I have talked about my love for coffee before.
I think that traveling in Latin America where most countries drink Nescafe (no es café!) or some sort of coffee sludge hybrid turned me into a coffee snob.
Note: You may think I’m crazy because much of the great coffee we have in the US comes from Latin America countries. Well, they export nearly all of the good stuff, which I learned early in my travels during a coffee plantation tour in Guatemala.
Luckily, Columbus is getting more and more independent coffee roasters and cafés.
When I found out that one of my favorite local companies Columbus Food Adventures does a coffee tour, I had to sign up.
The first place we visited Café Brioso is my favorite coffee shop in Columbus.
I’ve been there hundreds of times, but this guided visit opened my eyes to a whole new coffee culture…
Italian espresso.
Besides treating myself to a cappuccino every once in a while, I have never drank much espresso or espresso drinks.
I have had straight espresso before (at Starbucks), and I didn’t like it. It was bitter.
Also I’ve never really known the difference between a cappuccino, latte, Americano, macchiato, etc.
What did I learn at Café Brioso?
I love espresso.
And macchiato is my preferred Italian espresso drink.
And about 100 more interesting facts and tips about both Italian culture and espresso.
For about an hour, Jeff and JJ dumped their vast coffee knowledge on our tour group while their talented baristas worked hard to make excellent espresso drinks for our whole group to sample.
If you compare the US and Italy, the US has access to better coffee than anywhere in the world while Italy has mediocre coffee. However, the key difference is that in Italy, they craft blend, craft roast, and craft make their coffee drinks.
We started with an espresso blend.
I have always thought it was strange to drink such a tiny amount. I’m the type of person that likes to sip on coffee all morning. In Italy, a shot of espresso is very common and for good reason.
There is a 20-minute window when you get both the health properties and peak sweetness of coffee. In addition, Italians consume a lot less caffeine than we do in the US.
As JJ says, “It’s not about the Demon Drop.”
After the shot of espresso, I was surprised by our next sampling.
It was milk.
Here in Central Ohio, we have some of the best milk in the country.
Milk is very important for espresso drinks. But it’s not just the quality of the milk. When milk is heated too much, it denatures and becomes dry and porous. It loses its sweetness, and that is why a lot of people add sugar.
First we sampled whole milk (they use Hartzler’s). Then we sampled milk heated too hot and then milk done right.
It was a huge difference comparing them side-by-side.
I could go on and on about what I learned at Café Brioso.
I will leave you with some more photos and great quotes from Jeff and JJ.
“Lattes are the Long Island Iced Tea or Sex on the Beach of espresso drinks.”
This is because lattes are all milk.
In fact, if you order a latte in Italy, you are most likely going to get a cup of milk.
“Every decision is made by taste… Taste dominates.”
“Things should be drinkable if they’re good.”
What you look for in quality coffee is a balanced profile.
You shouldn’t need to add sugar.
“Knowing the language is important.”
I now know what a macchiato is – a bit of steamed milk on top of espresso; no mixing.
I have always wondered but felt silly asking.
“Beer is the only thing that can beat the flavor of coffee.”
So it makes sense that I am a beer snob AND a coffee snob.
Thanks to Café Brioso, I’ve been converted to espresso and macchiato.
If you are a coffee snob or if you just want to learn more about good coffee, take this tour with Columbus Food Adventures.
They only offer this tour every few months, and it always sells out, so be sure to purchase your tickets in advance.
Disclosure: I paid for this tour and was not compensated for writing a review. I really am this geeky about coffee.
The day I got an Aeropress and a grinder was the day I never went to Starbucks ever again. It’s like opening the door to Narnia, where a wonderful world of coffee preparation styles and fields full of unique and plentiful beans of all sorts awaits thee.
OCDemon recently posted..Should you travel with jeans?
Love the Narnia comparison
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Ice Cream Crack (or making maple syrup)
I’m a little confused. Latte literally means milk in Italian — if you order a cafe latte, do you also get a cup of milk?
I agree with not needing sugar in the coffee. It taints the original flavor. You may as well drink crap coffee if you’re gonna dump sugar into it. It’s like pouring cola into a Flor de caña (fine Nicaraguan rum).
Mike@Earthdrifter recently posted..Captured For the Camera: 20 Photos From Hindustan
Hehe… giggling that you called it a “FINE” Nicaraguan rum
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..A lesson in Italian espresso drinks
Yum! I admit that I like a lot of milk with my espresso (I tend to go for lattes), but I think my taste buds are slowly maturing so that I need less. Maybe I should try a macchiato next time I’m at a really good cafe to see if I can handle the stronger flavor.
Emily in Chile recently posted..The Cathedral of Christ the Savior
Go for it. You never know until you try
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..I have discovered my travel future
I love it when they draw pictures in drinks. I used to work in a bar but never got the hang of the Guinness shamrock
Arianwen recently posted..Dona Marta favela: is it safe?
They make it look so easy.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..A unique outdoor art project
I know very little about coffee, but I always knew that if I needed to add sugar, it was because the coffee was garbage. Sometimes I can put just a touch of milk or cream and I’m happy. Other times, I end up with some kind of hot sugar drink. I would love to try a real machiatto, not the caramel milkshakes they make at Starbucks.
Rease recently posted..Fast Food While Traveling: Is it ever acceptable?
Looks like you know the most important thing about coffee. When you come to Columbus, I’ll take you to my favorite cafes.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..I have discovered my travel future
So many ways to make coffee! Oh my! I’ve been drinking coffee only with no milk no sugar for 25years. No water, juice,wine, beer nothing else. And I thought I was a coffee freak! Oh sorry, only ground coffee. Made in a percolator, or boiled in water on the stove. Thank you.
It is amazing how so many different ways there are to make coffee. And they are becoming more and more popular.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..My first cupping
I read so many comments by Israelis on a travel message board, where they say American coffee doesn’t begin to compare to Israeli coffee. I don’t usually drink coffee, so I wouldn’t know to tell you if they were simply tasting it in the “wrong” places. Apparently, there are more coffee types and more ways to make coffee than I realized, so I’d be willing to try some out of curiosity.
Ayelet – All Colores recently posted..The Surprising Walk to the Devil’s Throat
Now I MUST try Israeli coffee
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..My first cupping
I was surprised when I went to Chile and found that the standard drink was Nescafe. I’m not a coffee snob – I like my lattes too much – but I at least want actual coffee!
Jess recently posted..Ten things to do on the Alaskan Tundra
I at least was warned before I got there. The only time I am thrilled to find a Starbucks
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..My first cupping
That’s a nifty skill to have! Fancy coffees cost around $8 in Norway so they really have become a rare treat…
Now I know that when I visit I need to bring some ground coffee beans and my French press
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..My first cupping
Loved this!! I can’t drink coffee, but when I do, it is macchiato or espresso. As usual, we have the same tastes lol. Love the Ohio/milk connection.
Abby recently posted..Daydream of the Week: Pan de Azucar, Costa Rica
I just ordered a macchiato in Charleston, SC. The woman said, “It’s a traditional macchiatto, so you probably want a latte.”
I couldn’t understand why they have it on the menu if they don’t think anyone would ever want one.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..My first cupping
I personally love Machiattos! I’ve loved them the best since my barista days 10 years ago in Pret a Manger (healthy/organic sandwich cafe and coffee spot in NYC, London, and Hong Kong). I remember how they truly emphasized on heating up the milk at just the right temperature, because it really does make a BIG difference. Starbucks coffee/espresso doesn’t always have the best quality, unfortunately. Even Starbucks employees will admit to it
Antoinette recently posted..Panamá City in a Heartbeat – A Photo Essay
I wish I had been a barista…. hmmm, maybe it’s time for a career change
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..My first cupping
It’s true, “Beer is the only thing that can beat the flavor of coffee.” At least for me. And with the right coffee, you whole day can change for the better. Now you got me very interested in this Ohio milk.
Sherry recently posted..Whitewater Rafting on the Wenantchee River
I love coffee almost as much as I love beer.
I got a taste for espresso when I was in Turin. If you spend any times in a coffee shop there you will see a regular stream of people going to the counter, ordering, paying, getting their espresso and drinking it immediately at the counter before leaving. It’s all done so quickly, no lingering over your cup!
Also definately no sugar.
Roberto recently posted..What About Reading And Writing in Spanish?
I need to spend more time in Italy
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Stubborn and crazy
I do not have a lot of knowledge about coffee. But this post was definitely an eye opener for me. Thank you for this useful post!