After the delicious fresh seafood in Maine, I was eager to check something else off my list of foods to try when I arrived on the opposite coast in Seattle, Washington.
Raw oysters.
My first night in Seattle, I had dinner with a friend who used to live in Columbus. I told him that I really wanted to try raw oysters, and he agreed that I was in one of the best cities for oysters.
We went to Ivar’s Acres of Clams on the historic Seattle waterfront.
Eating Raw Oysters
Ivar’s is a fine dining restaurant with an excellent reputation for the freshest seafood. The waiter explained the origin of all three types of oysters. He explained how fresh they were.
He said they would still be alive as I ate them.
This is my Oh-my-God-I-am-about-to-eat-a-raw-oyster face.
The trick is to not think about it and just do it.
The verdict?
The texture didn’t bother me, and they tasted fine. I don’t really understand why people think they’re so amazing, especially considering the price. I was told that most people just swallow them quickly, so they don’t really taste them. I don’t understand the point of that.
I don’t get it, but at least now I’ve tried it.
Nice headline! I’ve never really understood the appeal of oysters either. Maybe it’s that it’s considered an aphrodisiac? Hmm.
I meant to go back and change the title before it published… but I forgot.
Guess I’ll leave it that way
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Columbus rocks! My 4 music obsessions
But it’s a brilliant headline! And it convinced me to click.
I wonder if you’ll get more hits on this post. 😉
Leslie recently posted..Hotpot on Thanksgiving? Gnocchi in Jiaxing? “Edge” in Mandarin? How Creativity Makes Global Life Easier
I don’t really get oysters either. I kinda get the point of wasabi oysters … because having a wasabi oyster duel is hilarious. But the actual taste of oysters is quite blerchy, in my opinion.
Mussels, on the other hand, are fabulous!!
Barbara recently posted..My Brave New Life Anniversary
I didn’t dislike the taste of oysters, but I definitely like the taste of mussels much better.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Have you seen my O face?
Ick, no thanks. I don’t really like raw slimy things – especially when they are very expensive!
Amanda recently posted..In Photos: Glass Lanterns in Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar
I don’t mind the texture…. but I still don’t think the taste is worth the price. Glad I tried them once though.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Maine is seafood heaven
LOL @ “the O face!” I’ve only tried a raw oyster shooter once at a wedding, and the sauce mixed in with it masked the taste of the oyster, and I did swallow it so quick. I did feel something slimy go down my throat. I just started liking mussels, and I think that’s as far as I feel like I can go…
Antoinette | love.antoinette recently posted..Lake Coatepeque – Hello There, Paradise!
I have heard that about the sauce overpowering the actual oyster, so I wanted to try them plain first.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..How to eat a lobster (in Maine!)
I love oysters – not sure why…the texture and the saltiness…esp with hot sauce or horseradish…I don’t just slurp them down that fast though. They are really good for you apparently.
Didn’t know they had health benefits… other than the libido thing
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Seattle Through My Lens
I love the saltiness, the texture and the seafoody flavor of oysters. I wouldn’t pay too much for them, but I would never decline a complimentary opportunity. Plus, I guess one feels pretty prestigious eating oysters too!
Mark Wiens recently posted..Pudu Wai Sek Kai: Legendary Malaysian Hawker Food in Kuala Lumpur
Well, I have to say I wouldn’t turn down a free plate of fresh oysters either
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Seattle Through My Lens
Glad to see that you are enjoying my hometown! Ivar’s is a true Seattle classic but I hope your friends took you to the Walrus and the Carpenter’s oyster happy hour. Great post!
Megan recently posted..Sunshine in Seattle
No, but I’ll put that on my list for next time!