One of the great things about my visit home is that I get a do-over on packing. I have obviously learned a lot about what I really need and do not need while traveling in Latin America.
I was gone for 9 months, and I took very little with me. When I go back to Latin America, I will still travel with the same 45L pack and a smaller day pack that I can use for hiking and for transporting my electronics.

That means I cannot take more.
I can just swap things out and make better decisions this time around. Check out my original packing list because not much is changing.
Now I’ll tell you what I am doing differently.
My Strategy
Because I already know I will stay in Buenos Aires for about 1 month before traveling around Argentina, I can take back a few “extras.” My worn-down clothes will come back with me to be used for my time with Andres at the gym. When I move on, I will simply donate or throw away the extras. When I packed, I made sure everything I plan to travel with long-term will fit into my 45L backpack. The “extras” are all in another bag.
I am taking a few of my favorite foods that you cannot find in Buenos Aires. Most of this will be consumed before I start traveling through the rest of Argentina.
I am being nice and bringing back a few things for friends.
Clothes & Shoes
I am not taking any more clothing or pairs of shoes than I brought the first time. The difference is that I am bringing back new items to replace what is too worn down. This includes:
- T-shirts, tank tops, long-sleeve shirts
- Jeans & tights
- Tennis shoes
- Flip-flops (I’ve worn through 3 pair while traveling)
- Underwear
This time around, I bought some of my replacement clothes so that they would be more multi-purpose.
For example, I am replacing 1 of the 2 pairs of jeans with a pair of black tights. These can be used as an extra layer when I get to the colder weather in Patagonia. They can also be the base for a dressier outfit when I am in cities like Buenos Aires.
I also bought a knee-length, flowy dress that will be perfect for hot, summer days and can also be worn with tights when I want to dress up. I have lived as a scrubby backpacker for months at a time. I am okay with that, but it sucks when you want to go somewhere nice like a wine tasting or a dinner with a local family you’ve met and have nothing appropriate.
I LOVE Target.
I was able to replace my clothes with cheaper and better quality stuff than I could get in Argentina.
I bought a new rain jacket (which was on sale) to replace the one that was stolen in Ecuador.
Point-and-Shoot Camera
I bought a new point-and-shoot camera to replace my 6+ year-old camera. This was one of my biggest mistakes the first time packing. I had my D-SLR and assumed I would be using this all the time. There are two reasons I need a decent point-and-shoot.
1. Size
A D-SLR is heavy. Then when you add in the weight of carrying an extra lens, it makes for a long day. Sometimes I know I’m going out specifically to work on my photography, and of course, I want the good camera with me. But other times, I am just out and want to have a camera that is light and small in case I see something interesting.
2. Safety
I learned the hard way when I arrived in Quito, Ecuador and got robbed my first day that there are going to be some places where it is not advisable to take out my D-SLR, especially when I am alone.
I am also not comfortable taking my D-SLR out at night, especially when going out and having drinks with friends. I’ll be happy to share my opinion of it after I figure out how to use it
I bought the Canon PowerShot SX230 HS with an extra battery.
Portable Music
I bought an iPod Shuffle because my generation 2 Nano is on its last leg and keeps cutting out when I go running. Some sort of compact MP3 player is also a necessity for long bus rides, and I have many of those ahead of me.
Memory Cards
I did not bring enough memory cards with me the first time. I brought 3, and 1 stopped working just a couple months into the trip. Now I have a total of 5. When I go to places like Torres del Paine and Machu Picchu for trekking and hiking, I will need these extra cards to get me through several days without a guaranteed connection for uploading photos to my online storage.
Staying fit while traveling is important to me. Running is usually pretty easy to do, but strength training is more difficult. So I bought an exercise band that I can use for numerous arm, shoulder, and back exercises. It takes up so little space and weighs nothing.
And it’s multi-use because I can use it to strap things to my backpack if needed. There are probably several other MacGyver uses of this exercise band that I will figure out as well. I am open to suggestions.
I know this seems a bit ridiculous, but I am bringing a pepper grinder. I cook most of my own meals. Nothing beats the flavor of fresh ground pepper. In Latin America, even if you go out to eat, you will never find pepper on the table… and certainly never fresh ground pepper.
This is worth the small amount of space it will take up in my backpack.
A Month of Consumables
Here are the special items I am bringing back for the month I’m staying in Buenos Aires.
- Dove Dark Chocolates
- Granola Bars
- Extra Gum
- Peanut butter

After my ode to peanut butter post, I am sure most of you assumed this would be on the list.
Sometimes when I’m packing I always consider to only bring what’s important for the trip. I don’t want to carry a large bag full of unnecessary things.
Julie Hayes recently posted..sms
Haha, good luck at your coming adventure!
Yea, the big cameras are great for photography, but it hurts my neck when I wear it all the time. I am considering investing in a smaller, lighter version of those high quality cameras, Panasonic DMC GF-3. (Still has the changeable lens, but much smaller body and almost like a point and shoot)
Don’t forget your camera and cell phone chargers……..
Annie recently posted..Japan (19) Narita Airport ~ Omiyage is Serious Business
I’m a freak about keeping track of chargers and cords for uploading.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Packing Round 2
Oh I wish you had said something. I have an iPod Shuffle that just sits on my desk and is never used. I would have been happy to donate it for a trip through South America!
Damn! I actually thought about posting on Facebook to see if anyone had one. Oh well.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Packing Round 2
Can’t wait to hear all about your trip. My travels are so tame compared to yours!!
Jan Ross recently posted..What goes around…
It’ll be fairly tame in Buenos Aires. It’s when I head out of the big city that it will get more adventurous I think
The Travel Chica recently posted..Packing Round 2
I’m not surprised by the peanut butter, but I can’t believe you’re bringing a pepper grinder
Love the list by the way! I have gotten smarter about packing over the years, but my trips are usually not over a month long, so it really only gets difficult for me when I hit many different climates in one trip.
Sabrina recently posted..Eat This: A Guide to Great English Food in London
Different climates are a problem, especially if you don’t know if you can buy clothes where you are for reasonable prices.
I highly recommend a pepper grinder for anyone traveling in Latin America that plans to cook a lot of their own meals. You will not be disappointed, and the other non-Latinos in your hostel will be envious
The Travel Chica recently posted..Packing Round 2
I’m about to start my few years of exploring Latin America so I always like hearing about what people heading there are packing.
Great info I’ll have to take on board.
Ceri recently posted..My Kind-Of, Sort-Of, Maybe Itinerary
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. It of course depends on where you plan to go and what you plan to do, but I think my gear list is pretty good for relatively diverse climates and a mix of city life and outdoors adventures.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Packing Round 2
You have certainly given this a lot of thought! I’m still laughing at the Pnut butter. Good luck on this trip. I will be watching. . .
Debbie Beardsley @ European Travelista recently posted..A Bit of Home while in Europe
At least I’ll have 6 weeks more of good peanut butter. I’m probably kidding myself thinking it will last that long.
It’s a nutricious AND delicious snack
The Travel Chica recently posted..Packing Round 2
Good list. I’m seriously thinking about taking a GoPro Hero cam with me this time. My JPEG videos suck. When ya heading out again?
Philip recently posted..Is La Terminal, Guatemala City, the Largest Central Market on Earth?
I’m not as much into the video, but now that I have a point-and-shoot that does good video, maybe I’ll have to try it more.
The Travel Chica recently posted..How Travel Has Taught Me to See Beauty
The fact that Porteños don’t eat peanut butter is almost enough reason to not visit. On our last trip to BA, we had family that was supposed to fly down. They were also supposed to bring us peanut butter. They didn’t make it. I will leave it up to you to figure out what was more upsetting, no family or no peanut butter.
Caanan @ No Vacation Required recently posted..Overcome Your Fear of Cruising
Ha! I think I know
The Travel Chica recently posted..How Travel Has Taught Me to See Beauty
I despise packing! I just flew to Chile this morning after a month in Guatemala and was at a loss as to how to pack because it’s the tail end of winter in Chile. Now that I’ve been in Santiago for a few hours, I’ve realized that the clothes I brought are all wrong- way too warm!
Oneika the Traveller recently posted..New York City (Part 2)
Packing is a pain. I’ve kept my wardrobe fairly simplistic, but I’ll have to plan carefully to not visit certain areas in the wrong months.
The Travel Chica recently posted..How Travel Has Taught Me to See Beauty
Target is amazing.
When are they expanding to South America?
The Travel Chica recently posted..No More Procrastinating
Peanut butter! We still haven’t been able to find any in Berlin yet, and only five days w/o it is making is batty.
I also love that you’re bringing a pepper grinder – that’s awesome. Freshly ground pepper really does improve the flavor of almost any meal…
Technosyncratic recently posted..Mdina, Malta’s Ancient “Silent City”
I wish you luck on your search
The Travel Chica recently posted..No More Procrastinating
Great list! I’m with you on the Cliff Bars for sure…we didn’t bring enough with us to Taiwan. That was the one thing I asked family to mail us! I absolutely hate packing and never end up bringing the right things.
I didn’t bring many back… just a few for special occasions
The Travel Chica recently posted..Goodbye Columbus: A Photo Essay
Thanks for being nice and bring back some things for me! I’ve enjoyed the peanut butter a few times already and the Clif bars are almost gone, though honestly not all eaten by me as others I meet seem to want to try them 😉
Jeff recently posted..Speeding Up Your WordPress Blog with W3 Total Cache (W3TC)
You are very generous. I will be closely guarding my treats.
How have you only enjoyed the peanut butter a few times? I have no self control!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Goodbye Columbus: A Photo Essay
You might want to buy a headlamp for Torres del Paine and other hiking/overnight camping. We laughed when our friend told us not to forget it but were really jealous of the people who had them when we got there.
Andrea recently posted..Inside the Hungarian Opera House in Budapest
I already have one, and I have gotten so much use out of it. Of course for overnight camping/ hiking. But the most frequent use has been in hostel dorms when people are sleeping and you need to find something in your bag or unlock your locker.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Goodbye Columbus: A Photo Essay
I agree – a headlamp is extremely useful! Also, I know it takes up loads of space – but I don’t go anywhere without my sleeping bag. Overnight busses are always freezing!
Jade Johnston recently posted..Budget Travel In New Zealand
I have a sleeping bag too that I’ve been traveling with. It’s reasonably small but made for various temperatures. Check out my Gear page to see which one I have.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Goodbye Columbus: A Photo Essay
Oh, I am jealous!!! Can’t wait to hear how the trip goes!!
Changing subjects, funny how we miss day by day foods we had available all the time. I think food is one of the most -if not the most- difficult thing to get used to when doing long term traveling.
I was used to not having these things…. and just a few weeks back, and I was back to all of my previous eating habits.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Goodbye Columbus: A Photo Essay
i always love seeing what other people pack for their trips. I’m impressed with how stylish people look with just a few things. it’s when i realize that i’m a crappy packer!!!
jenjenk recently posted..Eating in Curacao
I did not look that stylish before. I’m hoping to class it up a little, since I saw how other travelers were doing it
The Travel Chica recently posted..Goodbye Columbus: A Photo Essay
You’re bringing chocolate? Don’t they have any good ones in South America?
Sophie recently posted..Books and ghosts in Norway’s fjordland
Ecuador makes good chocolate. I can buy the Aguila brand in Argentina. But it’s still not as good as Dove dark chocolates, and it’s more expensive
The Travel Chica recently posted..Goodbye Columbus: A Photo Essay
I love the tip about a pepper grinder!
Michael Figueiredo recently posted..Travel Fun Facts! Volume: 3 – Famous Product Museums & Tours
Did you see Ayngelina’s post where she said she’s bringing a cork screw? I thought that was brilliant as well
The Travel Chica recently posted..3 Strategies to Taste the Best Wines at a Wine Expo
I took two cork screws (just in case) to Uruguay for a 4 day trip (only 3 in a group house near the beach). As a group we brought about 15 to 20 bottles of wine. If for some reason the house that we had rented on the edge of a crunchy/granola/beer swilling dirt road town didn’t have a cork screw, I wasn’t confident that we’d be able to find one in town.
In the border town of Chuy (UR)/ Chuí (BR) one of the Argentines in our group bought a tall McCormick peppermill in a Duty Free shop and it was a hit for the rest of the trip. Everyone wanted to use it… because of course the house we rented didn’t have any kind of spices in the pantry.
Es re importante!
Chance Miller recently posted..Time Out selects BAlocal’s Art Tours in 2011/12 Spring Summer issue
I think people are very envious of my peppermill when I whip it out in the hostel kitchen. And the cork screw has definitely come in handy.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Have You Been to the Toilets and Bidets Museum?
I completely agree with you about bringing peanut butter! Thankfully, I have been able to find it (though in short supply) in stories in Lima. It’s ridiculously expensive, but for me completely worth it. It’s a small bit of home and just tastes so, so good.
Meghan recently posted..Point for Peru: Empanadas
I have been enjoying it in Buenos Aires…. not looking forward to the day it runs out
The Travel Chica recently posted..3 Strategies to Taste the Best Wines at a Wine Expo
I can’t wait to see your pictures with your new camera!
I have one question: Is your jar of peanut butter under 3.4oz? I ask because I thought the TSA wouldn’t allow you to have jars larger than 3.4oz in your carryon.
I put it in my checked bag. 3.4 oz would not have lasted me very long
The Travel Chica recently posted..3 Strategies to Taste the Best Wines at a Wine Expo
uuugghhhh! JIF! hehehe
i feel sorry about the lost items when you were on the road, if that’s me, i would whine for months. oh well, it’s all part of what we signed-up for!
seriously, you can write a book!
RON | recently posted..a break from the hostel dorm
I will always remember that experience and hopefully avoid having it happen again.
The Travel Chica recently posted..3 Strategies to Taste the Best Wines at a Wine Expo
Totally agree about the pepper grinder and was so thankful when Chance lent us his.
Can I tell you I am a total convert for leggings – they are the new zip off pants. When I get hot I just crank them up to my knees, they take up less room and remind me not to eat too much or else everything will show!
ayngelina recently posted..Bad news at home
I know! I actually wish I had brought another pair back with me.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Sugar Filled and Deep Fried Treats in Argentina
Do your leggings have all sorts of pseudo wintery/Christmas patterns on them?
I’m just wondering how native you decided to go.
Chance Miller recently posted..Time Out selects BAlocal’s Art Tours in 2011/12 Spring Summer issue
No, I have certainly not gone native.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Have You Been to the Toilets and Bidets Museum?
I like your minimalist approach to packing and would never have thought of some of these items. Thank you for mentioning the D-SLR. My husband and I have this same argument each time we travel. He laughs at my dinky little point and shoot. Of course, I laugh at his huge camera bag. It all evens out. Have fun on your inspiring travels!!
Gayle recently posted..Unchaperoned adults spotted at Magic Kingdom. Caution not advised.
Unfortunately, I have no one to blame when my back hurts because I’ve been carrying around a D-SLR or when I don’t have the good camera for a really nice photo.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Steak Extravaganza: Restaurant Review – Cervantes II vs Club Eros
I love freshly grounded pepper too, can’t live without it whenever I cook. Bought it along for my trip in New Zealand as it was easier and did not go through customs. Not too sure if a pepper grinder is considered a weapon or something in other countries?
DoRiS recently posted..Why I feel healthier in New Zealand than in Singapore?
Very good blog post. I definitely appreciate this website.
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water damage contractors recently posted..water damage contractors
Great list! You can never really truly learn how to pack properly until you’ve been out and experienced it first yourself.
Stephanie recently posted..What You Should (and Shouldn’t!) Pack for South America
Love that you also have that one item you don’t leave without, in this case a pepper grinder. Makes sense about donating clothes as you go.
Kevin recently posted..Popular But Less Touristy: Linjiang Night Market