After my Graffiti Bike Tour, I really wanted to discover more graffiti art in Buenos Aires.
Jonny from Graffitimundo told me about two places in the barrio of Saavedra to see some great works. My friend Jeff from Lengthy Travel is also a big fan of graffiti art, so we packed our cameras and hopped on the bus to check it out.
Saavedra is not a barrio that tourists would normally visit. But it is actually pretty easy to get to. We took Subte D to the end of the line and then walked about 12 blocks. It was definitely worth the trip.
Hospital Pirovano
Hospital Pirovano was our first stop. The walls surrounding this hospital complex were completely decorated with graffiti art.
I liked the incorporation of parts of the building.
all you need is love
One of my favorites
i am always impressed by larger ones – wait, that sounds bad
Wall of Fame
We walked about 10 more blocks and discovered the Wall of Fame. Along the railroad tracks going for maybe 500 meters, there are huge concrete walls decorated with all types of graffiti art, including some I recognized from famous artists in Buenos Aires.
Have I mentioned that I love the trees in Buenos Aires?
hmmm…. what’s going on in this one?
a remembrance of those “disappeared” in the late 70s/ early 80s
I liked the texture of the wall
plus the discovery of someone’s secret lighter storage spot
living hand to mouth
The graffiti art in Buenos Aires is really amazing.
I see it everywhere I walk in this city. If you have some time to explore, check out this area in Saavedra. I felt safe and comfortable there during the day, and it was easy to get there.
Nice graffitis, especially the first ones of the hospital but also the wall of fame looks nice!
Sebastian recently posted..Norway Photo of the Day: Bergen at Night
I was really impressed by the hospital. I was not expecting to much graffiti and so much creativity.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Delicious Splurge in Buenos Aires
Great style and diversity. Love grafitti that wants more than just tagging.
Italian Notes recently posted..Trekking on the edge of an active volcano
These are great – definitely have to go take a look one day! Thanks!
Jonathan Evans recently posted..15 August – Boca vs Unión Details
Right after you make it to Feria de Mataderos
The Travel Chica recently posted..My Delicious Splurge in Buenos Aires
Graffiti fantastico. Taking a 2 month travel break to enjoy summer in California, I am now the one who is seriously jealous. Great photos. Thanks for the inspiration while I work on my next round of travel plans!
Philip recently posted..Galapagos Islands; Part VI
Not a bad idea to enjoy the summer in CA. Let me know when you know your travel plans. I assume you’ll be coming back to South America?
The Travel Chica recently posted..Campo in the City
Absolutely wonderful! There seems to be something about street art and Hispanic culture.
robin recently posted..Verano
I have been enjoying your graffiti photos too. It’s our theme this month
The Travel Chica recently posted..Campo in the City
Love this art. So accessible, so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
InsideJourneys recently posted..Travel Photo Thursday – New York City
I am always amazed by artists! The fact they can do this on the side of buildings is truly awe inspiring.
Debbie Beardsley @ European Travelista recently posted..The 6 EST’s of Europe
Artists that work on such a grand scale are very impressive. It would take me months to paint something so large, and it still probably would look like something a kindergartner made.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Campo in the City
Wow, I have never seen anything on a building in the U.S. That looks like that!
Jan Ross recently posted..Muir Woods – A Wilderness Right Outside San Francisco
Yo tampoco! However, it is during this trip that I have developed an appreciation for graffiti art. I may have missed it on trips to some of the larger US cities.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Campo in the City
loving it!! the hair on the first one is sweet. have you been to valparaiso in chile? think you would definitely dig it. i just took a self-styled bicycle tour under the bridges of melbourne last weekend to check out the latest graf. wow there are some talented crew around.
jamie – cloud people adventures recently posted..Iconic Melbourne – and some Fluro Animals
I have seen great photos of graffiti art in Valparaiso from other travelers. I am really looking forward to going there.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Campo in the City
Oh my god – I don’t think some of that should even be called “graffiti” because it’s so artistic!! I love seeing things like this when I travel and even at home – the non-profane stuff can really be gorgeous sometimes.
I had no clue about these works in Saavedra. Another thing to do when I go back to Buenos Aires! I love the fact the art is appealing to different audiences. The social theme is present, and there are some a bit more abstract that will appeal to the creative mind. The one that says “Todo lo que se necesita es amor” reminds me of children’s books. I love they incorporated the windows. Are those kids’ hands on the blue wall?
Natalia recently posted..Guanajuato Mummies in Dallas
Yep, those are hand prints on the wall. I liked how the art at the hospital was all related to caring for people. Then just 10 blocks or so away, you have an entire wall with different (usually social & political) themes in each section.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Campo in the City
Beautiful shots!! Kind of reminded me of El Caminito. I really wish I’d known to visit Saavedra when I was in Baires. Who were some of the famous Baires artists you referenced?
Bjorn Karlman recently posted..Patriotic Amnesia – 5 Things to Remember When Expats Start Rambling About Home
Jaz, Ever, and Pum Pum are the artists I recognized in Saavedra. I had first learned about them when I did the graffiti bike tour.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Tango Is Not for Me
That was a good day and great graffiti, thanks for inviting me along.
Jeff recently posted..Finding Books on the Road
I was happy to bring along someone who enjoys graffiti art as much as me. Plus, I didn’t know what we were getting into and needed some protection 😉
The Travel Chica recently posted..Tango Is Not for Me
Amazing, so colourful and lively.
After 15 months in Singapore, I am missing colour and movement. Do you know someone graffittied a train here about a year ago. No one actually knows what graffitti is in Singapore, so it took the train staff half a day to notice it. Sigh.
Barbara recently posted..10 Toddler Foods In Langkawi
I had no idea graffiti art isn’t common there. I just assumed a big city like that would have it. Maybe you need to pick up some paint and bring your own color and movement
The Travel Chica recently posted..Tango Is Not for Me
This is awesome! My favorite is definitely the art on the wall of the hospital, that is phenomenal.
Danalynn recently posted..Starting the Camino de Santiago
What a great collection of photos. I’m really impressed with a lot of these — love the variety of subjects and styles. The one incorporating parts of the building is very cool.
Cathy Sweeney recently posted..Coasting along Big Sur
The creativity is so amazing.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Tango Is Not for Me
Wow. I’ve never seen graffiti like that before. That’s incredible.
Ceri recently posted..The Inevitable List
This graffiti art is really high quality! That second photo is amazing…
Christy @ Technosyncratic recently posted..Photo of the Week: Stormy View of River Thames and Tower of London
It is so cool how they incorporated the building features.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Tango Is Not for Me
Ooo, very artsy! I like the one that says “all you need is love” with the world and the heart. Very simple, very Beatles
Audrey recently posted..Weird Brazilian Bathroom Rules
A good message and an upbeat thing to look at on the wall of a hospital.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Tango Is Not for Me
Those are mind-blowing… so much better than what I see in Chicago!
Scott – Quirky Travel Guy recently posted..Quirky Attraction: Dukes of Hazzard Museum
I really have never been on the lookout for graffiti art when I’m in big US cities, so I do not know if we have anything of this caliber.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Are the Stereotypes about Porteñas True?
These are so beautiful! Love the photos
Andrea recently posted..Giveaway: 100 Postcards from
Wow! These are gorgeous!
Christy @ Ordinary Traveler recently posted..Weekly Travel Shot: Gibbons Falls – Yellowstone
I love being able to share this art with people.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Are the Stereotypes about Porteñas True?
Some great pics. I’ve been meaning to do the same on Commercial Street in Vancouver. I love graffiti art, makes a place feel so much ‘cooler’ 😉
Cam @ Traveling Canucks recently posted..Photo of the Week: The World’s Most Impressive City Skyline?
It definitely adds some character.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Tango Is Not for Me
WOW! Those are unlike the graffiti I saw anywhere else in Buenos Aires — or anywhere else in the world. Seriously, the art is really beautiful and unique. The disappearance one is haunting. (One of my dearest friends also fled with her family during that time — not by choice.) What an excellent field trip.
Abby recently posted..Grand Canyon Ranch
I always find the art related to the disappeared ones (or even the other social/ political problems) to be haunting. I met someone whose family also fled during that time. It is impossible to imagine going through something like that.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Are the Stereotypes about Porteñas True?
this is some really good graffiti. i was in australia and did some walking around to take pictures of some of the graffiti there. it’s always fun looking for and discovering some really nice stuff.
I think it is my consistent travel behavior…. admiring and photographing the graffiti… in each city.
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Cruella Conclusion: Lawyers, Lies, and Taxes
Glad you made it out
Glad you made it out there! Some amazing stuff out in Saavedra that rarely gets seen by artists and local residents. We’re going to start running tours up in that part of the city, plus another tour in the south covering Congreso, Barracas & La Boca. If you’re around come join us!
Jonny recently posted..The Spirit of Collaboration
Thanks so much for the suggestion. That is great that you’re expanding the tours. I would definitely be down for doing Congreso, Barracas & La Boca too. I will be in touch.
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Cruella Conclusion: Lawyers, Lies, and Taxes
There is definitely a difference between unattractive graffiti and artful graffiti. Some pretty good pics here
Agreed. I think when graffiti art starts becoming more prevalent in a city, the people who are just tagging begin to fade away.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Are the Stereotypes about Porteñas True?
Love the detail and different styles. Great photos too! I think that’s really fun that you explored the street art in Buenos Aires in such depth. I love it when things like that capture me when traveling 😉
Margo recently posted..The Italian Beach Krista Dreams of
That has been the really great part about staying in one place for so long. I have both the time and the ability to gather the info about great places like this.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Gallery Nights in Buenos Aires
Those are some pretty nifty shots of some pretty nifty art!
Raymond @ Man On The Lam recently posted..Why, yes Mr. Border Guard…I do believe I would like a beer and some contraband cigarettes please
I love street art. I think we should put together a coffee table book of all of the street art. Between the group, it would be HUGE!!
dtravelsround recently posted..Drink your water … and other tips to survive a Vegas Vacation
It would be. I didn’t realize until recently how many other travelers really seek out street art.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Gallery Nights in Buenos Aires
Very cool pics and street art. I love photographing and finding graffiti when I travel. One of my favorite walls is in the Republique in Paris.
Going to check out some of the graf on the link you posted at the top. Thank you for sharing!
I Hart Travel recently posted..I Hart Street Art
Didn’t know about that place in Paris. Guess I’ll have to go back
The Travel Chica recently posted..Gallery Nights in Buenos Aires
I must say, there is some really awesome graffiti there… and mostly I think you did an amazing job photographing it. Some really good angles.
Hogga recently posted..The L’s Are For
These are lovely!