My first week back home in Columbus was spent putting things away (not that I had much stuff to put away), buying necessities, and meeting up with friends.
Overall, it has been an easy transition with little stress.
(Yes, I am aware that the real transition will happen when I enter the corporate world again.)
I was having lunch with a friend and laughing about some of the “challenges” I have been confronted with at home.
He said,
That would make for a good blog post.
So here we are.
I have been thinking a lot lately about living a simple life and consuming less. (You will notice those two things are mentioned in my short introduction on the sidebar of my blog.)
Those are goals I set for myself BEFORE I quit my job to backpack through Latin America.
Being back in a country with so much infrastructure (for lack of a better term) and being confronted with a culture that has different priorities and values has made me think about how adaptable we are.
Our attitudes easily change depending on our environment.
I am starting to ramble and will write more on this topic once I can get my head around it. What I want to share in this post is a less serious look at the problems we experience living in the developing world versus living in the first world.
I reached out to the travel blogging community to provide input, and they came up with some good ones.
10 First World Problems
#1 – It took three people and lots of muscle and brain power to get my KING SIZE MATTRESS up the narrow stairwell to the SECOND FLOOR of my home.
In the developing world, I slept on tiny mattresses and prayed I would not get bed bugs and that the poorly constructed bunk bed would not collapse and crush me. It was also rare to even have personal space, since I spent most of my time in hotel dorms or sharing a bedroom in an apartment.

#2 – I had to walk two blocks to the local coffee shop to use their FREE and FAST WIFI while I waited over a week for my internet to be installed.
Note that the coffee is also delicioso and NOT Nescafe or whatever that crap is they try to pass off as coffee in Bolivia.
#3 – Then I had to wait nine hours for my “installation window” to get my HIGH SPEED INTERNET at home.
In the developing world, I had no problems walking a mile or more to find a cafe with internet fast enough to upload a photo without timing out.
#4 – I have to get to the store by 9pm because it CLOSES EARLY ON SUNDAY.
In the developing world, it was a miracle to find a store open at all on Sunday.
#5 – I have to pay $3.50 for a bottle of water at the airport after having to discard mine at security.
When I was in West Africa last fall, it was a challenge even to find clean drinking water to purchase.
— Contributed by Kristen, Camels and Chocolate.
#6 – I had to pay outlandish prices for the coffee and snacks at the frosty air-conditioned cafe in Korea.
On the way home, I noticed a group of elderly Koreans hanging out at a gazebo in an attempt to cool down. They were likely unable to afford air conditioning in either their home or in a cooler establishment. Even though they were shaded from the sun, I could tell from the look on their faces that they were far from comfortable. Sometimes it is easy to forget just how good you have it.
— Contributed by Samuel, Nomadic Samuel.

#7 – I have to sit through traffic jams and waste gas while MY CAR idles and I blast the AC.
In Buenos Aires, I thought nothing of an hour commute with hundreds of other people sweating as the meager fan in the subway just pushed around the stale, stuffy air.
— Contributed by Rease, Indecisive Traveler.

#8 – During the summer, my mother runs the AIR CONDITIONING so cold and so strong that I’m constantly freezing at home.
It’s August and I’m currently wearing a sweatshirt and thick socks. This certainly wasn’t a problem in Thailand where I’d simply have to sweat it out under a lazy fan.
— Contributed by Stephanie, Twenty-Something Travel.
Note: I totally relate to this. I bring a cardigan with me everywhere because I know I’ll be freezing in someone else’s home and in stores even in the summer.

#9 – I feel like the only person left in the United States without a smart phone.
Everyone is busy instagramming their meals and foursquaring while I toy with my tiny red flip phone. I just can’t bring myself to upgrade. When I traveled I didn’t even have a phone at all.
— Contributed by Stephanie,Twenty-Something Travel.
#10 – I get malaise from visiting places.
Another cathedral? Another river? With houseboats? You mean I have to look at all these world-class paintings? It took a while to get off the tourism rat-maze and start digging into the quirky parts of the city I find fun. And if anything’s a first-world problem, it’s getting jaded over travel for pleasure.
— Contributed by Craig Martin, Indie Travel Podcast.

#11 – At home, I’m kept awake at night by my neighbor’s dog barking.
In Asia, I was kept awake at night by images of a similar dog roasting on a grill.
— Contributed by Raymond, Man on the Lam.
Maybe this will help put a”problem” into perspective today.
Note: There are major problems in the developing world, and I am not trying to minimize those. Also, those of us that live as expats in the developing world typically have access to a higher standard of living than locals, so we do not truly experience the most difficult of challenges.
Here, I get mad when I miss the bus by just a hair because that means waiting 9 minutes until the next one. In Santiago, there was no such thing as a “bus schedule” and I never knew when the next bus was coming.
Abby recently posted..Reverse Culture Shock: Greetings and Goodbyes.
Sort of the same in BA (no bus schedule), but the buses are so frequent. That is actually an example of where living in the developing world was so much easier with public transportation than Columbus, Ohio.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..12 Favorite Landscape Photos from Tupiza to Uyuni
These are great! I always complain that when I am chatting on FB messenger on my laptop or iPad, the message notification also pops up on my iPhone but with a couple second delay. It gets really annoying! Don’t I sound like a princess…
Welcome home! I’m not too far away in Pittsburgh so maybe our paths will cross!
Ha! Yeah, technology can be so annoying
Pittsburgh is close. I’ve only been there once, but I enjoyed it.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..6 Tips for Surviving the Four Day Tour to the Salar de Uyuni
At least now you know there are no bed bugs 😉 It think that it will be a good experiment to compare the pros and cons and then decide wish you like the best, I am curious to see how you feel after a month or two…
Pamela recently posted..Little Known Wild Adventure in Thailand
You have no idea how happy I am that I never once got bed bugs.
I think it’s impossible to compare because your attitude changes when you are in a different environment. But I do think it does come down to a personal choice as to which “problems” you would rather have on a regular basis.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..My First World Problems
Haha, I love it. I think my variation of #4 is when ugh, I forgot to get something while I was out, and I have to go out again at night to pick it up. In my car. From the 24 hour grocery store 5 minutes away. Whereas Chile I think just got one 24 hour store which is way up far away from me.
Emily in Chile recently posted..When things actually work
Wow! Chile has 24-hour stores?!! Lucky girl
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..8 Crazy Photos from the Incredible Salar de Uyuni
Ooh my tip for water is to drink it and just take the bottle through security and then fill it up again on the other side.
Ayngelina recently posted..Food Friday: Portland Food Carts
That’s what I do too! I’m such a miser
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..My First World Problems
So, you made it back home. Welcome to the world of ” I hate my life and it bores the crap out of me”
Neil Skywalker recently posted..China – Hong Kong
Ha! Well, I’m not quite there yet
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..My First World Problems
After 4 or 5 months of travel, I tend to idealize how wonderful it will be back home in California. After a few weeks back in first world reality, I am generally jonesing for some of the direct-in-you-faceness of third world ‘inconvenience.’
Philip recently posted..Road Tripping New Zealand’s Catlins–Day Two
I hear ya!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..3 Reasons Horseback Riding is Over-Rated
Welcome back home Steph! I always love hearing about these “First World Problems” – it’s exactly what my sister tells me when I complain about something petty to her, like not enough seats at the cafe with the free wifi, or how one of the subway cars doesn’t have a working AC in it. Adjusting to life back home will be an adventure in itself!
Antoinette | love.antoinette recently posted..Significantly Changing My Spending Habits
I hate it when there isn’t a seat with an electrical outlet nearby to plug in my laptop at the cafe
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..8 Favorite Animal Photos from Tupiza to Uyuni
I’m surprised you didn’t have a smart phone with you while you traveled. (Did you, by chance, have an iPod Touch instead?) Our iPhones were so incredibly useful — for research with wikitravel and tripadvisor, podcasts and movies for long bus rides, looking up exchange rates, translation help, etc., etc., etc.) I tell people that after our passports, our iPhones were the most important things we brought with us!
Arlo recently posted..Protected: Episode Two
No smart phone, no iPod Touch. I wanted to keep it simple and had no desire to carry around a device that was worth what the locals make in two months. I like not being always connected too.
Of course, a smart phone would have certainly been useful for getting information, but I preferred to plan ahead and look up what I would need on my laptop.
The next time I travel, I will most likely bring along an iPod Touch …. they are quite convenient
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..12 Favorite Landscape Photos from Tupiza to Uyuni
I like how you find some convenience even in the difficult life of the developing countries. There are pros and cons for both but undeniably the developed world have better standards due to the better quality of living.
Amy Turner recently posted..Black Card Visa Review
Being a regular traveller, I know how hard it can be to get in terms with a new place. I hope that you find peace at you new place of stay soon.
Reese Hunter recently posted..Max Workouts Review
Thanks so much, Reese.
This really does put everything in perspective. We have things pretty good here, no matter how many minor inconveniences pop up.
Scott – Quirky Travel Guy recently posted..Butter sculptures, fried Spam and spaghetti on a stick: Scenes from the Minnesota State Fair
Always good to put things in perspective & traveling can really do that. Kristen’s entry #5 brought to mind something that’s a little off-topic, but I wonder about. Who’s checking the water bottles that are coming into the airport for us to buy?
Cathy Sweeney recently posted..Discover the Canary Isles in Tenerife
These are all great! Thanks for featuring me
My favourite is Stephanie’s because I can relate well to that in Korea these days. I swear I’m the only person in the ROK without one!
#9 – I feel like the only person left in the United States without a smart phone.
Everyone is busy instagramming their meals and foursquaring while I toy with my tiny red flip phone. I just can’t bring myself to upgrade. When I traveled I didn’t even have a phone at all.
— Contributed by Stephanie,Twenty-Something Travel.
Samuel @ Backpacking Travel Blog recently posted..How To Spend A Night Out In Seoul
I can relate to #8, I’m in Brazil, and although in Fortaleza temperatures are never too high and a pleasant breeze blows all the time, coffee shops and restaurants put their A/C at around 10°C. I SO hate it.
Angela recently posted..White dunes and sandy beaches, the natural wonders of Jericoacoara, Brazil
I really appreciate air conditioning because of the insane humidity we’ve experienced in Ohio this summer, but I cannot deal with arctic temperatures in the summer. I am surprised more people don’t have heart attacks when they walk outdoors and experience such extremes.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..A Guide to Food and Drink in Bolivia
This is great and pretty hilarious when you put things in perspective! I just got back from a four-month sabbatical in Bali, and I can relate especially to #9 and #10. I just was fine with just a simple little pay-as-you-go cell phone while there…all of a sudden, now that I am back at home, I feel like I have the need to give into the iPhone madness. LOL!
Artist Desiree East recently posted..from denial to reality in three seconds
I am definitely feeling the urge to have an iPhone. I’m using a very old, insanely slow 3G I got a few years ago. So at least I look like I have a smartphone… even though it doesn’t really function like one
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..A Guide to Food and Drink in Bolivia
I LOVE this. When I first got back, I got so overwhelmed walking into department stores and grocery stores. Things are just so big and attack your senses.
dtravelsround recently posted..How Mr. Lucky got lucky
I definitely had some very slow trips to the store at first. There are just so many options!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..A Guide to Food and Drink in Bolivia
Such a good post. It’s amazing the things we take for granted, and then are shocked by, when we return home!
Angie Away recently posted..Crossing the Israeli-Jordanian Border All By Myself
That is very well-put
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Can I live car-free in Columbus?
I have another to add to the list….
12) I have to clean my own house….. While traveling or even renting an apartment, I always had a cleaning lady. I did my own dishes (without a dishwasher too), but I haven’t had to dust, sweep, change my sheets, or clean a toilet in ages.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..A Guide to Food and Drink in Bolivia
Even as a dog owner, I just can’t stand barking dogs at night. My boys would NEVER!!! Some of the rest of these are funny, and things I’d never think of. And you are officially my only friend without a smart phone!!
Abby recently posted..Old-school California in La Jolla
Well, I technically have a smartphone, but it’s so old that the “smart” part of it doesn’t work
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Can I live car-free in Columbus?
Hey – such a great post! There so much that we take for granted here… like driving ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE CITY to see my family. Ugh, 20 minutes…
Ah, yes…. the LONG commutes
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Can I live car-free in Columbus?
I think the transition back to the US is not as large as many backpackers think. Of course it might seem that many locations are not exotic in North America but the US and Canada have enough locales to last a lifetime of travel. I will be making that transition in the future and have though about some of the pros and cons. Looking forward to more analysis.
Kurt W recently posted..Trekking the High Atlas
There are so many places I want to visit in the US and Canada. I look at the things I don’t like about living in the US as the small price to pay to be able to explore this part of the world.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..How to eat a lobster (in Maine!)
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