I admit to being a beer snob.
I have complained a lot about the lack of good beer in Latin America. Luckily, I found good hand-crafted beer in Buenos Aires and a bar with a great selection of Patagonian artisanal beers in El Chalten.
I first discovered the Chilean beer Kuntsmann from my friend and local tour guide in Buenos Aires. When I found out that it is actually brewed in Valdivia, I knew that I had to do a beer tasting.
Cerveceria Kuntsmann
I was a little disturbed to see how touristy, almost Disney-like, the cerveceria is.
They even have a humongous, over-priced gift shop.
But… they make some kick-ass beers.
I did the full sampling.
It was quite a value.
9 small samples for US$5.00.
My Favorites
1. Gran Torobayo
I have had the Torobayo before, and I thought it was delicious. The Gran Torobayo is new this season, and it is even better! Just a bit more flavor
2. Unfiltered Lager
What impressed me about the lager is that it still had substance. I enjoyed the unfiltered (aka sin filtrar) lager better than the regular lager.
Honorable Mentions
1. Miel
I have never liked a honey beer until now. This had an authentic honey smell and was not super sweet like other honey beers I have tried.
2. Arándanos (aka blueberry)
I have never liked a fruit-based beer until now either. The blueberry flavor was fresh and again, not sweet at all. A deliciously refreshing beer for Summer.
Cerveceria Salzburg
Just a couple of kilometers down the road, I found Cerveceria Salzburg.
This place is not touristy at all.
I asked for a sampling, and they offered me the three beers they have on draft (at no charge).
Then I purchased a bottle of the Doppelbock.
The Verdict
I really enjoyed the Doppelbock. Overall, good beer compared to what I have experienced in the rest of Latin America, but it just is not as good as Kuntsmann.
Cerveceria Calle Calle
Now we are getting off the beaten path.
Viella, the owner of the comfortable and cool eco-hostel Airesbuenos in Valdivia, took me to a lesser-known cerveceria with a beautiful setting on the other side of town.
The owner was not in, so I did not get to meet him, but he seems like an interesting, quirky guy. He’s very eco-conscious and has multiple projects going on.
Most importantly, he knows how to make good beer.
All they had on draft was the stout.
I am not normally a big fan of stout, but this was exceptional.
It didn’t have that too-sweet taste some stouts have. And it wasn’t too bitter.
Other Great Chilean Beers
At this risk of sounding like an alcoholic, I will share the other beers I have tried around town.
Cuello Negro
The roja is the best.
Don’t get confused because “negro” is in the name. They have more than dark beer.
Very tidy post, nice to be shown a bit more of the unknown. Also nice to hear a female perspective. Beer often ends up being the preserve of guys, so good to get a female perspective.
I ever thought about it before because I have a few other girlfriends that are into good beer, but it does seem to be mostly a guy thing.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Beware the Sex-Crazed Troll in Chiloe
That Arándanos beer sounds right up my ally! I REALLY REALLY enjoyed this post.
Elise Walsh recently posted..Travel Memes – Volume 1
It really surprised me because I usually don’t like the fruity style.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Beware the Sex-Crazed Troll in Chiloe
I love discovering new beers and beer halls! This was a great round up of the beers you’ve enjoyed in Chile. I too don’t usually go for fruity beers but I had an orange beer once and really enjoyed it. Great on those hot summer days and wasn’t sweet but just had an essence of orange. I was surprised I liked it.
Debbie Beardsley @ European Travelista recently posted..Domestic Security in Wales a la Edward I
Sounds good–my kids were surprised because everywhere they went in Argentina they asked for the best local beer and were repeatedly told “Stella!”
50+ and on the Run recently posted..A Sweeping Change
Ahh! I do not care who I offend with this statement, but very few Argentines know what good beer is. Don’t get me wrong… Stella is not a bad beer, but it’s not anything special. And it really is “local” because they have a plant here. At least they didn’t try to tell you Quilmes 😉
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Beware the Sex-Crazed Troll in Chiloe
I really love beer too. Good beer, of course, and I’ll always sign up for a beer tasting!
jade recently posted..Longing for Summer & A $250 Expedia Giveaway!
It had been so long since I had good beer. Thank you, Chile.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Beware the Sex-Crazed Troll in Chiloe
Did you ever try Die M? They have several pubs around Santiago called Budapest, where they serve the Die M beers, and you can get them other places as well. I’m not really a conoisseur, but I do like their roja!
Emily in Chile recently posted..Why I don’t want to go around the world
No, I never came across that one. Will keep it mind. Thanks for the tip!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Beware the Sex-Crazed Troll in Chiloe
Some quite unusual beers you sampled there, couldn’t help but notice how dark most of them appear, are they heavy like Guinness ?.
Bodlagz recently posted..Thai Chariot of Lights
A lot of them were red ales or IPAs. The darker stouts had a more traditional German-style rather than the Guinness taste.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Curiñaco – A Short Bus Ride to Paradise
Great beers and good times in Chile. Would have loved to have visited more breweries – that stout looks fantastic!
John recently posted..Faces of Peru (Video Post)
Like me, you guys are such big fans of good beer. I figured you really enjoyed Chile.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Curiñaco – A Short Bus Ride to Paradise
Now this is my kinda blog post!
Hogga recently posted..My 7 Super Shots
My friend left Valdivia before me, so I could have used a drinking buddy! Instead I was the lonely alcoholic walking from brewery to brewery.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … Curiñaco – A Short Bus Ride to Paradise
Wow, there are tons of Chilean beers!! All of which I now want to try!
dtravelsround recently posted..From hut to haute: checking in to the Rachamankha Hotel
I’ve never noticed Chilean beers in the US, but I would not be surprised if you can find Kuntsmann.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Finding a Comfortable Apartment in Santiago with Roomorama
I’m not usually a beer drinker, so when I do have one, I’m definitely a snob about it. It is always disappointing when places are so touristy, isn’t it? Glad you found other places.
Cathy Sweeney recently posted..Houston, You’ve Got a Problem
The quality and quantity of beers made up for the touristy-ness (might have just made up that word).
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Finding a Comfortable Apartment in Santiago with Roomorama
I’m not really a beer snob, as long as it is wet and cold I’m usually happy
Great article on what appears to be a mighty fine selection of beers!
Laurence recently posted..Nontron – French town of the knife
Then you’d be fine traveling in Latin America
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Finding a Comfortable Apartment in Santiago with Roomorama
Interesting with all the German names in South America!
Sophie recently posted..Jamaica Inn
Chile actually had a lot of German immigrants, so I think that is why you can actually find good beer there.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Finding a Comfortable Apartment in Santiago with Roomorama
I think Cerveceria Calle Calle is my favorite. I do enjoy a good drink with an amazing view. It just makes it that much more peaceful. Thanks for sharing I’m sure all those beers are delicious!
I’m starting to think I may be the only travel blogger in the world who doesn’t like beer (or wine, for that matter). But your post did remind me of some great rum tastings I did in Barbados, and Scotch tastings in Scotland. I love a good Scotch!
Bret @ Green Global Travel recently posted..TRAVEL BLOGGERS GIVE BACK: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Fights For Marine Life
You might be the only one! But at least you can be a Scotch snob.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Finding a Comfortable Apartment in Santiago with Roomorama
Mmm so many beers…there are few things I like more than trying out different beers when I’m travelling
Dean recently posted..Spending the day in Greve in Chianti, Italy
I should probably break down my budget to have a beer & wine category, so I can see how much I spend on that versus the rest of the food & drink category. It’s all for research purposes!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Finding a Comfortable Apartment in Santiago with Roomorama
Speight is the popular beer here in NZ. It’s a nice lager, better than most Latin ones I have had. Valdivia sounds like a good drinking town. I don’t normally go for sweet or fruity beers either but I love blueberries and I am intrigued by a beer that incorporates them into the brew.
Philip recently posted..Welcome to Auckland or this is definitely not Latin America
I’ll be looking forward to your “Beers of New Zealand” post
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Finding a Comfortable Apartment in Santiago with Roomorama
I love beers and I hope I ca try these ones…I am sure one of these is perfect taste!
Ronifelle recently posted..mobility vehicles
Outside of Europe and North America, I think it is fair to say there is, generally, a lack of good beer. To qualify what I means by that, good beer is not cold & cheap. (Cold & cheap beer is simply that.) It is made with care using quality ingredients, not rice, high fructose corn syrup, or foaming agents.
While I really like Chilean red wine, I haven’t yet found a Chilean beer that matches the same level of enjoyment. So, I appreciate the research you’ve done, and will take advantage of it if I ever get there.
One Latin American beer that did impress me was a Champagne beer from Eisenbahn in Brazil – http://www.eisenbahn.com.br/. If you haven’t tried anything from them, may be worth keeping an eye out for. I haven’t tried anything else from them, so I can’t speak to their other styles.
Rick Green recently posted..Biting Back: Cambodia’s Taste for Insects
Never even heard of a champagne beer. I’ll keep my eye out for it.
If you make it to Chile (or can find some of the beers I have mentioned exported), I’ll be interested to know your opinion. Kuntsmann is the best of these in my opinion.
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … The Middle of the Andes: Lines
I’ll be sure to let you know. Do they have any fried insects for beer snacks? 😉
Rick Green recently posted..Banh Mi: Colonial Vietnamese Street Food
I love that you love beer (and wine) and make it part of your travels.
I’d love to try that stout you mentioned!
cheryl recently posted..Graffiti And Street Art In Berlin – Instagram Style.
And food
The Travel Chica recently posted..Foto of the Week from … The Middle of the Andes: Lines