Yes, I have finally left Buenos Aires. I arrived in Puerto Madryn via an 18-hour bus ride. It is much warmer than I expected, and the water is beautiful.
Although I was sad about leaving behind my friends in Buenos Aires, it is refreshing to be in a very small town and see stars at night again.
This is the view I enjoy every morning.
18 hours is a long time to be in a bus. Was it at least one of those luxury buses with the reclining seats that I have read about in Argentina or was it just you’re average rickety bus? What did you do for the whole 18 hours. I figure you didn’t sleep much. I never do when I’m traveling.
Puerto Madryn looks beautiful if you’re photo is anything to go by. Is it a resort town by the water or just your typical Argentine town or is it too early to tell just yet?
It was “cama” but not “cama suite.” So it reclined quite a bit, but it did not fold down completely to 180 degrees. I had one of those a couple years ago when I went to Mendoza.
I slept pretty well actually.
Puerto Madryn is not so “resorty” but definitely a tourist town. It’s just not too built up to be obnoxious… and hopefully it stays that way
The Travel Chica recently posted..Am I A Digital Nomad Now?
The best experience in the whole world for me is when you see such beautiful places like that one. A place worth remembering.
Candice Michelle recently posted..imi holsters
Very memorable for me… especially after months in a big city like BA. I saw stars for the first time in months!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Am I A Digital Nomad Now?
Dear Steph, Beautiful Picture. No wonder you love being there. Reminds me of the Oceans Hawaii, Calif. Caribbean, and ThE Mediterranian, ISRAEL. GOD knew what HE was doing when HE created the Whole Earth. Enjoy and keep making memories. Have a Blessed and safe day and weekend. Love ya, Grandma
Now that looks like a great place to wake up! Looking forward to some new oceanside adventures!
Steve recently posted..The 40th Time’s the Charm
I came here for the wildlife. And it does NOT disappoint.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Am I A Digital Nomad Now?
I love to wake up and see BEACH 😉
crazy sexy fun traveler recently posted..20 THINGS TO DO IN CEBU CITY AND SURROUNDINGS
Running on a beach just makes running so much easier.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Am I A Digital Nomad Now?
HI Stephanie, I have a crush on you .. you are so gorgeous.
Keep smiling always
Austin recently posted..Changi Airport Singapore
Curt recently posted..Smoked Honey Lemon Chicken
Love the view….
candy recently posted..The 5 Year Plan
So refreshing after months in a big city.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Am I A Digital Nomad Now?
Nice! Have you gone for a swim?
Cal recently posted..Weekend Photo: Singapore Skyline – Singapore, Singapore
Not quite warm enough for me
The Travel Chica recently posted..Am I A Digital Nomad Now?
It is gorgeous!! Reading your article was 5 minutes of dreaming!!!
Anna recently dentist
I do sort of feel like I’m living the dream, especially when I know most of my friends and family are getting cold weather.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Am I A Digital Nomad Now?
Living the dream! 😉
Cam recently posted..Bernkastel, Germany’s Picture Perfect Christmas Village
I didn’t care for in Puerto Madryn or the peninsula. The highlight for me was Punto Tumbo (how can you go wrong with 40K penguins?). And Gaiman was fun and kitchsy.
Jeff recently posted..Woman Crossing Courtyard in Villa de Leyva
There are over a million penguins at Punto Tombo now!
The Travel Chica recently posted..My First Argentine Asado
Woohoo! And the adventure begins.
Christy & Scott recently posted..A Life Changing Travel Experience on Catalina Island
I thought it would be difficult to be on the move again, but it’s really exciting. Something new everyday.
The Travel Chica recently posted..My First Argentine Asado
Yaaay! You’re out of BsAs – can’t wait to hear what you think of the rest of Argie =)
Andrea recently posted..5 Reasons to Visit Jordan Now
So far I’m loving it!
The Travel Chica recently posted..My First Argentine Asado
Nice view for a morning run. I like this! Also can’t wait to hear about your new adventures in Argentina.
cheryl recently posted..Christmas Markets: Wiener Christkindlmarkt at Rathausplatz.
Patagonia was what I looked forward to most when I planned this travel sabbatical. I am finally getting there!
The Travel Chica recently posted..My First Argentine Asado
Great photo! Did you get to see whales by walking on the beach there?
All Colores recently posted..End of the World Photos for the End of the Year
No, they weren’t by the beach. Had to do a boat tour, but definitely worth it!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Lago Puelo – Silhouettes
Having lived in Puerto Madryn from 1984 to 1998 I’m happy that you enjoyed your stay there and had a really good time. The city now has got too big for my taste, when I lived there it was such a nice place; but the surroundings and landscapes are truly awesome. Cheers!
The word got out about how awesome the surrounding areas are, so the developers came running. Good for tourism, but I imagine it was a lovely town to live in before it got too big.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Lago Puelo – Silhouettes
Any picture that shows the peace and serenity of the water makes my heart melt. Thank you for posting!