The only thing that could get me away from wandering the beautiful streets of Oaxaca was one hell of a natural wonder. I had never seen anything quite like Hierve El Agua. These petrified waterfalls are formed by fresh water springs heavily saturated with calcium and other minerals.
In addition to the “frozen waterfalls” themselves, the site has sweeping views of the valley. And there are hiking trails you can follow to get all the way down to the bottom. If you do decide to do the hike, don’t forget the effort it will take to get all the way back up. And be careful when you get to the bottom of the falls – this stuff is slippery!
Photos: Hierve El Agua
AMAZING PLACE!!!! That’s really particular! Thank you for the advice! it should be a very nice walking excursion!
Oaxaca Day Trip: Hierve El Agua (Petrified Waterfalls), this place is very amazing
thanks for sharing information.