Remember how I learned to salsa dance in Quito and Nicaragua? Remember how much I loved it and even made a video because I was so proud of myself?
I wanted to learn to tango in Buenos Aires.
Well, I did try. But I suck. Tango is really hard. I do not enjoy it nearly as much as salsa.
So I quit. And I am okay with that.
When I first arrived, I was told about La Viruta. For 25 pesos (US$6.25), you can go to this dance hall in Palermo Soho and take multiple classes and then stay for the open tango practice and even see a professional show on weekends.
I went every Thursday.
I even bought the package of 5 tickets for 50 pesos. An awesome deal. Every Thursday starting at 6pm, I attended a tango lesson, a salsa lesson, a milonga lesson (don’t even get me started on what the difference is between tango and milonga), and then another tango lesson.
I even stuck around late (highly unusual for a girl who likes to be in bed by 11pm on the weekdays) to watch the open tango practice and the professional show. I was amazed to watch the couples during the open tango practice. They looked like professionals. Their bodies seemed to be welded together.
Tango is similar to salsa in that the man decides the steps.
There are many different steps you learn, and the man chooses which of the seemingly thousands of combinations to do.
How does the woman know what to do?
You have to be able to read the pressure of his hand in yours combined with the direction he is moving your body with his other hand. It ain’t easy.
During my group lessons at La Viruta, I found it nearly impossible to follow a man’s lead. Then I realized that was most likely because I was practicing with a man who was also trying to learn. Nobody was really teaching him how to lead. He was merely learning the steps and then walking on top of me and wondering why I didn’t know what he wanted me to do.
When the instructor came around and showed the man how to lead me, it was better… for about 5 minutes. Then he was back to dragging me around the dance floor.
So I asked about private lessons.
In Buenos Aires, it costs US$50 an hour for private lessons. Es ridiculo! I paid 1/5 of that for private salsa classes in Ecuador and 1/10 of that in Nicaragua. Yes, I know that the cost of living is higher in Buenos Aires, but this was definitely out of my budget.
Even if it was cheaper, I still would have quit.
I enjoy listening to tango music. I enjoy watching others dance tango. But I do not have the same love of the music and the movement as I do with salsa.
I decided that tango is not for me.
Tango has an interesting history. If you are interested to learn more about tango check out Abby’s post at The Jungle Princess.
I hope to get to learn tango some day – it’s one of my favorites to listen to and also watch! (i’m not a salsa person… And thnk I’ll like tang more because it’s more dramatic, and aggressive…).
But in any couple dance, the partner IS key – I never larned that much salsa as I did an evening in a cuban birthday party!
Katherina recently posted..Photo Essay: The Secrets of Dalt Vila, Eivissa (Ibiza)
I do really enjoy the music and watching people dance tango. It is definitely dramatic.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
I’ve always wanted to learn Salsa and I hope when I start exploring Latin America I can find classes and learn then.
Tango sounds really complicated. :S I don’t blame you for quitting.
Ceri recently posted..The Inevitable List
I took salsa classes in Quito, Ecuador, and Granada, Nicaragua. Salsa is so prevalent throughout Latin America. It will not be difficult to find classes. Private lessons are the way to go.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
It always takes trying to figure out what’s for you and what’s not! I saw a live tango dance once and I can admit that I was confused even just watching!
It is even more confusing when you know what they are doing!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
Can not image learning tango. I love dance but this is tough because you are glued to each other. Good for you for trying.
Eileen Ludwig recently posted..Silent Film Buster Keaton Statue moved from Hollywood to Muskegon
You definitely can tell that the best dancers are the ones that dance cheek-to-cheek. They say it actually helps, but until you get to the point that you really know what you are doing, it seems like you’d just end up falling over
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
Dance and Me are like rivals. We dont get along. But I enjoy watching people dance. It is not for me, even to try 😀
Sailor recently posted..Alaska Cruisetour: Exploring by Land and Sea
Looks like my first comment didn’t arrive. Internet was bad this morning!
Anyways great story 😉 At least now you know that Tango is nothing for you! That’s also worth something 😉
I hope I get to learn some Salsa or Tango when I go to Latin America.
Sebastian recently posted..Norway Picture of the Day: Nærøyfjord
Go for salsa. You’ll find it everywhere you travel in Latin America.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
Both Salsa and Tango look like very personal dances to me. Are they the kind of thing that you can just dance with anybody or do you have to have practice with the same person? It looks incredibly hard and I’m sure whatever you did manage to learn of the Tango will leave you miles ahead of most.
Steve recently posted..Six Flags Magic Mountain
I got the impression from people I talk to that they practice regularly with the same partner, but that is definitely not required. There are many milongas where people go to dance with multiple people. I get the feeling that if you are really good, you can dance with anyone.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
Well, at least you tried
we too love salsa and already find that hard to learn. Am sure tango is way harder!
I feel like with salsa there is an intermediate level. You don’t have to know a lot to have fun. With tango, it’s boring if you just do the basics.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
we knew we were going to suck so didnt even bother to try! at salsa either. ill stick to moonwalking.
jamie – cloud people adventures recently posted..Guatemalan Kite Festival – Lomography Style
Ha! I was very hesitant to try salsa because I suck at dancing, especially if it involves following a lead. But I met someone who loved salsa and really wanted to teach me and pretty much forced me to try it once. Then I was hooked.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
Bravo for trying, though! We didn’t even make it to a tango show when we were in BsAs…I regret that
Andrea recently posted..Ode to Irish Brown Bread
If you make it back, I suggest going to a milonga and just watching the “regular people” dance tango rather than going to a show. From what I hear, the shows are all way over-priced, and you can see amazing tango dancers at the milongas.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
Thanks for the warning!
Matthew Karsten recently posted..Hitchhiking & Road Cheese in Costa Rica
I felt the same way about flamenco. Slamming my feet into the ground was not for me. But now I watch with even more appreciation!
Abby recently posted..Grand Canyon Ranch
I am picturing you in one of those funny flamenco dresses
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
Thanks for warning me! I’ll probably still try it anyway. Hopefully I won’t step on too many toes.
Matthew Karsten recently posted..Hitchhiking & Road Cheese in Costa Rica
If you go to group classes, ask the instructors lots of questions about how to lead. The women you dance with will appreciate it
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
Bravo for trying!
A friend of mine, who considers himself a good enough tango dancer, didn’t even try after he saw the way they dance in BA.
Ha! I sort of felt the same about salsa when I finally went to a club with really good dancers.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Graffiti Art in Buenos Aires – Off the Beaten Path
Ah, sorry to read that Argentinian tango is not for you. I love it, but I agree with you it is difficult. It’s not just the elaborate steps and ochos and turns, it’s mainly the fact that you need to not want to control the steps at any time (which is my biggest obstacle). But there’s nothing like watching a couple dancing tango together like they’re one organism – they’re welded together, like you say. It’s fascinating.
Christina recently posted..Discovering Vancouver: False Creek seawall
Ah well, Stepahine,
That is why they still make chocolate and vanilla ice cream – some just do not like one of those.
At least you have the courage to say Tango is not for you.
Good show for trying it!
John D. Wilson
John Wilson recently posted..Exit stage left – leaving the hospital – I am out of here!
I’m with you, I want to learn Tango but it’s ridiculously expensive. I’ll only learn if I date a Tango instructor…
You know all the good tricks. Maybe Andres knows tango too! 😉
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Cruella Conclusion: Lawyers, Lies, and Taxes
At least you gave it a go!
I took my Darling Man to a salsa place in Ho Chi Minh City once. I tried to do a few basic steps with him but he just got the giggles because it seemed so WRONG to get so close to someone in public. We stuck to Vietnamese hip hop clubs after that. Jumping up and down on the spot with one finger pointing to the roof is much more socially acceptable in Vietnam, apparently.
Barbara recently posted..Prawn Fishing In Singapore
The closeness of salsa was even a little difficult for me at first. But I was determined
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Cruella Conclusion: Lawyers, Lies, and Taxes
Have to say tango is an art form I’ve never really attempted but I absolutely LOVE watching it. When I was living in London, I went to a tango troupe traveling from Argentina and boy, was I hooked. It takes a lot of practice, so don’t give up on your skills just yet
charu recently posted..Top Summer Cultural Activities To Do in Vail, Colorado
I would like to give it a try again with private lessons. Maybe next time I visit Buenos Aires, I won’t be on a backpacker budget
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Cruella Conclusion: Lawyers, Lies, and Taxes
I think it’s awesome that you tried! I have only taken one dance class in my life and that was a Salsa class. I liked it, but it’s not something I would want to do all the time.
Christy @ Ordinary Traveler recently posted..Elephants Were Put On This Earth To Entertain Us
I have always wanted to learn both the Tango & to Salsa, but I seriously lack coordination. I once got kicked out of aerobics class, I was always doing my grapevines the wrong way!
Annette | Bucket List Journey recently posted..Scaling the 463 Stairs of the Duomo | Florence
I have to admit I don’t know what a grapevine is
I am pretty uncoordinated as well, which is why I have to have private lessons to figure it out.
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Cruella Conclusion: Lawyers, Lies, and Taxes
I chanced upon your blog and I’m glad I did! I just had to stop and read your tango post. I have been a fan of tango since forever and learning to dance tango is on my bucket list! It’s such a passionate, dramatic dance! I’ve never taken lessons but every Christmas, my sisters “promises” we’re going to sign up. Of course she never honors her word and so I live vicariously through the courageous women who dare to take lessons. I so enjoyed this post, and for the record, I love salsa too!
Bella recently posted..What’s beauty sleep without a pillow?
You should just do it if you love it that much. You will benefit more from private lessons anyways.
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Cruella Conclusion: Lawyers, Lies, and Taxes
I completely agree! My partner and I love to dance salsa, waltz, swing, lindy-hop….. but we really dislike tango. It can be fun to watch, but it’s not enjoyable (or at least it wasn’t for us) to learn.
Christy @ Technosyncratic recently posted..This Art Makes No Sense… but the Scones are Delicious (Tate Modern)
It just seems so different than any other dance. Even the music is different. It was hard for me to even find the rhythm.
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Cruella Conclusion: Lawyers, Lies, and Taxes
Thanks for visiting my Cruise Blog! I remember posting a comment under this article and I am just wondering if I am considered a Spam.
Sailor recently posted..Tips for Your First Cruise
My wife tried salsa and tango and decided she just didn’t have the patience to learn and she really enjoys dancing. For her its just become a point were she figures she can watch it vs trying to learn it. At least you tried!
Yep, I’m happy I tried it. But I don’t want to force myself to keep going if I’m not picking it up and cannot afford to take private lessons. Like your wife, I will enjoy watching others tango for my entertainment.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Are the Stereotypes about Porteñas True?
La Viruta is definitely a fun tango venue in BA. It’s a great place to go really late night (at 3:30am the entrance is free) and watch, as all the professionals go there after they’re done performing at the dinner shows (which yes, are extremely expensive! $100usd per person or higher). Tango dancing isn’t for everyone, but the great thing about it is that it’s not just confined to the dance – you have the music, the lyrics, the history – we love it!
I didn’t know the entrance was free after 3:30am. If only I could stay up that late like the Portenos
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