I have a terrible memory.
Maybe that is why I have always taken lots of photos. I try to capture my special experiences: the people, the beauty, the amusing, the weird, the firsts, the joy, the accomplishment.
Of course, it is difficult to capture a moment or a feeling.
But a photo can still bring back memories.
When I got rid of most of my possessions to travel long-term, that included my photo albums. I used a scanning service to turn all of my film prints into digital files.
The fun part was looking at all of those photos again.
In addition to remembering lots of fun times and good people, I realized how many places I had visited and how much I had accomplished.
I have never been one to look at the New Year as a time to reflect and make resolutions for the coming year.
There will be no New Years Resolution list for me this year either.
But I do think it’s important to take a few minutes to reflect on the past year.
I did this for the first time (sort of unintentionally) last year as part of a travel meme.
This year I looked back at my photos to see where I was, what I accomplished, and most importantly, who I shared those experiences with.
#1 – Natural disasters ruin travel plans but make good friends
2012 started out with travel challenges and awesome people.
The photo above is a terrible photo. But it made me smile when I saw it again.
My original plan to celebrate the New Year sleeping under the stars and sharing a bottle of wine with new travel friends was ruined by the fire in Torres del Paine National Park.
It was a stressful time, and people were really upset about this tragedy. Yet I had one of the most memorable New Year’s Eve celebrations of my life. I just felt such a strong connection to the people I was with, and we were all in need of a fun night.
And I had just discovered how cheap a decent bottle of wine is in Chile.
#2 – Falling in love with Valdivia and finding my first travel buddy
Valdivia is a medium-sized college town with awesome beer, great food, and beautiful natural wonders a short bus ride away.
But perhaps what made Valdivia even more special for me was the fact that I was traveling with someone else for the first time during my sabbatical.
Tim and I had a fun, relaxing time drinking pisco sours, talking about life, and not making too many plans. And because of him, I have this candid photo of myself, one of the few from my travels.
#3 – A CouchSurfing host takes me in after his house floods
I arrived in the north of Chile after a very long bus ride to discover that the Atacama Desert had flooded. Even though Miguel had been up all night emptying buckets of water and cleaning up the mess left behind, he still took me in. I told him if it was too much trouble, I could go to a hostel, but he insisted.`
He built this house with his own hands.
When the rains continued, he stood on the roof soaking wet laying down plastic and still refused to let me help him.
#4 – Taking silly photos with a solo nomadic chica
After the natural disasters I experienced in Chile, I crossed back into the north of Argentina.
I was on a mission to see a natural wonder.
I met Kim at my hostel. Having an adventurous spirit and preferring independent exploration, we tried to rent a car and visit Salinas Grandes, the salt flats in the northwest of Argentina. The other two girls backed out, and the cost of the car was too much, so we ended up doing the tour. We both did not think the tour was worth the money, felt trapped on the bus, and were not impressed by the salt flats as they were filled with water this time of year (our fault for not researching).
But this picture reminds me of the conversations I had with Kim that week in Salta. She had been traveling for over two years (and I believe is over three ow), living a budget backpacker nomadic lifestyle. What surprised me most about Kim is that she is also from the US and close to my age. You don’t meet many solo female long-term travelers from the US.
#5 – Writing a book is a lot of work
Okay, it was fun too.
I went back to Buenos Aires for a few months to do final research and write a Buenos Aires City Guide for Indie Travel Media (to be published in early 2013).
Although I worked A LOT, I had quite a bit of fun too. My favorite memories are the shared meals (like the huge picada pictured above) with old and new friends.
#6 – Making a home in Sucre
When I left Buenos Aires, I still had work to do on the city guide. I chose to stay in Sucre for a while because friends told me it is a pleasant city with decent internet.
They were right.
I chose a great hostel, perhaps the best hostel in Bolivia. Many guests decided to extend their stays because it was such a great atmosphere, and the hostel was comfortable and well-run. The owner Roxana is an incredible woman. She lives on site with her young son, finding the balance between running a successful business and enjoying life.
We had group dinners at the hostel, watched movies together in the common room, and told stories about our travels.
I really did feel at home there.
#7 – A wonderful family a great organization in Bolivia
I wanted to get off the beaten path, so I went to Tarija, a popular vacation spot for Bolivians but not frequented by backpackers. After stretching the limits of Google and wandering around asking questions in Spanish, I found a non-profit company that organizes a hiking tour.
Yes, the hike was amazing.
But what had the biggest impact on me was spending time with Vicente and Julia. They treated me like family. The night before starting the two-day hike, we shared a delicious home-cooked meal and had several laughs over their so-ugly-he’s-cute dog (pictured above).
#8 I FINALLY made it to Portland, Oregon
After I made the decision to end my travel sabbatical and come back to the US, I knew I had to still make travel a priority.
Before I went back to my career full-time, I visited the top US city on my list: Portland.
It was everything I hoped it would be and more.
I spent a day biking around the city, exploring breweries, taking photos, and chatting with friendly locals.
My favorite memory this year was flying to and landing on a glacier in Alaska. You’re right that photos make it so much easier to recapture all those travel memories. I can’t believe you were able to couchsurf after your host’s house had flooded. He sounds like a really welcoming guy. I think experiences like that are some of the best things about travel.
Scott – Quirky Travel Guy recently posted..Places I want to travel in 2013
I saw my first glacier this past year. So much more incredible than I expected… even though I took a boat instead of a plane
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Best pork buns in New York City?
So hard to narrow it down just just one favourite place! There are so many great memories. A highlight would have to be walking the Camino de Santiago! The people I met along the way made it so amazing! Swimming with sea turtles in an unexpected trip to Barbados was right up there too! No planning went into that trip and it was still beyond amazing – again, the people you meet along the way! Looks like you had an amazing 2012! Happy travels in 2013!
Anita Mac recently posted..Top 5 Travel Experiences from 2012
Wow! You’ve had a big year. I think I would like to walk the Camino de Santiago one day.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Best pork buns in New York City?
Just like this year (2013), I remember having no new year’s resolution for 2012. I feel that the only time to do something is at the present moment, or when you can, not starting on the first day of the year. However, if a new year’s resolution, works for someone, then all the power to that person.
Earthdrifter recently posted..Addas: A Taste of Sudan
That’s pretty much how I look at it too. I am a planner by nature, but I try to do it incrementally and when I feel the inspiration to do so. I also want to be better at keeping my eyes open for opportunities as they come.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..The Brooklyn Bridge in Photos
Some great reflections! Particularly of those whilst you were in Chile…it’s often the most random times (through opportunity or tragedy etc) that can have the biggest effect on us! Good for you
Chile was one of those countries that really surprised me. Despite not getting to see two of the top natural wonders in the country, I still had a good experience in those places AND there were so many other great surprises.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..New York City: A Photo Essay
Great article. I take pictures to trigger my memory too, it’s so much easier. If I don’t have a picture of something, the memory fades so much quicker. Looks like a good year!
Sounds like you had an awesome year! I hope 2012 is just as good.
Spencer recently posted..The Setai Miami Beach
Thanks, Spencer!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Living like a local in NYC… the good and the bad
Im stealing your idea of the snap where you were about to eat that poor girl ;p
I stole it from someone else
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Cultural highlights of New York City
Love the photos! There wasn’t really one thing that sticks out, but I guess I am just proud that my hubby and I managed to leave the rat-race in London behind to start a new life in Cambodia. There were so many new impressions, smells and adventures that I couldn’t possibly pick a favourite.
TammyOnTheMove recently posted..Welcome to the jungle
That is a pretty fantastic accomplishment. I managed to re-join the rat race this year, but I’m determined to make it work and still do the things I love and continue growing.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..8 Travel highlights of 2012 and why it is important to think about it
Interesting to read your bit about Portland – it may well be on the menu for me in 2013! I loved Portland ME so we’ll see how the Portland of the west compares
My favourite moment of 2013 was going back to New Zealand and seeing Christchurch again, in particular. Much more work to do there, but the spirit is great!
Christina (Jandal Road) recently posted..Christchurch after the earthquake: a photo journey
I’m going back to Portland, Oregon in 2013! I really do love that city and want to spend more time and see some of the great stuff nearby.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..A Delicious Year: Best Food Finds of 2012
I am covering my apartment with photos because it is so easy to forget all the things you’ve accomplished and people you have met.
Ayngelina recently posted..Happy New Year
Don’t you love having your own place (at least for a while) so you can do stuff like that.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..A Delicious Year: Best Food Finds of 2012
My favorite is visiting Aulani Resort in Hawaii. It’s the newest Disney resort. Great place for families with water attractions, snorkeling, and ghost stories!
Buck recently posted..Five Great Things To Get Out And Do In And Around Tampa, Florida
I hadn’t even heard of it before. I would be game to go ANYWHERE in Hawaii
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..A Delicious Year: Best Food Finds of 2012
Ha ha, love the giant eating the mini person one!!! Clever.
Photos can stir all sorts of emotions and I am only just realising this as I travel more and start looking back over everything. Travel seems to speed up life so it needs to be documented.
Here’s to an awesome and photo filled 2013.
Forest Parks recently posted..Anyone can travel: Introducing EverydayNomad.com and me
Cheers to that!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..A Delicious Year: Best Food Finds of 2012
such a great creativity dear. you become a monster in that picture. what an imagination I must say seriously. Thanks for sharing your whole experience.
Susan @ Cruise Packages recently posted..Where Would You Love To Celebrate New Year 2013 Out of These 5 Places?
Thanks, Susan! We were lucky our guides helped us get creative.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..A Delicious Year: Best Food Finds of 2012
Sounds like you are having so much fun. I known a little bit about Portland and it was really a great place to go with and I wish I could go soon. By the way the photos are cool and I really love it.
Shane Curtis recently posted..Timber Sliding Doors
That picture of your showing like You are gonna gobble up someone is simply awesome! my co-workers also got impressed from your pic showing such kind of photography!
Thanks for sharing!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..A Delicious Year: Best Food Finds of 2012
This post makes me smile. That photo for #6 makes me miss Bolivia something fierce. We didn’t actually make it to Sucre, but our time spent outside of La Paz will go down as a lifelong happy memory… There’s something about the brilliant sun there, too, that’s calling my name. (*cough, cough* speaking from Oregon winter woes right now…)
I’m SO glad you made it to Portland and loved it! I just ate my first return-home Pine State Biscuit the other morning and thought of you
Bethany ~ twoOregonians recently posted..Dusk
Glad to bring back great memories from Bolivia.
Have some more Pine State Biscuits for me…. until I get myself back there in a few months
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..A Delicious Year: Best Food Finds of 2012
I’ve just been to Torres del Paine. You can still see the damage caused by that fire. Such a tragedy and so embarrassing for the guy who caused it. I’m off to read that post right now!
That is very high on the top of my list for places to return. Even though so much damage was caused, I know it’s still filled with beauty… and I still want to see it!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..A Delicious Year: Best Food Finds of 2012
I too have a shitty memory. Photos like these always bring back great memories. They’re also great souvenirs when you don’t have room for trinkets in your backpack.
Matthew Karsten recently posted..Corona Arch is Big [PHOTO]
Exactly! Photos are my souvenirs.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..A Delicious Year: Best Food Finds of 2012
What? Cruella did not make your top events of 2012? Hard to believe.
What an awesome year! Looking forward to your book release =) Wishing you many more wonderful adventures in 2013!!
I wish the same for you and John!
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..A Delicious Year: Best Food Finds of 2012
Great memories! You should be so proud of writing your own book. Let me know when it’s published, would be great to read about Buenos Aires. I’m heading there very soon. My best memories was a year spent in China, cycling the full length of Vietnam and having a wonderful time in Sri Lanka.
Agness recently posted..Postcards from Brussels, Belgium
You cycled the full length of Vietnam?!! I would love to do something like that.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..A Delicious Year: Best Food Finds of 2012
#1 is my fav. Once stucked in a snow blocked road in the middle of nowhere past midnight. Without a warm place where to gather, we convinced the only nearby roadside hotel to open. After the initial hot chocolate everybody asked for, beer started to be poured like if there was no tomorrow.. we still laugh about it!
Inma recently posted..Year in pictures 2012 taster
Not that it is a requirement, but many good memories are accompanied by beer
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..A Delicious Year: Best Food Finds of 2012
What a year and congratulations on the book, really fantastic memories (and photos) to have!
Becky Padmore recently posted..New Year competition: win a Euro trip of a lifetime and €2013 spending money
South America one of my favorite places. Love to see pics and get others peoples perspective.
De’Jav recently posted..What’s next in life?
I have to say it still tops my list
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..PHOTO: Frankfurt’s Alte Opera at Night