On the morning we started the Valle de Los Cóndores hike, Vicente introduced us to the traditional breakfast drink of the Tarijeños (people of Tarija).
When he grabbed the bottle of Singani, a locally-produced liquor that tastes like rubbing alcohol and paint thinner, I was worried and already thinking of excuses to not try this drink.
He grabbed a few other simple ingredients and some mugs and told us to follow him out back to where the cows were being milked.
It’s a pretty simple recipe as long as you have a cow handy.
Pour a shot or two of Singani in a cup with a bit of cinnamon and sugar.
Then you add milk straight from the cow.
Vicente handed me my mug, and I was a bit hesitant.
XD liquor & milk for breakfast …. they sure know how to party starting from the morning .
The closest thing to this that I have tried is probably Baileys…..(not that close huh….. o_O)
Annie – FootTracker recently posted..Did You Join the Nanpa Party? @Japan
I’m all for mimosas in the morning, but this was definitely a bit strong
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..The Best Kept Secret in Bolivia
Not personally but looks interesting!
Becky GlobalGrasshopper recently posted..In pictures: a photographic journey through Latvia
Tastes much better than it looks
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..The Best Kept Secret in Bolivia
I knew I should have bought a cow when I was in Oklahoma this year.
I will have to check my options in Ohio to see if I can just pay 50 cents or something to milk someone else’s cow to make my breakfast shake.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..The Best Kept Secret in Bolivia
We tried vodka made of horse milk in Mongolia, but it was by faaaaar not so yummy as this drink
Masha (2away) recently posted..Someday we’ll own a Schrebergarten
That sounds a little scary!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..The Best Kept Secret in Bolivia
I’ve never had one of those, it looks really ‘fresh’
Do you really have it for breakfast?
Franca recently posted..MEDIUM 500 x 2
Yes, it really is a breakfast drink. We had this before 8am, and the woman milking the cow had one with us too!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..The Best Kept Secret in Bolivia
Oh my god you’re braver than I am. Not sure I could drink it straight from the cow!!
Katherine | Kapcha The World recently posted..Eating my way around the world
Vicente was so exciting to make this drink for us that I could not possibly decline it. Glad I was adventurous
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..The Best Kept Secret in Bolivia
Lori’s parents have a dairy farm, so early in our dating life I had to try milk straight from the cow. It tasted awful, so I’m not sure how adding something that tastes like paint thinner and rubbing alcohol is supposed to make it better. That must be a whole lot of cinnamon and sugar you’re adding.
Steve recently posted..How NOT to Fly Families Together
It didn’t seem like a whole lot of sugar and cinnamon. Maybe there is some sort of chemical reaction that occurs, and it becomes this magical beverage.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Punk Tango in Buenos Aires
I can honestly say that I have never had any alcoholic drink made with milk straight from the cow. Or any kind of drink made with milk straight from the cow. Glad you liked it, though!
I think I would enjoy a white russian with milk straight from the cow.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Punk Tango in Buenos Aires
Im from Tarija and let me tell you the ambrosia secret is milk straight from the cow and the singani (bolivian national drink) if you never try singani you cant make any idea how good it taste and off course is an breakefast drink because is not to get drunk.
So glad Stephanie.
Yamil recently posted..Ambrosia: The Tarijeño Breakfast of Champions
Lucky you growing up with ambrosias for breakfast
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Punk Tango in Buenos Aires
This is awesome Stephanie! Never had such a milky fresh beverage before, but I would love to try it.
Mark Wiens recently posted..VIDEO: Thai Beef Noodles (ก๋วยเตี๋ยวเนื้อตุ๋น Kuay Teow Neua)
Looks refreshing…. at least you know everything is fresh! haha
Hogga recently posted..How Dan Watson Almost Died in Costa Rica
It is a good thing that you knew it was fresh. Sounds like it tasted good
Christine recently posted..A Magical Experience in the Luminarium
Yum! If only I had a cow handy…Must have lost that in the downsizing!
50+ and on the Run recently posted..How Can it be July Already?
Yes, they can be difficult to store.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Punk Tango in Buenos Aires
If only I had a cow handy! Actually, I don’t know if I’d be too good at making my own drink that way. But glad you tried it and liked it.
I have to admit, I did not actually milk the cow. I am quite certain it would have taken 30 minutes to make each drink if I had.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Punk Tango in Buenos Aires
I’ve tried a drink made from fermented Mare’s milk in Kyrgyzstan, it tasted hideous. This one sounds delicious.
Natasha von Geldern recently posted..Destination Malaysia: On the Straits of Melaka
Strange foods/ drinks involving dairy are certainly scary. I will remember not to try that drink when I make my way to Kyrgyzstan.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Punk Tango in Buenos Aires
I’ve never even heard of an Ambrosia – but would try it. I think it was the alcohol at breakfast part that sounded appealing.
Laurel recently posted..Castell de Montsoriu: The Greatest Gothic Castle in Catalonia
It’s like you HAVE to because it’s a tradition
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Punk Tango in Buenos Aires
OMG, that sounds amazing! Sorta reminds me of horchata we had in the Riviera Maya for some reason, though with the obvious benefit of added alcohol. I would totally love to try it.
Bret @ Green Global Travel recently posted..DESTINATIONS: Barbados- 7 Must-See Sights
Gotta admit… I was not a big fan of the horchata, but I should probably keep trying it because I think it’s slightly different in every country.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Punk Tango in Buenos Aires
Last time I drunk milk straight from ma cow, it was a bit too warm for my liking, but chuck some alcohol in it and I would be ready to try it again!
Natalie recently posted..Göcek –Sophistication that is Not Part of My World
I think that since we were at altitude, the cow’s milk was slightly cooler
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Punk Tango in Buenos Aires
I bet it’s the breakfast of champions, looks like a bomb!
Angela recently posted..Resilient to globalization? Visit Sedilo, Sardinia
bahh that sounds super gross! I would’ve have had to force myself to try it.
Rease recently posted..The Nature-Loving Lung Polluter and other Fun Encounters in Mexico
What!! I would have expected you to be excited to try anything with alcohol in it 😉
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Punk Tango in Buenos Aires
I love that last photo of you with the cow! I have always had a weird thing about booze and dairy combos — like going out for ice-cream after drinking a ton of beers. But hey, I’ll try anything! Especially something as ridiculously cool as local liquor and … a cow!
Abby recently posted..Life’s a Blur
I agree with you on the beer and dairy combo…. but I have always enjoyed a good white russian. This was similar but way, way better.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Punk Tango in Buenos Aires
Love the photos of the cow! AM completely fascinated by this breakfast drink – I would definitely try this!
I’ll have to keep my eye out for singani. Not sure if it is exported to many places. I definitely want to re-create this drink in the future.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Punk Tango in Buenos Aires
I’m not the biggest fan of milk but have never tried fresh unpasteurized before…I wonder if I would prefer that to the milk you get from the supermarket. Especially with these “additives” =)
Andrea recently posted..Travel Memories: Easters in Tasmania
I have had milk straight from the cow before, but I don’t think I liked it that much. I think these additives definitely help
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Punk Tango in Buenos Aires
Blech, that sounds terrible! I’d take a sip or two just so I wouldn’t offend the hosts, but I seriously can’t imagine it tasting good. Milk is the worst, and I’m sure it’s REALLY the worst straight from a cow.
Christy @ Technosyncratic recently posted..B&B Review: Killarney Lodge in Ireland
Well, yeah, I guess if you don’t like milk, you won’t like this drink
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..3 Reasons Horseback Riding is Over-Rated
So, yummy and I want to drink that one also. I love to drink fresh milk.
Allison Ward recently posted..Teeth Whitening Tips for a Perfect Smile
Ba ha ha! Love this. I would have been scared to try it as well due to it’s errr … milky freshness but it’s just too cool of an opportunity to pass up. Glad to hear it was delicious!
Cheryl recently posted..Cafe Popularna in Szczecin, Poland.
Pass !!