I have to be honest and admit that I was sad to leave behind my life in Buenos Aires. I got sucked in again, but this time it was more about the people. I also wondered if I would have trouble adjusting to the hostel life again.
I hoped seeing some penguins in their natural habitat would cheer me up.
Well, it did.
In fact, the entire day I spent on a tour to Punta Tombo and Isla Escondida was incredible.
I talked to multiple tour agencies, and I chose Categoría Patagonia.
Martin, the travel agent I worked with was very personable and helpful. Also, this was a special combination tour they do not do every day to include Isla Escondida (you’ll see why this place is special in my next post).
An early and ashy start.
We left at 7:20 (a bit of an adjustment from my previous Porteno lifestyle). I was wondering why the sky was so gray. Apparently, the ash cloud had arrived again.
However, our wonderful guide Hernan kept us entertained with information. We learned all about the Province of Chubut and the towns of Puerto Madryn and Trelew and the wildlife we were about to see.
I enjoyed the landscape during our drive.
It is empty and dry. And the sky is so blue.
Penguins at Punta Tombo
Hernan explained that there are 1,200,000 penguins at Punta Tomba.
That is A LOT!!
They arrive in September for their reproduction cycle. They lay 2 eggs. Cute little baby penguins hatch. The babies gain enough strength for the journey to Brazil in April where they live in the water.
And the cycle continues.
I took several hundred photos of the penguins. (Yes, I know that is ridiculous.) I forced myself to narrow it down to my 6 favorite photos for this post.
I was lucky to be here during the egg-sitting and hatching period. (Yes, I think those are the technical terms.)
According to Hernan, this area used to be less protected, and people could just roam around the area. Sometimes they disoriented and upset the penguins. Sometimes they even broke eggs. Now, the tourists walk on a special path built to protect the penguins and their eggs.
If one crosses your path on its way to the water for food, you stop and wait for it to cross and try to stay at least a meter away so as not to distract it from eating.
Don’t Touch the Penguins!
There are signs posted everywhere that you are not to touch the penguins. Of course, I saw some idiot reach down and touch one (a man in his 50s who definitely spoke Spanish and was capable of reading). Luckily, my Spanish is now good enough that I feel confident chastising people for being idiots.
And just so you don’t think penguins are the cutest things ever….
Yep, that’s penguin poo!
Have you ever seen penguins before? Did it turn you into an excited kid again?
Travel Tip: During my research, I found that prices for tours are very similar across the travel agencies in Puerto Madryn. I liked the personal attention I got from Categoría Patagonia, and they are the only agency I talked to that offered the additional excursion to Isla Escondida, which you will read about in my next post. Read about the excursions they offer, as well as additional tourism services they provide on their website.
SO cute!! Reminds me of the Penguin Parade in Victoria, Australia – I love the little darlings
Andrea recently posted..5 Reasons to Visit Jordan Now
My nephew is obsessed with penguins. Now that I have seen them in person, I understand why he gets so excited!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Seeing the Greatest Polo Player in the World
Wow, Wonder if you buy a baby penguins online.
Italian Notes recently posted..Venice beyond the obvious
I am afraid to look because it seems you can buy anything online.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Seeing the Greatest Polo Player in the World
Like Andrea in her comment above I went to see the Penguin Parade at Phillip Island about 90 minutes drive from Melbourne when I was really little and fell in love with the penguins way back then. They do a similar thing at Phillip Island except they seem to do it at night from sunset onwards over here as opposed to doing it during the day like they do in your post.
What hardly anybody knows is that Melbourne actually has a small colony of penguins in Port Phillip Bay that use the breakwater off the inner city St Kilda pier as shelter. I stumbled across them in 2002 when I was walking along the breakwater there just admiring the sunset and evening. There is only about 16 of them and there is a barrier to protect them now so you can’t physically get up close to them anymore.
Earl from the blog Wandering Earl was recently in South Africa and put up a post about the penguins there too. It’s really interesting to see that in the countries where penguins live, breed and travel through like Australia, New Zealand, Argentina and South Africa, each has it’s own unique species, sizes, colouring and behaviors that make them unique to the countries they are living in.
I really love penguins. They are a bellweather for the oceans. If they are plentiful in an area it says that the health of the oceans in that area is quite good and able to support a lot of species.
Good tip on finding penguins in Melbourne.
I saw Wandering Early’s post too. I also got to see some video footage from another traveler I met who had just been to Antarctica. I told him I though the penguins were fat, and he said they’re just really big…. like 3 feet or more. Crazy!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Seeing the Greatest Polo Player in the World
The big penguins from Antarctica are called Emperor Penguins. A few months back one washed up on a beach in the south island of New Zealand after wandering astray. Somebody found him and called some zoologists who nursed him back to health and named him Happy Feet. Happy Feet made news the world over and was released a couple of months ago with a tracker on him. Last thing I heard he was swimming back to Antarctica. The adults like Happy Feet reach at least 3 feet or one metre tall and weigh as much as a big dog.
I like that it made news around the world, and I had no clue because I am one of the few travelers that does not watch or read any news while traveling.
Cute story though! I would love to see a penguin that tall.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Seeing the Greatest Polo Player in the World
It’s real life Club Penguin! Those are some of the cutest little animals I’ve seen in a long time. I’m surprised that people are allowed to roam that close to them.
Love the pictures you chose. Well, maybe not the penguin poo one. Not sure I needed to see that.
Steve recently posted..Best of 2011 – Best Hotel
They have a nicely-built walkway, and they have a few workers stationed throughout. Also, I think it helps that many people go with guided tours, since it is very expensive to rent a car from Puerto Madryn and drive.
But still…. I saw that one moron touch a penguin.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Seeing the Greatest Polo Player in the World
Awwwww. I LOVE these photos. I want a penguin!
DTravelsRound recently posted..Escape of the Week: Radovljica, Slovenia
I want one that doesn’t like to roll around in poo. There were a lot of penguins with poo smeared across their chests.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Seeing the Greatest Polo Player in the World
Love penguins! You got some nice shots!
Amanda recently posted..Things I Love (and Hate) About New Zealand
Thanks! They just wander around and look cute for the camera.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Seeing the Greatest Polo Player in the World
Penguin poo or not, they really are cute! Like many, I’ve seen the miniature penguins on Philip Island in Australia. Possibly even cuter.
Sophie recently posted..The Hollywood Gang Hideaway
Are they small enough to put in your pocket? If so, I bet that might be a problem.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Seeing the Greatest Polo Player in the World
Very cool! Weird, but I always associated penguins with extremely cold weather.
I did too! That is why I was shocked when I got to Puerto Madryn and discovered it was fairly warm.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Seeing the Greatest Polo Player in the World
My kids are obsessed with penguins too and we would love to see them someplace like this rather than at the zoo. What an amazing experience! I totally get snapping hundreds of pictures – I would have done the same thing!
Lisa recently posted..HAPPY HOLIDAYS
I had only seen them once before in a zoo (with my nephew who totally freaked out in joy). Such a different experience in their natural habitat.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Seeing the Greatest Polo Player in the World
I saw pengiuns in new Zealand when I went on a wild life tour near Dunedin! We saw mostly yellow eyes pengiuns but also some little blue pengiuns. They are SO AWESOME! There were also sea lions on the beach and it was incredible… I took over a 1000 photos…. so yea…. totally understand your excitment
Jade Johnston – OurOyster.com recently posted..Midweek Snapshot – Snow on tree – December 2010
Glad I’m not the only crazy photographer
It took me so many hours to sort through them all. Lesson learned!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Seeing the Greatest Polo Player in the World
That is pretty incredible, I’m jealous you got to see this. Maybe I do need to go to Patagonia…
ayngelina recently posted..My first Michelin star
You MUST got to Patagonia! Seriously!!
The Travel Chica recently posted..Seeing the Greatest Polo Player in the World
It will be a quick trip for you since you don’t hike
The Travel Chica recently posted..How I Lived in Buenos Aires for $1000 a Month
Adorable! When we saw penguins on Kangaroo Island and in Melbourne, I was in love. their little walk is so cute!
jade recently posted..The Perfect ‘Love Actually’ Christmas in London
There are few things that can waddle and still be cute.
The Travel Chica recently posted..How I Lived in Buenos Aires for $1000 a Month
Excellent pictures, sometimes it is so difficult to resist the click. I must have ended with several hundred photographs myself. Nice to see the cute baby penguin too. I have never seen a penguin, can’t imagine what it would be like to see 1 Million+ penguins. Surely it will make anyone’s Inner Kid happy.
Uttoran Sen recently posted..11 Places To Visit In Fiji
I know I am becoming a better photographer when I take less photos. But it was that Inner Kid!!
The Travel Chica recently posted..How I Lived in Buenos Aires for $1000 a Month
They are super gorgeous!
Angela recently posted..Getting lost in Granada’s Alhambra, in pursuit of the Moorish connection
You are so lucky, the only penguins I’ve seen were in Edinburgh Zoo. I really didn’t enjoy it as I just don’t believe these creatures should be caged up away from their natural habitat.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas
ryan recently posted..Merry Christmas My Blogging Friends
I´ve also seen them in Edinburgh Zoo years ago! They were so cute! I´m with you, they must be free, where they belong.
I know how you feel. I loved the penguins in South Africa, False bay near Capetown. They have character!!
inka recently posted..Christmas Market – a place to indulge
I have to admit until recently I didn’t even know there were penguins in South Africa. I think I should see all the different types of penguins in the world at some point
The Travel Chica recently posted..How I Lived in Buenos Aires for $1000 a Month
These are adorable! I have never seen penguins except at the zoo.
Christy & Scott recently posted..Travel Shot: Beach Break Kamikaze in Dreamland
Fun – aren’t they like snowflakes – each one is different – so lots of pictures
Eileen Ludwig recently posted..Christmas Celebrations Busch Gardens Ice Skating Musical Stage Show
I like the way you think
The Travel Chica recently posted..How I Lived in Buenos Aires for $1000 a Month
I am so freaking jealous that you got to see penguins. So adorable!
Rease recently posted..Becoming a Travel Writer: Get Paid to Travel
You’re only an 18-hour bus ride away 😉
The Travel Chica recently posted..How I Lived in Buenos Aires for $1000 a Month
Oh those penguins are so darn cute!! Do you think they’d miss one if I stole it?! =)
Toni recently posted..Why 2011 was the year I will never forget
You might have a little trouble getting it through customs.
The Travel Chica recently posted..How I Lived in Buenos Aires for $1000 a Month
I’m so glad you posted this: penguins are in my immediate future–headed for Antarctica in 1 week! Going to be in BA for 2 nites with my two 20-something sons–(Argenta Tower on Juncal St.) Do you have any suggestions where we ought to spend an evening somewhere not too far from there?
50+ and on the Run recently posted..What’s Lower Than Misdemeanor?
I didn’t realize Antarctica was part of your trip! That’s wonderful! I just met 2 different people who came from there. You’re going to have such an amazing experience.
I’ll send you an email about BA. 2 nights is so little time!
The Travel Chica recently posted..How I Lived in Buenos Aires for $1000 a Month
Penguins are awesome! Great photos. My favorite is the one with the Penguin walking pas the goats. Are they goats?
I’ve seen penguins at Penguin Island before, which was pretty cool. It wasn’t that good of an experience though. Most of the penguins there are hiding. I think that most of them are harassed by people.
A shame really.
Cal recently posted..With the Whale Sharks – New Video!
Awww so cute! I’ve only seen penguins in the Galapagos and they’re really small – but still cute of course.
Laurel recently posted..My 3 Favorite European Christmas Markets of 2011
I have never seen penguins in real. And I haven’t seen poo of penguins even in pictures or videos. Thanks a lot for showing me the poo of penguins. I guess my friends would also have not seen the poo of penguins so I will surprise them with it. I hope they like it haha.
I liked all the pics especially the pic of a mother penguin with her baby.
wow, great experience, and well done for telling that guy off – some people are just idiots!
Graham GlobalGrasshopper recently posted..In BIG pictures: Christmas around the world
Someone’s gotta stand up for the penguins
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Peninsula Valdes – Lines and Contrast
If penguins can’t cheer up, what else can?? These guys are adorable. So awesome you got to have this experience.
Cheryl recently posted..The ABCs Of Travel: cherylhoward.com Edition.
Between the penguins and the elephant seals, I have a whole collection of photos to look at any time I need cheering up.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Peninsula Valdes – Lines and Contrast
I’ve seen penguins in South Africa–twice–and they look a lot like these little fellas you encountered!
Camels & Chocolate recently posted..Photo Friday: Shanghai, China
You’re so lucky! I have realized recently that so many people have seen wildlife around the world, and I’m just now getting started.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Peninsula Valdes – Lines and Contrast
Awww I want to see penguins so badly!
Laura recently posted..My ABC’s of Travel
I have been told there are options all over the coastal areas of Patagonia.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … El Bolson – Patagonian Lamb
After being in the city for awhile, I love that you headed straight for some nature!
Abby recently posted..Rain, rain, go away?
Absolutely! As much as I love living in a city, I need to take a break from it every once in a while.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … El Bolson – Patagonian Lamb
Cool, cool, cool and cute!
crazy sexy fun traveler recently posted..MY 24 FAVORITE BEACHES OF 2011
Penguins are one of my dreams to photog!
They will pose for the camera in Puerto Madryn
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … El Bolson – Patagonian Lamb
Hi! I just found your website not long ago – what a fantastic journey! Did you see any baby penguins?
I was in Punta Tombo in September, shortly after the penguins started arriving. They were hundreds! It was just the males preparing their nests (well, standing in them, anyway) though there were already two couples! Our guide explained that when the females come, they look at the nest – if they like it they stay, otherwise they go looking for another guy. The penguins are definitely among my favorite animals (though I did see a penguin pee/poop on another penguin – not very polite….). Keep having fun!!
All Colores recently posted..End of the World Photos for the End of the Year
Yes! They were so cute. Would have been cool to see the arrival as well.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Lago Puelo – Silhouettes
I did the same exact thing both times I visited penguin colonies. This was a while ago so no digital cameras. I spent a ton of money developing rolls of film.
I visited Isla Magdalena in the Strait of Magellan the first time and Punta Tombo the second. I could watch penguins all day, they’re hilarious tripping and falling all over each other.
Thanks for the reminder of how funny they are.
Jared Romey recently posted..Comment on The Harshest Argentine Insult by angeldedesierto
They are so fun to watch. And it is amazing how many different places in Patagonia you can go and see them.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Lago Puelo – Silhouettes
Love the penguins pictures!!!
Just the other day I was fascinated seeing a group of lovely ducklings swim. I can’t even imagine being surrounded by penguins. I would be an excited kid again!!
Natalia recently posted..Trip of the Day
Would you imagine with me that we know what a bird is thinking and
that the first bird’s point of view was that the only food possible was on the ground. Apart from the distance and size of (most of) our birds, you may also find dappled lighting cast by leaves and branches ca hinder you in spotting the key features and mannerisms -especially if you are a first time birder. Cold weather can be particularly threatening to birds with smaller bodies, such as robins and blue-tits, and not to mention the disastrous affects it can have on their natural food supply.
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