changed the locks on me, I probably would have held the dog hostage since it was obviously the only thing in her life that mattered to her.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
I know I would have been in a similar position, you want to assume the best of people but then you find out they probably just scam everyone.
Thank gawd we got our damage deposit back!
Ayngelina recently posted..Winnipeg Folk Festival in photos
I was so happy to see that deposit back in my PayPal account. If I had gotten screwed two times in a row, that whole “being a good person” thing would have probably gone out the window
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
I know the feeling you have here, I have often thought this myself, it seems that been a “good person” is really just costing me money and holding me back at times. I reckon its just a matter of time before we all snap.
Lassa recently posted..Stop your heartburn
Ugh. I am so sorry you had to go through this. but, I love the way you handled it in the end. Karma always comes back to you. And, you were right. Que perra!
Jeff recently posted..A Few of the Monkeys From Monkeyland, Primate Sanctuary
Let’s just say it was a good travel lesson learned.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
@Stephanie, As you can see, Jose Luis does not like to be taken advantage of either. He read your Cruella posts aloud, adding “Law and Order” sounds. It gave us a good laugh this morning. Glad the situation is over!
PS: I did not like going to the AFIP offices at all. Good way to get back at Cruella.
When you told me your story about dealing with AFIP, all I could think about was that I hope Cruella has an experience 100 times worse!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
I have truly LOVED your stories about Cruella! Maybe because I have never had such an awful experience and hope I never will. Thanks for sharing.
Jan Ross recently posted..Muir Woods – A Wilderness Right Outside San Francisco
I am happy to share my awful experiences with others for either amusement or informational purposes
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
Great wrap-up story. I, ofr one, have wondered how the saga ended. Perhaps you can write a treatment and sell the film rights!
Philip recently posted..Galapagos Islands; Part VI
The Cruella de Vil of Palermo would be a catchy title.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
Great story. i hope the tax office will sqeeze every peso out of her. She deserves it.
Neil Skywalker recently posted..Stop Being The Nice Guy !!!
I also hope there is a Health Department in Buenos Aires that will shut down her membrillo business, since she has a dog running around sniffing and shedding all over it.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
The fantastic thing about what you did is that you are also safing future renters the heartbreak you lived, and that this lady will be forced to assist others through the taxes.Win!
I am actually going to post the woman’s name and address on different forums so that others will hopefully find out she’s a scam artist (and evil person) before renting from her.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
I hope that the agency will at least allow her the opportunity to totally freak out as she ponders who dropped a dime on her. Pardon my french, but it is simply karma coming back around to bitch slap her.
Renee recently posted..Be your own hero
I did actually call her and tell her I was going to report her to AFIP if she didn’t give me my money. Note that I had already reported her at this point but was hoping this might scare her into giving me my money. This time she pretended that she didn’t understand me in Spanish.
If she had given me the money back, it would have truly been the ultimate revenge.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
Good on you for the revenge. She totally deserves the investigation and I also hope that they get her! It’s always the same with these landlords I also had this problem with a turkish landlord. He took half of the deposit because the carpet was dirty. I told him to give me the keys again and cut out a hole and replaced the dirty part. Still didn’t got my money back!!!
From telling my story about Cruella, I have learned that quite a few people have been taken advantage of my landlords. That really sucks because you want to trust people, especially while traveling.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
Atta girl!
Ana recently posted..Trip to England: highlights
You mess with the Gringa, you’re gonna get it right back.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
Good go Stephanie!
Attaching a government agency to take your revenge was a great move – if you get nothing back, at least you know that the move get the government agency to investigate has to be a nightmare- and brought on by you!
How sweet of a nice American girl doing this to a con in Argentina!
That’s the way to go, girl!
John D. Wilson
John Wilson recently posted..Central America is done, finished and terminated – the Pan-American Highway ends
Thanks, John. Bureaucratic government agencies can be good for something
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
Hello…my name is Angelina and I am a member of the expat community in Buenos Aires. As well, I run a prominent blogsite “Making the Same Difference” on all things Argentine.
I am a personal friend to the woman who runs sparerooms BA and I REALLY want to thank you for putting your emotions and focus in the right direction in the article. Val felt (and still feels) terrible about what happened to you. She never saw this coming and it seems obvious that this woman who you stayed with knew the law and worked it to her advantage to milk as much money out of you as possible knowing that Spare Rooms couldn’t do a thing.
This really was a first for Val and Sparerooms…they never saw it coming and I am glad that your article put a positive spin on your personal dealings with their company. They have one of the best reputations in Buenos Aires and it would break my heart if the selfishness of one woman caused them a bad rep.
If you are planning another trip and you want some consultation, I encourage you to talk to me, come to my website, or I can point you in the right direction. I know Buenos Aires very well and I have lots of connections and would be able to show you to others that can help you the next time around.
Once again, thank you for focusing your article in the right direction despite the anger and raw emotions you must have felt. CHEERS!
Angelina Khoo recently posted..Chili Experts and Chilly Expats
Angelina, I appreciate you taking the time to reply to this post. I really do feel that Val was 100% genuine and honest with me throughout this ordeal. I am sure she felt her trust was violated as well, since I got the impression that she personally knew “Cruella.”
I have to say that having a personal reference from a previous renter or going through a reputable agency is the best route to avoid being taken advantage of as long as that agency has rented that person’s apartment previously.
I will be sure to take you up on the offer if I need some renting info in the future. Thanks!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
That was the perfect revenge! Now it’s on to the next adventure.
Debbie Beardsley @ European Travelista recently posted..The 6 EST’s of Europe
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
Absolutely! As much of an adventure it was to figure out AFIP, I am ready for something does not involve a government agency.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
I’m a strong believer in what goes around, comes around so Cruella is about to have a really sh!tty time.
I wonder if you can get the local health inspectors onto her too for working in those unhealthy conditions.
Rob W. recently posted..Supermarket Experiences Cartoon
I just commented that I hoped the Health Department would shut down her membrillo business. Great minds think alike
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
Wow That was a very sweet revenge. I hope Argentina government can get something out of this 😀
Sailor recently posted..Cruising While You Are Pregnant
Wow! So frustrating…there is always that nervous moment when you hand over a lot of cash for rent…in Thailand I had to fork over two months rent plus the first month—it all worked out just fine but it’s stories like this that make it stressful. To be fair there are likely a number of Western expats who have done their fare share of the screwing over, but anyway, sounds like she is going to have her hands full now with that investigation!
I know I got off easy in this case too. I am actually surprised she gave me most of my deposit back. She probably thought that would be enough to prevent me from trying to get the rest back.
Unfortunately, you are probably right that there are some expats that are screwing people over too.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Tango Is Not for Me
What a stressful situation you have been through. I’m glad you were able to get at least some of your money back and are able to warn others of this crazy lady.
Christy @ Ordinary Traveler recently posted..Elephants Were Put On This Earth To Entertain Us
Thank you. It was actually more stressful living with the crazy old bat than dealing with getting kicked out. Luckily, I had met Ayngelina and Rease at that point, so I had friends to help me see the humor in it and move on.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Tango Is Not for Me
I have been following this story–how frustrating! I fully support your sweet revenge and I hope she gets what’s coming to her. At least you are out of that crazy situation and it’s all over with!
Danalynn recently posted..Nomadic Cost of Living: July
Congratulations Stephanie on getting your revenge on this evil landlady. I too have had my fair share of situations where I have been ripped off by people. As a Buddhist, in our tradition we have a saying “just because somebody throws a bucket of dirt in the ocean, it doesn’t make it dirty”. Don’t let your experience allow you to lose faith in the goodness of people on account of one greedy deluded person.
That is some good advice, and I hope I can remember it. I think I still believe in the goodness of people. I just know to be more diligent (and ask a lot more questions) before making a decision of this much importance in the future.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Tango Is Not for Me
The best part about this story (besides the fact that you completely kick ass) is the photo of Cruella, which just somehow seems to wholly embody the kind of person that she is. It’s just the perfect accent to this whole saga. May she be the last evil landlord you ever encounter! Happy (and safe) travelling!
amanda elsewhere recently posted..Roadtrip to the Taj Mahal
I hope so too! Thanks!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
Glad it’s all over and done with now! She sounds like such a psycho. I think you got the best revenge you could!
Megan recently posted..Lessons I learned hiking with Quetzaltrekkers: Part 3
Good for you, I hope it costs her a million times more dealing with the tax man as opposed to just returning your money!!
I hope so too. Maybe she will learn her lesson and stop taking advantage of people.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
I am rejoicing on this revenge. She sounds like a horrible horrible person. I hate getting taken advantage of as well.
Grace recently posted..Manila Revealed: Testimonials on Why the World’s Most Misunderstood City Rocks
She really is a horrible person. I learned that within the first week I lived with her.
I managed to travel for 5 months without getting taken advantage of until I hit Buenos Aires. And it was a little old lady who cooks and likes to go to the theater.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
Ha! When I read about the lawyer threat being thrown at an AMERICAN I had to laugh. I’m sorry to say it but you’re unpleasant experiences with this, eh…lady have kept me thoroughly entertained
And now the story is over
robin recently posted..Nada
She was used to renting to college students, so I think she underestimated my intelligence and life experience.
Always happy to entertain. I’m sure something will happen in my future travels to provide more amusement for all of you…. I just hope it is less expensive next time
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
I love it. I would have done the same thing. I can’t stand being taken advantage of or cheated in some way. Awesome conclusion!
Scott – Quirky Travel Guy recently posted..High rollin’ in Las Vegas
I really have to thank the few people that told me about AFIP and how to get back at her.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Are the Stereotypes about Porteñas True?
Great job being persistent!
Eileen Ludwig recently posted..SeaWorld Summer Nights SeaLions Tonite Fireworks Reflections
I don’t give up on things easily
The Travel Chica recently posted..Are the Stereotypes about Porteñas True?
Wow, sorry to hear about your nightmare of a living arrangement. Nothing like being held hostage to your money in a foreign country!
On the plus side, your story made me feel even better about the two apartments we rented in Buenos Aires!
Arlo recently posted..PVX: McDonald’s in South Africa
Buenos Aires is a really tough city when it comes to renting an apartment. I didn’t start hearing the horror stories until after I moved in with Cruella.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Are the Stereotypes about Porteñas True?
Great story with some good lessons. Wish I could be a fly on the wall to see her reaction if she does get investigated.
PS I don’t think you really would have wanted that dog…
Christine recently posted..The Art of Burning Man
The dog was pure evil as well. She was probably training it to bite me.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Are the Stereotypes about Porteñas True?
This is a wild story. Loco, in fact. Sorry to hear that you’ve gone through this. Cruella (great name, btw) sounds awful. And I hope she gets what she deserves. Good for you for doing what you did!!!
PS: Does she have a sister named Biotchella or PMS Queenella? I lived with an Argentine woman in Quito 15 years ago who was also a monster. A narcissistic Jeckyll and Hyde with other sorts of rules…she .threw me out, too!
Lisa @chickybus recently posted..‘Would You Rather’ Game–for Travelers
Ha! I can’t believe you went through a similar situation 15 years ago… with an Argentine woman!
Did she have an evil little dog too
The Travel Chica recently posted..Are the Stereotypes about Porteñas True?
Yup–very similar! She didn’t have an evil dog, but she had two bratty sons and a drinking problem….and was pretty volatile. She kicked me out because one day, when she tried to get more money of out me (by saying–“You haven’t been paying your share.” Of course, it was exactly what we’d agreed to.), I asked her if she’d been drinking. She reeked of liquor. She freaked and said, “That’s it–get out.” I had until that night and it was awful. Will never forget…. Cruella’s sister perhaps or cousin…. Landlord spawn, for sure!
Lisa @chickybus recently posted..1-Year Blogoversary and Oh Yeah, My 7 Links!
I’ve been dying to know how this ended since the first five minutes I met you!! You were pretty pumped — glad you channeled that energy into handling in this way. Next!
Well, I told so many people about what this woman did to me that I had to do something.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Are the Stereotypes about Porteñas True?
I have to smile during this whole story & actually LOL. I thought it was so hilarious when Cruella (or her funny sister) wrote on your site LOL You have learned many life lessons. I remember when you were at OSU & a roommate took advantage of all of you. You wanted to take her to the better business bureau in another state. Don’t get on the wrong side of Stephanie : ) I always thought you should be a lawyer.
I hate being taken advantage of, so I will not let it go until I have exhausted my options for getting justice.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Are the Stereotypes about Porteñas True?
SO awesome that you found a way to get back at her. That’s amazing. I hope that they take action against her. Nothing makes me angrier than when people take advantage of foreigners.
Kyle recently posted..Lovebirds
It seems to happen a lot in Buenos Aires, so I wanted to do something to make her think twice about doing something like this again.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Are the Stereotypes about Porteñas True?
Niiiiice work! I saw this post in someone else’s comment section and I knew I had to find out the conclusion to this crazy story. The important thing is that you didn’t do anything you regret. And yeah, your Spanish must be good if you can file form in a government office. Two things to be happy about
Claire recently posted..My 7 Links: I’m One of the Cool Kids Now
I was pretty proud of my ability to file forms with government agencies. The woman I talked to at AFIP was so helpful. I told the story to her in my elementary Spanish, and she told me how to write it more formally on the complaint form.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Are the Stereotypes about Porteñas True?
Hahaha wow, GREAT story! You know, it seems like the worse and shittier the ordeal…the better the story lol.
So thank you for suffering for our entertainment Stephanie
You are very welcome. Something good has to come out of it, right
The Travel Chica recently posted..Are the Stereotypes about Porteñas True?
I hope she pays dearly for treating you like this. She seems like a demented, deceitful, crooked lady. I have to say that as frustrating as this has been, I’ve enjoyed the stories!
Jeremy Branham recently posted..The Elmer Fudd guide on how to balance travel, work, family, and life
I like the way you got revenge – not too nasty and well within the law…. but probably a pain in the arse for her if she hasn’t been paying those taxes. Well done!
Christy @ Technosyncratic recently posted..A Canal Ride through Central London
Thanks! That is exactly what I was going for
The Travel Chica recently posted..Gallery Nights in Buenos Aires
If you’re in the mood for another charge against Cruella try the sanitary food control office of Argentina (SENASA is the equivalent of the American FDA):
Or you can also try the food sanitary control of the national ministry of public health:
They have a phone number you can call and place an investigation order against her, it will help if you have any idea where she sell all her sweets and if you have photos of the dog near the sweets.
You are my hero
The Travel Chica recently posted..Gallery Nights in Buenos Aires
Wow. Seriously, Cruella sounds like a crazy ass biatch! Good riddance to her.
I’m so glad you kept us updated on this. And I hope that bitch gets what’s coming to her.
Ceri recently posted..The So-Called ‘Gap Year’
Me too!
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