Photography 101: Motion
Photo #1
For this shot, I used the blurred motion technique. I chose to fill the frame with the drums to make the photo all about the movement of the drumsticks. The repeating pattern of the drums and suspenders gives this photo additional interest.
Photo #2
For this shot, I used the stopped motion technique. Water is an obvious thing to shoot for conveying motion, and you frequently see both stopped motion and blurred motion with water. I chose to stop the motion in this photo because it best highlights this little boy running through the fountain.
What I learned about photography
There are three main techniques for capturing motion:
- Stopped motion – Typically, you want a shutter speed of 1/500 or faster. The most important thing to remember is that the photo still must convey motion. Water droplets in the air obviously convey motion. If you photograph a car driving down the street, and the motion is completely stopped, can you tell if the car is parked or moving?
- Blurred motion – Typically, your shutter speed is 1/30 or slower. Blurred motion is best for juxtaposing fast things against stationary things.
- Panning – This is really, really difficult. I suck at panning. Or perhaps I should say that I need to practice panning. To learn how to do this, consider three things.
1) Do it at a time of day that has less light so that …
2) you can start with a shutter speed of 1/30 and slow it down as needed.
3) The key is a smooth follow-through. Start moving the camera before you click to open the shutter, and continue moving it until after the shutter has closed.
Have you experimented with capturing motion? Any tips to share?
Share a link if you have a photo of what you created this week.
Great tips! I love photography but I don’t really run after technique much, but it’s nice to learn such interesting things. Thanks.
Renuka recently posted..26 Reasons You Should Travel To India…
I have found that picking up techniques in small pieces makes it so much easier to really get it. If you try to learn and do too much at once, it can be overwhelming.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Photography 101: 7 must-know tips for shooting at night
photo two is cute
I’m going to start practicing immediately. Thank you for an inspiring lesson:)
Mette – Italian Notes recently posted..Don’t miss the cave churches near Matera
Love to hear that
Great tips. People always compliment me on my photography but the truth is that I don’t know anything technical – just click and shoot. I’m going to start playing around with the shutter speeds like you suggest and see what comes out.
Frank (bbqboy)
You know I think I was the same way, and then I realized I wanted to get really good and started trying to get more technical knowledge.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Photography 101: Color and Detail
Great tips! Will be especially useful here in India where there always seems to be so much motion!!
Arti recently posted..A Travel Blogger’s Guide To Melbourne’s Tram Car And Myki Card in Australia
I hope to see lots of motion photos from India soon
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Photography 101: Landscapes
Beautiful, thank you
Muza-chan recently posted..Japanese castle architecture, Dokuritsushiki style
Thanks! Happy to help
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Photos: Nicaragua Sunsets
Thanks for the amazing tips.
Jeff recently posted..5 Travel Tips that will Keep You and Your Family Safe on Vacation
Stephanie, thank you for the practical photo tips. I really like motion photos, especially the blurred ones. I have taken some in the past, but admittedly mostly by accident. I will make sure ti try out your suggestions and hopefully add a bit more purpose to my photos…
Dennis Kopp recently posted..Nusa Lembongan, the Relaxed Getaway
I think most of us take our first good photos by accident
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Photography 101: 7 must-know tips for shooting at night
These are some really amazing photos! Thanks for the information.
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