One of the “comforts” I missed while traveling in Latin America is good coffee.
People think that sounds crazy because a lot of the good coffee we drink in the US is from Latin America. It is possible to find good coffee in Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Colombia, but it is difficult because most of the good stuff is exported.
I was thrilled to be going to a city known for its coffee.
Let me first say that I believe it to be a sin to drink Starbucks in Seattle if you are visiting. You can get that all over the world (it is not my favorite, but I appreciated it immensely in Buenos Aires for being decent and consistent).
Plus there a billion coffee shops in Seattle. It was the first thing I noticed when I arrived, and I felt this insane compulsion to visit all of them.
I certainly did my best.
Who knows what damage I did to my body from consuming so much caffeine, but I really didn’t care at the time.
I went to at least two different coffee shops each day.
That would be fine if I just had something small, but that was not always the case.
And somehow a damn cookie or muffin always slipped into my order.
Best Coffee Experience in Seattle
My favorite coffee experience was at Seattle Coffee Works. I had noticed these strange menu items at several cafes, and I realized I missed a coffee trend while I was out of the country.
What does vacuum pot mean?
What is chemex ?
I must know!!
I asked the guy at Seattle Coffee Works, and he patiently enlightened me about the different brewing methods. I told him to decide for me and sat down at the coffee bar.
(Yes, they have a special bar if you order special coffee. I felt special.)
Read about Chemex on Wikipedia if you want more details. I’m more concerned about telling you how I liked it.
This was the best cup of coffee I have ever had.
Seriously. Ever.
I normally put a splash of milk and a small amount of Splenda in my coffee. This I drank black because it was so good, and I didn’t want anything else to affect the flavor.
I don’t know if it was the brewing method, the coffee beans (something from Africa with five or six syllables in the name and starting with a K), or a combination of the two. But it really was the best cup of coffee I’ve ever had.
Best Espresso in Seattle
I had the pleasure of meeting up with Canaan and Kent of at what they told me is frequently named as the best coffee shop among Seattleites.
Espresso Vivace
Canaan ordered the Café Nico and realized its magic immediately, telling us we MUST try it.
The Café Nico is smooth with a hint of orange and cinnamon and sugar on the rim.
In addition to the wonderful espresso, they have a tea drink on the menu called Beautiful Stephanie. Let’s just say that didn’t hurt them at all in the best espresso contest.
I also managed to hit up
- Cherry Street Coffee
- Caffe Vita
- DeLaurenti
- and Local Color (at Pike Place Market).
Are you saying Chile’s staple coffee, Nescafe, isn’t delicious?
I always got myself into trouble when I said the coffee in Argentina sucked, but really, a latte always tasted more like milk then coffee…
Jeff Bartlett recently posted..Photo Walk: Geraldine Lakes
Don’t even get me started on Nescafe (aka No Es Cafe).
I don’t understand how Argentines think there coffee is good. Then again…. they are surrounded by countries with worse coffee.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Best breakfast sandwich ever
I have always wanted to learn how to do coffee art on my cappuccino. If that coffee tastes as pretty as it looks, it must have been spectacular!
Annette | Bucket List Journey recently posted..A Private Wine Tasting in Napa Valley
Definitely a time when something really does taste as pretty as it looks
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Columbus rocks! My 4 music obsessions
As a fellow coffee lover, Seattle has definitely been on my must visit list. And that espresso looks divine!
meandmypassport recently posted..Cruisin’: St. Lucia
Although I didn’t get to explore the coffee scene in Portland as much (too obsessed with all the breweries) I have been told their coffee is even better. So you’ll have to do a combined trip like I did and hit up both cities
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Maine is seafood heaven
Wait, did I just read that Buenos Aires doesn’t have good coffee?!?! I’m especially no big fan of Starbucks!
Anyhow, that chemex style is pretty neat! They’re starting to sprout up everywhere here in Brooklyn, and although I never taste a difference, I still think the whole concept is cute.
Antoinette | love.antoinette recently posted..The Joys and Sorrows of Traveling Solo
Antoinette – I personally feel that 99% of coffee outside of Starbucks in Argentina is disappointing. I never found an independent cafe with a satisfying brew or espresso but I spent more time in Patagonia and Mendoza than BA.
Cafe culture was on the rise; however, so perhaps this will not always be the case?
Jeff Bartlett recently posted..Autumn Snow
I believe Upper Cup Coffee in OTE has this chemex thing… but I think they call it “pour through”. Anyway, looks like your photo of chemex. I had a cup one day and it was very, very good.
Chemex and Pour Over are usually different. Pour Over usually means they are using the Hario method. Get with it 😉
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Best coffee in Seattle (or How much caffeine can I drink?)
By the way, I STILL have to get to Upper Cup.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Best coffee in Seattle (or How much caffeine can I drink?)
Seeing as Subway serves ‘Seattle’s Best Coffee’, it obviously has competition – I just didn’t realize it was this much!
I was surprised by the quantity too!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Best coffee in Seattle (or How much caffeine can I drink?)
Wow, this all looks delicious! I try to only drink coffee a couple times a week, but I’ve definitely downed an entire pot in times of dire need.
If you’re ever in Atlanta, I bet you’d love World Peace Cafe. It’s a buddhist cafe with a great atmosphere and great drinks (and it’s volunteer run, to boot!)
I hate coffee with a passion, but I went to see how it’s grown and prepared when I was in Colombia. They made me drink a cup at the end and it was actually quite good!
Arianwen recently posted..Interesting facts about boobies – and other Galapagos residents
All about the quality and freshness
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Best coffee in Seattle (or How much caffeine can I drink?)
Yum, it all looks so good!!
Amanda recently posted..My Fall and Winter Travel Plans
I’m one of those people that thinks it is ridiculous to pay $4 or $5 for a fancy, sugar-filled coffee drink. Finding a good cup of coffee or espresso for a reasonable price makes me happy.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Best coffee in Seattle (or How much caffeine can I drink?)
I must say that I’m more of a tea person. But every time I go to a coffee shop I’m always amazed by everything about coffee. A few days ago I just took a friend from Hong Kong to try the world’s most expensive coffee: Kopi Luwak. Have you ever heard of it? I think they did a show on Oprah once about it.
Bama recently posted..A Taste of Home
I have heard of that coffee. Was it worth it?
I also loved the coffee in Seattle, I don`t think you could ever get a burnt bean there – well maybe if you went to Starbucks
Ayngelina recently posted..Food Friday: Preserving the season
You are a girl after my own heart, I love my coffee! I’m curious about Chemex, I hadn’t heard of it either until I read this. Next time I’m in Vancouver, I’m going to have to swing down to Seattle.
Laurel recently posted..What I REALLY Learned at TBEX Europe
You definitely need to make the trip to Seattle if you’re going to be that close (for many reasons more than coffee). Although the Chemex seemed expensive, it was enough coffee for two (or even three) people. Definitely worth trying. You should be able to find it at any specialty coffee place, not just Seattle. I have noticed some places in Columbus have it.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Coastal Maine: A Photo Essay
I don’t usually drink coffee, yet your post reminded me of this tasty one I tried in Los Angeles. Plus, I love the “painting” in coffee – I want to know how to do that!
Ayelet – All Colores recently posted..Snapshots of Street Art in and Around Tel-Aviv, Israel
I’m a sucker for art in everyday life, so I do get a little extra pleasure when my espresso looks pretty
I’ve only been to Seattle once several years ago, and I didn’t drink coffee at that time. I love coffee know, so I’ll definitely have to give some of those coffee shops a try.
Alouise recently posted..Why TBEX 2012 Was A Billion Times Better For Me Than TBEX 2011*
All the bad coffee in Latin America has made me love good coffee so much more. It could be dangerous for me to live there
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Me, a beer, and my goldfish
Wow, the best cup of coffee you’ve ever had, I need to have one of those cups of chemex immediately! Living in Asia I’ve just been using a drip or a French press, I need to learn more about these new high-tech brewing methods!
Mark Wiens recently posted..VIDEO: Chinatown Bangkok – Hectic, Rowdy, Packed With Delicious Food!
I got hooked on using the French press when I was in Buenos Aires (b/c it was hard to get good coffee in a cafe) and got one to have at home now. But now I never want to make coffee at home because the coffee shops are so good!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Me, a beer, and my goldfish
Looks like Seattle is the best place in the world to have coffee. Although I am tea fanatic but love coffee as well and would love to try out those coffee houses out there. A latte and a cookie would do for me.
Shalu Sharma recently posted..State of Bihar – Places of interest and tourist attractions
Then I went to Portland, and their coffee is excellent too! Supposedly better than Seattle….
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Me, a beer, and my goldfish
That looks like an excellent coffee! And if an Italian says so about a non-Italian coffee, it really deserves it 😉
Angela recently posted..Listening to the voice of the Universe with Pino Sciola
I was too young when I was in Italy to appreciate the coffee. To be honest, I probably didn’t even try it because I didn’t like coffee at all when I was 16. But I remember the amazing coffee in Vienna.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Me, a beer, and my goldfish
I love Seattle Coffee Works! I always try to go to there when I’m in Seattle, which I will be next month. (Chemex is popular here in Portland; you should definitely do a coffee tour next time you’re here.)
Margaret recently posted..Dining out, dining in: contrast in Port d’Andratx, Mallorca, Spain
I’m going to do a coffee tour AND a food cart tour next time I’m in Portland.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Me, a beer, and my goldfish
Yeah, there really is a plethora of good places for coffee here in Seattle. But to be honest, there are even more mediocre ones. So much of it depends on the roast as well as the skill of the barista.
Portland is another great town for coffee. They hosted the Specialty Coffee Association of America conference ( earlier this year. Free samples of espresso from all over the globe in one convention hall. We did not get much sleep that weekend!
MikeRussellFoto recently posted..Sounders Set Timbers Ablaze in Front of 66K
Glad I got lucky and found the good coffee shops
I discovered as soon as I got to Portland how good their coffee is too. Free espresso from around the world sounds like a pretty great event to me…. right up there with the wine expos in Buenos Aires
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Me, a beer, and my goldfish
Ooooh – never heard of Chemex – I’m so curious to try it!
It’s my favorite. If you truly like coffee, it is way better than getting a latte or capucchino.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Me, a beer, and my goldfish
Never heard of Chemex either but the coffee looks amazing. Love the flower painting on the top, how do they do it? Hmmm and this muffin
Agness (@Agnesstramp) recently posted..Thailand: The Land of Smiles
I have always been amazed by the coffee foam art. They do it so fast too.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Best breakfast sandwich ever
I really do love the culture of coffee — even if I don’t drink it. The smell, taking one’s time to drink it, the pick-me-up… Maybe someday if I ever reduce my drinking, I can take on another vice. 😉
Abby recently posted..The most delicious champagne and sashimi tasting at Bar Masa
I think I handle my four vices of wine, beer, chocolate, and coffee pretty well
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Seattle Through My Lens
Wow, that some serious coffee based research you’ve got going on there
Nice job!
Laurence recently posted..Travel #Pinspiration: Beaches
I’m serious about coffee, wine, beer, cheese….
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