It has been 9 months since I left Columbus, Ohio to start my travel sabbatical in Quito, Ecuador.
When I see one of my friends, the first question is:
What does it feel like to be home?
My answer:
It does not feel any different.
And that makes me happy.
I can leave my family and friends and the comforts of home for 9 months, and …
Life goes on. For all of us.
I went off and did my thing. Everyone here went on with their lives, raising their children, buying homes, getting new jobs, and doing the things they love.
And I can come back and step right back into their lives as if I never left.
Comforts of Home
Here are some of the “comforts of home” I enjoyed my first week back in Ohio.
Paper Products
Toilet paper is awesome in the US!
Apparently, my friends and family do not skimp when it comes to quality.
Napkins are Available
Restaurants (even fast food) provide napkins…. as many as you need. And they don’t feel like tissue paper. They actually can be used to wipe grease of your hands and even clean up spills.
First Foods
The first thing I ate was a huge salad. After airplane food, I just wanted something fresh and healthy.
You may remember that I wrote a whole post about how much I missed peanut butter in Buenos Aires. Luckily, my friends had a huge jar of Smuckers natural creamy peanut butter.
I enjoyed some delicious sushi.
My friend Amie told me she would take me out anywhere I wanted. Real sushi is one thing I had not eaten since I started my travels.
Kit Kat
I don’t eat much candy, but these are one of my favorites. (In case you are wondering, Nestle’s Crunch bars are next on the list).
Jersey Mikes Club Sub
When people ask me what is “traditional American food,” I usually cannot think of anything. But this may be the traditional American lunch.

I drank a real beer.
Before I get into the really good stuff, I started simple with one of my stand-bys.
First Activities
Picking up my bike was a priority.
I got it my first full day back in Columbus, and I got in two long rides on the Olentangy Trail my first week. It was such a good feeling. I look forward to more frequent and longer rides.
I “refreshed” my wardrobe.
Having a new wardrobe was unexpectedly awesome. I went to my storage unit and went crazy packing a large suitcase with entirely too many clothes and pairs of high heels.
After living 9 months out of a backpack, I deserve some variety and some fashion.
The funny thing is I don’t really have that many clothes because I gave away most of them when I left. But after wearing the same 5 shirts and 3 pairs of pants every day, I felt like I had the wardrobe of a Hollywood pop star.
That’s what we Americans do in the Summer. And my brother-in-law is pretty darn good at grilling steaks. Yes, the quality of the steak was great in Argentina, but my brother-in-law’s special seasoning cannot be matched.
And the fresh corn, green beans, and tomatoes from the garden just steps away from the house…. delicious!
Surprising the Family
The only family members that knew I was coming home are my mom, my dad, and my sister. My family reunion was scheduled for my first weekend back in Ohio, so I had the opportunity to surprise the rest of my family.
My grandma’s reaction was pretty great. I wish someone had taken a photo to capture the surprised look on her face.
The family reunion at Long’s Retreat is an annual tradition that has been going on for 30 years, and I like to think it is all because of me. My aunt was on her way to visit me in the hospital right after I was born, and she stopped to make that first reservation.
She must have been so overjoyed about my birth that she wanted to bring together the whole family to see me every year.
Guess who won the prize for traveling the furthest to attend?

After coming home after a long trip, what did you enjoy most your first week home?
I think you value things more when you can’t get them for a while. It sounds stupid but the thing I enjoy most when I go back to Germany is the bread. I have travelled the world and in my opinion Germans make the best bread. But I also loved to just go grocery shopping and get nearly everything I wanted. I’m glad you are having a great time at home! Enjoy it and I look forward to your new adventures!
Sebastian recently posted..Five Things To Do In Bergen
My first day back, I did go to the grocery story in my neighborhood to buy the exact things I used to eat at home. I’ve been making fruit smoothies with Greek yogurt almost every day.
The Travel Chica recently posted..First Week in Ohio
Glad and interesting to hear you’re stepping into the lives of people you care about without missing a beat.
One of my favourite comforts is grabbing a 6-pack of Moosehead beer and watching any basketball or hockey playoff game with whoever is down.
Stupid question but why do you have “copyrighted image” on most of your photos, yo?
Tyler @ recently posted..Worse Comes Before Better
The copyright watermark is simply so nobody steals the photos to re-purpose them. I also sell prints of some of my photos.
The Travel Chica recently posted..How Travel Has Taught Me to See Beauty
So glad to hear that home is as great as you thought it would be.
Flushing toilet paper is such a luxury.
Ayngelina recently posted..Home sweet home
Thank you! And yes, I will never take such a luxury for granted every again
The Travel Chica recently posted..First Week in Ohio
Toilet paper, napkins, beer, sushi…hitting some of my high points to be sure! Don’t be surprised if it starts to feel a bit strange (as in different) after a few weeks. Enjoy!
Philip recently posted..Is La Terminal, Guatemala City, the Largest Central Market on Earth?
That’s the beauty of the short trip… not home long enough for things to feel weird. (I hope!)
The Travel Chica recently posted..First Week in Ohio
eating. i ate everything i could find!
Wendy recently posted..Seduced By Luxury
I remember your post about Skyline
The Travel Chica recently posted..Tango Is Not for Me
That’s the beauty of traveling! It makes us appreciate “home” more and all the simple things in life that make it one’s “home”. Glad to hear you’re adjusting nicely!
Shirlene from Idelish recently posted..{Japan} Noboribetsu Jigokudani aka “Hell Valley”
I completely agree.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Tango Is Not for Me
So funny — my first meal is always a salad, too, followed by sushi without cream cheese in it. Not sure who started that in South America! Enjoy the napkins!!
Abby recently posted..Committing to Beating My Fear of Commitment
I’m already trying to decide what my last meal will be before I go back
The Travel Chica recently posted..Tango Is Not for Me
That is so funny stephanie, napkins and toilet paper were one of the first things we appreciated when coming home as well. Hehe. Isn’t it fantastic!!!
Paper products are apparently “modern comforts.”
The Travel Chica recently posted..Tango Is Not for Me
Always the food! Then the clean clothes. Welcome back!
Shirts that don’t have sweat stains under the arms are awesome!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Tango Is Not for Me
¡Contagiosa tu alegría! Me encantó leer tus aventuras en Buenos Aires, fuiste una gran cronista. ¡A disfrutar el hogar y la familia y a volver nuevamente a BA! ¡Lo mejor del mundo para vos y un abrazo de osa!
Gracias, Malena! Voy a volver a BA con mas energia.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Tango Is Not for Me
Like a duck to water, being back at home! I miss my bed the most. It’s lumpy as hell, but it’s MINE!
and english tv. I can’t forget about english tv. I love the boob tube!
jenjenk recently posted..Visiting Japan: Gift Giving Customs
I don’t really have “my bed” anymore, but the bed I slept in at my sister’s house is AMAZING!! I’ve always slept better there than anywhere else.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Tango Is Not for Me
Now that I go back and forth so much I’m not even sure where my home is and where I feel more comfortable. I will say that what you mentioned about people having babies and getting married and life going on without you is both awesome and sad at the same time. No matter where you are, you’re missing something!
Kyle recently posted..Middle Class in Chile, Student Protests and More
I have been surrounded by more children this trip home than I ever have been in my life.
9 months isn’t that long. I’m sure if I was gone longer, it would make me feel like I’m missing out on things.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Tango Is Not for Me
That would be the best welcome home present any Grandma could have! So glad that you got to go home and see all of your family! There is always something about home, and I wonder what I will feel like while I travel around showing my boys where I used to grow up!
The Beer is different to Australia! Same with the peanut butter. – we have peanut butter but its not that brand!
I reckon that I would miss home cooked food if I had spent 9 months Back packing
That watermelon looked good!
The home cooked food was the best my first week back. Steak and baked potatoes, lasagna, meat loaf… all the good stuff.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Tango Is Not for Me
When I lived in Vietnam, I loved going home and eating Australian fruit. Vietnamese people like to eat their fruit underipe (and so sour) and dipped in chilli salt. Blerch.
Now we’re in Singapore, I am so hanging out for a properly ripe and tasty tomato.
And we might be going home for Christmas! Yay — that’s a good time for stone fruit and tomatoes!
Barbara – The Dropout Diaries recently posted..Meet The Dropouts – Locationless Jason Batansky
Luckily, I’ve been surrounded my fresh fruit in Latin America. I don’t think I could have survived this long without good fruit.
I hope you get to go home for Christmas!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Tango Is Not for Me
Haha, great write! The toilet paper got me laughing. Just for the record, are those two ply or three ply?
David @ MalaysiaAsia recently posted..12 Free things to do in Kuala Lumpur (KL)
They must be three ply. I think it’s 1/4 ply in Latin America.
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Best Ice Cream in the World Is in Buenos Aires
Cool post! When I moved back from Ecuador years ago, I was thrilled with the toilet paper, too (and flushing it), making salad without worrying re: parasites and shopping. I liked having all the options again!
Lisa @chickybus recently posted..10 Types of Spammers and Why They’re All Evil Cyber Spawn
Glad I’m not the only one who gets so excited about toilet paper
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Best Ice Cream in the World Is in Buenos Aires
Hehe, every time when I am back in US after a trip, a huge salad is a must. You cannot get fresh and large bowl of salad in Asia with so many different veggies in it. Oh, and yes, I agree, toilet paper and napkin are so much better at home x_X (I started bring a roll of toilet paper when I am traveling XD).
Have fun with your family and stuff yourself up with the yummy snacks we have in USA =DD
Annie – FootTracker recently posted..Japan (3) Akihabara, Tokyo ~ Street Scene Photos
The salads in Buenos Aires are good, but they are EXPENSIVE!!
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Best Ice Cream in the World Is in Buenos Aires
That is too bad there’s not a photo of your grandmother’s surprised look! Oh well, the important thing is that you got to share that moment. When I’ve been away from home for a while, one of the first things I do is eat my favorite pizza!
Cathy Sweeney recently posted..From Humble to Hearst
Surprisingly, I have yet to visit my favorite pizza place in Columbus. I think it’s because I ate too much pizza in BsAs.
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Best Ice Cream in the World Is in Buenos Aires
We’re sort of peculiar when it comes to food, so we love going home and having our favorite items and brands. Silk soymilk, graham crackers and peanut butter, Brown Cow maple yogurt, kefir, whole wheat tortillas, oat nut bread…. we’re so spoiled in the U.S.!
Here in Malta we can barely find groceries (just those tiny markets w/ little aside from alcohol), so we’re eating sourdough bread w/ peanut butter for every meal we make ourselves. Yummmm…. =P
Christy @ Technosyncratic recently posted..Photo Essay: London
I have been indulging in some of the whole grain/ natural stuff you cannot find in Latin America (or if you can, it’s ridiculously expensive).
I think I would be okay with sourdough bread w/ peanut butter because I love peanut butter soooo much!
The Travel Chica recently posted..The Best Ice Cream in the World Is in Buenos Aires
I hear you, Stephanie. As much as I love to travel, there really is no place like home. It’s surprising how the things we’d previously taken for granted is like a lifeline once we get back home. Welcome back!
Renee recently posted..My Jackson Hole, WY Trip Report
Thanks! I am definitely appreciating the comforts of home.
The Travel Chica recently posted..5 Must Do Things in Columbus, Ohio
I’m actually pretty jealous reading this right now! Especially the good bed part (and peanut butter! be still my heart…)
Andrea recently posted..Istanbul is Larger Than Life
I cannot take a good bed back with me, but I can bring a couple jars of peanut butter
The Travel Chica recently posted..5 Must Do Things in Columbus, Ohio
So…..I have to ask. Coming from a girl that can’t go a day without a blowdryer or flatiron….do you/or did you see your hairstylist while in town?
Did you or will you see your hairstylist while you are here? (I couldn’t go that long without a color touch up or hair cut).
I do not color my hair, but I was craving a really good cut back to my shorter style. I did get my hair cut in Buenos Aires twice but it wasn’t the best and I was afraid to go too short. I almost had a meltdown when I found out the hairstylist I have been going to for over 10 years is no longer cutting hair.
Luckily, my sister’s mom (that sounds weird – same dad/ dif mom) owns a salon and gave me a great cut.
The Travel Chica recently posted..5 Must Do Things in Columbus, Ohio
Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
CREAMY peanut butter.
robin recently posted..Dos
Soooo wonderful!
The Travel Chica recently posted..5 Must Do Things in Columbus, Ohio
When I was an exchange student, the thing I appreciated most coming home was being able to walk everywhere. Oklahoma (in the 80s, at least) was set up for cars, not pedestrians.
Sophie recently posted..Images of Innsbruck
There’s been a lot of bike riding and walking for me, and I love it!
The Travel Chica recently posted..5 Must Do Things in Columbus, Ohio
Nice pic, Mrs. Whipple. It was good seeing you during your brief stint in town. Let me know if you need me to airmail you some peanut butter, sweet potato fries, or toilet paper!
It was great to catch up! I will email you if I get desperate for “comforts of home.”
The Travel Chica recently posted..5 Must Do Things in Columbus, Ohio
This is so lovely. I’m absolutely thrilled that you’ve fit right back in and feel totally comfortable and at ease.
Ceri recently posted..The Panic Sets In
OK, so I’m catching up on stumbles and just left a comment saying peanut butter was what I had after returning to the US too on your previous post! Glad you’re happy to be home.
Mara recently posted..Colonial Williamsburg: One last look
Ha! I was a little confused about that
The Travel Chica recently posted..How Travel Has Taught Me to See Beauty